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Article 1.
The Disciplinary Rulebook of the LEFA (hereinafter: the Rulebook) determines offenses for
members and organizations, responsibilities, penalties, and procedures.
Article 2.
Disciplinary offenses, in the organization of the LEFA, are determined by this rulebook:
violations of the rules of conduct, relationships, actions, doing and not doing the required
actions for which disciplinary penalties are defined.
Article 3.
The purpose of defining disciplinary offenses and imposing disciplinary penalties is to prevent
the perpetrator from committing disciplinary offenses and to re-educate him, to influence
others not to commit disciplinary offenses and to influence the development of responsibility
and discipline of LEFA members and sympathizers.
Article 4.
The organization is responsible for disciplinary violations, if they were caused by an act or
omission by responsible person, organization, or other person who was authorized to act on
behalf of the organization.
Article 5.
The responsibility of the person responsible does not end with the termination of membership
or function in the LEFA Board or organization.


Article 6.
Disciplinary offense can be committed by doing or not doing. A disciplinary offense was
committed by inaction, if the perpetrator failed to perform an action that he was obliged to
Article 7.
The attempt is punishable if it is specifically indicated in this regulation.


Article 8.
The offender may be sentenced to the following penalties:
a) Individuals:
1. warning.
2. prohibition of playing or performing duties in a certain number of matches.
3. prohibition from playing or performing duties for a certain period.
b) Organizations:
1. warning.
2. penalty for playing matches without spectators on the home field.
3. prohibition of playing matches in a certain area.
4. returning to a lower level of competition.
Article 9.
Warnings are issued for offenses committed under particularly light circumstances.
Article 10.
The penalty of banning from playing or performing duties in a certain number of matches,
pronounced for a misdemeanor in public matches, implies a ban from playing or performing
duties in a certain number of public matches under the auspices of the LEFA for at least one
The penalty of banning from playing or performing duties cannot exceed 8 games.
Article 11.
The penalty of banning from playing or performing duties for a certain period means banning
from playing or performing duties for a certain period in all public matches.
The penalty of banning from playing or performing duties for a certain period cannot be less
than one month, nor more than 2 years, and is imposed for full months and years.
If the punishment referred to in paragraph 1 of this article is imposed on an offender who is
serving a previously imposed sentence of this type, he may be sentenced to a single
punishment for a duration longer than 2 years, but up to 5 years at the most.
Article 12.
The ban on playing games in a certain area and the penalty for playing games without observers
on the home field cannot be more than 6 games or less than one.
Penalty bans from playing matches in a certain area refers to competitive matches under the
auspices of the LEFA where the penalized club is the host. The distance to the home ground
cannot be less than 50 kilometers.
Article 13.
The penalty of returning to a lower level is the most severe disciplinary penalty, which entails
returning to a lower level of competition.
If the competition is in progress, the penalized club with the effective date of the decision stops
the competition and continues the competition of the following season in a lower level of the


Article 14.
When determining the punishment, all the circumstances that influence the punishment to be
lower or higher are considered, in particular: the gravity of the committed offense and its
consequences, the degree of responsibility of the perpetrator, the motives from which it was
committed, the circumstances under which it was committed, the moral qualities of the
perpetrator and the behavior after offense committed.
Article 15.
In the case where there are mitigating circumstances that indicate that the purpose of the
punishment could be achieved with a lighter punishment, a punishment below the limit
provided by the rulebook can be imposed.
Mitigating circumstances always exist, when the perpetrator was behaving appropriately in
sports a year before the offense was committed, or when he expressed remorse in admitting
the disciplinary offense committed.
In the case of penalties imposed on players of younger categories, a lighter penalty may be
Article 16.
Aggravating circumstances exist if the offense was committed in return when there are
particularly severe consequences or other circumstances that made the offense more serious.
Article 17.
In the case of determining the penalty for several violations that are decided at the same time,
first, the penalty for each violation is determined separately, and then a decision is made on a
single penalty according to the following:
1. multiple punishments of temporary ban from playing or performing duties or
punishments of banning from playing or performing duties for a certain number of
matches, are combined into one punishment, which cannot exceed the maximum limit
from Articles 11 and 12 of the Rulebook.
