2015-04 - April 2015

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PARISH NEWSLETTER The Parishes of Skelton with Shipton and Newton-on-Ouse

The Revd Malcolm Wainwright, The Rectory, Church Lane, Skelton, York, YO30 1XT Tel: 01904 471351 malcolm@mhwainwright.eclipse.co.uk
The Revd Anna Lindley, 35 Manor Garth, Wigginton, York,YO32 2WZ. anna@lindley-york.freeserve.co.uk


Skelton Newton
Carolyn Evans 01904 470125 Margaret Trowbridge 01347 848605
Kathy Peacock (deputy) 01904 471980 David Theakstone 01904 470550

I sn’t it wonderful to see the daffodils and
new growth at this, my favourite time of year!
Friday 3rd April Good Friday
The glory of the vibrant yellow daffodils –
Shipton 3.00pm Seven words from the cross ‘fluttering and dancing in the breeze’ – as
Wordsworth said and scattered round the city
Sunday 5th April Easter Sunday walls in York is a delight to see.
Skelton 9.30am Family Communion
My Utmost for His Highest is a book of daily
Shipton 11.00am Family Communion in church readings by Oswald Chambers. As the title
Newton 11.00am Family Communion suggests, it is encourages believers to strive to
be the best, to bring glory to God. Of course
Sunday 12th April Easter 2 they would fail and not quite make it, but, as
Skelton 9.30am Family Communion
the words of the song go, ‘pick yourself up,
Shipton 11.00am Family Communion dust yourself down and start all over again’.
Newton 11.00am Family Communion with The wonderful thing, and the Easter message,
Sunday School is that if we say sorry and accept God's
forgiveness through Jesus, we can .…start all
Sunday 19th April Easter 3
over again knowing that the baggage of our
Newton 8.00am Holy Communion failure and weakness is dealt with and we
Skelton 9.30am Holy Communion have a clean sheet with which to start again.
Shipton 11.00am Worship service & AGM with I have just finished a book about a leading
refreshments in the Chapel Orthopaedic surgeon, a believing Christian,
Linton 4.30pm Family service in Village Hall
who was a witness in his work and in his
Sunday 26th April Easter 4 church. One of the things mentioned was his,
and his wife’s, work among asylum seekers,
Skelton 9.30am All Age Service who he would befriend, go to hearings with,
Newton 11.00am Holy Communion invite into his home and help. I found the
Shipton 4.00-6.00pmFamily Time in the
Community Centre
book such a challenge and inspiration.
There’s lots of good work out there for us to
Sunday 3rd May Easter 5 do, and with God’s help we can all be
achievers for His kingdom, and bring glory to
Skelton 9.30am Holy Communion God just like the daffodils!
Shipton 11.00am Family Communion
Newton 6.30pm Evensong with the Choir
The away-day in April is an opportunity for
reflection and inspiration to enable us to do
just that.
Rev Anna Lindley


If you are thinking about Baptism or Marriage in any of
Funerals the three parish churches, please contact the Reverend
Vincent Francis O’Sullivan, March 9th, Skelton Malcolm Wainwright. Contact details can be found at
Hilda Ellis, March 12th, Skelton the top of this page.

