Slang Words Clueless

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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra
in English Letters

Student Number: 164214044






Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra
in English Letters

Student Number: 164214044




Don’t Get Stressed,

Do Your Best,
Forget the Rest.


This thesis is dedicated

to myself
my parents



All praises be to Allah SWT, the Almighty and Merciful, the Great Creator

and the Lord of the Universe, who has mysteriously guided the writer in completing

the process of writing this thesis.

My deepest gratitude goes to my thesis advisors Dr. Fr. B. Alip, M.Pd., M.A.

and Anna Fitriati, S.Pd., M.Hum., and my preliminary thesis lecturer Arina Isti'anah,

S.Pd., M.Hum. Their valuable guidance and advise have helped me patch this

research. Their suggestions and instructions have served as the major contribution

towards the completion of my thesis especially during the dark days of the pandemic

quarantine life. I am thankful for their patience in allowing me to take my time to

complete this thesis and make it possible for me to graduate in time.

I would like to express my sincerest gratitude towards my parents and my

family for the endless support and prayers. I would not be where I am today without

their love, advice, encouragement and understanding throughout every stages and

obstacles of my education.

Lastly, I would like to also thank all my friends whose names could not all be

mentioned. They have been there in every stages of the way and for the endless boost

during my indolence. I am forever grateful for their existence in my life. They have

been such a blessing to me.

Adelina Sekar Putri



TITLE PAGE...............................................................................................................ii
APPROVAL PAGE....................................................................................................iii
ACCEPTANCE PAGE..............................................................................................iv
STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY...........................................................................v
DEDICATION PAGE..............................................................................................viii
TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................................x
LIST OF ABBREVIATION.....................................................................................xii
LIST OF TABLES....................................................................................................xiii

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION...............................................................................1
A. Background of the Study......................................................................................1
B. Problem Formulation...........................................................................................5
C. Objectives of the Study........................................................................................5
D. Definition of Terms..............................................................................................5

CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE...........................................................7

A. Review of Related Studies...................................................................................7
B. Review of Related Theories...............................................................................10
1. Sociolinguistics............................................................................................11
2. Literal and Contextual Meaning...................................................................12
3. Language Variation......................................................................................12
4. Slang.............................................................................................................14
a. Social Factors.........................................................................................15
b. Social Dimension...................................................................................16
5. Functions of Slang........................................................................................17
C. Theoretical Framework......................................................................................19


CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY.........................................................................21

A. Object of the Study..........................................................................................21
B. Approach of the Study.....................................................................................22
C. Method of the Study........................................................................................23
1. Data Collection..........................................................................................23
2. Data Analysis.............................................................................................24


A. The Contextual Meaning of Slang Words Uttered by Cher Horowitz............30
1. Contextual Meaning of Newly Created Slang Words in Clueless.............31
2. Contextual Meaning of Newly Interpreted Slang Words in Clueless.......37
B. The Function of Slang Words Uttered by Cher Horowitz in Clueless Movie.43
1. Pursuit of Self-identity...............................................................................44
2. Emotive Feeling of Slang Users................................................................49
CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION.................................................................................55



NCS : Newly Created Slang

NIS : Newly Interpreted
Slang PSI : Pursuit of
EF : Emotive Feeling of Slang
User AP : Achieving Politeness



No. Table Page

1 Table 1 – Display of Contextual Meaning Analysis 26

2 Table 2 – Display of Function for Using Slang Words 27
3 Table 3 – The Summary of Slang Words Uttered by Cher Horowitz 28
4 Table 4 – Contextual Meaning of Newly Created Slang in Clueless 31
5 Table 5 – Contextual Meaning of Newly Interpreted Slang in Clueless 37
6 Table 6 – Function for Using Slang Words by Cher Horowitz 44




Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Universitas Sanata
Language is a tool to express feeling and emotion. It is also a system of
communication among individuals. Many forms of languages are found in the
society, it can be informal or formal languages. Slang is an informal style of speech
used by the member of a certain community, commonly by teenagers. Slang consists
of words or phrases that are used instead of more everyday terms among younger
speakers and other groups with special interest. The understanding of meaning of the
slang words is needed to maintain smooth communication with others. Slang language
is used in many forms of media, such as in Amy Heckerling’s romantic comedy film
called Clueless.
This research focused only to analyze the slang words uttered by the main
character, Cher Horowitz. There were two problems formulated in this research. The
first problem was to determine the contextual meaning of the slang words uttered by
Cher Horowitz. While the second problem was to identify the function of the slang
words found in the movie Clueless.
The data of this research were examined using sociolinguistics approach in
terms of analyzing the slang words. To collect the data, the researcher used
population study method. However, the researcher only chose the slang words uttered
by Cher Horowitz with the total number of 29 instead of overall slang words found in
the movie. The data of this research were collected by watching and reading the
movie screenplay as well as following the movie script. After the slang words were
gathered, they were analyzed using the theory of social factors by Holmes (2013) and
the function of using slang words are determined by using Zhou & Fan’s theory
The result showed the social factors affecting the different contextual meaning
of slang word is based on the social relation of participant, setting (social context of
interaction), and the topic of discussion. This study also found that slang words are
mainly used between participants who have intimate relationship. In addition, the
usage of slang words in general is not randomly chosen but there are social functions
to it such as pursuit of self-identity and emotive feelings of the slang users.

Keywords: language, slang and sociolinguistics




Yogyakarta: Departemen Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Bahasa adalah alat untuk mengekspresikan perasaan dan emosi. Ini juga
merupakan sistem komunikasi antar individu. Banyak bentuk bahasa ditemukan di
masyarakat, bisa bahasa informal atau formal. Slang adalah gaya bicara informal
yang digunakan oleh anggota komunitas tertentu, umumnya oleh remaja. Slang
mengandung kata atau frasa yang digunakan alih-alih istilah sehari-hari di antara
penutur yang lebih muda dan kelompok lain dengan minat khusus. Pemahaman
makna kata slang diperlukan untuk menjaga komunikasi yang lancar dengan orang
lain. Bahasa slang digunakan dalam banyak bentuk media, yaitu seperti dalam film
komedi romantis Amy Heckerling berjudul Clueless.
Penelitian ini difokuskan hanya untuk menganalisis kata-kata slang yang
diucapkan oleh karakter utama, Cher Horowitz. Ada dua masalah yang dirumuskan
dalam penelitian ini. Masalah pertama adalah menentukan makna kontektual dari
kata- kata slang yang diucapkan oleh Cher Horowitz. Sedangkan masalah kedua
adalah mengidentifikasi fungsi kata-kata slang yang ditemukan dalam film Clueless.
Data penelitian ini diperiksa dengan menggunakan pendekatan sosiolinguistik
dalam hal menganalisis kata-kata slang. Untuk mengumpulkan data, peneliti
menggunakan metode studi populasi. Namun, peneliti hanya memilih kata-kata slang
yang diucapkan oleh Cher Horowitz dengan jumlah total 29 bukannya kata-kata slang
keseluruhan yang ditemukan dalam film. Data penelitian ini dikumpulkan dengan
menonton dan membaca skenario film serta mengikuti naskah film. Setelah kata-kata
slang dikumpulkan, mereka dianalisis menggunakan teori faktor sosial oleh Holmes
(2013) dan fungsi menggunakan kata-kata slang ditentukan dengan menggunakan
teori Zhou & Fan (2013).
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor sosial yang mempengaruhi
perbedaan makna kontekstual kata slang didasarkan pada hubungan sosial partisipan,
latar (konteks sosial interaksi), dan topik diskusi. Penelitian ini juga menemukan
bahwa kata-kata slang terutama digunakan antara partisipan yang memiliki hubungan
intim. Selain itu, penggunaan kata-kata slang secara umum tidak dipilih secara acak
tetapi ada fungsi sosial untuk itu seperti mengejar identitas diri dan perasaan emotif
dari pengguna slang.

Kata kunci: bahasa, slang dan sosiolinguistik




A. Background of the Study

Humans are social beings. Therefore, humans need others to interact. The

interaction between human beings requires communication called language. The use

of language allows individuals to communicate openly and to make sure it is easily

understood by others. On the other hand, as they are communicating, they also

establish and maintain a social relationship with each other.

Language is a tool that can be used to express the culture of the users. To be

exact, language can deliver ideas more accurately and helps to bind the good

relationship between users with the society. User of language can earn and transmit

either knowledge or ideas to others. This is supported by Chaturvedi’s definition of

language, which is

a tool to communicate, feel, elaborate and express thoughts, feelings and

actions. Language surround us defines our personality, determines our social
behavior, supports our societal system, indicates out thoughts and feelings
and provides us a platform to share our ideas, co-operate and refine our
development process (Chaturvedi, 2014).
Therefore, as Chaturvedi mentions in the above quotation, language and society are

related to one another. Generally, the term used for the study of the relationship

between language and society is called sociolinguistics. In addition, Trudgill (2000)

mentions that through a social point of view there are two aspects of language



which are very significant. The first is how language functions in establishing a social

relationship; and secondly the role of language to convey information about the

speaker. Both aspects of linguistics behaviors are reflections of a close inter-

relationship between language and society (p. 2).

Language is thus a product of active human consciousness working in well-

defined social groups. Society and language are easily identified by each other and

are quite interdependent. Each society builds its own language according to its

specific requirements and language in return affect society and paves the way for

change in future society. Change in language is often marked by change and

development of the social and cultural atmosphere in which language changes appear

slowly but surely (Chaturvedi, 2014). However, according to Trudgill, there are two

aspects in which language behavior is important through a social point of view. The

first is the function of language in establishing social relationships, and the second is

the role played by language in conveying information about the speaker (2000, p. 2).

In the study of language, it can be seen there are various languages in

society. Nevertheless, there is an idealized variety of language which exists for most

people as the accepted version of the official language in their community, this is

called standard language. According to Yule, like Standard English, the version is

believed to be used widely in the mass media and is taught in most schools. It is

clearly associated with education and broadcasting in public contexts (2006, p. 194).

