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IBS No.F, 1(5)/85-Admn (PEC) OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL ELECTION COMMISSIONER NORTH WEST FRONTIER PROVINCE, The Assistant Director, Regional Board, Federal Employees, Benevolent & Group Insurance Funds, Shahrah-e-Saharwardhy, Block C-II, Benevolent Fund Building, Islamabad. PAYMENT OF SUM ASSURED/BURIAL CHARGES IN R/O LATE FIDA MUHAMMAD, EX-ELECTI CER. . Dear Sir, Tam directed to refer to your letter No.D-372/RB/09(C&D). dated the 17" June, 2009 on the subject noted above and to confirm that the following, informations in respect of late Fida Muhammad, Ex-E0 are correct. 1. Name of employee. Fida Muhammad, 2. Date of birth. 15-01-1965. 3, Date of death. 13-03-2009 4. Name of beneficiary. ‘Mst: Fayyaz Akhtar (widow) 5. Monthly pay last drawn. Rs.9820/- Scanned By Camera Scanner 3/ F.1 (13//2007-Estt: [AEC-SB] OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT ELECTION COMMISSIONER SWAB! Dated the 30" July 2009 The District Accounts Officer, WAIVER OF HOUSE BUILDING ADVANCE IN RESPECT OF LATE FIDA MUHAMMAD EX-ELECTION OFFICER, SWAB). is to inform that Fida Muhammad Ex-Election officer of this office died on 13- 03-2009 during service. The Officer had drawn House Building Advance amounting to, Rs 280, 000/- vide cheque No.J/511512 dated 10-06-2008 out of which an amount of Rs 6000/- was recovered from him and the remaining amount of Rs.274000!- remained ‘outstanding against, while he expired on 13-03-2009. Now the matter is being referred to the Finance Division for Waiver of the outstanding advance against the officer as per rules In this connection you are requested to kindly furnish the requisite information on Form-DAO-55 (Suspense Account) as enclosed for onward submission to the Finance Division Your, Faithfully \ (JAVED IQBAL) Assistant Election Commissioner Copy for information to: Scarned By Camera Scanner a NO.F. 1(5)/85-Estt (PEC) OFFICE OF THE SP wh PROVINCIAL ELECTION COMMISSIONER a NORTH WEST FRONTIER PROVINCE ‘PESHAWAR April 21, 2010 ‘The District Accounts Officer, ‘Swabi. FINAL PAYMENT OF G.P.FUND ACCUMULATION IN RESPECT OF LATE MRFIDA MUHAMMAD, EO, SWABI BEARING ACCOUNT NO. IV-MISC-$186. I am directed to convey the sanction of the competent authority to the “grant of final payment of G.P. Fund accumulation in G.P.Fund account ‘No,IV-Misc-5186, in respect of Late Mr. Fida Muhammad, EO, Swabi, who died during service on 13" March, 2009. The application of the widow of the deceased officer for final payment of G.P. Fund accumulation and Form G.P-F-10 alongwith its enclosures are enclosed herewith for further necessary action. 2. It is request that final payment of G.P. Fund accumulation of the above deceased officer alongwith interest accrued thereon, to be calculated by your office may please be made to the widow of the deceased officer. His G.P. Fund account was interest. | bearing. 3 Last deduction of G.P. Fund @ Rs.1050/- was made from the pay of the officer till February, 2009. Scarned By Camera Scanner NO. F.1 (5/85-Admn (PEC) OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL ELECTION COMMISSIONER NORTH WEST FRONTIER PROVINCE PESHAWAR June 17, 2009 OFFICE ORDER NO. 97/2009 {In pursuance of the Establishment Division's O.M.No.7/40/2005-1-2 ® junc, 2006, read with their OM of even number, dated the 30" December. 5 The competent authority has been pleased fo allow House Rent Allowance: ® R5AB1B/-per month for the period of S-years w.c.f 14-03-2009 to 13-03-2014. as ‘admissible under the rules to the widow of late Fida Muhammad, Ex-Election Officer in "the office of AEC, Swabi, who died in service on 13-03-2009. a “The expenditure is debitable to the following head of accounts and will be met from within the budget grant during the current financial year, 2008-2009. NWEP. Peshawar (Field-Organization) 01-General Public Services, 018-Administration Services, 0181-Administration of General Public Services. 018101- ‘of General Put Voter Registration/Flections. “A-01202- House Rent Allowance” 4 ge _ annul KAN) ‘Assistant Election Commissioner (ttt) Copy forwarded for information & necessary action to: ~ The Deputy Election Commissioner, Mardan. ‘The District Accounts Officer, Swabi. ‘The Assistant Election Commissioner, Swabi with reference to letter No.F.1 (13)/2007-Estt: (AEC-SB), dated the 28 May, 2009. Ile is advised to draw a umount of Rs-1818-er moat fom Govt Tress regen on monthly basis and paid othe widow of deneso=d Accounts Officer (HQ), Peshawar Scarned By Camera Scanner — No.F.16(1)2009-Estt-l. ELECTION COMMISSION OF PAKISTAN “Election House", Constitution Avenue, G-5/2, Islamabad, the 27" May, 2009. The Provincial Election Commissioner, NWF.P., Peshawar. Subject: RANT OF FINANCIAL ASSISTANC! }0,000/- Ti _FIAZ AKHTAR WIDOW OF LATE FIDA MEMAMAAD, ELECTION OFFICER IN THE OFFICE OF ASSISTANT ELECTION COMMISSIONER, SWABI. Dear Sir, In continuation of this office letter of even number dated the 26" May, 2009, | am directed to say that while according approval for payment of financial assistance to the widow of Late Fida Muhammad, Ex-Election Officer, the Hon'ble Chief Election Commissioner has recorded the following remarks'- “Look for other benefits if widow would be entitled to it However, para 3 is approved.” Sd/- CEC 22-05-2008 ze In the light of above said orders, further action may please be taken into the matter. # Scarned