Skelton Parish Council Next meeting is in the Village Hall at 7.30 p.m. on Shipton Parish Council Meeting, Community Centre Committee Room,
Thursday April 23rd. See website www.skelton-york.gov.uk or Parish Wednesday April 15th, 7.30pm.
Notice Boards for details. You are invited to Tea & Chat in the Chapel, Thursdays, April 16th, May
Elections to the Parish Council. On Election Day, May 7th, all 9 seats on 14th & June 11th 2-4pm. Call Yvonne on 01904 471936 if you need a lift
the Parish Council will be up for re-election. Almost anyone can be a Easter Saturday morning, April 4th – refreshments 10 - 12 am in
councillor, there are a few restrictions but the basic criteria are Church. Do drop in and look at the displays
straightforward: you have to be British or a citizen of the Commonwealth or Easingwold foodshare. Contact number 07724444750 if you, or anyone
European Union, at least 18 years old, registered to vote in the area or you know, would benefit from a food parcel
have lived, worked or owned property in the Parish for at least 12 months Pig Racing & Raffle, Thursday April 23rd, from 6.30pm, Dawnay Arms,
before the election. This will be your opportunity to represent your Shipton by Beningbrough. Tickets in advance £7.50 to include Chicken &
community. If you would like to know more, contact the Clerk or any of the Chip or Scampi & Chip supper. All proceeds will go towards Village
current Parish Councillors. Playground. We are trying to raise enough funds to buy a nest swing for
Skelton WI Monthly meeting, April 9th, Village Hall, 7.30pm. “How to the playground. Tickets available from Dawnay Arms, Dawn Tel 470749
increase wildlife in your garden” speaker—Sjaak Kastelijn (The Dutch or Peter Tel 471903. Food served from 6.30pm, pig racing will begin at
House). Competition — A Rare Bird. Visitors always welcome. Call 8.30pm. It's fun, come & support your community!
470605 for further information. Pub evenings, Monday April 6th, 8.00pm at Blacksmith’s Arms, Newton
Coffee, Chat & Books Skelton Village Hall, 10.00 – 11.30am, first and Monday April 13th at 8.00pm at Dawnay Arms in Shipton
Wednesday of every month. Upcoming dates, April 1st, May 6th and June Community Centre Management Committee AGM, July 2nd, 7.30pm in
3rd. Pop in for refreshment, chat and a browse! All welcome, If you’d like a Committee Room at the Community Centre. Current members of the
lift, please ask. For further details call 471351 Committee have been doing a tremendous job running the Community
Skelton Gardening Club. Next meeting Thursday April 23rd, 7.30pm, Centre in an efficient & cost effective manner for the past 10 years & has
Village Hall. “History of York Cemetery” - speaker Clive Dawson . New been awarded another grant from the Big Lottery Fund of £9500 towards
members always welcome. upgrading the toilet facilities. The Committee are looking for some new
Skelton Walking Group The next walk is on Saturday April 4th. Meet on blood, not only for support but for fresh & innovative ideas. Volunteers
the village green, for a 9.30am departure, for a 7 mile walk in Nidderdale, urgently needed! Contact our Chair - Drew Jordan on 01904 470864. For
through glorious woods, with fine views of Nidderdale, and a beautiful more information about/ book the Centre, call Jon Tate on 01904 470586
stretch of riverside path, followed by a pub lunch. All welcome, ring 470402
for details
Skelton Village Hall the Management Committee will hold its AGM on
Thursday April 30th at 8.00pm in the Village Hall. All welcome. There is a BENINGBROUGH NEWS
vacancy for one independent member. For details please email
pbgarden@aol.com or ring 470241 Newton-on-Ouse WI Thursday April 2nd 7.15 pm Newton Parish Hall.
Yoga at Skelton Village Hall after Easter for a six week term - April “How to survive increasing maturity” by Reena Scrowston. Join a lively,
16th/23rd/30th (No class on May 7th as the hall will be used for 'Election friendly group of ladies of all ages for a fun evening. Visitors and new
Polling Day') then May 14th/21st/28th, six weeks in all. Contact details members always welcome. Contact Val 01347 848314
tutor Breeda Dillon on 01904 768873 Parish Hall Committee. We are looking for a Secretary to the Parish Hall
Police Surgery for Skelton Ward Friday April 10th from 6pm. This will be Committee. Exciting opportunity to be part of the development plans for
in the Mobile Police Office (VW Transporter) which will be parked outside the Parish Hall complex. If you are interested please apply to the
the Village Hall. Residents are invited to come along and talk to our Safer Chairman at michaeljulia.hughes@gmail.com or 01347 848239
Neighbourhood Officer, PCSO Grace Silvester about any issues. Newton on Ouse Parish Hall 100 Club. Winners of the March draw were
Mobile Library in Skelton. The Mobile Library visits Skelton every two Tim Key (number 24, £30), Peter Bearfield (number 45, £15) and David
weeks. As well as borrowing books and audio books, you can update your Brining (number 73, £15). Congratulations to all. The APRIL 2015 draw
library card or York Card, return books from any other York library, and will be the first draw of the fourth year of the 100 Club and we hope as
request books to be brought to Skelton for you to borrow. The library stops many people as possible will support the venture, which has paid out over
in Fairfields Drive from 2.05pm to 3.05pm and Brecksfield from 3.10pm to £2000 in prizes and provided valuable help to the Parish Hall
4.00pm. Monday March 30th and the dates for April are: Mondays 13th & refurbishment. Please contact Wendy on 844036/Middle Cottage
27th For more information tel. 01904 552655, email Newton Walkers. Fancy a walk with good company & a pub lunch to
mobile.library@exploreyork.org.uk or go to www.exploreyork.org.uk follow? The Newton Walkers meet once a month & generally walk
Friends of St. Giles. Would you like to join the Friends? Pick up a leaflet between five & eight miles in the beautiful & varied Yorkshire countryside.
from the church or email friendsofstgiles@gmail.com New members Our walks take place on a Thursday & we meet at the Green in Newton on
always welcome. Ouse at 9.30 to share transport. Dates for 2015 are: April 23; May 21;
June 7/8/9 is our big three day walking holiday, this year based at the
SHIPTON WITH OVERTON NEWS Rose & Crown, Romaldkirk (Teesdale); July 30; August 27; September 24;
October 29; November 26; & on December 17 we’ll plan the programme
Forest of Galtres School would like to hear from anyone interested in for 2016, over a sandwich at the Dawnay. All very welcome! Further
hearing children read. Please call in to the school office if interested details please contact Alan (848095) or Tim (844036)
York Minster have given us free admission tickets for entry. If you wish to Coffee Morning will be at the White House Farm, home of Mrs Marion
borrow them they will be available in church Blacker, on Saturday April 11th at 10.30 am with the usual stalls. Do come
along and enjoy the morning
A Huge thank you to all you came and supported the March Coffee
Morning, an excellent total of £145 was raised
YOUR NEWSLETTER Notices for the newsletter should be Decorating the Church for Easter will now be on Friday morning, April
received by the 15th of April for the May issue. All notices
should be sent to your village co-ordinator or to Ian Holbrook,
3rd. Anyone who would like to help would be very appreciated.
20, Grange Close, Skelton, York YO30 1YR or via email to Pub evenings, Monday April 6th, 8.00pm at Blacksmith’s Arms, Newton
sslnews20@gmail.com by this date. and Monday April 13th at 8.00pm at Dawnay Arms in Shipton
***Please be careful to submit accurate information (especially Newton-on-Ouse Allotments There are currently several full and half
dates and phone Nos.)*** plots available on the allotment field in Newton-on-Ouse. If you are
The editor cannot be held responsible for the content of any interested in finding out more about taking on one of these, please contact
notice submitted. Kay Scott, Secretary, Newton-on-Ouse Allotments Association: 01347
Note email for adverts: sslnadverts@gmail.com 848465, tonyandkayscott@mac.com

