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ePortfolio Task #13 – (Reflection Paper) – Setting One’s Goal

Name: Karl F. Robles Section: Polaris 1-A Date: 12/17/22

The saying "Don't just dream, make it happen" resonates with me because it
emphasizes the importance of taking action towards our goals and aspirations. It reminds us
that simply dreaming about something is not enough; we must also put in the hard work and
effort to make it a reality.

This saying has helped me to realize that I have the power and agency to shape my
own future, rather than simply waiting for things to happen to me. It has encouraged me to be
proactive and to take steps towards achieving my goals, rather than just hoping that things will
fall into place.

However, I have also learned that making our dreams happen often requires
overcoming obstacles and setbacks. It's not always easy to take action and pursue our goals,
and we may encounter challenges and obstacles along the way. But this saying reminds us that
these challenges are an inevitable part of the journey and that they can ultimately help us to
grow and become stronger.

In conclusion, the saying "Don't just dream, make it happen" serves as a reminder to
take action towards our goals and aspirations, and to be proactive in shaping our own future. It
encourages us to overcome obstacles and setbacks, and to embrace the challenges that come
our way. This saying has helped me to realize that I have the power and agency to make my
dreams a reality, and I believe that it can do the same for others.

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