On the other hand, there is also Non-standard which is used in situations other than

the formal situation and usually spoken by the uneducated of the society, one of them

is slang.

The status of slang being an informal language is mainly used by teenagers to

establish group identity and exclude outsiders. Slang is the diction that results from

the game among the young and lively of playing with words and renaming things and

actions; some invent new words or mutilate or misapply the old, for the pleasure of

novelty, and others catch up such words for the pleasure of being in the fashion (Zhou

& Fan, 2013, p. 2210). Slang describes words or phrases that are used instead of more

everyday terms among younger speakers and other groups with special interest.

According to Eble (1996) there are some general effects of using slang that

distinguish it from other types of vocabulary such as slang identifies members of a

group, slang changes the level of discourse in the direction of informality, and slang

opposes established authority.

During this modern era, slang language keeps involving within youngster

conversation and has made its way to numerous forms of media. The television, cell

phone, internet and daily conversation are some of the media where youngster used

slang language. Movie becomes one of the most effective media that keeps offering

the newest slang language, it is used to acknowledge and learn slang language. By

watching movies and through the storyline of it, the viewers are able to gain many

advantages such as in the form of entertainment, information, knowledge and most

probably life lessons. The story of a movie is categorized into two parts: the dialogues

and the narration. Movie is a complex form of art; it is due to the language used as the

main element to convey the messages to the audience. However, some expressions

are difficult to transfer into another language because they are peculiar to that


The viewers who are not familiar with slang expressions will find it difficult to

extract the information, the message and even just to enjoy the movie itself.

Slang expressions are widely used in many artworks, such as songs and

movies. As mentioned before that the status of slang being an informal language

mainly used by teenagers, it is without a doubt that slang can be found in many teen

movie genres. The understanding of meaning of the slang word is needed to maintain

smooth communication with others, especially in a movie the meaning of the slang

word is needed in order to understand the context of the conversation.

Clueless becomes one of the movies which use slang expressions instead of

everyday language in order to express teenage life during the ’90s. Clueless centers

Cher Horowitz and her best friend Dionne, two of the most popular sophomores in

their school. They play matchmakers for two of their teachers, which eventually

succeeded. Inspired by her success, Cher takes under her wings a clueless transfer

student named Tai. The three of them become the best of friends. While trying to find

Tai a boyfriend, Cher attempts to find one of her own. However, she undertakes a

rocky road to maturity till she finally finds her perfect one. Besides its popularity

among the teenager in that era, the researcher chose “Clueless” as the object of the

study as it contains a significant number of slang words in the script.


B. Problem Formulation

There are two problems that are formulated in this study as follows:

1. What are the contextual meanings of slang words used by Cher Horowitz in

the movie Clueless?

2. What are the functions of the slang words used by Cher Horowitz in the movie?

C. Objectives of the Study

This study is conducted in order to answer the two problems mentioned

previously in the problem formulation. The first step is to analyze the slang words

used by Cher Horowitz in the movie Clueless. After the slang words are gathered the

first problem is to identify the contextual meanings of slang words used in the movie

by paying attention to the social factors. Lastly, the researcher examines the functions

of using slang words by watching the movie and identifying the slang words

supported by the script.

D. Definition of Terms

In order to determine the findings of this research related to slang words found

in the movie Clueless, the writer would like to point out few definitions such as

sociolinguistics and slang in this research.

This study applies Holmes’ theory of sociolinguistics (2013, p. 2).

Sociolinguistics is defined as a study related with the relationship of language and


society. Based on Holmes’ theory it concerned with identifying the social functions of

language and the ways it is used to convey social meaning.

Slang is an ever-changing set of colloquial words and phrases that the

speakers use to establish or reinforce social identity or cohesiveness within a group or

with a trend or fashion in society at large (Eble, 1996). In addition, in its earliest

occurrences in the eighteenth century, slang itself referred to the specialized

vocabulary of the underworld group. Meanwhile, another definition of slang is by

Walter (2004), he defines slang as words used in very informal conversation,

unsuitable for the formal situation.




In this chapter, there are three parts explained by the researcher. The first is

review of related studies. In this specific part, the researcher discusses similar studies

that are done by other researchers. The second part contains a review of related

theories, these are the theories that will be used to discuss this study. Lastly, in the

theoretical framework, the researcher explains the contribution of each theory and

review in solving the problems of the study.

A. Review of Related Studies

The first related study reviewed in this chapter is by Rizky (2018) entitled

“The Functions of Slang Word by the Main and Minor Characters in Mad about

Millie Vol. 1 and Deadpool vs Old Man Logan Comic Books”. In her thesis, she

analyzed the contextual meaning of slang words and their functions in Mad About

Millie Vol. 1 and Deadpool vs Old Man Logan Comic Books by using sociolinguistic

approach. The two comic books were related to younger speakers in the society with a

completely different theme, which is humor and superhero. However, the researcher

only analyzed and collected the slang words used by the main and minor characters in

each of the comic books. In order to analyze the contextual meaning, first, the

researcher determined the meaning from the social factor analyzed from Holmes

(2013). The social factor refered to the topic of the conversation and the participants

involved in it. The participants


were classified into two which are characters with intimate relationships and

characters with a formal relationship. While the topics of the conversation found in

the Mad about Millie Vol. 1 comic book are photo schedule, asking for taking to

home and packing, appearance, getting annoyed, the enjoyment of music, startled

moment, giving a compliment, making a promise and dancing. The second problem

of the study was to find the function of slang words in the two comic books, which

are achieving politeness and emotive feeling.

While comparing Rizky’s study and this study, the writer found some

similarities and differences. The first similarity of both studies layed on the use of

sociolinguistic approach to solve the problem formulations. In addition, both studies

focused on finding the contextual meaning and their function of slang words. Apart

from that, the difference lies on the object of the study. Rizky’s study used two

different comic books as her object while this study used movie as its object.

In the second study by Pratama, entitled “A Study of Meanings and Functions

of Long Beach Slang in Freedom Writers Movie” (2015), her research covered slang,

especially long beach slang. The researcher analyzed the slang formation processes of

the word and phase. The researcher also analyzed the function of slang words based

on Freedom Writers movie. In her study, she found many slangs that are categorized

into word level and phrase level. In word levels, the slang words are homey, yo, pops,

nigga, dawgs, dealio, peanuts, gals, cool smoke, and ma. On the other hand, in

phrase-level there are homeboy, juvenile hall, Ghetto-ass, punk-ass, white boy,

dumbass, PO, Little Cambodia, The Ghetto, Wonder Bread Land, South of the

Border or Little Tijuana,


slanty-eyed bitch, Black Panthers, jump somebody in, Rum and Coke, Sparkling

Cider, Little midget-ass punks, homegirl and hook-up. In Freedom Writers movie,

these slang words are used particularly to show Afro-American’s individuality and to

signal their group membership. Slangs were also created and influenced by historical


The similarity between Pratama’s study and this study is seen from the

objectives. Both studies have the same problem related with meaning and function of

slang words. In comparison to Pratama’s study, this study is different in a way of the

type of slang found from the object. Pratama focused more on the long beach slang

while this study aims to analyze all the slang words uttered by the main character of

the movie.

The third related study is a journal article conducted by Yuliana (2015). Her

study focused on the “Analysis of American Slang in Movie Laugh of Loud” and by

the end of her study, she aimed to classify slang word found in Laugh of Loud (LOL)

movie based on the characteristic using Andersson and Trudgill theory. In her

research, Yuliana used a qualitative descriptive method in which later on she divided

the slang word into four categories: the neutral syntactic level, typical of informal

situation, typical of spoken language and creative. From those categories, she found

35 words and phrases in total.

The journal article by Yuliana have some similarities with this study. The

similarities can be found in the type of object analyzed by both researchers, which are

movies. In addition, both studies centered their research on slang words found in

movies. However, there are differences between the two studies. First is the theory



by the researcher to give deeper understanding of the analysis. Second difference was

seen on the objectives of the study, Yuliana’s article aimed to analyze the

characteristic of slang words while on the other hand this study aims to determine the

function of using slang words.

The last similar study is a journal article by Rachmijati (2015) entitled “An

Analysis of the Slang Language used in the movie Juno”. It is a descriptive analysis

of how slang language is used among youngsters in the movie “Juno”. This specific

movie is a 2007 comedy-drama directed by Jason Reitman and written by Diablo

Cody. By the end of this study after analyzing the slangs mentioned in the movie,

Rachmijati concluded that slangs are closely related to crude; rude; and sexual

matters, therefore slang languages can only be used among close friends, relatives,

and acquaintances.

Rachmijati journal article contains some similarities and differences with

this study. Both studies have the same objectives of finding out the meaning of slang

words of the movie. While the difference lies on the title of the movie as the object of

study as well as the number of characters used to analyze the slang words. This study

only focuses on the main character which is Cher Horowitz while Rachmijati analyze

the slang words uttered by all characters included in the movie.

B. Review of Related Theories

There are four theories explained by the researcher in this chapter. These

theories are needed to help the researcher conduct this research. The first theory

explained is the theory of sociolinguistics, secondly the theory of literal and



meaning, then the theory of language variation, followed by the theory of slang, and

lastly the theory of the functions of slang.

1. Sociolinguistics

According to Wardhaugh (2010), sociolinguistics is concerned with

investigating the relationship between language and society with the goal being a

better understanding of the structure of language and of how languages function in

communication; the equivalent goal in the sociology of language is trying to discover

how social structure can be understood through the study of language (Wardhaugh,

2010). In addition Trudgill (2000) examines that in sociolinguistic, there is a close

inter-relationship between language and society. The role of language in conveying

speaker’s information has a meaning that people from different social and

geographical backgrounds are using different kinds of language.

Based on Holmes (2013), there are three social factors that become the basic

components in sociolinguistics explanation relating with the reason why people speak

differently and why they do not speak in the same way all the time. Those social

factors are participants, the setting or social context of the interaction, and the topic.

