Set 1 Answer Key

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Set 1

Answer Key
Unique Paper Code/Subject Code: 12273303
Name of the Paper: Data Analysis
Name of course: SEC
Scheme/Mode of Examinations: CBCS Semester – III (Admission of 2019)

Attempt total four Questions taking two from each section, A and B

Section A

1 a.
Table 1.1 Contingency table based on percentage of total admitted patients:
Fever Fatigue Dry Cough Total
ICU 11.46 9.24 6.69 27.39 (2)
NON-ICU 31.85 21.34 19.43 72.61
Total 43.31 30.57 26.11 100.00

Table 1.2 Contingency table based on percentage of row total:

Fever Fatigue Dry Cough Total (2)
ICU 41.86 33.72 24.42 100.00
NON-ICU 43.86 29.39 26.75 100.00
Total 43.31 30.57 26.11 100.00

Table 1.3 Contingency table based on percentage of column total:

Fever Fatigue Dry Cough Total (2)
ICU 26.47 30.21 25.61 27.39
NON-ICU 73.53 69.79 74.39 72.61
Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

b. Maximum share of the ICU admitted patients came with complain of fever, 41.86% (table
1.2). So, fever is the more compelling symptom to admit the patients to ICU beds.
c. In case of patents with dry cough, only 25.61 percent cases required ICU admission.
Whereas in 74.39% cases ICU admission was not required. So, the patient with dry cough has
very less possibility (25.6%) of ICU admission requirement. (5)

Note: students may explain so many things, but full marks to be given only in case of
addressed the question asked rightly.

2. a. Trimmed mean: Definition and example from Devore pg no.32,33. Advantage: gives
means excluding outliers. Moderate trimming percentage is neither as sensitive to outliers as
is the mean nor as insensitive as the median.
( 2.5 +2.5)

> data=c(8, 93, 74, 16, 32, 39, 87, 12, 47, 50)

> mean(data, trim = 0.2)
[1] 43 (5)
b) The position of median value will not change. Mean value will increase by ‘c’. Numerical
example or mathematical derivation is required.
c) difference between the Stem-and -Leaf display and Histogram
Both display the distribution of the date. Must include the followings:(i) difference in terms
of formation (ii) advantage in terms of classes and class widths etc. (3)
2.a) stratified samples. Pg no.43. only one mistake, instead of 400, it should be 500 as there
are 5 classes.
What type of sampling was used? (2)
How would you carry out the sampling according to the method involved there? (4)
why most efficient method? Try to differentiate the advantages from other method like
simple random sampling or systematic sampling

Section B
4. a)
Merchandise Z score
Country trade (% of
Name GDP) in
Afghanistan 42.6 -0.08687
Bangladesh 36.4 -0.44155
Bhutan 67.6 1.566401
India 30.9 -0.8518
Maldives 61.9 1.510954
Nepal 46.3 0.74522
Pakistan 26.5 -1.12785
Sri Lanka 38.6 -0.33719
Q1 35.025
Q3 50.2
b) No outlier following a general rule, a Z score that is less than -3.0 or greater than +3.0
indicates an outlier value. (Ref: Levine pg no. 130-131) (3)
c) Mean>Median implies right skewed. (3.5)

5. a.i. sample size is needed if the company wants to be 95% confident of being correct to
within ±5 minutes
1.962∗ 302
𝑛1 = =138.2976 (5)

2.582 ∗ 302
ii. 𝑛2 = =239.6304, sample size to increase by 101. (5.5)

b) as.numeric() Tatter pg 25, Gardener pg 46 as.integer() Gardener pg 46 , and history ()

Gardener pgno 51 (3*2=6)

6. a) 𝐻0 : 𝜇𝐷 ≤ 0
𝐻1: 𝜇𝐷 > 0 (3)
b) reference t critical value for one tailed test (3.5)
c) set null and alternative hypotheses and then using two tailed test statistic (10)

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