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Squaring numbers ending in 9 or 1.


 Math Education
In our previous posts, we have discussed squaring numbers ending in 5,
squaring numbers near powers of 10 and numbers near 50, 500 etc. We
will now discuss squaring numbers ending in 9 or 1.

If a is any number ending in zero, a number ending in 9 can be

represented by (a – 1) while a number ending in 1 can be expressed as (a +
Using a common identity, we have for numbers ending in 1,

(a + 1)2 = a2 + 2(1)a + 12 = a2 + 2a + 1

Thus 312 = 302 + 2(30) + 1 = 900 + 60 + 1 = 961
and 712 = 702 + 2(70) + 1 = 4900 + 140 + 1 = 5041
Some would prefer to use this variation which is easier to remember

(a + 1)2 = a2 + 2a + 1 = a2 + a + (a + 1)

 Now we have: 412 = 402 + 40 + 41 = 1681
                  and   612 = 602 + 60 + 61 = 3721      
You can check your answers to these last two example using the
technique for squaring numbers near 50. ( 41 = 50 – 9 and 61 = 50 + 11).

For numbers ending in 9, we can use a similar technique,

(a – 1)2 = a2 – 2(1)a + 12 = a2 – 2a + 1

Using this result, 292 = 302 – 2(30) + 1 = 900 – 60 + 1 = 841
                    and 692 = 702 – 2(70) + 1 = 4900 – 140 + 1 = 4761
Similarly, we can use this easier to remember variation shown earlier:

            392 = 402 – 40 – 39 = 1521

               592 = 602 – 60 – 59 = 3481
For our given example, we use any of our variations;

39992 = 40002 – 2(4000) + 1 = 16,000,000 – 8,000 + 1 = 15, 992,001

Or 39992 = 40002 – 4000 – 3999 = 15,996,000 – 3,999 = 15, 992,001
Some may prefer to use digit sums to pick the right answer:

We can cast out the three 9s in 3,999 and 32 = 9. The only choice with a
repeated digital sum of 9 (or 0 when casting out 9s is used) is letter b.
Exercises: find the square of the following numbers:

1. 21
2. 91
3. 79
4. 89
5. 101
6. 121
7. 109
8. 199
9. 4001
10. 7999
Answers to previous exercises: Find the square of the following numbers
near 50, 500, etc

1. 53 → 25+3 |3^2 = 2809

2. 57 → 25+7 |7^2 = 3249
3. 63 → 25+13 |13^2 = 3969
4. 46 → 25-4 |4^2 = 2116
5. 44 → 25-6 |6^2 = 1936
6. 36 → 25-14 |14^2 = 1296
7. 507 → 250+7 |7^2 = 257,049
8. 497 → 250-3 |3^2 = 247,009
9. 5021 → 2500 + 21 |21^2 = 25, 210, 441
10. 4989 → 2500 – 11 |11^2 = 24, 890, 121
Squaring numbers near 50


 Math Education
Last week I mentioned about the YouTube video about this problem which
is said to be a Math Olympiad problem. The solution offered was also to
use the difference of two squares formula: 2^18 – 1 = (2^9 + 1)( 2^9 – 1).

Then 2^9 was computed by multiplying 2 nine times: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64,
128, 256 and 512.

Thus (2^9 + 1)( 2^9 – 1) = 513 x 511 = (500 + 13)(500 + 11) = 500^2 + 500
(13 + 11) + 13(11)

As we have explained last week, 2^10 bytes = 1Kb = 1024 bytes. So half of
that, 2^9 is 512.

Now we have 2^18 – 1 = (2^9)^2 – 1 = 512^2 – 1

We can use the technique for squaring numbers near 50, which is similar
to squaring numbers near the base as discussed in last week’s post.

