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Dear Ben,
0)First of all, let me congratulate you on your success in gaining
admission to a great university where I also studied. I'd also like to
thank you at the same time for having confidence in my advice in
finding accommodation for you.
1)Of course, the best way to find accommodation at your university is
to go over the daily local newspaper's “classified” section where many
local residents post advertisements to rent out their flats to students.
You could also try reading the “student union” notice boards where
students frequently post ads to either find suitable roommates or share
their flats.

2)By the way, you could also live in one of those single bedroom
apartments on Jenkins Avenue where I also lived as a student of that
university. These single bedrooms are a bit pricey, but you would
probably like them because of their calm and nice environment.

3)But, wherever you choose to reside, please just make sure that the
flat or home, you decide to rent, has a good central heating system
because that place can get really cold during the winter.

Wishing you all the best.

Warm wishes,
Many today claim that we are living at the pinnacle of human progress
and civilization. I am largely in agreement with this sentiment and
believe that living in Europe during the Renaissance would also be

The standard of living enjoyed by the average person today is

unprecedented. This can be evidenced across a variety of areas
including medicine, technology, entertainment, transportation, art, and
so on. A person living hundreds of years ago had a much higher
probability of fighting in a war or dying early because of disease. Even if
they survived these perils, they would likely still have to work long days
at difficult occupations such as farming. Today, most people work
around 40 hours a week in a comfortable office with air conditioning or
heating. The only meaningful tradeoff now is that technology has
become so pervasive, in terms of social media and streaming platforms,
that people are mentally and physically passive.

Another period of history that would be interesting to see would be the

period of Nazi Germany. I know, it sounds strange and scary.If I had
afford would have lived some years in those days. I would saw my own
eyes all the processes that brought Hitler to power. it would also be
interesting to walk through the streets where cutting-edge technologies
were developed that had no analogues in those days

In conclusion, people today are more entitled than any previous

generations though there are tradeoffs related to technology. It is clear
that life is better now than in the era of Nazi Germany, and the politics
of Nazi Germany, we can also see what their policy led to

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