The participant has a function to see who is speaking and whom they are speaking to.

While in the setting or social context of the interaction people will find out where the

interaction takes place and on what occasion. Lastly, in the topic, people are able to

see what they are talking about.



2. Literal and Contextual Meaning

Recanati (2004) states that there are two level of interpretations onto

explaining meaning. The first is bottom level, this focuses on “what is said” which

stops in the literal meaning of the utterance, whereas the top level focuses on “what is

implied” this goes deep in it as it is to seek the implication of a word (p. 6).

According to Recanati, literal meaning is context-independent while contextual

meaning is context-dependent. Based on the statement, it can be concluded that

context plays an important role in defining meaning of a sentence.

Contextual meaning is the meaning of a lexeme or a word that depends on the

context. Pateda (2010) states that “contextual meaning or situational meaning appear

as a result of the relationship between speech and context” (p. 116). Meaning of a

word or sentences consider the relationship between speech and context. However,

context has several forms. The first form is person context, this include something

related to gender, position, age, social background of both speaker and listener.

Context of language means whether the language used is in accordance with the rules.

Context of object means what has become the object of conversation. Context of

mood includes the mood of the participants of conversation. Context of place is the

setting of place in which the conversation occurs.

3. Language Variation

According to Holmes’ theory (2013) the language we use in everyday

communication is remarkably varied. Variety is a sociolinguistic term referring to



language in context. The term variety is used by sociolinguists to refer to any set of

linguistic forms which patterns according to social factors. It is a broad term which

includes different accents, different linguistic styles, different dialects and different

languages which contrast with each other for social reasons (p. 6). Wardhaugh stated

that “in the use of language there is variation across speakers, such as reflections of

different ways that people speak in different regions or social groups, but also

variation within the speech of a single speaker. No one speaks the same way all the

time, and people constantly exploit variation within languages they speak for a wide

variety of purposes” (2015, p. 6). One factor effecting people to use variety of

language is social dialect.

The term dialect can also be used to describe differences in speech associated

with various social groups or classes. The definition of social dialect by Holmes

(2001) is the language that reflects the grouping of people based on social class and

economic class. In addition, a person’s dialect reflects his social background.

According to Wardhaugh, factors such as occupation, place of residence, education,

racial, cultural background, caste and religion appear to be related fairly directed to

how people speak. Social dialect originates among social groups and are related to a

variety of factors, the principal ones apparently being social class, religion, and race

or ethnicity (2015, p. 43). Social dialect is also correlated with other language

variations such as slang, jargon, and argot.



4. Slang

Slang is one of the language varieties found in everyday communication.

Slang is the informal language used between people in the same social group in

certain situations that begin to be used in a widespread way. “Slang describes words

or phrases that are used instead of everyday terms among younger speakers and other

groups with special interest” (Yule, 2006). Partridge mentions it is the diction that

results from the young playing with words and renaming things and actions; it can

appear like brand new word, or mutilate or misapply the old, for the pleasure of

novelty and other catch up such words for the pleasure of being in fashion (p. 2).

Slang contains many obscene and offensive words and phrases. It also has many

expressions that are acceptable in informal communication or situation. Slang is a

unique phenomenon that attracts society's attentions in this modern world.

Slang is commonly used by teenagers. It is used verbally and in writing such

as in social media and online messaging. Slang is not used merely as a means of self-

expression, it connotes personality, its coinage and circulation come rather from the

wish of the individual to distinguish himself by oddity (Partridge, p. 4). Slang has

many purposes such as persuading, unifying, separating, provoking, secrecy, and

identity. Using a language particular to your social group and time is part of

developing self- esteem, confidence and a sense of identity and belonging. Teenagers

are trying to find their way in the adult world and often feel most comfortable with

their peers. Having their own language helps them bond with other teens and build

confidence. Slang is an


aspect of social life and a symbol of group identity during a limited period of as early

as adolescence and it can grow old rather rapidly.

People in a society may speak some varieties of language in accordance with

different social situation they meet. When they speak, they should understand well

about the situation around. Slang changes its identity along with who the participants

are. Factors such as one’s educational, economic or social position, and even in

relation to the location and generation take great measure affecting what slang is to

one person but to another is different. Social factors become the basic component in

sociolinguistic explanations of why people speak differently based on the situation,

and why people don’t all speak the same way all of the time.

a. Social Factors

Holmes proposed a theory consists of the social factors relevant in accounting

for the particular variety used, in this case that variety refers to slang. In any situation,

linguistic choices generally indicate people’s awareness of the influence of one or

more of the social factors (2013, p. 9), which are broken down into:

i. The participant

Participant is person or individual involving in a speech event, it consists

of addresser, addressee and audience. Addresser is the speaker who

pronounces the utterance. On the other hand, addressee is a hearer who

receives the utterance. While audience is the large amount of hearer who

may contributed the specification of speech event.



ii. Setting

Setting refers to the social context of interaction between participants

which refers to the place of where an event or conversation takes place.

iii. Topic

The main organizing principle of a discussion between participants. It offers an occasion

for speaking or writing and a focus which governs the subject matter of the conversation.

b. Social Dimension

Holmes (2001) states when a member of community chooses to use language

variety, the speaker not only considers the domain of conversation but also the social

dimension of the participant involved. Social dimension has the function as an

indicator of the difference in social status between the speakers, and it is considered

as indicator of a situation in which language is used. In other words, social dimension

is the reflection of the purpose, topic, manner and mood of language used.

The social dimension includes social distance scale taking account that will be

a pattern of linguistic interaction. Social distance scale becomes an indicator of how

well someone knows the other, it become a relevant factor in linguistic choices. The

function of in-group language becomes a variety that used to signal the shared

identity of certain participants. It is used to show group difference, existence or

solidarity between the group members. In-group language also covers the use of

certain languages as the choices in the relation to social factors and social

dimension of


communication. The solidarity between speakers is measure based on the

relationship, an intimate relationship means there is high solidarity between the

speakers while distance relationship is when the speakers have low solidarity with

each other.

5. Functions of Slang

According to a theory by Zhou and Fan (2013), there are three interpersonal

functions of slang which to be exact the functions related to relationship or

communication between people. These functions are pursuit of self-identity, emotive

feeling of the slang users, and achieving politeness (p. 2212).

The first function is pursuit of self-identity. Slang is considered as the

symbol for dividing the professional groups in society, it is because different slang is

used within different social and professional groups. If somebody uses the words and

expressions within a certain social group, the person will blend with the group

members from mentality. An American scholar, P. Roberts once mentioned the

reason people constantly use slang is that they tend to show they are one of the

qualified members among a certain distinct group. For example, in a situation where a

student utters a sentence containing the special college slang, that student intends to

show that he is belonging to the inside of the teenager group (Zhou & Fan, 2013).

The second is emotive feeling of the slang users. Generally, the emotive

function exposes the speaker’s attitude towards the subject. It is one of the powerful

uses of language because it is so important in changing the emotional status of the

audience for or against someone or something. Psychologically, slang helps people



express their strong feeling such as group identification. When people use slang, they

want to show them against reality and set them free psychologically. Slang is not only

used for stressing group identity, but also for the psychological need for expressing

emotion, which is one of the basic functions of language as well (Zhou & Fan, 2013).

According to Zhou & Fan (2013) the third function is achieving politeness.

Three factors are affecting the manner of speaking or writing in communication

which are occasions (formal or informal), the addressee (age, gender, occupation, the

degree of familiarity) and the content of the conversation. The use of slang is

controlled by those three factors mentioned before. Either the use of slang in

unsuitable occasions or the use of slang not to the correct addressee may ruin the

relationship with the interlocutors. For example, when a young reporter is doing an

interview with the Indonesian President, but the reporter uses informal language

rather than formal language in a formal situation. This is considered as ruining the

relationship and rather disrespecting the addressee. Therefore, the suitable use of

slang effects a certain atmosphere and in maintaining social contacts. Slang is used to

maintain intimacy between the speaker and the people close to them.

Slang is frequently used in informal occasions and is of importance in serving

the phatic function. The phatic function in slang contributes in maintaining our

positive face. Phatic functions can be found in greetings, farewells, comments on

weather, etc. As with politeness in general, greetings can be analyzed within the

framework of theories of ‘face’. When making proper slangy greetings, friendly

atmosphere may be achieved for proceeding conversation with slangy greetings such

as “how’s it going?,


what’s up?, what’s happening”. These slangy greetings are used to give the speaker’s

intention in establishing a good relation and non-threatening atmosphere (Zhou &

Fan, 2013).

C. Theoretical Framework

In this section of the study, the writer discusses the importance of the theories

that will be used to give deeper understanding as well as answer the two problems

formulated. The two problem formulations created are “What are the contextual

meanings of slang words used by Cher Horowitz in the movie Clueless?” and “What

are the functions of the slang words used by Cher Horowitz in the movie?”

This study focuses on the analysis of slang words and the function by using

the sociolinguistic approach. The theory of sociolinguistics is a significant factor in

this study in giving deeper understanding related to language and society. This is

needed to help answer the first problem formulation related with finding out the

contextual meaning of the slang words used by Cher. Moreover, the theory of

sociolinguistics by Holmes (2013) consists of three social factors that contribute in

concluding the suitable meaning of the slang words. The social factors by Holmes are

participants, setting or social context of interaction and the topic. This is needed to

determine the difference in the way people talk and get the suitable meaning of the

slang words in The Routledge Dictionary of Modern American Slang and

Unconventional English (2013) as some slang words have more than one meaning in

the dictionary.


Once the contextual meaning of the slang words is found, the writer moves to

the second problem formulation. The theory of functions of slang by Zhou & Fan is

needed to answer the last problem formulation regarding the function of slang words

used by Cher Horowitz in the movie “Clueless”. The contextual meaning and the

theory of function is used together to strengthen the understating of the function of

the slang word usage. According to a theory by Zhou and Fan (2013), there are three

interpersonal functions of slang which to be exact the functions related to relationship

or communication between people. These functions are pursuit of self-identity,

emotive feeling of the slang users, and achieving politeness.