NEWTON & LINTON NEWS continued… Adverts:
Please mention the Parish Newsletter when contacting advertisers
The Pot Luck Supper raised an excellent total of £942 - a very large
"Thank You" to everyone who supported the evening and to those who
helped and contributed to the catering, the evening was a great success
Craft Club – Newton-on-Ouse Parish Hall from 1.30 to 4.00pm. Dates for
2015— 7/4, 21/4, 5/5, 12/5. £20.00 per term of 10 weeks or £3.00 drop in
visit. Refreshments included. Contact Sue Chadwick 01347 848476.
Bead Catch up Day April 18th at Village Farm Cottage from 9.30am to Servicing and MOT Preparation
3.30pm. Coffee / Tea and biscuits provided. Cost £2.00 (Bring packed Work carried out on Cars — 4x4 — Light Commercial
lunch) Contact Pat Huck 01347 848064 All Welcome TYRES . BATTERIES . EXHAUSTS
The Easter Workshop, Linton Village Hall, Wednesday April 1st, from At very competitive prices
10am & hoping to finish at 1.30pm . Activities will include art craft, cooking,
story & song. Bring a packed lunch. To book a place please phone G H-D
Bosch Diagnostics & full Hella Air Conditioning
on 01347 848 219 or Helen Kirby on 01347 848 607 Service & Repairs
Linton on Ouse Gardening Club Village Hall at 7.30pm on Friday, April MAIN STREET, SHIPTON 01904 470263
24th “Bulbs for a summer display” Steve Wright. April Competition
“Photograph taken by you of bulbs in flower”. Membership £5 per year.
Visitors welcome to meetings - £3 per visit.
Sunday School. Next meeting Sunday April 12th Newton Village Hall, R BEAN & CO
10.30, and then in church. Please phone Justine Burroughs, 01347 Domestic Appliance Engineers
848806, or Rev Malcolm, for further details. Places available Unit 1
Newton & Linton Families are invited to monthly family services at All Wigginton Grange
Saints, Newton, every 2nd Sunday at 11am also in Linton Village Hall York YO32 2RD
every 3rd Sunday at 4 30pm. These will be informal services with
refreshments & will draw on material & activities for children & adults. Tel: 07976 152 591
Linton on Ouse Coffee Morning. Saturday April 25th at 10.30am in the Hoover & Hotpoint Specialist
Village Hall Sales Repairs & Spares
Linton Parish Council, Linton Village Hall, 7.00pm Tuesday April 14th.


