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irect And indirect

Presented by Amit kumar Anshul Sharma Arif ali Sudeep giri Vinay singh

What is Reported Speech? Reported Speech

is a way how we report what someone has said by changing some of the words said, but retaining the same meaning.

Yesterday, I saw my friend Pamela! She told me that she got a promotion! ...yesterday

We often report speech to

Example: Ellen said she couldnt come today 2. Tell someonebecause news that we heard

1. Give someone a telephone message:

from someone else:

Example: Tom told me that he and Karen got engaged! wasnt

To report something that happened:

mple: Sam said that the other driver ing attention and hit his car.

When we use reported speech, we are

talking about the past.

How to use reported speech? usually

Therefore, verbs usually change to the past tense in reported speech.

for example:



was were had

are have / has

can / cant will / wont




could/couldn t


When using direct speech in your writing you need to use the correct punctuation: The exact words spoken must be enclosed in speech marks. The first word of the speech must begin with a capital letter. The words in the speech marks must be separated from the rest of the sentence by a comma. You must use a new line when a new speaker begins to speak.

Punctuating Direct Speech.

Reported promises, offers.

When we report offers, promises, threats etc, we can use the structure:

Reporting verb + toinfinitive

What did the woman say to us? She offered to help us. reporting verb

Can I help you?


The reporting verbs that we can use in this structure include: Offer, promise, agree, refuse, etc.

Reported orders, requests.

When we report orders, requests, warnings, advice, invitations etc, we can use the structure:

Reporting verb + object + to infinitive

Can you tell me how to read the word, John? What did the girl say? The girl asked John to tell her how to read the word. reporting verb + object + toinfinitive
Notice : The change of pronouns

The reporting verbs that we can use in this structure include:

tell, ask, order, warn, remind, advise, invite etc.

Reporting negative orders, promises, advices..

In negative orders, promises, requests, etc, we use the structure:

not + to-infinitive

Do not eat too much sweet.

What did the dentist ask Joe? The dentist asked Joe not to eat too much sweet. not + toinfinitive

In reported speech, we usually need to change the pronouns (e.g. I, you, me, this, these, etc) and possessive adjectives (e.g. my, your, etc). We usually change the pronouns from :

Changes of pronouns

1st person (I, 3rd To me) person (we, us) 2nd person (you, your) However we do not need to change the 1st person pronoun I when the speaker is reporting his/her own words.

What did the woman say to the man? She asked him to be careful when he passes her the box.

Please be careful when you pass me the box.

Advantages and disadvantages of each type Direct speechof speech. Indirect speech
Direct speech can show what a character is like. Long speeches can be boring. Too many speakers can confuse the reader. Direct speech can add variety to writing.

Indirect speech can be summarised briefly so that it does not slow down the pace of the action. It can show a contrast between what a character is saying and what he or she is thinking.


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