The method of how the analysis was conducted is divided into three parts in

this chapter. First is the object of the study, this includes the object, or the data used

in the study. Second is the approach of the study, this represents the approaches used

to analyze the data that the researcher has collected. Third is the method of the study,

this shows the steps taken by the researcher to collect and analyze the data.

A. Object of the Study

The object of this study is the slang words used by Cher Horowitz in the

movie Clueless. The slang words are analyzed by watching the movie and the

identification is supported by the script. The researcher obtained the movie script

from, this specific website is chosen because it provides a complete


including the setting of place in the movie.

Clueless is an American high school romantic comedy film written and

directed by Amy Heckerling. It made the first debut in theaters on 19th July 1995 and

became a major box-office hit. The storyline is based on Jane Austen’s 1815 novel

“Emma”, with a modern-day setting of Beverly Hills. In a website review, Hunter

stated “Alicia Silverstone plays rich, spoiled, sweet-natured Cher, our guide into a

world where self- assured but likable brats try to makeover those with less-refines

tastes while struggling




down the always-rocky road to maturity” (Hunter, 2019). Clueless centers Cher

Horowitz (Alicia Silverstone), an attractive, wealthy and popular high school student.

At this time, slang expression is often used in Western movies such as in

Hollywood movies. Slang is used most heavily in movies related with adolescence

most often targeted at teenage audience. The writer chooses this movie as the object

of the study because this romance comedy genre movie became popular among

teenager at that time and possibly till now. Apart from that this movie also contain

large amount

of slang expression in it.

B. Approach of the Study

In order to examine the problem formulation in this study, which are related

to the meaning of the slang words and the reasons behind using those slang words,

this study applied sociolinguistic approach in analyzing the object of the study.

Sociolinguistic approach is used to give a deeper understanding and in solving the

two problems formulated concerning the slang words found among the main

characters in the movie Clueless.

Sociolinguistics is one of the linguistic fields which concerns with language

in social and cultural context, especially how people with different identities (e.g

gender, race, class, and age) speak as well as how their speech changes in different

situations. The statement previously is supported by Holmes’ theory in which the

expert explains why people speak differently in different social contexts and relating

the social functions of language to convey social meaning. The way people use


language in different social contexts provide a wealth of information about the way

language works, as well as the relationship in a community (p. 1). Thus, the focus of

this study will be on how an individual speaker uses slang language in the everyday

conversation. Therefore, through sociolinguistic approach and Holmes basic social

factors of social relationship between participants, setting of place and topic of

conversation can help the researcher to determine the contextual meaning of slang

words and its functions in Clueless movie based on the social factors.

C. Method of the Study

This part of the study is divided into two smaller sections, those which are

data collection and data analysis. Data collection covers how the writer collected the

data for this study while data analysis explains the steps taken by the writer to analyze

the data of this study.

1. Data Collection

In this study, the researcher analyzed the slang words used by Cher Horowitz

in Clueless movie. Slang expressions were obtained through conversation during

events and activities. Since the setting of Clueless is mainly at Bronson Alcott High

School and around Beverly Hills area, so the major subjects in this study were high

school students, parents, and teachers. The researcher collected the data of this

research by watching the movie, focusing on the English subtitles as well as

comparing it with the printed script. The researcher obtained the movie script from This


specific website is chosen because it provides a complete script including the setting

of place in the movie.

In this study, the researcher focused on the discussions of contextual meaning

and functions of slang words and the researcher aimed to analyze the slang words

factually. Moreover, the meaning and functions are determined by the factors

supporting the appearance of the slang words or in other hand what triggered Cher to

use the slang. Since the duration of the movie is 1 hour 34 minutes and there are a lot

of slang words that appeared, the researcher decided to only analyze those uttered by

Cher Horowitz. Under this circumstance, purposive sampling strategy was applied in

this study. Polite and Hungler (1999) define population as the totality of all subjects

that conform to a set of specifications, comprising the entire group of persons that is

of interest to the researcher and to whom the research results can be generalized (p.

232). In this case, the data being sampled for this research comes from a movie titled

Clueless. However, the researcher only chose the slang words uttered by Cher

Horowitz instead of overall slang words found in the movie. In other words, the

sample was not randomly chosen.

2. Data Analysis

The writer explained the slang expressions using primary and secondary

sources to define the meaning and functions of slang. The primary source is the

movie Clueless while the secondary source is the script of the movie as the

identification of


the slang words is supported by the movie as well. The script is needed for re-

checking the slang words and help to avoid any grammatical mistakes.

The researcher used qualitative research while conducting this study. Creswell

(2014) defines qualitative research as an approach for exploring and understanding

the meaning individuals or groups ascribe to a social or human problem. In relation to

the data, understanding the meaning refers to examine and analyze the slang words by

Cher. The process of research involves the researcher in making interpretation of the

meaning of the data, emerging questions, and procedures, and collecting the data

(Creswell, p. 32). By using qualitative research, the researcher is allowed to interpret,

give meaning and represent the findings from the natural setting of a certain social

phenomenon. Therefore, the researcher is attempting to make sense of the contextual

meaning and functions of slang words used by Cher Horowitz in the Clueless movie.

In order to answer the first problem, first the writer watched the movie while

at the same time read the script of the movie as well. However, the writer only

focused on Cher Horowitz conversation as this study only analyzed the slang words

uttered by her. The second thing that the writer did was to group all the slang words

which were uttered by the main character, Cher Horowitz. There are 29 slang words

found and the writer analyzed all of them. The researcher tried to relate the theories

by Eble (1996) and Partridge (1970) to decide whether the words collected previously

were considered slang. The next step was to explain the context of the dialogue by

briefly described the things happened in the dialogue. The contextual meaning of the

slang words then analyzed as the writer used the theory by Holmes (2013) of social

factors which are the



topic of conversation, the setting of place and the social relation of participants

involved in the conversation. A screen shoot of every slang uttered by Cher was also

taken in order to analyze it based on the social factors. Those slang words were later

categorized into a table and put together with the social factors, the table is shown


Table 1. Display of Contextual Meaning Analysis

Data Utterance Slang Social Setting Topic Contextual
Code words Relation Meaning
02/NCS/ CHER: Dee, Audi Intimate High Couple Out of here
N/03:51 I’m Audi. school arguing

21/NIS/ ELTON:Alright As if Intimate Elton’s Flirting No way

Int/41:06 ! You know, I car
don't get you
Cher. I mean,
you flirt with me
all year.
CHER: As if! I
have been tryng
to get you
together with

In addition, the analysis of the slang words, the data were labeled with a

code. An example can be seen such as 02/NCS/03:51. Based on the previous coding,

the 01 refers to the data number and the number goes on for the next couple of data,

NCS is the shorten form of newly created slang while NIS stands for newly

interpreted slang, followed by part of speech and lastly 03:51 is the time of

occurrence of the slang word in the conversation.


Despite using Holmes’ theory, the meaning of slang words is also analyzed

through The Routledge Dictionary of Modern American Slang and Unconventional

English (2013) based on the topic of conversation. This is to determine the right

meaning of a slang word as in the dictionary of slang it is common to find a word

with numerous given meanings. Then the final step is to find the function of those

slang words analyzed using Zhou & Fan (2013) theory. The theory consists of three

functions which are pursuit of self-identity, emotive feeling of slang users and

achieving politeness. In order to identify the function, each slang word is analyzed

based on the social factors mostly social relation of participants and the topic of the

conversation. Moreover, the function is also identified through the intonation used by

Cher as she uttered the slang words shown in the screenplay.

Table 2. Display of Function for Using Slang words

Data Code Slang word Contextual meaning Reason

02/NCS/N/03:51 Audi Out of here ✓ - -


This chapter presents the research findings and the data analysis of the two

problems. In this study there are two main discussions which will be explained

further by the researcher. The first problem is about the contextual meaning which is

analyzed based on the social factors of the slang words uttered by Cher Horowitz.

The second is the functions of using the slang word.

Table 3. The Summary of Slang Words Uttered by Cher Horowitz

Newly Created Slang Newly Interpreted Slang
Jeepin’ Buzz
Audi Groovy
Haul ass Sucky
Couch commando Heifer
Surfing the crimson wave Classic
Busy pants-dropping What’s up
Lawsuit waiting to happen Cameo
Doobie Baked
Loadies Go bump
Monet Whatever
Ralphing As if


Based table 3, it can be seen there are two types of slang words in the movie

Clueless namely newly interpreted and newly created slang. Newly interpreted is

when the word exists and already has a meaning in standard language, however it has

a new meaning in the movie based on the social factors. Newly created slang applies

to the word which does not exist in standard language before. Newly interpreted has

higher frequency rather than newly created, with 18 slang words with the examples

such as killer, as if, dope and ditz. On the other hand, newly created has the frequency

of 11 slang words uttered by Cher Horowitz in the movie. Examples of newly created

slang words are busy pants-dropping, lawsuit waiting to happen, and monet.

Partridge (1970) mentions that slang is an informal language used by various

group in certain situations (p. 5). In addition, according to Eble (1996) slang is an

ever changing set of colloquial words and phrases that speakers use to establish or

reinforce social identity or cohesiveness within a group or with a trend or fashion in

society at large (p. 11). Slang is different than standard language as slang is restricted

language that can be used and understood by certain community only. With the help

of Eble (1996) and Partridge (1970) explanations, the researchers conducted the study

and found 29 words uttered by Cher Horowitz and those words are considered as

slang words.

As the slang words are identified, the researcher came across two categories that

make a word is identified as a slang word. Those are newly interpreted and newly

created slang words. Newly interpreted is when the word exists and already has a

meaning in standard language, however it has a new meaning in the movie based on

the social factors. Just like explained by Zhou & Fan “slang is the diction that results

from the game among the young and lively of playing with words and renaming

things and actions; some invent new words, or mutilate or misapply the old, for the

pleasure of novelty, and others catch up such words for the pleasure of being in the

fashion” (2013). An example of it is the slang word go bump, in the standard

language its meaning is to hit somebody/something by accident. However, based on

the social factors, the contextual meaning is to talk to people. In other word, go bump

has a new meaning in a community of teenagers which also used it to establish social

identity with a trend in society at large.

