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Propositions of the National American Football Championship of Romania 2022.




Article 1.

These Propositions regulate in more detail the rules for conducting the competition in the
National American Football Championship of Romania (hereinafter: CNFA) in the competition
year 2022, the conditions under which the competition takes place, determine the bodies
managing the competition with rights and obligations, regulate material and other issues. In
connection with the competition, as well as other issues provided for in the LEFA Competition

Article 2.

The LEFA Board makes decisions on the competition, and the Commissioner is the authority
that manages the competition and makes decisions of disciplinary nature and players

Article 3.

According to the 2021 ranking, the CNFA in 2022 consists of 6 clubs: Bucharest "Rebels", Mures
"Monsters", Resita "Locomotives", Cluj "Crusaders", Timisoara "89ers", Bucharest "Titans".
Article 4.

In the CNFA 2022, in the regular part of the competition, each team plays against each team in a
single round, either as a home team or as a visiting team.

In the semifinals, the first ranked team, as the host, plays against the fourth ranked team, while
the second ranked team, as the host, plays against the third ranked team.
The teams that win the semifinals play the final match, the "Romanian Bowl". The host of the
finals is determined by the LEFA Board, which will, in addition to the ranking in the league part
of the competition, take into account the quality of the stadium, and organizational and
technical capabilities of the match organizers.
The second place is taken by the team that loses in the final.
The third place is taken by the team that loses in the semifinals, and which was better ranked in
the league part of the competition than the second semifinalist who lost in the semifinals, and
who takes the fourth place.

If due to unfavorable epidemiological situation (ban on matches, large number of infected

Propositions of the National American Football Championship of Romania 2022.

participants, large number of postponed matches…) it is not possible to play the playoffs, the
winner of the competition will be the first-placed team on the table after the regular part of the


Article 5.

Irrespective of the provisions of these Propositions and the acquired rights based on the
placement on the table, the LEFA Board reserves the right to assess the conditions (financial,
playing and professional staff, equipment, etc.) of participants in order to maintain stability.


Article 6.

The schedule of matches on the proposal of the Commissioner is adopted by the LEFA Board
and is shown in the following table:
National American Football Championship of Romania 2022
First round 10/11 September
Bucharest "Rebels" @ Mures "Monsters"
Bucharest "Titans" @ Resita "Locomotives"
Cluj "Crusaders" @ Timisoara "89ers"
Second round 24/25 September
Mures "Monsters" @ Bucharest "Titans"
Timisoara "89ers" @ Bucharest "Rebels"
Resita "Locomotives" @ Cluj "Crusaders"
Third round 8/9 October
Cluj "Crusaders" @ Bucharest "Rebels"
Timisoara "89ers" @ Bucharest "Titans"
Resita "Locomotives" @ Mures "Monsters"
Fourth round 22/23 October
Bucharest "Titans" @ Cluj "Crusaders"
Resita "Locomotives" @ Bucharest "Rebels"
Mures "Monsters" @ Timisoara "89ers"
Fifth round 5/6 November
Bucharest "Rebels" @ Bucharest "Titans"
Cluj "Crusaders" @ Mures "Monsters"
Timisoara "89ers" @ Resita "Locomotives"
Semifinals 19/20 November
Final 3/4 December

Propositions of the National American Football Championship of Romania 2022.

“Romanian Bowl”

Article 7.

The change of the date of the match can be approved only by the Commissioner only in special
circumstances and if there are conditions to play in another term.


Article 8.

The schedule of matches, especially for each round, is determined by the Commissioner on the
basis of the agreement of the respective teams. Matches in CNFA can be played before 12:00
only with the consent of both teams.


Article 9.

The duration of the matches in CNFA per quarter is 12 minutes.


Article 10.

Matches in the CNFA are officiated by referees licensed by Officials Association. Matches in the
CNFA are officiated by a maximum of 8 and at least 5 referees, in accordance with the rules of
American football provided by the International Federation of American Football (IFAF).

Article 11.

