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GTR-C6 The Little Lamb

Description Students will learn how to play Mary Had A Little Lamb on the 1st
string along with introduction and exercises around the Open G string.

Class Summary Activity Name Mandatory/Optional Time (in


Introduction Mandatory 5 min

Mary Had a Little Lamb Half Song Mandatory 20min

Good Bye Eddie Mandatory 15min

Mary Had a Little Lamb Half Song Mandatory 15 min

Additional Content Optional --

Wrap up and revision of class Mandatory 5 min

In-Class PDF, Videos,Audio


Hygiene ● Have a clean and clear background

● Always keep your camera on
● Sufficient Lighting on your face (light should be facing your
face and not your back)
● Instrument should be clearly visible
● Keep your phone on silent (Refer How To Ace Trial Class
Section for more details)

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Step 1 Introduction Time Duration (5 min)

(Introduction and revision of posture)

Hi <student name>. How are you doing today? And how was your week?
<student response/demo>
<Teacher should use these two questions to have a chat with the student to create a
rapport and connection. Listen to the student and be responsive and attentive to what
he/she is saying>

Did you find time to practice?

<Student responds>

<Appreciate the student if he/she has practiced and ask them how much were they able
to practice. Even if the student was not able to practice, tell them it’s okay and they
should find some time for practice. Get the student motivated for the class>

Guess what?! We are going to learn a new song today. And the name of the song is Mary
Had A Little Lamb.

Have you heard this song?

<Student responds>

<If the student has not heard the song, play the audio file or perform the melody for the

So let’s get started!!!

Pick up your guitar and sit in a playing posture.

<Teacher to check the following things :
1. Upright posture.
2. Back straight.
3. Guitar on lap,tucked under the arm.
4. Guitar-Neck Parallel to the ground.
Teacher to correct the above points if needed>

Show me how to hold the plectrum.

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<Correct the student if needed>

Step 2 Mary had a little lamb Time Duration (20 mins)

(Using 7th fret on e string and playing 1st
line of Mary had a little lamb)

We are going to be learning a new song, I want you to clap and sing it like this. Listen

<Teacher must do the following demonstration while playing the song audio file to the
<Demonstrate singing and clapping Mary had a little lamb with the full song. Ensure that
the student is listening>

Can you try?

<Student attempts>

<Teacher to ensure that the student is able to match the claps with the words while
singing. Please note singing in pitch is not important at this point>

Good Job! Now let’s revise playing the fretted notes.

<Teacher to revise the fretted notes on 2nd and 4th fret on the first E string and observe
and correct students actions where ever required. Remember to guide the students focus
on the following points:
1. Placement of finger in relation to the fret wires. i.e. Just before the fret wire, not too far
behind, and not over the fret wire either.
2. Pressing action of the string, focus on the action of the thumb and the index finger in
the fretting process
3. Downstroke Picking action
4. Ask student to repeat process if required, if time permits>

That’s amazing! I am going to teach you a new fretted note today. And it is played on the
7th fret.

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<Teacher to teach fretting the e string on the 7th fret with 1st finger keeping in mind the
points from the revision process>

Great! We are now ready to learn the song. But before that, let’s do a quick revision of
reading tablature.

<Teacher opens the tablature for Mary had a little lamb and revises the following basics :
1. Tablature has Six lines, Guitar has six strings
2. Guitar String 1 is the topline of the tab.
3. Numbers that the student can see on the lines are fret locations
4. In short, the Guitar tablature represents fret positions over guitar strings
<Teacher to explain the note on fret number 7 on tab>

Awesome! Let’s start with the song.

<Teacher can approach this method in the following manner :

1. Divide the 1st line in two sections of A) ‘Mary had a’, and B) ‘Little lamb little
lamb’. Take your time with each section. Be patient with the student and keep
correcting the fretting action if needed.
2. Take student through each fretted note individually in the order of the melody and
then ask them to combine and play one full section(Either A or B)
3. Do this for the next section as well and then combine the A and B section>

That was amazing!!

<Virtual appreciation>

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Step 3 Good Bye Eddie Time Duration (15 mins)
(Rhythmic Activity and Playing Open
Strings E, B and G with drums)

You can keep the guitar on your lap for now.

I will clap a rhythm in a steady beat and you will just have to copy me. But remember to
clap after I tell you to clap. So listen!

<Teacher claps and counts 2 bars of whole notes without any backing>

Now you try.

<Teacher to ensure that student is clapping on the first beat and counting in a steady
beat. Clap and count again if needed till the student understands it>

<Teacher to repeat the same exercise for clapping and counting HALF NOTES>

Now let’s see if you can copy this. Listen carefully!

