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Hello my full name is Trương Thanh Thảo , i am currently studying pharmacy at

TDTU university, so i will become a pharmacist in the future. My job is proving

information about prescription and over-the-counter drugs and i can also make the
best recommendations advice for customers when using drugs.
Today, i will counsel you with useful information about over-the-counter
antihistamines. And Over-the-counter drugs are medicines you can buy at any
pharmacy without a doctor's prescription.
Firstly, What types of OTC antihistamines are available?
In the market, there are two antihistamines drugs available: first-generation and
newer second-generation antihistamines. Both types of antihistamines are effective
in reducing pain and allergy symptoms and they often are mixed with other drugs.
here are some common antihistamines:
About The first-generation antihistamines:
 Promethazin hydroclorid
 Clorpheniramin maleat ( to control allergy symptoms such as rhinitis,
angioedema, urticaria)
 Brompheniramin maleat
About the second-generation antihistamines:
 Loratadin
 Cetirizin hydroclorid
 Fexofenedin
Second question, How do antihistamines work?
When our body is in a normal state, histamine is available in the body cells are
usually inactive because they exist in the complex from with proteins. However,
when our body has any reaction to drugs, chemicals, the histamine will be released
causing allergy symptoms such as: cough, fever, rash, itching, watery eyes.. So
we use the antihistamines to prevent histamines from attaching to your cells and
causing symptoms.
Third, What symptoms can OTC antihistamines treat?
Antihistamines can help prevent and treat the symptoms of allergies, colds, and the
flu including fever, itching, sneezing, watery eyes, rash. It can also relieve
itchiness caused by insect bites and affects the nervous system causing drowsiness
so they are used to prevent motion sickness.
Next, What are some common side effects of OTC antihistamines?
Side effects from antihistamine aren't common for healthy adults. However, side
effects can be a concern for older adults or people who have health problems. First-
generation antihistamines are more likely to cause side effects than second-
generation drugs and the common side effect is sleep, which can affect your
ability. If we use an overdose antihistamine, it will make us feel insecure, have
attention disorder, dry mouth, eye pain.
What foods, drinks or activities should patients avoid while taking
When taking antihistamines, the patient should avoid drinking alcohol, because
alcohol can increase the sedative effect of the drug, and patients should avoid
taking MAO inhibitors (metaxalone, methylene blue, procarbazine) during
treatment with antihistamine and must ask your doctor first.
Finally, Who shouldn’t take antihistamines?
Talk to your doctor before using a first-generatuon antihistamine if you have any
of the following health problems:
 Glaucoma
 Diabetes
 Heart disease
 High blood pressure
 Breathing problems, such as asthma, emphysema or chronic bronchitis
Before taking a second-generation antihistamine, tell your doctor if you’ve ever
had kidney or liver disease.
I hope my infotmation about OTC antihistamines can be help for you

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