The applicable word formula here is: Whatever the excess over 50, increase 25
by that amount and set-up the square of the excess.
Using this formula we have:

            52^2 = 25 + 2 | 2^2 = 2704

            54^2 = 25 + 4 | 4^2 = 2916

            55^2 = 25 + 5 | 5^2 = 3025

            59^2 = 25 + 9 | 9^2 = 3481

            62^2 = 25 + 12 | 12^ 2 = 37 | 144 = 3844

Note that we have allotted two places for the square of the excess.
For numbers below the base, we can use the variation: Whatever the
deficiency from 50, decrease 25 by that amount and set-up the square of the
            49^2 = (50 -1)^2 = 25 – 1 | 1^2 = 2401
            47^2 = (50 – 3)^2 = 25 – 3 | 3^2 = 2209

            39^2 = (50 -11)^2 = 25 – 11 | 11^2 = 14 | 121 = 1421

We can extend this technique for squaring numbers near 500, 5000, ETC.

            509^2 = 250 + 9 | 9^2 = 259, 081

            525^2 = 250 + 25 | 25^2 = 275, 625

            498^2 = 250 – 2 | 2^2 = 248, 004

            5015^2 = 2500 + 15 | 15^2 = 2515 | 0225 = 25, 150, 225

Now for 512^2, we have 250 + 12 | 12^2 = 262,144 and 2^18 -1 = 262,143

Exercises: find the squares of the following:

1. 53
2. 57
3. 63
4. 46
5. 44
6. 36
7. 507
8. 497
9. 5021
10. 4989
Answers to last week’s exercises:

 Find the value of the ff:

1. 12^2 = 144
2. 14^2 = 196
3. 17^2 = 289
4. 103^2 = 10609
5. 106^2 = 11236
6. 112^2 = 12544
7. 1031^2 = 1,062,961
8. 98^2 = 9604
9. 993^2 = 984,049
10. 989^2 = 978, 121
Squaring a number near a base


 Math Education
Two weeks ago, I found YouTube videos discussing this problem and a
similar one which is said to be a Math Olympiad problem, “20^18 – 1”.
The approach to solving the problems, as shown in both videos, are
basically the same but I will discuss first our featured example.

2^20 can be expressed as 2^(10×2) which can be written as (2^10)^2.

In this form, (2^10)^2 – 20^2 is clearly a difference of two squares, which
can be factored as (2^10 + 20) x (2^10 – 20).
In the video, the computation for 2^10 = 1024 was not shown.  But since
almost all of us now are concerned with storage space either in
computers or cell phones, it would be beneficial to know that 1 kb is not
1000 but 1024 bytes. While the prefix “k” means 1,000 in SI units, in
computer jargon, 1 K = 1024, which is the value of 2^10.

So 1 Mb = 1k x 1kb, 1 Gb = 1k x 1 Mb, and 1 TB = 1k x 1 Gb.

We now have (1024 + 20) x (1024 – 20) or 1044 x 1004.

This was solved using the well known formula (x + a) (x + b) = x^2 + (a + b)x
+ ab with x = 1000.
I found this solution as a good example of using the difference of two
squares so I used it in one of my IVMO 2022 Training sessions. But I used
the Vedic  base multiplication to quickly determine the product 1044 x
1004 as (1044 + 4 | 44 x 4), which is 1048|176.

Later I realized the there is faster vedic math solution which can be done

We can directly square 2^10 or 1024 and then subtract 20^2 or 400. In
squaring numbers above the base, we can use the Sutra “Whatever the
excess, increase it further by that amount and and set-up the square of the
 Here the excess from the base 1000 is 24 and we have a quick way of
squaring 24. 24^2 = (25 – 1)^2 = 25^2 – 25 – 24 = 625 – 25 -24 =576.

Hence 1024^2 = (1024 + 24 | 24^2 = 1048 | 576

And 1, 048, 576 – 400 = 1, 048, 176

For numbers below the base, we will use the equivalent sutra: Whatever
the deficiency, decrease it further by that amount and set-up the square of the
Thus 8^2 = 8 -2 | 2^2 = 6 | 4

97^2 = 97 – 3 | 3^2 = 94 | 09

991^2 = 991 – 9 | 9^2 = 982 | 081

We will discuss similarly easy way to solve 2^18 – 1 next week.

