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Cesei CCCmm IPO)

Demearapric Detas

BAateas: Vian Makhy edh
Hand Dom reacsi leti
Hegnta 7&cm
wechti 66 ke
Bm 20- ke m(Nemmal
DAssesmeat 2250920222
* chef S
Peien Complains af Sudden BeHessness an els
ndesse n hs heastbeats beloee 1S daus
ese Kel
Paent wasolaght beshe 6lasg Suddenlu he epeieneS
Sudden Restessnes an elt inceas2 in ks heaat beads
wlehe was wonking in hs afdice. He Sushe to
the RadHam hespial Lehens it was kundd that his heast beak
has innese upto 1&a beals pe Minude Immelialel
he aS kept in Icu_and afler examnaden by dockon
he Cdeuent ineliosdionsikebloe epcmhs EcHO,
wos eud hat õsdieds Haai Value is damaged
Hecas oduse o undundei Sege S Seen as
PosssePadientus amittea in Ratlan hsspial B
36 houas: Aflea thot kaaohen h9 ms stable
u o 0 gol. he otaischang eal iem
and podeat anktioo
he hosputal.. oth. he auice of Heat Ualue Suoge
Padient decide Ho go la at 0Omm Hout ingttde.
Suog olesiasleal Oomm
Naska afle 2days of Jghange He
hospitalbecauae he was Consulting h s hospital lá
Regulas cheakupHe ome to DOmm_hospital
befame 6 moadtha ond 2 martha at Ahat ime hig
CondHlon uo0s 9oo and doadoru 4ol him that Yo
alue fncdlon e9 ood 9ght neus anL no neea_ot
Ong gsaNo_o0 podlentConsolHea
a Oomo hospilel, he uooa_admitted Ond oent
Onde inuesia adiong RKe bloo inueasli9 aden, EC%J
ECdo Conan0shu ngighphTodey o0 26/|2oe
podient Condition s qoo ano stable his vials a s e
nohma and he will go vndes Hsa Value aqe in
One a two lous

diet haa Underqone HesdNalue teplese.meat S a g e

X - Ad.
belne IS ueass at CHL Apollo Haspidel indase
A hod tme. poient wo teelng Reatlessness,
d o tadle.
o do Come, adiiutles ike. heauu ueigt k tinq Somelimes
e t bnehessness.So he Cansudea CHL hospilalan
weat unde Susqe Aten SussehtPodenlls Lna.
odmitte- o hespt ue las and oag augeal
e nea Aftes Resouenyhe a able to lo al
is Onk cand house hol 0shkalao: Afle thal he
clicAnelt_Ca cktkeutties like ,
Resllessne9s, inTnes in
in hea beat om an Mind of pain
AMeunal Hlo2
Not o k l c l o -
b Om

Cgial Hiskes
Heao Value Replacement Saqebelihe Syea
Septle Umbileus
Septc inleediao SunsenY be lee 8uea9
Femoaa Heanio Sagen betohe buease

Phamaaologieal Hslao
Tablet-Tde plug-0 mg-Halt taklet eue moininq;
Lhem laat G la
Tablet Aclomet X]-S0me Onetable euen Moniing_

Peosanal tiste
Sleep- No dialuslbance CNomal 7-<houas )
Appete- NonmalA
AsALedion -Tobat Chewes co oyea9s baok
Die Vegeleian
Boel laJden *Nonmal
ramly Hiakay
talhe hos hisBeny o_ Heant Atdaak

Envionmental lel
Podient i alone at home So he d oeg. all hig
hougehslo uhk: himsel He_uoa not aing an and
dileu in olaily Actuties belene S daus H
houge s on lestAloo he dally cltmbs 30-uo slauna
He is oable do clo uoomk_liMe daghinqolothes,_w
CooKinq OnS olhen ocliudieas He is liunain a Sacety
ohich ha po antisoion No indusial laotenea
0 Chemi denea ane neaay podient's house , e
lves in o Qoed enulhonment
Occopadlen al HaB
Padient is aAccountaot: He toaka olally ten 8 ho crs
Mostuhe haa As Loenk On ompudes S he has
hiskanot Dholonge gitingof -8 hos adaly
om last 1S ye3 Hia ofoe ia on iast Plasn
Ha Colleaques One. agbead legalasu Smokens. &ua
So wheneue. the Smoke and idhen hat SmoMe s
inhalecd loy Potient has immealadely loughs He uooyhs
cloily in SmoKu enlanmeat

Soclo -economio. Hiajehy i

Family nmembes-(O
EJucalon-B.Com. 6 painS
OCoupadionAccountant poanls
Gala S0oo-penmorth- poinla.
Accnninao KupussemScale patient CemesinUppe.
midole clas
sq LU
Edema- Absent

oEtanal Agplances-None

Selling Alb sen

AHitule of limh Nonmol
erond sns

empesatee -Nonmal

lendeaness Abseat
Sile-9lcanal angle 4o Xipksiol pnotegS
MobilHy Nsh mgbile_ aohiaa
ColouSkin totoTer S1gn & slammatim
length - 25cm

Cheat Eepansion- Nasa, biladenally_egual

nache.a posdion- uca Cente
Pecussien Nomal

Auscal callation Naaa

oile hemitus Nonma
*Val Siana-
Polse-0 beslslminule
SPO 98h As on
BlooPaessuhe-30/80 mmHg 5 0 o92
Reapaato Rate-44 baeshs minule.
empeaotuoe-98.2F CNohmal)

X xamingtion 8

Fain Asseg,sment8=
Onset- Suden
Site- theano de inoskennal:
Side- ef
Naduhe Inttamittent
Fain inden sit



At Acdiut---
A Rea- O
Agg aucding tactons- oalking on O Minutes
Rekeving {acdons-_Real
Chest pansi
Righttolel-30cm: (aansveise
Aedetie poslnioh -23cm


enaApee Acilla evel

A+ Inspaelion=92cm 2cm dilhenae
A Expnadion q0Cm

Nipple level
A Inspnadion-42Gm cm
AA Expen alion OCm

Xiphsi pnocegs
A Inspisacion -88 Cm 1cm olilenence
A Expihadion -%6 cm

Not}elen b e Couse._podler 9 pne openaiwe
614:8 mgl
Tolal Lipids -
As on 920 9.o29
ECHO &8-

Stadus Post muA

CnoaPrsathedle alue Aunellon
Seuene AS
modes-ade AR
DGhood Bveoticola toadlan LNEF 60.

CORONARY ANGIOGnAPHY8- As oo 2809|a90.

Diaonb Povt OP MUL S4etw (ACHLd s e

SeNer Atic_Steuezu
Modeee Aoztic Reguitedo
-Systoc Funehiona
CADMA Ansianitigant CAD

AppxOch Pada S Preudn Shuuctu

MA NowaU

Mayor= odimald
CitlmYRO dominat_
OM Nowma
RA Dowincut Noma
Colac Condllen
CHeaht lue Acplaaemen)

Bo muelne anot Aelul limlatran doylieipnlan

100cdign Jmpabmms - uoittina rveme. TRoalatalh
Ahon mules fam
Poin Heauy el nt
-R easneas

Pe9onol aclens Socol 1oolog

Age Physt
Cendo Aelodlon.ships

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