2. if a penalty of time ban was imposed for one violation, and a penalty of banning playing
or performing duties for a certain number of matches was imposed for the other, then a
single time penalty of banning playing or performing duties is issued.
Article 18.
The initiation of disciplinary proceedings expires within one year from the committing of the
violation, that is, within 6 months from the reporting.
In case that penalty has occurred, and not defined by this Rulebook, Commissioner can
determine the adequate punishment in accordance with Article 14.
Article 19.
Whoever behaves unsportsmanlike towards a player of his or the opposing team, officials,
coaches, observers, during, before or after the game, on the field or off it, and in connection
with American football, will be punished with a warning.
In a more serious or repeated case from the previous paragraph, he will be banned from
playing or performing his duties for up to three months or banned from playing or performing
his duties for up to 4 games.
Unsportsmanlike behavior means cursing, rude gestures, complaining, defying the decisions of
officials, publicly commenting of the officiating, as well as challenging players of one's own
team or the opposing team, officials, sports workers, observers, with words, statements,
movements, and gestures, as well as all actions that can harm the reputation of American
football in Romania.
Article 20.
A player, coach or club official who is excluded from the game will be punished by a ban from
playing or performing duties for at least one game.
For a violation from the previous paragraph committed in a more serious or repeated case, it
will be punished by a playing ban of at least two games.
Article 21.
A player, coach or club official who hits or tries to hit his own or an opposing player, coach or
club official will be punished by a ban from playing or performing his duties for at least one
game if the offender was not expelled from the game due to hitting.
For a violation from the previous paragraph in a more serious or repeated case, it will be
punished by a playing ban of at least three games.
Article 22.
Anyone who physically attacks an official, regardless of when and where it happens and in
connection with the performance of their duties, will be punished by a ban from participating in
all LEFA activities for a period of at least 1 year.
An attempted physical attack on official will be punished by a ban on participation in all LEFA
activities for up to one year.
In a more serious or repeated case from the previous paragraph, he will be punished with a ban
on participating in all LEFA activities for a period of at least three years.
Threats to official will be punished by a ban on participation in all LEFA activities for at least two
Article 23.
A player, coach or club official who physically attacks or tries to attack a spectator during the
game or just after the game will be punished with a ban from playing or performing duties for
at least one year.
Article 24.
An official who physically assaults a player or official at or outside a match, but in connection
with a match, will be suspended for a minimum of 2 years from all LEFA activities. For an
attempt to attack a player or other officials, the official will be punished by banning him from
performing his duties for at least six months.
In a more serious or repeated case from the previous paragraph, he will be punished with a ban
on performing duties for at least one year.
Article 25.
A club that does not organize a match according to the regulations or does not fulfill any of the
obligations from the propositions of the competition or the general act on the organization of
matches will be punished with a warning.
If a club official, a responsible person of the club, a judge, an official of the LEFA and an official
of an organization within the LEFA does not fulfill any of the obligations from the propositions
of the competition or the general act of the LEFA, they will be punished with a warning.
Article 26.
The club organizing the match on whose field, whether it is the owner or the user, in
connection with the match, before, during or after the match, a disturbance occurs, and it is
determined that it did not take measures to prevent them, or that it did not take them to a
sufficient extent, as well as the visiting club whose fans cause or participate in a riot will be
punished with a warning.
Violations from the previous paragraph in a serious or repeated case will be punished by a ban
on playing matches in that area or a penalty for playing matches without observers on the
home field.
A more serious offense in the sense of the previous paragraph is a physical attack by an
observer on the participants of the game - players, officials, major disturbances by observers on
or around the field, i.e. outside the hall or stadium before, during or after the game.
Article 27.
A player, club official or LEFA official whose fault the match was interrupted will be punished by
a ban from playing or performing duties for at least one month.
Article 28.
A team that leaves the playing field without justification or refuses to return to the playing field
at the referee's call to continue the interrupted game will lose the game with official result.
A player or an official who instigated or instigated the committing of a violation from the
previous paragraph will be punished with a ban from playing or performing duties for at least 6
Article 29.
A club that unjustifiably fails to perform in the championship game will be punished with a
A club that unjustifiably withdraws from the championship competition will be punished with
returning to a lower level of competition.
