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Student: _______________________________________

Group (choose one): G816 (Journalism) / G916 (Advertising)

Teacher: Clàudia Esteruelas

L6 English IN-CLASS WRITING (A discursive essay: Taking sides)

Planning what to write

1. TOPIC: _____________________

2. TITLE: _____________________

3. WHAT IS YOUR VIEW (in favour/against; do you agree/disagree)? _____________________

4. OUTLINE (structure) - write short ideas, not full sentences

★ Introduction (topic and view) *Do not start with ‘’m going to write about’

★ Body
REASONS that support your view and EXAMPLES to illustrate those reasons.
(Each paragraph should start with a TOPIC sentence that you will then have to develop/explain).
Include a COUNTER ARGUMENT (show that you have considered the opposing view) and REFUTE it.

1. ...

2. …

3. …

4. …

★ Conclusion (recap/summarise main points + view)

KEYWORDS and specific VOCABULARY (remember to use varied vocabulary, synonyms and different
ways of talking about the same idea)

Make a list of any useful information that you may need (e.g. data, numbers, dates, people’s names...)

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