Induction Ceremony 2021

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"The mother art is architecture .

Without an
architecture of our own we have no soul of our
own civilization". Quoted by Frank Lloyd
Respected Dignitaries on and off the dais , staff
and all the students present here , a very good
afternoon to you all . On behalf of NCA family
it's my proud privilege to welcome you all to
Induction Ceremony of our 7th batch 2021
Architecture offers an opportunity to engage
society on variety of terms, be it is a practicing
architect , academician or others . With this
right motive, NCA concentrates on developing
the core skills in allied fields on one's
We're honoured to have Ar.Rohini Prasad with
us here today who will be sharing with us her
ideas and thoughts , for which we all absolutely
look forward to . So , I once again welcome you
all to the Induction Ceremony-2021

I request everyone to stand up for observing
one minute silence in honour of our beloved
founder chairman Dr.P.K.Das , which will be
followed by a prayer song .

WELCOME SPEECH- Principal Madhavan

An eminent scholar who graduated his b-arch
from SPA Chennai and M arch from IIT
Kharagpur , leader in academic has served as
the head of different institutions around 30
years .
With immense pleasure , I would like to say
that he has guided over 3000 students of b-arch
and M arch in thesis.
Now with great honour , I welcome our beloved
Principal Ar . Madavan Thirumeni to deliver the
welcome address .
Sir please....


“If you light a lamp for some hands it will also
brighten your path” Said Buddha. Following his
words , let us begin the session by lighting the
lamp and bringing in light .
I invite all the luminaries on the stage to come
forward to illuminate the program by lighting
the lamp .

Our beloved Chairman and Managing trustee of
NGI Adv .Dr .P .Krishnadas . Following the track
of his great father late P.K.Das , he has picked
up his father’s sensibility, intellect, technical
and managerial competency.
Adv.Dr.P.Krishnadas began his graduation in
Law and went on to be a post graduate and
then in business, securing MBA . He later
became a research scholar which procured him
with a Ph.D .
Following his favourite quotation that “Tough
times do not last but tough people do” and
with his indomitable will and strength , he
could make all his sky high dreams come true .
The NGI Empire is the witness to his immense
hard work and killer instinct . He has also
procured numerous awards for his works .
It’s my privilege to welcome our beloved
chairman and Managing Trustee Dr .P
Krishnadas for the presidential address.


Mrs . Ar. Rohini Prasad .. She is the chief

architect and landscape architect of Rohini
Prasad & associates Kochi .
She graduated her architecture form CET
Trivandrum and masters in landscape
architecture from SPA Delhi .
Ar . Rohini Prasad is a fellow member of IIA and
the current chairperson of Indian Society of
Landscape Architects of Kerala chapter.
Ar Rohini Prasad have held various positions
Member of Lakshadweep development board
Expert committee member of AICTE
Expert committee member of Council of
Past secretary of Ernakulam women’s
I humbly request Ar Rohini Prasad to deliver the
inaugural address.

KEY NOTE: Dr . Krishna Kumar

Dr.Gunasekaran, Principal Jawaharlal College of
Engineering & Technology. He has been in
various capacities of handling Engineering
education for the past 32 years. He has served
as Member of Board of Studies, Academic
Council Member and reviewer of articles in
leading international journals.
Here I invite Dr . Gunasekaran to grace the
occasion by his words .

SHRI . Srinivas Nair is the principal co-ordinator
Of Nehru Group Of Institution ,he is an
instrumental person in creation of this
institution .
Now I would like to call Srinivas Nair to say a
few words .


This is the time we acknowledge the talent of

our position holders, the position holders who
have been struggling and facing many
challenges and difficulties to be pioneers.
To felicitate the achievers of NCA I would like to
call our chief guest and our beloved chairman
to come forward to distribute the award and

Now I call up on Mohamed Suhail ,3rd year

student he has been acknowledged with a
National record titled “Maximum names of
Indian Presidents carved on Leaves“ under
India book of records – 2020. His efforts,
patience and skills have been verified by the
editorial board of “India book of records”.
thankyou all

Now I call up on Ms. Anila, 4th year has been

acknowledged with a National record titled ,
“Maximum String Art Portraits“ under Indian
Book of Records – 2022. Her efforts, patience
and skills have been verified by the Editorial
Board of ‘India Book of Records’. thankyou all

Now I call up on Abhijeet Raj 4th year for

securing a spot in the prestigious ‘Asia Book of
Records’ and Indian book of records for carving
out the names of the Health Ministers of all 28
Indian states on 28 different pencil leads.
Thankyou all

Now I call up on Sanfiya H 4th year entered into

the India Book of Records 2020 for ‘Splendid
embroidered work displaying Presidents of
India’. The portraits of all the Presidents with
their names and tenure were done using black
and red thread on white canvas, and was
confirmed by the Editorial Board of India Book
of records . thankyou all.
As a token of love and gratitude, we would like
to present our chief guest with a memento . I
welcome our beloved chairman to do the
honour . Madam please
Now I would like to invite Libin Babu , final year
student to share his thoughts in this occasion
And now I request one of the first year student
to come on the stage and say a few words.
Prof. Ar. Keshav Gangadhar , he graduated his
architecture from School of Planning and
Architecture, New Delhi in 1991 and M.Arch in
Environmental Architecture from AIIA. He’s a
practicing architect and academician
Now I would like to call Prof .Ar Keshav
Gangadhar to deliver the vote of thanks .
Sir please..
With this , we’ve come to an end of our
Induction Ceremony 2021 . I now request
everyone to stand up for the national anthem.

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