<Teacher claps and counts in the following progression of note values : Whole, Whole,
Half, Whole. Teacher might have to clap this a few times for the student to get it. Explain
the student which beats we are clapping on if needed>

That was awesome! Now pick up your guitar in a playing position and hold your

<Teacher to quickly make any corrections in posture and holding plectrum if needed>

We will be learning to play a new string today. And that’s the third string from the
bottom. The name of the third string is G. Let’s learn how to play it.

<Teacher to carry out the activity in the following manner :

1. Teach how to play the open G string
2. Teach how to play the open G string in whole notes a few times
3. Teach how to play the open G string in Half notes a few times
4. Teach how to play the open G string in the following order of note values :
Whole,Whole,Half,Whole. This is the same rhythm that you have clapped with

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the students.
5. If time permits, you can make them play the B and e string in a similar rhythm of
whole,whole,half,whole notes.

That was wonderful. It’s time to be a Rockstar now. Which means we will now be
playing with the drums. Are you ready? Let’s go.

<Teacher to conduct this activity in the following manner :

1. Start the open string activity video.
2. Ask the student if he can read the tablature. Help and guide the student if needed.
Mention the new open g string on the tab.
3. Clap and count with the video while saying out loud the names of the strings in
the tablature. Ensure that the student is listening and not copying you while you
are demonstrating.
4. Make the student clap and sing the name of the notes with the video along with
the drum track. Help and guide the student if needed. Explain how the claps are
supposed to be and how to listen to the drum track.
5. Demonstrate playing the first 4 bars.
6. Ask the student to play it. It is ok if the student achieves even 60% accuracy at
this point.
7. Demonstrate playing the whole video if the student grasps this faster.
8. Make the student play with the whole video
9. Be aware of the time and do not spend more time than required for this step>

That was amazingggg!! <Virtual appreciation>

*IMPORTANT NOTE : Remember, we do not have to mention the names of the note
values. Students are just learning to clap on beat 1 as whole notes and beat 1 and 3 as
half notes.*

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Step 4 Mary had a little lamb Time Duration (15 mins)
(Playing 2nd line of Mary had a little lamb
and the whole performance of Mary had a
little lamb)

Now let us get back to learning the 2nd line of Mary had a little lamb.

Before we start , I want you to clap and sing it like this. Listen

<Teacher demonstrates singing and clapping Mary had a little lamb 2nd line. Ensure that
the student is listening and not copying>

Can you try?

<Student attempts>

<Teacher to ensure that the student is able to match the claps with the words while
singing. Please note singing in pitch is not important at this point>

<Teacher opens the tablature for Mary had a little lamb>

This is how it sounds.

<Teacher demonstrates by playing the 2nd line>

<Teacher can approach teaching this step in the following manner :

4. Ask the student to read the notes of the 2nd line. Help and guide the student if

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5. Take the student through each fretted note individually in the order of the melody.
Take your time and be patient with the student and keep correcting the fretting
action if needed.
6. Demonstrate for the student again if needed so that the student remembers how
the melody is supposed to sound.
7. Ask the student to play it and suggest any correction if required.
8. Teacher to open and share the video containing the full tabs with embedded mp3
and demonstrate playing the full song to the student and help the student
combine both the lines to create a full performance. The student should achieve at
least 60% success in this.

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Step Additional Content Time


A If the student is unable to play fretted notes

Hey <student name> it's alright to not be able to play fretted notes in your first lesson.
Many great guitar players have started this way.
Let me help you to play some very simple activity to get you to fret the notes.
<Teacher to take the student through very basic fretting practice>
<Do remember the following>
1. The goal is to get the student to experience the amount of pressure required by the
them to fret the notes at different frets on various strings.
2. Get the student to try various frets and strings
3. Get the students to fret strings with various fingers
4. When one finger gets tired, use the others.
<When students get comfortable with playing some fretted notes, go ahead with a
simple exercise>
<launch Song Practice Panel>
<Open file from previous lesson - C5 - Exercise - Level 1>
<Teacher can also do - Hot Cross Buns>
<Remember to do the following>
1. The goal is to get the student to experience the action of fretting and unfretting.
2. To improve their Picking hand coordination
3. It's alright if the student can only play the exercise on 1 or 2 strings
4. It’s alright if the student can’t play in rhythm

B There is 10 mins or more Extra time remaining in the lesson

Awesome! Looks like you are ready to learn more advanced guitar playing.
I have more activities for us to do.
Let's check them out
<Teacher to launch Song Practice Panel>
<The activities unlocked in this lesson are:
1. C6 - Groove In - Level 1A
2. C6 - Groove In - Level 1B
3. C6 - Groove In - Level 2
4. C6 - Melody
<Depending on the amount of extra lesson time remaining, the student’s skill level and
interest, the teacher must select the appropriate activity for the student>

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<Depending on the amount of extra lesson time remaining, teacher can do One OR All of
the C5 - Exercises then C6 Let’s Groove, and then do the C6 Melody>

<Teacher can also opt to do one or more C5 - Exercises from the previous lesson
accessible in the Song Practice Panel, if it is going to benefit the student further>

<The goal of these optional activities is to improve the quality of notes, so focus must be
given on all the details like Note Clarity, Correct rhythm etc>



Step 5 Wrap up Time Duration (5 mins)


That was very well done <students name>

You can keep your guitar aside. Did you enjoy the class?

