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Republic of the Philippines PROVINCE OF ZAMBALES IBA Q OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR, DREDGING OPERATIONS PERMIT No. DOP: 20% coy pateissuep: _YN 18 zozo PERMITTEE : CHOSEN ONE LAND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ADDRESS: Narra Street, San Jose, Alaminos City, Pangasinan Upon proper recommendation and evaluation by the Inter-Agency Committee as per DAO No. 13-2019, as amended by DAO No. 24-2019, and compliance with the conditions for the grant thereof, the above-named applicant is hereby given authority to Conduct dredging operations in the Western River Basins_of Mt.Pinatubo_- Downstream Portion of Bucao River, Botolan, Zambales, Philippines, and more particularly described in metes and bounds, to wit: TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION | POINT LONGITUDES | LATITUDES | 1 120° 00' 39.000" E 15° 15’ 50.980" N | 2 120° 01’ 40.000" E 15°15’ 51.120" N 3 120° 01’ 40.000" E 15° 15' 47.160" N 4 | 120° 00’ 39.000" E 15°15’ 46.110" N subject to the following terms and conditions: 1. This permit shall be effective from Nt to 30 June 2021 2. The volume to be dredged shall not exceed 2,974,060.00 cubic meters or until the area designated area has been cleared, but in no case be later than 30 June 2021 + Republic of the Philippines PROVINCE OF ZAMBALES IBA & OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR This Permit shall be for the exclusive use of the grantee/permittee and shall not be transferred, sold or assigned without prior written approval by the Provincial Governor. This Permit may be suspended or revoked at any time by the Provincial Governor when public interest, welfare, peace and order conditions so require, or upon failure of the grantee/permittee to comply with the other terms and conditions stated in this Permit or for environmental reasons, without any obligations on the part of the government. The grantee/permittee shall, within sixty (60) days from the date of issuance of this permit, place the area in actual commercial production and shall submit verified quarterly production report and integrated annual survey reports within thirty (30) days after the end of each quarter. Failure to place the area in actual production and submit the required report without justification shall cause the automatic cancellation of this permit. The representations made in the application and those made or submitted in support thereof shall form part of the terms and conditions of the grant of this Permit. Any misrepresentation contained therein shall be a cause of the suspension or cancellation of this Permit. The conduct of dredging activities under this Permit shall be strictly confined within the area specified herein, the boundaries of which must be delineated and properly marked on the ground with prominent markers or survey monuments. The grantee/permittee shall pay the Province the corresponding fees as may be provided by national and local laws, in addition to such business permits and licenses that may be imposed by the local government unit. W Republic of the Philippines PROVINCE OF ZAMBALES IBA Q OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR 9. The foregoing conditions shall be without prejudice to such other terms and fequirements which the Province may require and impose, such as but not limited to the attached checklist. Done in Iba, Zambales. ~ HERMOGENESE! ERPRNE, JR. Govemogr With my conformity: BY Cus u Mr. Dante R. Catabay PresidentiCEO Chosen One Land Development Corporation

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