Besides the newly interpreted, certain communities also have some words that

are newly created which is considered as slang word. Newly created slang applies to

the word which does not exist in standard language before. One of the examples is the

slang word doobie, which is not part of the standard language, but certain community

understood it by the meaning marijuana.

A. The Contextual Meanings of Slang Words Uttered by Cher Horowitz

The 1995 film, Clueless, written and directed by Amy Heckerling is a film

that perfectly defined ‘90s teen culture. It is an American high school romantic

comedy film with airhead teenage characters, obsession with outlandish fashion, and

satirical tropes. Clueless is filled with 90’s Californian slang which is still used by

teens from time to time.


The table below shows some examples of the slang words uttered by Cher

Horowitz. However, there will be two different tables which are categorized based on

the types, newly created slang and newly interpreted slang.

1. Contextual Meaning of Newly Created Slang Words in Clueless

Table 4. Contextual Meaning of Newly Created Slang in Clueless

Data Code Slang Social Setting Topic Contextual
words Relation Meaning
01/NCS/V/ Jeepin’ Intimate High Cheating Cheating by
03:33 school having
vehicular sex
in a jeep
02/NCS/N/ Audi Intimate High Couple Out of here
03:51 school arguing
03/NCS/V/ Haul ass Distant Classroom Debate to move very
04:48 about quickly to a
refuge in different
America place
07/NCS/N/ Couch Intimate Living Fighting One who has
08:42 commando room over TV complete
remote control over a
device from a
09/NCS/V/ Surfing the Distant Classroom Tardiness Menstruation
14:14 crimson


MURRAY: Where you been all weekend? What's up? You been jeepin' around
behind my back?
DIONNE: Jeepin'?
CHER: Jeepin'.
MURRAY: Jeepin', jeepin'.
DIONNE: No, but speaking of vehicular sex, perhaps you can explain to me
how this cheap K-mart hair extension got into the back seat of your car.

The above conversation happened when Cher and Dionne are on their way to

first period but halfway they are stopped by Murray who is Dionne’s boyfriend. The

couple gets into an argument because apparently Dionne has been ignoring Murray’s

pages all weekend and he is angry by it. Resulting in Dionne being accused cheating

by Murray cheating behind his back. Moreover, the dialogue takes place in front of

their high school and there are many other students who witness the couple’s

argument. The relationship between Cher and Murray is intimate this is because

Murray is Dionne boyfriend and Dionne is Cher’s best friend. In addition, the three of

them often hang out and go to parties together which make them close friends.

Jeepin’ is a slang word that is newly created. It is not part of the standard

language, but a certain community understood its meaning. The slang word jeepin’

refers to cheating by having vehicular sex, in a jeep. This contextual meaning is also

supported by Dionne’s next statement as she said “No, but speaking of vehicular

sex..”. Dionne’s statement above confirms that her boyfriend accuses her of cheating

by having vehicular sex specifically having sex in a jeep because she has been

ignoring his pages all weekend.



CHER: Dee, I'm audi.


The conversation above is between Cher and Dionne. They are best friends,

resulting in their social relationship being intimate. They belong to the same social

group as both come from a wealthy family in Beverly Hills and they go to the same

school. Their close relationship can be seen through how they are each other’s partner

in crime to do everything, how they always call each other whenever anything

happens in life, how they have their own handshake, and how they unintentionally

match their outfits. Previously they were walking to class when Murray who is

Dionne’s boyfriend approached them and asked Dionne why she did not answer any

of his pages. Cher who has no interest in joining the couple arguing with each other

eventually tells Dionne that she is audi.

Audi is considered as a newly created word as it could not be found in the

standard language. However, the word audi is also considered a slang word since it is

understood by some people and certain community in certain situation. The slang

word audi is a newly created word because it does not exist in the standard language.

Based on The Routledge Dictionary of Modern American Slang and Unconventional

English, audi means to leave (2018, p. 9), while the meaning in the movie is out of

here. Slang eventually decided to leave the scene as if she stays there, she is just

wasting her time. At the end of the dialogue, Dionne replied by saying “bye”.


MR HALL: Should all oppressed people be allowed refuge in America?

Amber will take the con position. Cher will be pro. Cher, two minutes.
CHER: So, OK, like right now, for example, the Haitians need to come to
America. But some people are all "What about the strain on our resources?"
But it's like, when I had this garden party for my father's birthday right? I
R.S.V.P. because it was a sit-down dinner. But people came that like, did not
R.S.V.P. so I was like, totally buggin'. I had to haul ass to the kitchen,
redistribute the food, squish in extra place settings, but by the end of the day it
was like, the more the merrier! And so, if the government could just get to the
kitchen, rearrange some things, we could certainly party with the Haitians.
And in conclusion, may I please remind you that it does not say R.S.V.P. on
the Statue of Liberty?

The context of conversation between Cher and the rest of her classmates as well

as Mr. Hall as the teacher in the debate class concerning the topic of allowing refuge

in America. In the debate class her status as a pro to the topic leads her to giving a

supporting example in her life when she had a garden party for her dad’s birthday. Cher

ends her debate statement by giving her pro opinion that the Haitians should feel free

to come to America. The relationship between Cher and Mr. Hall is only as student and

teacher, they only interact when needed and only regarding to educational matters, thus

it is concluded that there is distance between them.

The slang word haul ass when broken down into two parts turns out to be the

combination of the word haul with the dictionary meaning of to pull

something/somebody with a lot of effort while the word ass has the meaning of the

part of the body that you sit on/ your bottom. However, in the movie Clueless the

slang word haul ass has a contextual meaning which is obtained from the context of

the conversation. Cher uses the slang word to refer to the last-minute effort she has to


in order to control the unexpected situation in her father’s birthday party. The

contextual meaning of haul ass is to move very quickly to a different place; this refers

to her effort to go to the kitchen in order to prepare everything for the unexpected

guests or non R.S.V.P guests and to maintain everything under control.


JOSH: Hahaha, you're funny.

(Josh changes the channel from Beavis and Butthead to the News)
CHER: Hey! God, you just got here and already you're playing couch
JOSH: Hey! In some parts of the Universe, maybe not in Contempo Casual,
but in some parts, it's considered cool to know what's going on in the world.

The dialogue above is a conversation between Cher and her stepbrother, Josh.

Previously they are having a little chat while snacking in the kitchen when eventually

make their way together to the living room to watch tv. The relationship between the

two of them is considered intimate despite the fact they have different mothers.

Furthermore, Josh spends most of his time in Cher’s house which built intimacy of

brother and sister relationship without them realizing.

Couch commando is a newly created slang which cannot be found in the

dictionary. It is formed by a process called flippant. According to Allan & Burridge,

flippant means that slang language is made by two words or more in which the words

composed not collated with the denotative meaning. As couch commando is broken

down into two parts; couch refers to a long comfortable seat for two or more people

to sit on while commando refers to command meaning an order given to a person.

Therefore, as the both of them sit in the living room watching tv together Josh can

freely change to news channel and in fact Cher was watching cartoon first. Based on

the context of the conversation, Cher intention of saying the slang word is to refer to

Josh who has the audacity to change the TV channel as pleases or in other words its

meaning is one who has complete control over a television remote control device

from a couch.


MR HALL: Well, if Mr. Berkenstock has no political messages to include in

his speech, I'll go on. Cher Horowitz, two tardies.
CHER: I object! Do you recall the dates of these alleged
tardies? (Cher in lawyer mode. Legendary!)
MR HALL: One was last Monday!
CHER: Mr. Hall, I was surfing the crimson wave, I had to haul ass to the
MR HALL: I assume your referring to women's troubles, and so I'll let that
one slide.

The participants involve in the above conversation are Cher Horowitz and Mr.

Hall. Their social relation is distant given the circumstance of their relationship as

student and teacher. The two participants involve in a conversation discussing Cher’s

tardies in Mr. Hall’s class. Based on Mr. Hall’s statement, Cher has two tardies but in

a lawyer mode she replied with I object. Her uncertainty of the alleged tardies leads

her to question Mr. Hall in mentioning the dates. Mr. Hall said that last Monday Cher

came late to his class, but it was directly denied by her making excuses that she has to

go to the bathroom.

Cher excuse for her tardies to Mr. Hall class by mentioning the slang word

surfing the crimson wave. Coleman (2014) mentions the context usually enables us

to interpret the meanings and connotations of individual terms (p. 5). In addition of

saying the slang word Cher also mentions the ladies’ afterwards which refers to the

women restroom. This gives Mr. Hall the idea to interpret the meaning of surfing

crimson wave as Cher being on her period. The word crimson has a meaning of a

dark red color. Based on the context of the conversation, surfing the crimson wave

refers to menstruation as in addition Cher also mentions that she has to go to the

washroom which makes her late to go to class.

2. Contextual Meaning of Newly Interpreted Slang Words in Clueless

Table 5. Contextual Meaning of Newly Interpreted Slang in Clueless

Data Code Slang Social Setting Topic Contextual
words Relation Meaning
04/NIS/N/06:23 Buzz Distant Classroom Report card Rumor
05/NIS/V/07:08 Choked Intimate School Unsatisfied To perform
hallway with report a task
card grades poorly,
when one is
expected to
do well
06/NIS/Adj/07:41 Groovy Intimate Home Geometry Excellent
08/NIS/Adj/13:03 Classic Intimate Teacher’s Love letter To be
lounge for Miss. expected
11/NIS/Adj/17:35 Sucky Distant School Offering Awful
garden coffee


MR HALL: And with that in mind, I'm going to distribute you report cards.
Now, is there a Christian Stobich in this class?
CHER: MR. Hall? The buzz on Christian is that his parents have joint
custody, so he'll be spending one semester in Chicago and one semester here. I
think it is a travesty on the part of the legal profession.

