English PT Q2

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English PT by: Lojaien Wael, Lujain Salama & Seif Shawky

On what historical figure was the Faust legend based?

The Faust Legend is a fascinating story of a German astrologer who sold his soul to the devil in
exchange for authority and expressive, unlimited knowledge. Putting aside the amount of astounding
literature and dynamic plays that were inspired by this legend, the Faust legend is based on the life
of a human being: Johann Georg Faust, who was a German alchemist, a practitioner of necromancy
(black magic), and an astrologer. He was a scholar who lived in northern Germany in the 15th
century. The sophisticated Faust had a highly successful life; however, he was frustrated with it. He
was displeased with his current scholarly life, viewing it as dull and boring, which lead him to bargain
with the devil. Faust uses his magical powers to summon the devil. Mephistopheles, a fellow demon,
answers his calls and agrees to make a hazardous deal with Faust in which he devotes his soul in
return for worldly pleasures and expansive knowledge. Mephistopheles will grant him all of his
desires, but at the end of the term, the devil has absolute control over Faust’s soul; he will be
eternally enslaved under the devil. His pact with the devil got him almost little to nothing. He did not
gain anything but a notorious image, which resulted in him getting expelled from numerous cities.
Faust reached his end in either 1540 or 1541 where the devil came to tear him into shreds and left
his corpse on a dung heap with his eyes bulged and glued to the wall. Faust’s journey has inspired
plenty of writers to create astonishing literary work. Plenty of artists, writers, musicians, and poets
created work from this legend.
What 16th-century English playwright wrote the first literary version of the Faust legend?
The English playwright who wrote the first literary version of the Faust legend was by Christopher

What other literature has been based on the Faust legend?

An underappreciated film that deserves to be included among Farrow's best. Starting out as a
political thriller, it gradually transforms into a fantasy, a twist on the Faust legend, with honest,
conscientious politician Mitchell succumbing to the influence of old Nick Beal (Milland) and
transforming into a cruel, power-hungry monster. Farrow has a model screenplay of precision and
construction thanks to his regular writer Jonathan Latimer, and he adds precise detail, reference,
and suggestion to it. The best part is that he never has Milland walk into a scene: the camera
constantly discovers him when it or a character moves, and there he is when he was nowhere
seconds before. Unfortunately, there is a sellout religious finale, which weakens the overall impact of
the concept of a ubiquitous satanic evil.

What musical works have been based on the Faust legend.

Here are some researched musical work that’s based on the Faust legend;

 Faust (opera)
 Faust (Spohr)
 Faust up to Date
 Friend of the Devil
 Sympathy for the Devil
 Reuben, Reuben (opera)
 The Pale Emperor
 Le petit Faust
 The Picture of Dorian Gray (opera)
Some Musical videos also:

https://youtu.be/Qe9gvIbPWVo (The Spiritual Tragedy of Dr. Faustus presented by Bethany

Lutheran College)

https://youtu.be/pzCxoMbmZfA (Faust – Méphistophélès’s Act II aria ‘Le veau d’or’ (Erwin Schrott;
The Royal Opera)

https://www.faust.com/music/  this link contains plenty of work that were inspired by the Faust


“Faust.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.,


Johann Georg faust. The Demonic Paradise Wiki. (n.d.). Retrieved December 11, 2021, from
Johann Georg faust. Faust. (2019, January 18). Retrieved December 11, 2021, from


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