EPortfolio Task #12

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ePortfolio Task #12 – Essay on Study Habits/Techniques

Name: Karl F. Robles Section: Polaris 1-A Date: 12/17/22

Study habits are typically defined as a person's usual activity or habitual behaviors in
order to study and learn well. Study habits help students make their academics easy to
understand and make their learning experience comfortable and pleasurable. A student's study
habits are crucial since they assist them to improve their academic learning and skills.

Among all the study techniques I have encountered and read, these are the five study
techniques I personally use accordingly to the type of learning style I have.

First, reviewing and summarizing notes can be an effective study technique, because it
helps me actively engage with the material and reinforce my understanding of it. When I review
my notes, I am not just passively reading through them; I am actively thinking about the
content and trying to understand it on a deeper level. This can help me retain the information

Second, making a schedule, having a schedule for studying can be beneficial because it
helps me prioritize my time and make the most of my study sessions. When I have a schedule,
I can set aside dedicated blocks of time for studying, rather than trying to fit it in whenever I
have a spare moment. This can help me focus on my studies and avoid distractions.

Third, taking breaks, taking breaks while studying can be beneficial for a number of
reasons, in my case, it can help me maintain focus and avoid mental fatigue. When I study for
long periods of time without a break, it can be easy to lose concentration and become less
productive. In addition to helping me maintain focus, taking breaks can also help me retain the
information I have learned. Research has shown that spacing out your study sessions and
reviewing the material at intervals can improve retention. Taking breaks can also help me relax
and reduce stress, which can be especially important if I am feeling overwhelmed or anxious
about my studies.

Fourth, reviewing with friends, I personally sometimes like to review together with
friends for several reasons, reviewing together can help me reinforce my understanding of the
material. When I review with friends, we can discuss the content and explain it to each other in
our own words. This can help me better understand and remember the material, as well as
identify any areas where I may be confused or uncertain. Reviewing together can be more
enjoyable and engaging than reviewing alone. Studying can be a solitary activity, and reviewing
together with friends can provide social support and a sense of community.

Lastly, reviewing the material in different formats, reviewing the material in different
formats can be a good study technique because it can help you better understand and
remember the material, which can make the learning less monotonous and more engaging. I
typically review by reading the material but I also try reviewing it through other formats such as
listening to recorded material or watching a video on YouTube. Doing this helped me identify
my strengths and weaknesses as a learner and I found out that I retain the material better
when I review in certain formats.
To conclude, it's important to find study techniques that work best for you, as different
techniques work better for different people and subjects. Experiment with different techniques
and see what works best for you

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