Would you like a helping hand to keep your
Parishes Away Day, 10am - 4pm, Saturday April 18th, at Holy Rood garden beautiful?
Retreat Centre, Sowerby, Thirsk. ‘Finding the Extraordinary God in the
Ordinary’ & Young People’s exploration of that theme, led by Rev Gwynne  weeding  garden tidying  lawn edging
Wright & Rev Anna, leading the young people. A chance for all the
parishes, including families, to come together for activities, fellowship & Call Alex on:
reflection in a beautiful setting. Refreshments provided throughout the day
tel: 01347 848060 GARDEN BEAUTIFUL
& homemade lunch. Cost, adults £12, children £8.Please sign up on
mob: 07530569026 garden maintenance
sheets in churches. Rev Malcolm
The Easter Story, Shipton Church. 4 displays depicting the triumphal
entry into Jerusalem, Maundy Thursday—the Last Supper, Good Friday — Wood Farm Bed and Breakfast
the Crucifixion and Easter day — the Empty Tomb and the Resurrection. In
Shipton Church over Easter week-end. The church will be open - do come Shipton By Beningbrough, York
and have a look
4 Star Rating with Silver Award
Family Time, Fun, Faith and Food, Sunday, April 26th, 4-6 pm, Spacious farmhouse ensuite accommodation
Community Centre, Shipton. Do come with the family with a superb level of comfort
Coffee, Chat & Books Skelton Village Hall, 10.00 – 11.30am, first
Wednesday of every month. Upcoming dates, April 1st, May 6th and June Tel: 01904 470333
3rd. Pop in for refreshment, chat and a browse! All welcome, If you’d like a
lift, please ask. For further details call 471351
Pub evenings, Monday April 6th, 8.00pm at Blacksmith’s Arms, Newton
and Monday April 13th at 8.00pm at Dawnay Arms in Shipton
Christian Aid Week May 10th - May 16th, when we will be having our The Hambleton Handyman
annual House-to House collection for this very good cause. Success of this John Burroughs
collection depends entirely on the faithfulness & enthusiasm of our helpers. No job too small so go ahead and call!!
If you would be willing to deliver or collect envelopes in your area, please
get in touch with Gillian (01347 848219) for Newton, Linton or Shipton; with
Margaret (01904 470241) or Nancy (01904 470507) for Skelton. Let’s all Linton On Ouse Mobile: 07764 226511
be as generous as we can! York Tel: 01347 848806
YMCA charity shops. Donations of clothing, bric-a-brac, books or CDs
etc. for this charity can be delivered to Emma Castle at School Cottage, E-Mail: enquiries@thehambletonhandyman.co.uk
Shipton by Beningbrough who will than take them to the charity shop.
Emma can be contacted on 07776 164264
Fish and Chip Supper. Hold a sponsored supper to support the Spinal Injuries HOME FARM BENINGBROUGH
Association fund raising event on Friday May 15th. For more information or FARM SHOP & CAFE
request a fundraising pack contact Elizabeth Wright on 0845 071 4350, email Open every day except Monday
fundraising@siafishandchips.co.uk or visit www.fishandchips.co.uk 9.30am to 5.30pm
Serving breakfast, light lunches & afternoon teas
Contacts: Find us on the exit road from Beningbrough Hall
The Parish Newsletter:- sslnews20@gmail.com www.beningbroughhomefarm.co.uk
Email for adverts: sslnadverts@gmail.com Tel 01904 470562

Please mention the Parish Newsletter when contacting advertisers

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24 Hours 7 Days a Week Emergency Service 782033
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New Skelton Surgery Facilities
Telephone Acomb Surgery for appointments

CUNDALL COMPUTERS Justhats Patricia H Designs

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Repairs—Upgrades—Virus Removal—Software Support to suit individual needs.
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Tablet Repairs & Support—Kindle E-Reader Repairs Specials made for Ladies Day, Weddings etc.
Broadband Support—Laptop Batteries Supplied Patricia Huck Qualified Milliner
Tel: 01904 634386—Mobile: 07955006289 Newton-on-Ouse 01347 848064
Email: cundallcomputers@gmail.com Mob 07715400148, email: skyernie1@sky.com

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Domestic and Commercial

All aspects of electrical work undertaken—No job too small  Society Packages Available
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Installing Appliances—Breakdowns
 Tuition available from our Professional, James Wake
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Friendly reliable & efficient service - over 20 years experience  Membership available with no Joining Fee
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