Article 30.
A player who appears in a public match for another club without the approval of the home club
will be banned from playing for one to six months.
A player who appears in a public match before he has acquired the right to play or if he is under
suspension or punishment will be punished with a ban from playing at least 3 months to a year.
A club that enables violation paragraph 2 if it was committed in a championship or cup match,
will be punished by registering an official score of 35:0 in favor of the opponent.
Article 31.
A club that takes part in a championship or cup match with an improperly registered or licensed
player will be punished by registering an official score of 35:0 in favor of the opponent.
Article 32.
Clubs that agree in advance on the outcome of the match or arrange its outcome or attempt
any of the above will be punished by relegation.
Responsible persons who participated in the offense from the previous paragraph, as well as
officials at that match who knew or could have known that the outcome was agreed or an
agreement was attempted, and did not take any action in this regard, will be punished by a ban
on participation in all activities LEFA for up to 2 years.
Article 33.
A player who in connection with registration provides or attempts to provide false information
or incomplete information relevant to registration and the right to perform, who
simultaneously registers for several clubs or in any way deceives his or another club, who
changes or tries to change or unauthorized entry of incorrect information into the documents
on the basis of which registration is carried out and the right to perform is determined, will be
punished with a ban from playing for at least one year.
A responsible person in a club or a registration authority who facilitates or attempts to facilitate
or with whose knowledge a violation from the previous paragraph is committed will be
punished with a ban from performing duties in the LEFA bodies for at least one year.

Article 34.
A player, coach, official, a club official, with the intention of making it difficult for the competent
authority to determine the material truth, fails to submit incorrect data or required data, will be
punished by a ban from playing or performing duties from 2 months to one year.
Article 35.
A club that does not fulfill its obligations from the general act of the LEFA, decisions and
instructions of the LEFA authorities will be punished with a warning.
A LEFA official who does not fulfill the obligations from the general act of the LEFA, decisions
and instructions of the LEFA authorities will be punished with a warning.
An official of permanent forms of organization in the LEFA who does not fulfill the obligations
from the general act of the LEFA, decisions and instructions of the authorities of the LEFA and
the authorities of permanent forms of organization in the LEFA will be punished with a warning.
Violations from the previous paragraph in a more serious or repeated case will be punished by
playing matches without observers on the home field.
Members of the organization who commit a violation from the previous paragraph will be
punished with a warning.
For violations from the previous paragraph in a serious or repeated case, members of the
organization who commit a violation from the previous paragraph will be punished with a ban
on performing all duties for up to 2 years.
Article 36.
An official who does not come to the match or does not appear at the match at the determined
time, and cannot justify it, as well as an official who does not cancel the match in time, or the
reasons for cancellation are not in accordance with the Rules, will be punished with a ban on
performing duties for 1 up to 6 months.
Violations from the previous paragraph in a repeated case will be punished with a ban on the
performance of duties for at least one year.
Article 37.
A referee who stops a match contrary to the LEFA's regulations will be banned from refereeing
for 3 months to a year.
Article 38.
An official who, during the game, commits a material violation of the rules of the game of
American football, which directly affects the outcome of the game, will be punished by a ban
from performing his duties for at least 6 months to 2 years.
Article 39.
An official who fails to submit the match minutes in a timely manner will be punished with a
ban from performing his duties for at least one game.
Article 40.
An official who referees a match and is under suspension or punishment will be disqualified for
Article 41.
Disciplinary authorities are responsible for conducting disciplinary proceedings and imposing
penalties, namely: Commissioner and LEFA Board.
The Commissioner makes decisions in the first instance for all disciplinary offenses from this
The LEFA Board makes decisions in the second instance.
Article 42.
Commissioner keeps records of imposed punishments, and the appropriately informs other
authorities and organizations about the imposed penalties.
The official method of communication is via e-mail.
Article 43.
Delivery to club members and players is done via club e-mail.
Delivery of decisions to the participants of the disciplinary procedure is by the Commissioner
via e-mail.
On the day the decision is sent to the electronic address of the participant in the procedure, the
decision is considered to have been delivered.
Article 44.