By Camera Scanner “The Provincial Election Commissioner N-W.E.P, Peshawar. PENSION PAPERS IN RESPECT OF LATE FIDA MUHAMMAD. ELECTION OFFICE Sir, have the honour to forward herewith the flowing documents 0 RICA ct of Late Fida Munammad Ex-lection Officer, of ms office, who expired during 9 13.08-2008. for the purpose of payment of Family pension and pension Commutation to the family of the deceased Officer . Pension Papers CS. R-25 (Revised) Copy of the last pay certificate Cony oF Manotocepy ofthe Service Book and Service Book in Onginal Copies of death certificate duly attested Qualifying Service Certificate aaa mayon of deficiency in service by the Competent Authority. List of family members & dependents Envelop containing four Muhammad 9 Descriptive Roll in respect of Mst/Fayaz Impressions 10 Undertaking 11 Commutation of Pension Certificate 42. Undertaking regarding refund of 15 Undertaking regarding refund of overpayment On 13. DOgration regarding Non-Drawal of Pension or gratuity 45. Non-Separation Certificate 16. Affidavit 17 NOC ofthis Office °C tr oraore requested thatthe pension papers may Kinaly be signed by the competent Authonty at the appropriate place and forwarded to the quarters concemed for Grant of family pension and commutation to tne family of the Ex-Election Officer of this Grice as admissible under the Rules 4 ‘Yours faithfully, Scarned By Camera Scanner we NO. (5/85-Admn (PEC) 28y ey OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL ELECTION COMMISSIONER NORTH WEST FRONTIER PROVINCE PESHAWAR May 23, 2009 OFFICE ORDER NO. 80/2009 Consequent upon his death in service on 13" March, 2009, the competent authority has sanctioned lump-sum payment equal to leave pay for 180-days out of leave at the credit of late Fida Muhammad, Election Officer in the office of Assistant lection ‘Commissioner, Swabi for payment to his widow, namely, Mst: Fayyaz Akhtar as defined for the purpose of family pension etc, in terms of Government of Pakistan, Division Notification No.F.1 (34)/R-4/85, dated the 16" September, 1985. de (ABDUL{SALAM KHAN Assistant Election Commissioner (L:sit) Copy forwarded for information and necessary action to: ~ 1 ‘The District Accounts Officer, Swabi. 2. The Deputy Election Commissioner, Mardan. The Assistant Election Commissioner, Swabi with reference to his letter No.F.1 (7)/98-Estt: (AEC-SB), dated the 4" May, 2009. He is advised that pay equal to 180-days may be drawn out of leave salary and paid to the widow of deceased officer and necessary confirmation in this regard may be sent to this office, in due course. Ser Bey Scarned By Camera Scanner No.F.16(1)/2009-Estt-t. ELECTION COMMISSION OF PAKISTAN “Election House”, Constitution Avenue, G-5/2, Islamabad, the 26" May, 2009. Mr. Iftikhar Ahmed, Section Officer(Estt-t!) The Accountant General, Pakistan Revenue (Sub-Office), Peshawar. cubject- GRANT OF FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE OF RS.500,000/= TC WET, FIAZ_ AKHTAR WIDOW OF LATE FIDA MUHAMMAD, ELECTION OFFICER IN THE OFFICE OF ASSISTANT. ELECTION COMMISIONER, SWABI. Dear Sir. In pursuance of Establishment Division's OM. No 7140/2005-E-2, dated the 13" June, 2006, | am directed to convey the sanction of the President to the payment of Rs.500,000/- (Rupees five hundred thousand) only. 3, financial nosidtance to Mst. Fiaz Akhtar widow of Late Fida Muhammad, Election Officer in the effice of the Assistant Election Commissioner, Swabi who died on 13” March, 2009 (copy of death certificate is enclosed) 2 (tis certified that Fida Muhammad died during service 3 ‘The expenditure involved is debitable to the head “Provincial Elston) Comissioner, NWFP (Field office) PR.0005-General Public Services-018- Saministration of General Public Services-0181-Administration of General Public Services-01801-Voter Registration/Elections-A05-Grants, Subsidies & Write off Terre AD52-General Domestic, A05216-Financial Assistance 1 the Families of Chal Servants who expire during service” and will be met from within the sanctioned budget grant for the current financial year, 2008-2009 Scarned By Camera Scanner Scanned By Camera Scanner rw a: . ? eee No.F. 1(5)/85-Admn (PEC) OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL ELECTION COMMISSIONER NORTH WEST FRONTIER PROVINCE Bee PESHAWAR May 16, 2009 The Secretary, Election Commission of Pakistan, Islamabad, Subject: - ASSISTANCE PACKAGE FOR FAMILIES OF GOVERNMENT CE. Dear Sir, | have the honour to state that widow of late Mr.Fida Muhammad. Ex-Election Officer in the office of AEC, Swabi, who died during service on 13-3-2009 has moved an application on prescribed form for the grant of Lump-sum payment equal to Rs.500,000/-(Rupees five hundred thousand)only. which is admissible to her in the light of Cabinet Secretariat Memorandum No.7/40/2005-E2, dated the 13 June, 2006. ‘Application form, duly completed with enclosures is enclosed. 2. It is, therefore, requested that necessary sanction of the competent authority alongywith allocation of funds to the tune of Rs.500,000/- (Rupees five hundred thousand)only, under the object “A 05216-Financial Assistance to the families of Govt Servant, who expire during the Service”, in the budget grant of this Headquarter office may kindly be accorded in favour of the widow of deceased officer under intimation to all concerned, please. Scarned By Camera Scanner

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