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What is the meaning of the

word Sermon?
What is the difference between

• A Sermon
• A Talk
• a Discussion,
• a Lecture
Repaired to- went to
Thee- you
Pray tell me- please tell me
Procure- obtain
Pitied- showed mercy
Weary- tired
Reigned- presided
Valley of death-world
Death is a common phenomenon, everyone
who is born has to face death, however,
people who look beyond their own selves
and are willing to put others needs before
their own become immortal as he/she lives
in the hearts of people. Being unselfish is
the only way to attain immortality in our
world which is filled with deep sorrow.
Q. Why does Kisa compare human lives to
an inanimate object?
Q. What did Kisa learn in the end?
Q. How did Buddha make Kisa realise about
the reality of life and death?
Q. What does Buddha say about the world?
Q. What does Buddha say about mortals?
Kinsmen- relatives
Slaughter- killing
Arrow of lamentation-
Which people are referred to as ‘wise’ by
What are the terms of the world?
How will anyone obtain peace of mind?
What effect does weeping or grieving have
on us?
What does Buddha say about death and
• What lesson on death and suffering did the Buddha teach Kisa Gotami in the chapter,‘The Sermon at
Benares’? (100 – 150 words)

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