Disciplinary proceedings are initiated based on:
1. Reports of officials from the match.
2. Written applications from members (clubs, individuals, authorities, and bodies) of the
3. Ex officio when the disciplinary authority becomes aware of a disciplinary violation.
Article 45.
The application is submitted to the Commissioner, who informs the participants in the
procedure about the initiation of the procedure within 48 hours.
If the disciplinary authority initiates the procedure ex officio, it is obliged to inform the
Competition Commissioner about it within 3 days from the day of initiation of the procedure.
Article 46.
Along with the notification about the initiation of the procedure, the authority submits
allegations, application and evidence and invites the participants to provide written statements.
In the disciplinary procedure, the statement of the offender, witness or expert is taken by the
disciplinary authorities, and in the event that the disciplinary offense is recorded in the minutes
of the match, the official is obliged to take the statement of the reported person on the spot
and deliver it within 24 hours to the disciplinary authority.
The deadline for submitting statements is three days from the day of notification of the
initiation of disciplinary proceedings. Exceptionally, in the case of urgency of the procedure, the
deadline can be shortened to 48 hours.
Article 47.
If the defendant does not submit a written statement, it will be considered that he has been
heard and a decision will be made, and appropriate disciplinary proceedings may be initiated
against him in accordance with the regulations.
Article 48.
Suspension can be:
1. Automatic;
2. Based on the decision of the disciplinary authority.
Article 49.
Automatic suspension occurs when a player, coach or club official is sent off in a public match,
that exclusion is entered in the minutes. The automatic suspension starts from the next
competitive match and lasts for one match.
Article 50.
The disciplinary authority can impose a temporary suspension on the offender in the case
where disciplinary proceedings for serious offenses have been initiated, which may last until a
final decision is made.
Article 51.
Matches and time spent under suspension until a decision is made count towards the penalty.
Article 52.
The instructional deadline for the decision of the first instance is 48 hours from the day the
deadline for submitting the statement expires, from the day the statement is submitted, i.e.
from the day the match report is submitted if it contains the statement of the defendant for an
offense in accordance with this rulebook.
For valid decision-making in the second instance, the LEFA Board must make decisions by a
simple majority of votes.
Article 53.
Disciplinary punishment or suspension imposed in connection with the violations specified in
the rulebook is delivered via e-mail to the club, to the perpetrator of the violation through the
club, and to the competent authorities.
Article 54.
An appeal can be filed against the decision in the first instance within 5 days from the day of
receipt. Exceptionally, in the case of urgency of the procedure, the deadline can be shortened
to 48 hours.
The day of receipt and submission from the previous paragraph is considered the day of
sending the e-mail.
The complaint is submitted by e-mail to the Commissioner, who is obliged to forward it to the
second-instance authority within 24 hours.
If the first-instance authority determines that the appeal was not submitted within the defined
period, it is obliged to immediately reject the appeal without engaging the second-instance
Article 55.
Complaints can be submitted by:
1. punished.
2. the submitter of the report or application.
3. the club whose player or responsible person has been punished.
4. organization whose member was punished.
Article 56.
Appeal against the decision on the penalty does not delay the execution of the sentence, as
well as the appeal against the decision on suspension.

Article 57.
When resolving the appeal in the second instance, the LEFA Board can:
1. reject the appeal and confirm the first instance decision.
2. accept the appeal and return the first-instance decision to the first-instance authority
for re-decision.
3. accept the appeal and change the first-instance decision.
The instructional deadline for deciding on an appeal is seven days from the day the appeal is
delivered to the second-instance authority.
The decision of the second instance authority is final.
Article 58.
Repeating the procedure can be suggested:
1. if the final decision is proven to be based on false evidence and statements.
2. if new facts and new evidence are established that would have an impact on making the
final decision, and which were not known before.
Article 59.
The proposal for repeating the procedure is submitted to the first-instance authority that made
the decision no later than one year from the date of finality of the decision.
The authority that made the first-instance decision can reject the proposal from the previous
paragraph as untimely or inadmissible or accept it and make a new first-instance decision.
An appeal is not allowed against the decision from paragraph 2 of this article.
If it determines that the proposal is timely and admissible, and does not want to decide on its
merits, the first-instance authority will submit it to the second-instance authority for decision.

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