The first newly interpreted slang word which analyzed appear in a

conversation between Cher Horowitz and her teacher Mr. Hall. Previously, Mr. Hall

happens to distribute the students report card when the first student being called is

Christian Stobich, one of Cher’s classmates. Nevertheless, when his name is called,

none of the student answer. Meaning he is not in the class. Cher steps in by giving the

information about Christian having to spend a semester in another school due to his

parent’s joint custody. This scene takes place in one of the classrooms given the

condition that Cher and Mr. Hall have a distance relation between student and

teacher. According to Coleman (2014), slang is informal and non-standard that can be

used in formal context to lower the formality between the participants involved in the

conversation (p. 3). Cher choice of using slang to her teacher despite of the supposed

formal situation is due to her intention to lower the formality as they are casually

talking about the whereabout of one of her classmates. At this point, form someone

with the profession as a high school teacher who everyday spends his time

surrounded by teenagers, such slang is common for him and he understood the

meaning of it.

The word buzz literal meaning is to make a continuous low sound like a bee,

but in this specific conversation another meaning is derived after analyzing the social

relation. Dalzell (2018) in The Routledge Dictionary of Modern American Slang and

Unconventional English states there are few meanings of the slang word buzz. In the

case of the dialogue above, Cher uses the slang word buzz which has the contextual

meaning rumor. There is a rumor going on among students about Christian, that after

his parent’s divorce, they have joint custody of him in Chicago. That’s the reason

behind his absence in Mr. Hall’s class because she has to spend a semester in Chicago

and the following semester in their school.


CHER (on phone): Dee?

DIONNE: Wassup?
CHER: Did you get your report card?
DIONNE: Yeah, I'm toast. How'd you do?
CHER: I totally choked. My father is going to go ballistic on me.
DIONNE: Mr. Hall was way harsh! He gave me a C minus.
CHER: Well, he gave me a C, which drags down my entire average.

The dialogue above happens after Cher gets her report card from Mr. Hall, but

her report card results are not very satisfying. She is on the phone with her best friend

Dionne, asking how her grades are. Unfortunately, Dionne also gets a C from Mr.

Hall just like Cher’s grade. This matter concerns Cher because there will be a problem

when her father finds out about it and she will be in a lot of trouble. As best friends,

Cher and Dionne have an intimate relationship, there is a strong connection between

them that they have to know what is going on in each other’s life. The setting of the

conversation is in a typical crowded hallway of a high school, they started out having

a conversation on the phone when eventually they meet up at the end of the corridor.

The slang word choked or choke is a newly interpreted slang, meaning the

word choke exist in standard language. According to Oxford Learner’s Online

Dictionary, choke refers to upset or angry about something so that you find it difficult

to speak. However, in the movie it has a new meaning based on the analysis of the

social factor of the slang word choke. Its contextual meaning is to perform a task

poorly, especially when one is expected to do well (Dalzell, p. 148). The dictionary

meaning match perfectly with Cher’s intention of using the slang word. As a student

Cher is expected to do well in school by her dad, this involves in trying to get good

grades in any subjects. However, she fails her father expectation as she gets a C in her

debate class. The problem is having a C in her final report card can drags down her

entire average grade.


CHER: Hey, Ma. 98 in geometry. Pretty groovy, huh?

The slang word groovy is used by Cher as she talked about her Geometry

grades and showed it to the picture of her dead mother. The social distance scale is

beneficial in emphasizing on how well we know someone which is a relevant factor

in linguistic choice (Holmes, An Introduction to Sociolinguistics, 2013). The social

distance between the two of them is intimate because they are mother and daughter.

Based on Holmes theory of social distance dimension, a relationship between two or

more people is said to be intimate when there is high solidarity between them (p. 9).

This is supported by Cher’s statement “She died when I was just a baby. I don’t

remember her,

but I like to pretend she still watches over me”. However, the first thing she did when

she got home was to show her mother how great she did in Geometry, with the

intention of making her proud of Cher.

According to Oxford Learner’s Online Dictionary, the word groovy has a

literal meaning as fashionable, attractive and interesting. In addition, the new

interpreted meaning of the slang groovy in a slang dictionary is pleasing (Dalzell, p.

363). However, after analyzing the social factors in this situation there is a slight

difference with the dictionary meaning, the contextual meaning of groovy is

excellent. It is an achievement which makes Cher to be proud of herself even though

it is not a perfect grade but is really close to it. She also wants to share her happiness

with her mom, resulting in Cher showing her report card to her mom.

(Miss Giest reads the note left by the girls and her face brightens)
DIONNE: Oh, my God! She actually looked happy!
CHER: Oooh, classic!

Above shows the dialogue in which the setting of place is in the teacher’s

lounge and the participants involve in the conversations Cher Horowitz and Dionne.

They have an intimate relationship because they are best friends who are always there

to support each other through the ups and downs. They are currently carrying out a

mission to play matchmaker for their two teachers, Mr. Hall and Miss Geist. Hoping

to win Mr. Hall heart and put him in a good mood eventually agrees to upgrade

Cher’s debate grade. They start by leaving love poem and a rose in Miss Geist locker,

pretending it is from Mr. Hall expressing his crush towards her. The girls hid behind

a glass window

while focusing their attention toward Miss Geist’s reaction to their little gift. Her face

brightens and she smiled after reading the poem. Resulting in Cher to utter the slang

word classic.

The word classic has a literal meaning as accepted or deserving to be

accepted as one of the best or most important of its kind. In addition, it is considered

a newly interpreted slang word due to the fact it exists in the standard language but

has a completely different meaning as a slang word. Dalzell (2018) mentions the

meaning of the slang word classic varies from excellent, handsome and well dressed

(p. 156). Classic is an adjective that acts as a complement to describe Cher’s response

after seeing Miss Geist flattered from reading the poem. Contextually, the new

meaning is to be expected. Miss Geist’s reaction is to be expected by Cher. In

general, any women would be flattered after receiving a romantic poem and a rose

from a man, the two things are the perfect combination of romantic symbols to

express feeling towards someone.


CHER: Mr. Hall, Mr. Hall, Mr. Hall, um, do you drink coffee?
MR HALL: Well, not from this cafeteria. But, uh, yes under normal
CHER: Well, I am such a retard. When I was packing Daddy's lunch this
morning I gave him my lemon snapple, and I took his sucky Italian roast. Do
you want it?
MR HALL: Are you sure you don't want it?
CHER: Duh, it might stunt my growth. I wanna be 5'10" like Cindy Crawford.
But I thought maybe you and Miss Giest might like it?
DIONNE: Maybe you can share it?
MR HALL: Well, uh, thanks.

The slang word sucky appears when the girls, meaning Cher Horowitz and

Dionne happen to cross path with Mr. Hall in the school garden. The three of them

share a casual conversation as they are currently outside the classroom. However, the

teacher-student relation makes them to have distance relationship. Cher’s intention to

approach Mr. Hall is to offer him the Italian roast she mistakenly took instead of her

lemon snapple.

In the conversation between Mr. Hall and his two students, the slang word

sucky is an adjective which acts as a complement to describe the object Italian roast.

Sucky is a newly interpreted slang as the slang word has a literal meaning of very bad

and a contextual meaning as awful. Cher uses the slang word sucky to show that she

is not a coffee person given her personal belief it might stunt her growth. By saying

sucky Italian roast, she gives her opinion of the awful taste of coffee, instead she

would rather have lemon snapple.

B. The Function of Slang Words Uttered by Cher Horowitz in Clueless Movie

In analyzing the functions of slang words in the movie Clueless specifically

those uttered by Cher Horowitz, the researcher examined through the theory of Zhou

& Fan (2013). There are two functions found as Cher Horowitz used the slang words

in her daily conversation which are pursuit of self-identity (PSI) and emotive feeling

of slang users (EF).


Table 5. Functions for Using Slang Words by Cher Horowitz

Data Code Slang word Contextual Function
meaning PSI EF AP
01/NCS/V/03:33 Jeepin’ Cheating by ✓
having vehicular
sex in a jeep
02/NCS/N/03:51 Audi Out of here ✓
03/NCS/V/04:48 Haul ass to move very ✓
quickly to a
different place
04/NIS/N/06:23 Buzz Rumor ✓
05/NIS/V/07:08 Choked to perform a ✓
task poorly,
especially when
one is expected
to do well
06/NIS/Adj/07:41 Groovy Excellent ✓
07/NCS/N/08:42 Couch One who has ✓
commando complete control
over a television
remote control
device from a
08/NIS/Adj/13:03 Classic to be expected ✓
09/NCS/V14:14 Surfing the Menstruation ✓
crimson wave
11/NIS/Adj/17:35 Sucky Awful ✓

1. Pursuit of self-identity

The first function is pursuit of self-identity. Slang is considered as the symbol

for dividing the professional groups in society, it is because different slang is used

within different social and professional groups. If somebody uses the words and

expressions within a certain social group, the person will blend with the group

members easily. For example, in a situation where a student utters a sentence

containing the special college slang, that student intends to show that he is belonging

to the inside of the teenager group. According to the American scholar P. Roberts, the

reason people use slang is that they want to show they are one of the qualified

members among a certain distinct group. (Zhou & Fan, 2013).


In the data 01/NCS/V/03.33 the first slang word with the function of pursuit of

self-identity is in the word jeepin’. The slang word jeepin’ has the contextual

meaning of cheating by having vehicular sex, in a jeep. It was uttered by the main

character Cher Horowitz as a response to his accusation towards Dionne, saying his

girlfriend Dionne is cheating behind his back. Cher, Dionne and Murray involved in a

conversation where they are surrounded by other students in their high school. Cher

uttered the slang word jeepin’ with the intention of expressing her status as one of

the members of a social


class, her intention of pursuit of self-identity is addressed to the rest of the students

crowded behind them. Zhou and Fan (2013) mentioned “if somebody uses the words

and expressions within a certain social group, the person will blend with the group

members from mentality”. She wants to show them that she is a qualified member of

the same social group with Dionne and her boyfriend, Murray and that she

understands the meaning of the slang word.


