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PT.Tabalong Drinking Water Shines

Report on the implementation of field work practices

Compiled to fulfill the final project of field work practice



Anisa Putri

Nanda Fajar Ayu

Elizabeth Debora S.

Table of contents
Front Page……………………………………………….....................i

1.1. A.Foreword…………………………………………………...ii
1.2. B.Objectives…………………………………..........................iii

Chapter 2

2.1 A.Agency History…………………………………………..iv

2.2 B.Vision and Mission………………………………………...v

Chapter 3

3.1 The Journal…………………………………………………

Chapter 4

4.1 A.Inclusion…………………………………………………..vii

4.2 B.Suggestion………………………………………………….viii
Chapter 1
A. Foreword

By expressing gratitude to Allah SWT the almighty who has given his blessing and grace
so that I can finish this report smoothly. This report wase prepared as a sense of
responsibility for practical students, while the authors of this report are from industrial work
prctices which will be carried out in the 2021/2022 academic year a from January 13 2022 to
May 20 2022

this report will not be completed properly without help as well as support from all
concerned. Therefore,on this occasion I would like to express my gratitude:

1. Mr. Abdul Bahid,SE,MA as the Head of PT.Water Drinking Tabalong Shines

2. Mrs.Dra Hj Lis Sulastrini,M.Pd as Principal of SMK Negri 1 Tanjung
3. Mrs.Rahmayanti as supervisor at Regional Drinking Water Company
4. Mrs.Stefi Sulistyoningrum S.pd as my supervisor at SMK Negri 1 Tanjung
5. To my parents,who never stop supporting and encourage me to carry out internships.

I really hope for suggestions,input and constructive criticism to complement the short
comings of my report. Hopefully this simple report can benefit us all,especially for

B. Objektives
1.To equip internship students who are still in the word of education or school an
overview of a partner’s word of work or institutions
2.To foster,guide and introduce internship students to how things are in the DU\DI field
directly and what are the provisions that are made.
3.Creating work that has or is professional
.Have a high work ethic anf ready to use,in accordance with abilities and the demands of DU\
DI,and being able to compete in the era of globalization.

Chapter 2

A. Agency Journal

The history of the establishment of PT.Tabalong Drinking Water Shines began in 1983
which was originally named the Drinking Water management Agency (BPAM) then in 1990
the BPAM status Changed to the Regional Regulation Number 07 of 1990 dated 21 July
1990 concering the Estabilishment of the Regional Drinking Water Company of Tabalong

It was only on September 17 2021 that the legal entity changed back to Perseroda with the
name PT.Tabalong Drinking Water shines and is valid until now.

PT.Tabalong Drinking Water Shines is a Regional owned enterprise enganged in the field of
drinking water services for all people in the Tabalong Regency area.

A. Vision and Mision

a. Vision
Becoming a Profesional,Superior and Leading Drinking Water Company with excellent


This Means that PDAM Tabalong Regency in the future will stand on its own feet in
terms of fundling all operational costs and developing optimal service to the community
in general and customers in particular well.

This means that PDAM Tabalong district prioritizes and prioritizes a more optimal level
of customer satisfaction, both in terms of quality, quantity and continuity of distribution
of water received by customer.

B, Mission

 Improving Quality,Quantity, Continuity and Affordabillty in Framework to

Realize Tabalong Regency
 Creating Good Communication and Coordination with Stakeholders.
 Providing Regional own Revenue Contribution.
 Increasing concern for customers,society and wealfare employee.
 Improving the professionalism of human resources with various braktithroughs in
efforts to improve internal business.
The Journal

Journal of Activities from 13 2022 January to 21 May 2022

No. Date and Time Work Activity Ket

1 13 January 2022  Print the Account

 Template Account

 Serving Customers

2 13 January 2022  Turn on the computer

 Print the Accounts

 Template Accounts

 Serving Customers

3 21 May 2022  Turn On the Computer

 Print the Accounts

 Serving Customers


A. Conclusion

While I was “PRAKERIN” at PT.Drinking Water Tabalong Bersinar(Perseroda) has

a lot of knowledge about my expertise program, namely ACCOUNTING,which I got,
especially in financial matters regarding profit and loss.In my internship, I learned a lot
about how to be ethical towards anyone, be polite whit employees and customers at
PDAM, how to comply with industry rules, maintain safety and the nomrs that apply in
the environment where I practice industry

In exploring a positive work ethi, we must be able to keep up with the producitivy
of Industrial Companies, besides that we must also foster good relationship with DU/ID
advisers and employees/employees, so that after the apprenticeship/gradution of school
we can be with you and apply for jobs and we can establish cooperative relationship
which is good, if someday back will do the performance effort.

With this PRAKERIN, then

1. Students gain experience, especially in the field of business management.

2. Adding knowledge that has never been obtained in school.
3. Get to know and know the world of business
4. Adapt to the new environment.
5. Students get discipline at work.
6. Students get additional knowledge that is different from their respective majors.

A. Suggestion
PT.Tabalong drink water shines which is well-knows in Tabalong with a high work
ethic so that it can obtain results that satisfy the community.the government,the community
and I as students who do internships at PT.Tabalong Drinking Water shines can receive a
positive and satisfying score. And keep moving forward and provide the best service to the
community,so that the local community is satisfied with the services provided.

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