The duties of the referee in the match, in addition to the officiating, are:
 to request from the organizer of the match a certificate of registration with the competent
local authority;
 to check the presence of a coach and enter the fact in the minutes;
 to request from the organizer of the match the presence of medical assistance and an
ambulance on duty for the transport of injured persons, during the entire match; if the
doctor and the ambulance are not present, they will not allow the match to start or the
match to continue until the fulfillment of this obligation, and all consequences of not playing
or interrupting the match will be borne by the team organizing the match;
 to request from the organizer of the match the presence of a clearly marked guard service
on the field;
 to compile a Match minutes, provided that the names of the players participating in the

Propositions of the National American Football Championship of Romania 2022.

match must be entered in the minutes before the start of the match, and other data
immediately after the end of the match;
 to state the reasons for exclusion in the minutes in case of player exclusion;
 in case of violation of competition discipline, before, during or after the match by a player or
team member, enter a report against them in the match minutes and take statements from
the participants in the incident, and if the incident participants do not want to give
statements, enter it in the minutes ;
 to certify the completed minutes with his signature and to ensure that, after the match, the
representatives of both teams certify it with their signatures, with possible remarks or
 to ensure that representatives of both the home and away teams have access to the
minutes before, during and after the match, as well as the opportunity to make copies of the
minutes on the spot (by taking photos);
 to submit a scanned Match minutes to the Commissioner no later than 24 hours after the
end of the match;
 to be familiar with these Propositions, other regulations and decisions of the LEFA, which
refer to competitions.


Article 12.

The Match minutes contain: name of the competition, round of the competition, date, place
and time of the match, playing field, names of teams, lineups with numbers on the player's
jersey, names of officials, achieved result by quarters, number and club of players and other
persons excluded, the reason for exclusion, as well as those who were disciplined, and the
referee's statement on the imposed disciplinary measures and the reasons for them, a
statement on incidents and other incidents at the match, if any, and other necessary


Article 13.

The home team in CNFA is obliged to prepare the field so that it is suitable for playing the
match. Teams must prepare and mark the playing field according to the IFAF rules of American
Minimum mandatory conditions for site preparation and marking include:
 grassy terrain or terrain with artificial turf, the total length of which with end zones must not
be less than 100 yards (91.44 m);
 correctly marked filed, which includes: out lines, end lines, goal lines, transverse lines across
the entire width of the field every 10 yards, "hash mark" lines (these are longitudinal lines 24
inches long (60.1 cm), on both sides of the field , whose middle intersects all transverse
lines, and which are 60 feet (18.29 m) away from the out line), lines at the height of the

Propositions of the National American Football Championship of Romania 2022.

upper edge of the numbers that mark yards on the field (these are longitudinal lines 12
inches long (30.5 cm) , on both sides of the field, the middle of which intersects the cross
lines, and which are 9 yards (8.23 m) from the out line), lines to try to shoot after a
touchdown, these are cross lines 3 yards from the goal line on both sides terrain, in the
middle of the terrain);
 end zones, clearly marked with soft pylons, safe for players when falling;
 goals standing in the middle of the end line, 18 feet 6 inches wide (5.64 meters); the goal bar
can be placed the lowest at the height of the football goal bar;
 goal posts and football goals, if any, must be covered with protective material to protect
players from injuries when hitting them;
 marked team areas off the court for play, as follows: from 25 yards of one of the 25 yards of
the other half of the field in length (on a field shorter than 120 yards, from 20 yards of one
to 20 yards of the other half of the field in length), at a distance at least 6 feet (1.83 meters);
members of both teams, outside the playing field, may only be in their team area;
 at least 20 seats (benches or chairs) for visiting players in their box;

Article 14.

The organizer must provide conditions for the smooth running of the match, which means
separating the audience (if its presence is allowed) from the player with a physical obstacle.


Article 15.

The home team is responsible for organizing the match.

The first-named team, indicated in the match schedule, is considered the home team.

Article 16.

The home team is obliged to report the exact place, playground, date and time of the match,
which they previously agreed with the opposing team, no later than Monday at 11:59 pm,
before the weekend of their match, ie inform about the existence of possible problems
regarding with the above, to the e-mail addresses of the visiting team, the Commissioner. In
case of non-performance or delay in performing the obligations from this article, the team is
subject to disciplinary responsibility.

Article 17.

