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Geometry - | Foundation Course on Mathematics Part-V Sahil Khandelwal » Lesson 24 + Feb 15, 2021 Math Foundation Co SSC CGL Pre To Mains GEOMETRY ZERO DIMENSION / NO DIMENSION 1) POINT (fara): fara ae @ Brea a eae a Stere site a Tere eT aI Apointis one in which there is neither length nor width. Note ~ 1: Freft we farg a ata Dart area I Infinite lines pass through a single point. Puke acu) Note - 2: at aftret faegat a oe site Fac oH Tar aT oT AT ZI One and only one line can be drawn from two different points. ——____.— A B Note - 3: ftv a1 afr faratt at (Collinear points) Feat # ahs 3 wa A Par we fess sh fie aT ah faegt sit ue tar ve fea at at weve Farge (Non-collinear points Fearat #1 Three or more points are called Collinear points if they lie on the same line. Three or more points that are not located on a line are called non-collinear points. —e——— A B € AB& CHa za ° B . . A c AB& Carita zai \ Math Foundation Course SSC CGL Pre To Mains => tt fiegtaar ata ata A,B and C are nonlinear points. => The two points always align. Note- 4: 41e at are a aifirs fara wagetrt (Concyclic) FEAT & aR aaa AT OH TT TT : Four or more dots are called Concyclic if a circle passes through them. AB,C&D wagers fargt a1 ind Get Instant 10% Discount on PE Cet er) 4 SSC CGL Pre To Mains Note - 5: #12 “ff 4tt 4a (Non collinear points) fart stat wHTATT (Concyclic) Za #1 Any three collinear points are always concyclic. B Note - 6:0 Jat gaan dts sive Parga 4 dae at A : A circle always passes through three nonlinear points. URC aC Um Es) PE Cet er) SSC CGL Pre To Mains ONE DIMENSION 1) LINE (Can): tft acct Har Tata aH aT BT ae at ar 2 A simple line that extends infinite distance on both sides. ee £ Qa, vat PQ (PQ) 2) LINE SEGMENT (“arave) : Tavavs, Tar at WH Gas tat & Fase aT aed fees Aa AL (Line segment): A line segmentis a piece of line with two endpoints. Taras PQ (PQ or PQ) PUTS Tir ores PUT Re atu, Ed ery SSC CGL Pre To M 3) RAY (fem): wa tar ar ag are forever OH ata Paes at we Peer azar 2 RAY (ray): The part of a line which has one end points called a ray. . Q fro PQ (PQ) 4) PARALLEL LINES (7HTeae / TaTaTAT aT aaa Tart): oH aa AY at fet Tart qareae sear Z ate sat are At fag saris vet at are 3 at Tee Peat At aeTe TT ‘Two different lines of a plane are called parallel. If no point is common among them, however much they may be extended on both sides. iB) Ce) AB || CD UST eres (5 and Get Instant 1 PE EC er) SSC CGL Pre To Mains Note -1: 21 wataz vara Ata At werag At eae vara Brat 21 ‘The perpendicular distance between two parallel lines is always the same. A B + AB || CD c—bhh p Note - 2: af at tavavs us df ade Hara HATA HIT AAT aT TAT Tare THAT SAAT :If two lines make equal angles with the same surface, then both lines will be parallel. AB || CD ind Get Instant 10% Eee) PEC Cet er SSC CGL Pre To Mains TWO DIMENSION 1) ANGLE (#1): af St Pavavet ar Peevit aT we gt aes FArz (end point) at eat at aH AT ATT ed Bi aes fry Fro aT ATF (Vertex) FAATAT ZI If two lines or rays have the same end point, then the shape made from it is called an angle. The end point is called vertex. A B c ‘#17 ABC (ZABC) PUTS Tir ores ind Get Instant 10% PET eer dy SSC CGL Pre To M s UT THT (Types of Angle) (According to measurement of angle) 1) Acute Angle (IA#M™): ze FT Fret ATT 90° H HH ST TAHT HEATAT Bl An angle that measures less than 90 ° is called a angle. R e c =ETaTT ABC (ZABC < 90°) PUTTS Tir eres (5 ind Get Instant 1 PE CEC er SSC CGL Pre To Mains 2) Right Angle (THAT): tz Fr FFT ATT 90° AT AAAI FAATAT Zh ‘The angle which measures 90 ° is called a right angle. A 90° B ATT ABC (ZABC = 90°) 3) Obtuse Angle (afirrarm): 7e Fr Freeh art 90° A afre Tar 180° A ea aT aes BOT HEATAT BI ‘An angle that measures more than 90 ° and is less than 180 ° is called an angle. A A A B ind Get Instant 1 PUTTS Tir overs (s ) Math Foundation Course b @ SSC CGL Pre To Mains MA ii) Concave Polygon (#247 AE qa): Whe Farah age ar aH A a TH AMT 180° A FATA A TA TAA AST FEA ZI (Concave Polygon): If at least one angle of a polygon is greater than 180 *, itis called a concave polygon. A op SS ; | D c Bc iii) Regular Polygon (7H AEqs): 7 Prt agape Ht ae ao ws art tT aera ATT ae ASAT AH EAT TEATAT eI fall sides and all angles of a polygon are equal, then that polygon is called an even polygon. A by Aso, 607\ wag Pye ai a URC aC Um Cure Er) Math Foundation Co SSC CGL Pre To Mains iv) Non-Regular Polygon (fav agqa): 7% Pret agus Ft are oft qo aera ae at at ae aga agaa FeATaT 2 If no side of a polygon is equal then that polygon is called an odd polygon. Zag ind Get Instant 10° PE Ce er SSC CGL Pre To Mains ‘agaa # afira ste (Terms related to Polygon) Diagonal (f4¥™): 21 sEATTT (Non consecutive) TMT (Vertices) FI Ast att ay FT Frat FET SL The line joining two consecutive vertices is called a diagonal. A B D c AC ait BD fart @1 PUTS ir ores ind Get Instant 10%

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