<Ask the student about what did he/she enjoy or not enjoy in the class>

Alright! So let us revise all the things we have learnt today :

1. Mary Had a little lamb
2. Playing the 7th fret on E string
3. Playing and reading the open G string
4. And playing with the drum beats.

Here are three things I want you to do before our next class:
1. Remember to attempt the Post-Class Quiz!2. Very important! All that we studied today
is available on the “Song Practice Panel” for you to revise. There are extra videos for you
to practice your tablature reading skills and string fretting skills.

2. You have to record your song practice and upload it to get points for your practice.
Maintain your streak.
For this week you must record an audio track of yourself playing the ‘Mary had a little

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Note: This document is the original copyright of WhiteHat Education Technology Private Limited.
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lamb’ tune on your guitar. We have provided you with a video, in which you can see the
tablature along with the audio of the ‘Mary had a little lamb’ tune.
You must practice playing the tune on your guitar as many times as it takes for you to
read the notes properly and play the notes clearly on your guitar before you make your
final recording for submission.
Remember to play clear notes, with no buzzing sounds
<Recap the fretting action>

Let me show you a video so that you understand how to access the Song Practice Panel
for Songs and study material.
In this video you will also learn how to submit your audio recording so please watch
<Show Song Practice video>

Remember to practice 15min EVERYDAY!!!

Have a nice week. I will see you next class.

Image/Audio links/Video links for Teacher’s reference


In-Class Activities
(Teacher Led)

Mary had a little lamb[1] Mp3 Audio https://s3-whjr-curriculum-u

In-Class Activities
(Student Led)

Mary had a little lamb 1st PDF https://s3-whjr-curriculum-u

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Note: This document is the original copyright of WhiteHat Education Technology Private Limited.
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Good Bye Eddie[3] MP4 Video https://s3-whjr-curriculum-u

Mary had a little lamb 2nd PDF https://s3-whjr-curriculum-u


Mary had a little lamb Full[5] MP4 https://s3-whjr-curriculum-u

Groove in level 1 - more MSCZ Launch Song Practice Panel

strings more strikes (optional

Groove in level 1B - Tune in to MSCZ Launch Song Practice Panel

the beats (optional activity)[7]

Groove in level 2 - Fretted MSCZ Launch Song Practice Panel

grooves (optional activity)[8]

Melody - Wheels on the bus MSCZ Launch Song Practice Panel

(optional activity)[9]

Post-Class Activities

Post-Class Quiz GTR - Post class quiz

Post-Class Project (If Any) N/A N/A

Post-Class Song Practice Doc https://s3-whjr-curriculum-u

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Note: This document is the original copyright of WhiteHat Education Technology Private Limited.
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Musescore C6 - Groove In - Level 1A -

More Strings, More

C6 - Groove In - Level 1B -
Tune into the Beat.mscz

C6 - Groove In - Level 2 -
Fretted Grooves.mscz

C6 - Melody - Wheels on the



(Class Summary)

Concepts Covered Today 1. Learnt to play the tune of “Mary Had A little Lamb”
2. Playing the 7th fret with Index finger on the e
3. Playing the Open G String (3rd string)
4. Playing In time, with Drum Backing track

Recommended Practice Read the positions of the notes of ‘Mary Had A Little
Lamb’ in the Guitar Tablature, and find these note
positions on your guitar frets, just like how you did in your

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Practice playing the tune on your guitar. Try to play it just
like the guitar you hear in the audio track of ‘Mary Had A
Little Lamb’

Click here to listen Mary

Had A Little Lamb e569-4d42-9894-d704efbff9a0.mp3

New Project Unlocked N/A

New Challenge Unlocked N/A

What’s Next? 1. Learn to play the tune of “Old MacDonald”

2. Fretted notes on the B string (2nd string)
3. Playing on the lower E A D strings
4. Playing in time, with Drum Backing track

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Note: This document is the original copyright of WhiteHat Education Technology Private Limited.
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© 2021 - WhiteHat Education Technology Private Limited.
Note: This document is the original copyright of WhiteHat Education Technology Private Limited.
Please don't share, download or copy this file without permission.

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