The team organizing the match is obliged to:

 report each match in writing to the competent local authority within the deadline set by that
authority; the home team submits a confirmation of the written application to the referee
before the start of the match;
 ensure the presence of medical assistance and an ambulance vehicle for the transport of

Propositions of the National American Football Championship of Romania 2022.

injured persons during the entire match; to submit a written confirmation with the name
and surname of the doctor on duty and the registration number of the ambulance to the
referee before the start of the match; if a doctor or ambulance is not present, the organizer
will not allow the match to start or the match to continue, otherwise it is subject to
disciplinary action;
 ensure the safety of the officials, members of both teams, other officials and the audience
both before, during and after the match;
 ensure the presence of at least 3 clearly marked representatives of the security service on
the playground;
 ban the sale of alcoholic beverages, as well as non-alcoholic beverages in glass and metal
packaging, during the game in the auditorium; the use of packaging made of paper or plastic
is allowed; the sale of refreshing and other beverages in glass and metal packaging can be
done only in catering facilities, if they exist on the playground;
 provide at least 3 balls for American football of appropriate quality (the visiting team has the
right to provide its own 3 balls);
 provide a correct field marker with chains and an down marker;
 provide clearly marked staff to assist the officials, who must have 5 members: one member
for the front and rear pointers with chains, one member for the pointer and two members
for passing the ball (the visiting team has the right to provide two members, for front field
indicator and attempt indicator);
 provide locker rooms for the opposing team and the refereeing team; in case of theft, the
home team is responsible for all damage; ensure that changing rooms have showers and
 provide refreshments for the officials and at least 60 liters of bottled water for the visiting
 ensure the smooth departure of the visiting team and officials both from the field of play
and from the venue of the match;
 provide all the conditions for recording the match in its entirety without interruption
between actions and changes of sides (between the first and second quarter and between
the third and fourth quarter). The camera must be placed behind the part of the field where
the players are located in the area of 40 to 40 yards and at a height of at least 3 meters.

Article 18.

At CNFA matches, the following persons may be present in the fenced part of the playground:
 coaches and assistant coaches;
 players entered in the minutes of the match, in sports equipment;
 doctors and physiotherapists;
 official team representatives; before the start of the match, the representatives of the teams
are obliged to submit a list of persons to the referee of the match;
 staff marked with marker vests in charge of handling field indicators with chains and an
indicator indicator and staff for collecting balls;
 staff in charge of performing statistical work;

Propositions of the National American Football Championship of Romania 2022.

 journalists, photographers and cameramen marked with markers in a certain part of the
 cheerleading groups;
 members of the police service and law enforcement agencies.

Exceptionally, if the conditions allow it, heavy wheelchair users must be allowed to enter the
fenced part of the playground.

Members of law enforcement agencies, exclusively in uniform, may be around the playing field
and take measures in accordance with the needs and rules of their service.

Article 19.

If there is a person in the fenced part of the field that is not listed in the previous article, the
main referee of the match will request that such a person be removed from the fenced part of
the field. If this request is not accepted, the match cannot start, or the started match cannot


Article 20.

Player registration is specified in the Registration Rulebook.

Players for the first round must be registered by September 1st , 2022, at midnight.
The lists of players can be updated during the competition until October 20th , 2022, at midnight.
After that deadline, the lists of players are closed and further change is not possible until the
end of the competition.
During the competition, the team can have on its list of players all properly registered players of
their club, who are 16 years old on the day of the respective match. In a special case, a player
who turns 16 in the calendar year of the competition may also participate in the match, if he
receives a permit from the competent health institution to participate in the older category of

Article 21.

Teams in CNFA can have a maximum of 5 "import" players on their roster, with maximum of 3
players on the field at any moment.
There is no limit on registering „homegrown“ players.
The transfer of players is not allowed after the season starts.


Article 22.

Propositions of the National American Football Championship of Romania 2022.

At the CNFA matches, each team has a maximum of 45 players from its list of players, who can
be entered in the minutes and play in the match.
At CNFA matches, a minimum number of 15 players is mandatory, who must be entered in the
In case of insufficient number of players of one team before or during the match, the match is
registered with the official result in favor of the opponent, if he did not achieve a better result
by the break.

Article 23.

All players who play in a match must be entered in the Match Minutes before it starts. The
identity of the player and eligibility must be determined by the referee before the start of the
match. The official list of players with photos, available to the referee of the match, is used to
determine the identity of the players. A player whose identity has not been established before
the start of the match, cannot participate in the match.

Article 24.

Authorized representatives of the teams have the right to inspect the official list of players of
the opposing team in the presence of the referee of the match.
If, during the inspection of the official list of players, the authorized representative of the
opposing team doubts the correctness of that document, it shall be entered in the minutes.
The player who played in the match without being eligible to play, and his club, are subject to
disciplinary action.


Article 25.