 Exercises: Find the value of the ff:

1. 12^2 =
2. 14^2 =
3. 17^2 =
4. 103^2 =
5. 106^2 =
6. 112^2 =
7. 1031^2 =
8. 98^2 =
9. 993^2 =
10. 989^2 =
Answers to last week’s exercises: Find the square root of the following:

1. 576 → 24
2. 1024 → 32
3. 1521 → 39
4. 1849 → 43
5. 2916 → 54
6. 4356 → 66
7. 5041 → 71
8. 6084 → 78
9. 7744 → 88
10. 8836 → 94
Square root of perfect squares


 Math Education
This question was given In the intermediate category of the 2nd Philippine
National Vedic Math Olympiad last 2021 were participants are required to
answer 50 questions in 1 hour.
Since all the choices are whole numbers, we can assume that 7056 is a
perfect square.

If we know our table of squares well, we can easily solve this problem
using the Vedic Math sutra the First by the First and the Last by the Last.
Table of squares

12 = 1               92 = 81

22 = 4               82 = 64
32 = 9               72 = 49
42 = 16             62 = 36
52 = 25
From the table of squares, we can see that the squares of ten’s
complement like 1 and 9, 2 and 8, etc. end in the same digits.

We can split 7056 into two groups of two digits each. Since the first group,
70 is more than 64 (square of 8) but less than 81 (the square of 9), the first
digit must be 8.

But from the last digit of the second group, 56, we can see that we have
two possible answers: 84 and 86. How do we quickly determine which is
the correct one?

From our post last week, we learned that squares of numbers ending in 5
follow the By One more than the One Before sutra.  The first part of the
square of 85 is obtained by multiplying 8 by one more than 8, that is, 8 x 9 =
72. Since 70 is less than the 72, the square root of 7056 is 84.
Exercises: Find the square root of the following perfect squares:

1.   576 →
2. 1024 →
3. 1521 →
4. 1849 →
5. 2916 →
6. 4356 →
7. 5041 →
8. 6084 →
9. 7744 →
10. 8836 →
Answers to last week’s exercises:

Find the square root of the following numbers ending in 25

1. 625 → 25
2. 7225 → 85
3. 9025 → 95
4. 225 → 15
5. 3025 → 55
6. 2025 → 45
7. 11025 → 105
8. 15625 → 125
9. 13225 → 115
10. 990,025 → 995
Square root of perfect squares ending in 25


 Math Education
What this question given in the primary category of the 1st International
Vedic Mathematics Olympiad in September 11, 2021 really requires is to
find out the square root of of 5625. Anyone who is familiar with Vedic
Mathematics can answer this “By Mere Observation” which was the sutra
we discussed in our two previous posts.
But even those who have no knowledge of Vedic Math or who do not
know how to extract the square root of perfect squares may answer this
question without resorting to the “guess and check” or “trial and error”

First, since the number 5625 ends in 5, the last digit of the square root
must be 5. This is confirmed because all the choices involve numbers
ending in 5.

Next if we look at the first two digits of the perfect square, 56, we can see
the it is more than 49 which is the square of 7 but less that 64 which is the
square of 8.

This means that the square root of 5625 lies between 70 and 80 and with
5 as the last digit. Therefore, D) 75 x 75 is the answer.

In fact, 56 is 7 x 8, which follows the Vedic Math formula for squaring

numbers ending in 5: the first part is obtained “By One More than the One
Before” and the second part is always 5 x 5 or 25. In 75 x 75, the number
before 5 is 7 and one more than 7 is 8. Thus 75 x 75 = 7 x 8 | 5 x 5 = 56|
25 = 5625.

Exercises: Find the square root of the following:

1. 625
2. 7225
3. 9025
4. 225
5. 3025
6. 2025
7. 11025
8. 15625
9. 13225
10. 990,025
Answers to previous exercises: The remainder when the number is
divided by 11.

1. 1334 → 3
2. 3777 → 4
3.  2323 → 2
4. 5678 → 2
5. 12345 → 3
6. 54321 → 3
7. 25552 → 10
8. 235,238 → 3
9. 238,235 → 8
10. 555,222 → 8

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