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PESCI Via Desktop-video Regulations

Version July 2020

Welcome to your PESCI Assessment conducted by the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine
on behalf of the Australian Medical Council and the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Authority.

Assessment Content
The panel will consist of three assessors who will introduce themselves at the start of the assessment. The
Chair and at least one other assessor will be a fully qualified Specialist General Practitioner working in
Australia. One of the three assessors may be a Community Representative, a non-medically trained
professional who has expert knowledge and experience of the Australian Primary Health Care system.
The process will provide you with the opportunity to demonstrate your clinical skills through the exploration
of four scenarios.

Each of these scenarios are independent and relate to an individual patient. Some scenarios will be
conducted by role play, others by case-based discussion. Some scenarios will include written material to
consider before starting. Please understand that emotions expressed by role-playing assessors are part of
the clinical process and have no other meaning. Similarly, other assessors may interject during the
scenario as part of the assessment process.

The scenarios are all straightforward clinical encounters that you are likely to see in the practice you have
selected. The cases never involve trick questions or rare diagnoses. It is essential to approach the
scenario in the context of where you have applied to work as that is how you will be assessed.

Time management is a critical requirement for safe and effective clinical performance, a key requirement
of the PESCI assessment criteria. Each scenario will be limited to 15 minutes. Please ask for clarification
at any time if you are unsure what is required.

It is the candidate’s sole responsibility to ensure that their computer hardware, software and internet
connection is suitable.

At present, PESCIs are conducted via desktop-video on the Zoom platform

The mandatory minimum requirements are:

• Hardware: Must be a computer (not phone or iPad) and must have a screen of sufficient size and
optical quality to be able to read text and the finer details of images. Hence the screen must be at
least 1920 x 1080 (1080p FHD - Full High Definition) resolution or equivalent and no less than 13
inches diagonal measurement

• Software: at least Windows 10 or Mac 10.9, and you must use the Zoom App and not a browser

• Ethernet cable to modem rather than Wi-Fi recommended as this is more stable and reliable

• A headset is recommended as this is more reliable and stable than inbuilt microphone and

• Internet connection: must be of sufficient bandwidth and stability to ensure completion of the
PESCI without any interruption in video or audio quality. Minimum of 1.2 mbps. Ensure you have
verified this with an online speed test

• You are not permitted to use Virtual Backgrounds. Ensure that you can be clearly seen against
your chosen background i.e. appropriate lighting and (preferably) blank white wall background
• Ensure that you are alone in the room

• Ensure that all other devices are turned off including phones, iPads and other computers

• You are allowed to use a pen and blank sheets of paper to take notes if you wish

• Recording of the interview by candidates is not allowed

• It is mandatory that the candidate check their computer can manage a Zoom meeting prior to

• You must enter the Zoom Waiting Room between 5 and 15 minutes before your scheduled starting

• Please wait until you are invited to join the meeting

• All PESCI are recorded for ACRRM training and QA processes. The candidate will not be allowed
to access the recording under any circumstances

• You will be asked to hold your photo ID up to your camera for recording. Please note that this
MUST be the same as the verified ID in their application. If the candidate is not able to present this
at the PESCI, arrangements must be made with the ACRRM office in advance of the PESCI for
alternative ID. Failure to do so will result in the PESCI not proceeding, a ‘failure to provide correct
identification’ will be recorded as the outcome and no refund provided.

• You will be asked to restate the definition of the Level of Supervision that applies to the position in

• The panel may briefly ask you to clarify aspects of your curriculum vitae

• Please note that the assessors are unable to provide any formal feedback whatsoever during or
after the assessment

• The report will be processed according to AMC regulations.

Connection problems
The candidate has until 10 minutes beyond the starting of the PESCI to complete log in to ZOOM with their
camera and audio working properly. Failure to do so will result in the PESCI ending without refund.

If there are problems with the audio and/or video quality of the desktop video technology during the
PESCI, the panel will first ascertain if this is at the assessors’ end. If the panel members are accessing the
desktop video technology without defect, this will then be attributed to the candidate’s connection. This
includes inability to read the text or see the images clearly on the screen, or inability to hear the assessor.
As such, the candidate will have a maximum interruption of 4 minutes in total across the entire PESCI to
fix the problem.
Note that as it is the responsibility of the candidate to ensure their equipment and IT connection are
appropriate, when the PESCI is unable to proceed due to these reasons, the assessors may elect to end
the PESCI before the assessment is completed. In these circumstances, the interview will be marked
‘technology failure’ and no refund will be provided.

If the candidate drops out of the Zoom PESCI and has not returned to the Zoom waiting room within 4
minutes, the PESCI will then cease, and the interview will be marked as ‘technology failure’ and no refund
will be provided.

Professional Behaviour
Any attempt by the candidate to record the PESCI, have an unauthorised person present in the same
room, access unauthorised material during the PESCI or any other attempt at cheating will result in the
candidate being recorded as Unsatisfactory plus the Medical Board of Australia being notified of the
incident. Please note that the assessor panel may ask the candidate to reposition the camera to view the
rest of the room if there is a suspicion that inappropriate behaviour may be occurring. If inappropriate
behaviour such as recording the PESCI is discovered after completion of the PESCI, AHPRA and the
Medical Board of Australia will be notified.

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