Every player who plays for the CNFA team must be medically examined by the competent
health service and declared fit to play.
A player who has not been medically examined, and has not undergone a sports medical
examination within a certain period of time, or has been banned from playing by a doctor, as
well as a player whose validity has expired, cannot play in a match.
A player who performs without a valid sports medical examination within the meaning of this
article, and his team, are subject to disciplinary action. The medical certificate is valid for six
months from the date of the examination and only the certificate of the doctor of the
competent health service is considered valid.


Article 26.

Teams cannot play in the same color in one match, but must be dressed differently. All players

Propositions of the National American Football Championship of Romania 2022.

of the same team must be dressed in uniform sports equipment (the same color of jerseys, the
same color of pants, the same color of helmets).
All players appearing in the match must have numbers on the jerseys. The numbers on the
players jerseys must match the numbers of the players entered in the match record and comply
with the IFAF rules of American football.

Article 27.

CNFA players must play with the protective equipment determined by the IFAF rules of
American football.
The player must wear complete protective equipment at all times during the match as long as
he is on the part of the court provided for the game.


Article 28.

A match is registered with the achieved result if at least 75% of the match time set for the game
has been played.
All matches played are registered by the Commissioner within 6 days from the day of play,
except for matches that have been appealed.
If an appeal has been lodged against a match, the deadline for registration of the match is
extended until the decision on the appeal is made, ie until the decision becomes final.


Article 29.

According to the club that applies to participate in the CNFA, and later withdraws from the
competition, before the start, or during the competition, the relevant provisions of the
Disciplinary Regulations will apply.


Article 30.

The Official Bulletin publishes the registration of results of matches played, tables with ranking
of teams by groups, places, playgrounds, dates and times of matches of the next round and
delegation of referees for matches of the next round, no later than Thursday before the start of
the next round.
The Official Bulletin publishes the decisions of the Commissioner relating to competition, teams
and decisions on disputes between teams.
In the case of a disciplinary decision concerning a team or individual (player, coach or sports
worker), the disciplinary authorities shall publish the decision in the Official Bulletin with a brief

Propositions of the National American Football Championship of Romania 2022.

explanation, stating the type and amount of the penalty. The official bulletin is delivered to the
teams by e-mail, and in case of a dispute, the date and time of sending are valid.
Teams are obliged to execute the decisions from the Official Bulletin, otherwise they are subject
to disciplinary responsibility.


Article 31.

Disciplinary offenses of players, sports and professional workers, teams and judges in CNFA are
decided by Commissioner in accordance with LEFA Disciplinary Rules.

Article 32.

Disciplinary authority shall inform interested parties of their decisions, publish their decisions in
the Official Gazette and keep records of penalties and monitor their execution.

Article 33.

Each team is obliged to keep records of its penalties and its punished members on the basis of
the minutes of the match and the decisions of the disciplinary bodies.

Article 34.

The player who receives a penalty in the last game of one competition year, will serve that
penalty in the next game in the next competition year, regardless of the LEFA team he plays for.

Article 35.

The team, the organizer of the match, on whose playground, in connection with the match
before, during or after the match riots occur, and it is determined that he did not take measures
to prevent them, or that he did not take them enough, and the visiting team whose fans cause
or participate in the disorder are subject to disciplinary action.
Physical attack of spectators on the participants of the game: players, professionals, technicians
and referees and major riots of spectators, on or around the court, before, during and after the
game, are considered a serious offense under paragraph 1 of this article.


Article 36.

The club has the right to file an appeal against the match played.
The appeal against the match must, with an explanation, all the necessary statements and

Propositions of the National American Football Championship of Romania 2022.

evidence, be submitted by noon on Thursday of the week after the match. Late, unfounded,
undocumented or insufficiently charged complaints will not be accepted in the procedure.

Submission of all complaint documents can be done electronically.

Article 37.

An appeal against a match in the first instance shall be submitted to the Commissioner.
An appeal against the decision of the Commissioner shall be submitted to the LEFA Board,
within 2 days from the receipt of the first instance decision and only in case of new facts not
taken into account during the first instance decision.
There are no appeals against the second instance decision.

Article 38.

For the matches of the last round of the league part of the competition, which directly decide
on the teams participating in the playoffs, as well as for the matches of the playoffs, the
deadline for appeals is shortened, in the first instance to 48 hours after the match, and in the
second instance 24 hours after the receipt of the first instance decision.


Article 39.

The team that won the competition received a trophy from LEFA, which bears the name of the
competition and the competition year.
Members of the teams participating in the final match receive a permanent ownership of the
medal from LEFA.
Players, coaches, referees, sports workers and journalists can also be awarded.


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