The second slang word with the function of pursuit of self-identity is seen

through the word audi. Judging from the conversation, the contextual meaning of

audi is out of here. Cher finds herself bored being caught up in a couple argument

and she has no intention of joining, making her immediately leave the intense scene.

However, the word audi is also considered a slang word since it is understood by

some people and certain community in certain situation. In this case, as Cher and

Dionne belong to the same social class, Dionne understood well what Cher means

by saying the slang


word audi and replied by saying bye. Zhou and Fan (2013) mentioned “if somebody

uses the words and expressions within a certain social group, the person will blend

with the group members from mentality”. Based on Zhou & Fan, slang is considered

as the symbol for dividing the professional groups in society, it is because different

slang is used within different social group. Pursuit of self-identity function is seen

through Cher’s intention of showing to the rest of the students behind her that she

belongs to the same social group as Dionne. They have their own way of saying

goodbye one of it by saying audi instead of the regular bye word.


The third slang with the pursuit of self-identity function is found as Cher

utters the slang word buzz when she gives the latest update about Christian to Mr.

Hall. Eble (1996) mentions in practice slang words always diminish the formality of a

conversation in which they occur (p. 20). Despite of having the formal teacher student

relationship, Cher insist on answering Mr. Hall’s question casually, she uses the slang

word buzz with the contextual meaning of rumor. In return, Mr. Hall accepted Cher’s

choice of word, as a high school teacher it is common of him hearing slang words

from any of his students. The pursuit of self-identity function is seen by using buzz as

a symbol of self-belonging to a certain teenage social group. It is considered as the

symbol for dividing the groups in society, Cher’s teenage social group and Mr. Hall

group as they belong to different groups in the society. Zhou & Fan mentioned that

the usage of slang is considered as the symbol for dividing the different groups in

society. In this case Mr. Hall and Cher are members of different groups as Mr. Hall

belongs to the professional group of teachers while Cher is a member of one of the

teenage groups in her school.


The dialogue above happens when Cher Horowitz gives reason of her

tardiness to Mr. Hall’s class. She mentions the slang word surfing the crimson wave

in which the contextual meaning refers to menstruation. Due to this problem she must

run to the

restroom, making her late to come to class. Cher’s ultimate goal of saying the slang

word is to show Mr. Hall that she is a qualified member of a different social class

with him. Slang is often used to differentiate between outsiders and members of a

distinct social group, resulting with the use of slang in which only qualified members

are aware of the meaning. Being the outsider of Cher’s group leads Mr. Hall to the

unknown slang, but as Cher unintentionally mentions the restroom he guested his way

to think that Cher refers to girls’ problem.

2. Emotive Feeling of Slang Users

The second function of slang found based on Cher Horowitz conversation in

the Clueless movie is emotive feeling of slang users. According to Zhou & Fan

(2013), the emotive feeling function reveals the speaker’s attitude towards the

subject. It is crucial and has powerful impact of language usage in terms of changing

the emotional status of an audience for or against someone or something. Thus, slang

does not only have the function to stressing identity or group membership, but also

psychologically needed for expressing emotion (p. 2212).


The emotive feeling function is found in the data 03/NCS/04:48 as Cher

Horowitz says the slang word haul ass. It happens in Mr. Hall debate class when she

expresses her pro opinion towards Haitians refugee being in America, she describes

the situation just like when she throws a birthday party for her father. The contextual

meaning of haul ass is to move very quickly to a different place. Cher uses the slang

word to refer to her effort go to the kitchen in order to prepare everything for the

unexpected guests or non-R.S.V. P guests and to maintain everything under control.

The emotive feeling function is seen through Cher Horowitz strong emotion of

surprise but doesn’t have any other choice, it is up to her effort to make last minute

adjustments in order to have everything under control.


The data above shows the next slang word to have the function of emotive

feeling of slang users. The particular function lays on the slang word choked, it is

uttered by Cher Horowitz in a phone conversation with her best friend Dionne right

after she gets her final report. Its contextual meaning is to perform a task poorly,

especially when one is expected to do well (Dalzell, p. 148). The dictionary meaning

match perfectly with Cher’s intention of using the slang word. As a student Cher is

expected to do well in school by her dad, this involves in trying to get good grades in

any subjects. Her grade in debate class is not satisfying enough for her as she

expected herself to do well in it and pass the class. Cher response by saying choked

shows her strong emotion of disappointment towards her grade in the debate class.

Furthermore, she feels troubled and terrified of her father’s reaction on that matter.


The data above shows the use of slang word groovy to express Cher’s

emotive feeling towards her Geometry test result. However, after analyzing the social

factors in this situation, the contextual meaning of groovy is excellent. It is an

achievement which makes Cher to be proud of herself even though it is not a perfect

grade but is really close to it. Cher expresses her strong emotion after getting her

results back as soon as she enters her house to a painting of her mother who passed

away since she was a baby. Despite of her absent throughout Cher’s life, a mother

will always have a strong


connection with her children. It can be seen by the usage of slang word to express

Cher’s feeling of contentment of getting 98 in Geometry. Cher wants to share her

excitement with her mother although it can only be done through showing it to the

painting of her.


The conversation in the data 07/NCS/08:42 happens in the living room when

Cher and her stepbrother Josh spend one afternoon on snacking and watching

television. Cher calls Josh as couch commando as the response of him changing the

tv channel from cartoon to news. Based on the context of the conversation, Cher

intention of saying the slang word is to refer to Josh who has the audacity to change

the TV channel as pleases or in other words its contextual meaning is one who has

complete control over a television remote control device from a couch. The emotive

feeling of slang user function is seen of Cher’s annoyance towards Josh who gets in

the living room after her but instead have the courage to take the TV remote from her

and change the TV channel.



Classic is an adjective that acts as a complement to describe Cher’s response

after seeing Miss Geist flattered from reading the poem and receiving a beautiful


Contextually, the new meaning is to be expected. Miss Geist’s reaction is to be

expected by Cher. The lovely surprise in which she thought coming from Mr. Hall,

but little did she know the surprise was set up by Cher and Dionne. It is their way to

play match makers for their two teachers. Classic as a slang word has the function of

showing Cher’s happiness after seeing Miss Geist rosy cheeks and beautiful smile

after reading the love poem. Although Miss Geist’s response is to be expected by

Cher but after seeing her reaction it gives Cher a whole satisfaction after doing such

good deed.



The last slang word with the function of emotive feeling lays on sucky, it is

Cher’s way to describe and express her dislike towards coffee. The contextual

meaning of it is awful. Cher uses the slang word sucky to show that she is not a coffee

person given her personal belief it might stunt her growth. By saying sucky Italian

roast, she gives her opinion of the awful taste of coffee, instead she would rather have

lemon snapple. Based on her personal reason, consuming coffee might stunt her

growth which she tries to avoid. She hopes Mr. Hall accepts her coffee offer as she

accidently takes her father’s coffee instead of her lemon snapple this morning.



This part presents the conclusion of the study. The researcher would like to

give the conclusion based on the two problems mentioned in the previous chapter.

The first problem is the contextual meaning of slang words embedded in the utterance

of Cher Horowitz as the main character in the movie Clueless. Second is related with

the function of using the slang words which are uttered by Cher Horowitz. The data

of the study are selected from the conversation between Cher Horowitz as the main

character with other minor characters in the movie and also the screenshot of the

related scene which shows the use of slang words

In analyzing the contextual meaning of slang word in Clueless movie, the

writer identifies only the slang words mentioned by Cher Horowitz as the main

character. In total the writer found 29 slang words which are uttered by Cher which

later categorized based on the types as 11 slang words of newly created and 18 slang

words of newly interpreted slang words. The slang words were all analyzed. The

contextual meaning is determined based on the social factors which involves the

social relation of participant, setting of places and the topic of the conversation.

Overall, the number of slang words used between Cher Horowitz and other

participants with intimate relationship is greater than those with distant relationship

with each other. There are 24 slang words used by Cher in her conversation with

other participant and only 5 slang words with people who have distant relationship

with her.



In the research, the writer found 3 slang words in the movie Clueless which

are not commonly used. Those slang words are formed by combining two words or

more in which the words composed not collated with denotative meaning. The slang

word couch commando is used to refer to the one who has complete control over a

television remote control device from a couch. While surfing the crimson wave is

used to refer to menstruation. Other than that, there are numerous slang words which

exist in standard language, but have different meaning in the movie. The example can

be taken from the slang word classic, in standard language has the meaning as

accepted or deserving to be accepted as one of the best or most important of its kind.

In the movie classic is an adjective that acts as a complement to describe Cher’s

response after seeing Miss Geist flattered from reading the poem. Contextually, the

new meaning is to be expected. Miss Geist’s reaction is to be expected by Cher. It can

be concluded that depending on the social factors (topic, setting, and social relation

between participants) slang words can have different contextual meaning.

The slang words uttered by Cher Horowitz as the main character have two

different functions in the movie Clueless. Firstly, slang word acts as a tool in voicing

self-identity of its user. Cher often uses slang words to show other participant of her

belonging in a certain social group and to exclude others who doesn’t belong to the

same group as her. However, the exclusion is done by saying slang words which only

understood by other group members of her own, but she often gives away the

meaning to others outside her group as she explains further about the topic of

conversation. The second function of slang word analyzed throughout the movie is

emotive feeling of


slang user. Slang is used to show the addresser’s emotion towards specific subject

currently being discussed with the addressee. In the movie, Cher expresses various

kinds of emotions ranging from being surprised, excitement, satisfaction and

disappointed. This function is crucial and has powerful impact of language usage in

terms of changing the emotional status of an audience for or against someone or


Through this study, the writer concludes that slang language is mainly used

among people who have intimate social relation with each other. This is due to the

fact that social dimension factors such as comparative ages, social distance and

mutual familiarity plays an important role in someone’s choice in language usage.

