Memo 20220184 20220181 20220215 20220031

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Technical Report Writing

Assignment N0.1

Cairo University, Faculty of Computers and Artificial Intelligence

Instructor: Dr. Ihab El-Khodary

Students' names and IDs:

Abdullah Tarek Mohy Eldein Elsayed 20220184
Abdelrahman Mahmoud Abdelhakem 20220181
Ahmed Mohamed Ahmed Sayed 20220031
Ammar Mohamed Abbas Abdallah 20220215
I. The announcement
I. The topic of the announcement.
II. Why are computer skills important for the employees.
III. Why is the seminar important for the employees.
IV. Who is the presenter of the seminar.


 I. When is the seminar

 II. Where is the seminar
 III. Provided services
 IV. Brochure
 V. For more helpful information

TO: All the employees of the company

FROM: Administrative Assistant
DATE: 13 December 2022
SUBJECT: Computer-Training Seminar

This is to inform you that we are organizing a seminar for computer training. These
seminars are organized to enhance computer skills.

Currently, computer and software skills are essential for many professionals and employees must
have these skills the seminar will be conducted by: Osama Mohamed. who has more than five
years of experience in the computer field he also has a YouTube channel to teach and train
people for free. He will help you improve the essential skills that will increase your efficiency in
work and by order, it will increase your salaries in long term.

The seminar will be held on Wednesday, December 21 from 7:00 AM To 11:00 AM and on
Thursday, December 22 from 2:00 PM TO 6:00 PM.
It will be happening in the faculty of computer science and artificial intelligence at Cairo
Parking will be available for all the participants. Launch and refreshments will be served.

Also, you must have received a brochure telling you more about this seminar and the background
of the people behind this big event.
Please contact us through email if you want to join.

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