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Republic of the Philippines

Bicol University
Daraga, Albay
Professor : Prof. Mary Joy S. Nuñez
Term : 1st Semester, A.Y. 2021-2022


1. What are major arguments of the Nationalists (the Pro-passage of the bill)? What
are major arguments of the Conservatives (the Anti-Passage of the bill)? In your
assessment, who won in the passage of the law R.A. 1425? Why?
The Nationalists
The goal of the Rizal Law was to spread the beliefs and values of the great
Filipino patriot via the study of his books, notably the "Noli Me Tangere" and
"El Filibusterismo."
That in order to attain self-reliance, self-respect, and independence, the
Filipinos must be willing to make difficult sacrifices. That’s why that reflecting
Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo as novels for Filipinos to read in order
to become more conscious of themselves as a country.
The sole object of the said bill was to foster the better appreciation of Rizal’s
times and of the role he played in combating Spanish tyranny in this country,
and not to offend any faith.
It is through the works of Rizal, the greatest Filipino patriot, that we can see
not only the Filipinos' strengths and virtues, but also their flaws and vices.
The Conservatives
The oppositors, Senators Rodrigo, Rosales, and Cuenco voted in favor of a bill
requiring Filipinos to salute the flag if they read something that goes against their
religious beliefs. They maintained that it was no different than a mandate to
salute US flags, which the Supreme Court has said is an infringement on
freedom of speech and religion. The Catholic Church, on the other hand, stated
that its support for the measure was consistent with that of its millions of
They argued that the two novels included beliefs contrary to the principles of their
faith, and they notably criticized the bill's mandatory character as a violation of
religious freedom. Their main point of contention was a purported Pastoral Letter
(from the CBCP) that, although praising Rizal, effectively labeled his books as
heretical and impious.
Rizal previously acknowledged that in these passages, he not only condemned
the friars who mistreated Filipinos, but he also assailed the Catholic Faith itself.
Furthermore, they claim that just 25 phrases in Noli Me Tangere are patriotic,
whereas 120 are anti-Catholic.
2. Individual Outputs:
A: What is your reaction on the story of Horacio de la Costa and the Bishops?

B: By reading and analyzing R.A. 1425, can a student be exempted from taking the
Rizal course?
C: Why do we have to take Rizal course?

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