Slang language is a trend among teenagers, and it became one of the famous language

variety used in the adolescence life circle.

The writer suggests future researcher to enrich the sociolinguistic analysis by

conducting similar study but with different object of study. Movie is one type of

literature works which can effortlessly analyzed by using sociolinguistic approach.

This is because different scenes in a movie can be taken as screenshot proof for

detailed analysis. However, the writer suggests future researcher to be careful in the

data collection of slang word, because there are many similar slang words with

different meanings, it all depends on the context of conversation.



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Contextual Meaning and Function of Using Slang Words

Data Code Utterance Slang Social Factor Contextual Function
words Social Setting Topic Meaning P E E
Relation S F P
01/NCS/V/03:33 MURRAY: Where you Jeepin’ Intimate High Cheating Cheating by ✓
been all weekend? What's school having vehicular
up? You been jeepin' sex in a jeep
around behind my back?
CHER: Jeepin'.
02/NCS/N/03:51 CHER: Dee, I'm audi. Audi Intimate High Couple Out of here ✓
DIONNE: Bye. school arguing
03/NCS/V/04:48 CHER: I had to haul ass to Haul ass Distant Class Debate to move very ✓
the kitchen, redistribute the room about quickly to a
food, squish in extra place refuge in different place
settings, but by the end of America
the day it was like, the
more the merrier! And so,
if the government could
just get to the kitchen,
rearrange some things, we
could certainly party with
the Haitians. And in
conclusion, may I please
remind you that it does not
say R.S.V.P. on the Statue
of Liberty?



Data Code Utterance Slang Social Factor Contextual Function

words Social Setting Topic Meaning P E E
Relation S F P
04/NIS/N/06:23 MR. HALL: And with that Buzz Distant Class Report card Rumor ✓
in mind, I'm going to room distribution
distribute you report cards.
Now, is there a Christian
Stobich in this class?
CHER: MR. Hall? The
buzz on Christian is that
his parents have joint
custody, so he'll be
spending one semester in
Chicago and one semester
05/NIS/V/07:08 CHER (on phone): Dee? Choked Intimate School Unsatisfied To perform a ✓
DIONNE: Wassup? hallway with Report task poorly,
CHER: Did you get your card especially when
report card? one is expected
DIONNE: Yeah, I'm toast. to do well
How'd you do?
CHER: I totally choked.
My father is going to go
ballistic on me.Well, he
gave me a C, which drags
down my entire average.


Data Code Utterance Slang Social Factor Contextual Function

words Meaning
Social Setting Topic P E E
Relation S F P
06/NIS/Adj/07:41 CHER V.O. :Isn't my Groovy Intimate Home Geometry Excellent ✓
house classic? The score
columns date all the way
back to 1972. Wasn't my
Mom a betty? She died
when I was just a baby. A
fluke accident during a
routine liposuction. I don't
remember her, but I like to
pretend she still watches
over me.
CHER: Hey, Ma. 98 in
geometry. Pretty groovy,
07/NCS/N/08:42 CHER: Hey! God, you Couch Intimate Living Fighting One who has ✓
just got here and already comman room over TV complete control
you're playing couch do remote over a television
Commando! JOSH: Hey! remote control
In some parts of the device from a
Universe, maybe not in couch.
Contempo Casual, but in
some parts, it's considered
cool to know what's going
on in the world.


Data Code Utterance Slang Social Factor Contextual Function

words Meaning
Social Setting Topic P E E
Relation S F P
08/NIS/Adj/13:03 DIONNE: Oh, my God! Classic Intimate Teacher’ Love letter To be expected ✓
She actually looked s lounge for Miss.
happy! CHER: Oooh, Geist
09/NCS/V/14:14 CHER: I object! Do you Surfing Distant Classroo Tardiness Menstruation ✓
recall the dates of these the m
alleged tardies? crimson
MR HALL: One was last wave
CHER: Mr. Hall, I was
surfing the crimson wave,
had to haul ass to the
10/NCS/Adj/16:27 JOSH: Actually, I'm going Busy Intimate In Cher’s Josh Extremely busy ✓
to a tree people meeting. pants- car attending
Me might get Marky Mark dropping tree people
to plant a celebrity tree. meeting
CHER: How fabulous.
Getting Marky Mark to
take time from his busy
pants-dropping schedule to
plant trees?


Data Code Utterance Slang Social Factor Contextual Function

words Meaning
Social Setting Topic P E E
Relation S F P
11/NIS/Adj/17:35 CHER: Well, I am such a Sucky Distant School Offering Awful ✓
retard. When I was garden coffee
packing Daddy's lunch
this morning I gave him
my lemon snapple, and I
his sucky Italian roast. Do
you want it?
12/NIS/N/18:28 CHER: I know what you Heifer Intimate School Skipping Someone who’s ✓
mean, but at least it's garden PE overweight
exercise. I feel like such a
heifer. I had two bowls of
special K, three pieces of
turkey bacon, a handful of
popcorn, five peanut
butter M&M's, and like,
pieces of licorice.
13/NCS/Adj/21:27 MISS STOEGER: Well, Lawsuit Distant Baseball Hitting the Dangerous ✓
you certainly exercised waiting court ball
your mouth Cher. Now, to
hit the ball. happen
CHER: Miss Stoeger, that
machine is just a lawsuit
waiting to happen!


Data Code Utterance Slang Social Factor Contextual Function

words Meaning
Social Setting Topic P E E
Relation S F P
14/NCS/N/25:29 CHER: My birthday is in Doobie Intimate School Drugs Marijuana ✓
April, and as someone cafeteria
older, can I please give
you some advice?
It is one thing to spark up
a doobie and get laced at
parties, but it is quite
another to be fried all day.
15/NCS/N/25:36 CHER: Loadies generally Loadies Intimate School Student’s Drug addict ✓
hang on the grassy knoll cafeteria social
over there. groups
16/NIS/Interjection CHER: Dee? What’s up? What’s Intimate Dinner Phone call Greeting ✓
/32:02 DIONNE: So, check it. up table
Murray's geometry class is
right by Elton's locker, and
taped up inside was the
picture you took of Tai.


Data Code Utterance Slang Social Factor Contextual Function

words Meaning
Social Setting Topic P E E
Relation S F P
17/NIS/V/32:23 DIONNE: Hello! So, Cameo Intimate Dinner Attends Come ✓
anyway, the whole crew table party
is going to this party in
the Valley.
CHER: Bye.
Looks like we're going to
have to make a cameo at
the Val party.
18/NIS/Adj/35:47 CHER: I'm still baked. Baked Intimate Party Gossiping Under the ✓
TAI: Yeah. influence of
(Back to the dance floor) marijuana
19/NIS/V/35:57 CHER: What do ya say, Go bump Intimate Dance Dancing Talk ✓
we go bump into people? floor
TAI: Yeah, I'm cool with
20/NIS/Interjection ELTON: Yeah. I think Whatever Intimate Elton’s Flirting Used as a ✓
/40:19 we both know what it car dismissing retort
feels like to be lonely. to what has just
CHER: Whatever. The being said
thing is, is that I'd really
like to see you settled


Data Code Utterance Slang Social Factor Contextual Function

words Meaning
Social Setting Topic P E E
Relation S F P
21/NIS/Interjection ELTON: Alright! You As if Intimate Elton’s Flirting No way ✓
/41:06 know, I don't get you car
Cher. I mean, you flirt
with me all year.
CHER: As if! I have been
trying to get you together
with Tai.
22/NIS/Adj/53:04 CHER: It's so killer! Killer Intimate Cher’s Christian’s Awesome ✓
CHRISTIAN: Thank you. front car
23/NCS/N/55:21 TAI: Do you think she’s Monet Intimate Dance Amber Good looking ✓
pretty? floor dancing from a
CHER: No, she's a full on with Elton distance but
Monet. closely messed
TAI: What's a monet? up
CHER: It's like a painting,
see? From far away, it's
OK, but up close, it's a big
old mess.
24/NIS/Adj/58:57 CHER: Hey, you what Dope Intimate Josh’s Take-out Excellent ✓
would be so dope? If we car meal for
got some really delicious Mel and
take-out. I bet they haven't his staff
eaten all night.


Data Code Utterance Slang Social Factor Contextual Function

words Meaning
Social Setting Topic P E E
Relation S F P
25/NIS/N/01:06:21 MURRAY: He's Buggin’ Intimate Dionne’s Christian’s A feeling of ✓
gay. CHER: Not car sexuality confusion
MURRAY: Yes, even.
DIONNE: He does like
to shop, Cher, and the
boy can dress.
CHER: Oh, my God. I
am totally buggin'. I feel
like such a bonehead.
26/NIS/N/01:06:23 CHER: Oh, my God. I Bonehead Intimate Dionne’s Christian’s Idiot ✓
am totally buggin'. I feel car sexuality
like such a bonehead.
27/NIS/N/01:08:06 CHRISTIAN: Um, Barneys Intimate Shopping Tai’s Unattractive ✓
where’s Tai? mall presence young man
CHER: Oh, she met
some random guys at the
Foot Locker and escorted
them right over there. I
don't know where she
meets these Barnies.


Data Code Utterance Slang Social Factor Contextual Function

words Meaning
Social Setting Topic P E E
Relation S F P
28/NCS/V/01:16 TAI: Like, little things, Ralphing Intimate Cher’s Tai’s crush Vomit ✓
:17 you know? Like, he living on Josh
always, he finds some sort room
of way to touch me or
tickle me. You OK?
CHER: Yeah. Oh,
actually, I was really bad
today, I had two
mochaccinos, I feel like
29/NIS/N/01:29:17 JOSH: Yeah, well, it's a Ditz Intimate Cher’s Mel’s law An empty- ✓
good learning experience, staircase case headed person
at least for me, I want to
be a lawyer. But you, I
mean, you don't need to be
doing this. Go out and
have fun, go shopping.
CHER: You think that's all
I do, I'm just a ditz with a
credit card?
JOSH: No, no, ah, that's
not what I meant.

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