Business Studies XII Chapter 1 Period 5 Notes For Teachers

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Management is a universal term used for

certain functions performed by individuals

in an enterprise who are bound together in
a hierarchy of relationships.
Every individual in the organisational
hierarchy is responsible for successful
completion of a particular task.
To be able to fulfill that responsibility he is
assigned authority or the right to take
This authority-responsibility relationship
binds individuals as superiors and
subordinates. It gives rise to different
levels of management in an organisation.
Top Level Management
Top management consists of the senior most
executives of the organisation.
 Chief Operating Officer
 Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
 Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)
 Chief Finance Officer (CFO)
 Managing Director
 Chairman
 President
 Vice-President
Top management is a team consisting of
managers from different functional levels,
heading finance, marketing, etc. For example,
chief finance officer, vice president (marketing),
Functions of top level management
1. To integrate diverse elements and coordinate
the activities of different departments
according to the overall objectives of the
2. To be responsible for welfare and survival of
the organisation.
3. To analyse the business environment and its
implications for the survival of the firm.
4. To formulate overall organisational goals and
strategies for their achievement.
5. To be responsible for all the activities of the
business and for its impact on the society.
Thus, the job of the top management is complex
and stressful, demanding long-hours and
commitment to the organisation.
Middle Level Management
Middle management is the link between top and lower level
managers. They are subordinates to top managers and
superior to the first line managers. The main task of middle
management is to carry out the plans formulated by the top
Middle management consists of divisional/ departmental
 Human Resource (HR) Manager
 Production Manager
 Marketing Manager
 Finance Manager
 Operations Manager
 Plant Superintendent
 Regional Manager
 Divisional Manager
Middle management is responsible for implementing and
controlling plans and strategies developed by top
management. At the same time they are responsible for all
the activities of first line managers.
Functions of middle level management
1. To interpret the policies framed by the top
2. To ensure that their department has the
necessary personnel.
3. To assign necessary duties and
responsibilities to the employees of their
respective departments for implementation of
the plan.
4. To motivate employees of their respective
departments to achieve the desired
5. To cooperate with other departments for
smooth functioning of the organisation.
Operational or Supervisory Management
It refers to the lower level in the hierarchy of the
organisation. Foremen and Supervisors comprise the
operational/supervisory management.
Their authority and responsibility is limited according
to the plans drawn by the top management.
Functions of operational management
1. To oversee the efforts of the workforce.
2. To interact with the actual workforce and pass on
the instructions of the middle management to the
3. To ensure that the quality of output is maintained
and wastage of material is minimized.
4. To ensure safety standards are maintained
Role of Supervisory Management
Supervisory management plays a very
important role in the organisation since they
interact with the actual work force and pass
on instructions of the middle management to
the workers.
The quality of workmanship and the quantity
of output depends on the hard work,
discipline and loyalty of the workers.

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