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99% of relationships in this world are based on co-dependency.

A “if you give me

this, I’ll give you that” kind of energy. Love, true love, is unconditional. Think
about it: “love” is defined as an emotion, and abstract noun. Love, at its core, is
an emotion. It is not actions or words or relationships or marriages. Love is a
feeling, that’s all. If you can feel it inside your heart, no matter what situation
you are in, you are in love. It’s the world’s biggest mistake to equate love with
what we do for those we claim to love. It’s like, if you love me, prove it. No. If
I love you, I’ll just love you that’s all. There will be no condition on my love.
It won’t exist or disappear based on what I do or don’t do. We are often placed in
situations where we can’t always do everything that we do. Actions are not always
the same as feelings. Sometimes two people can love each truly and deeply, but— and
I’m not afraid to say it— one of them can die before the other. Or fall sick and be
bedridden forever, and be completely unable to “do” anything for the ones they
love. What happens then? The love disappears? Just because they can’t prove it
anymore? It’s such a limiting concept of love. Also, so many people will do so many
things— gifts, vacations, anniversaries, social media updates— but then will also
cheat on their partners, leave them for someone else… what value do all these
things that they did hold in that case? My point is, doing a lot of things means
nothing if the feeling behind it is not backed by true and pure love. Too many
people depend on actions to prove the existence of love, but don’t take the time to
really FEEL it. When you feel love for the emotion that it is, without restrictions
and judgements, trust me, the action flows effortlessly. You will naturally know
when to do what and those actions will NEVER be wrong. Instead of jumping about
going crazy doing things, take the time to connect with your heart space and see
what is really going on in there. It’s not always fun and games. Love does come
with pain and sorrow too. But negative emotions are not a bad thing. Remember,
negative emotions are NOT the same as negativity. Negative emotions are signifiers.
They help us see where we are facing problems, what needs to be fixed. Negativity
on the other hand, is blinding ourselves from those signals, and staying stuck in
that stagnant pool of negative emotions, and not making the effort to get out of
it. Always remember, energy is like water. As long as it is flowing, like in a
stream, it is clean and healthy— no matter what type of energy. It is only when it
is stagnant that it becomes unclean and breeds diseases. And to keep energy moving
and flowing, it is essential to feel your feelings, no matter what they are. Be
brutally honest with yourself about how you feel. Don’t judge your feelings, don’t
censor them. Don’t tell yourself, I’m not supposed to feel this way. Bulls***! You
can feel any type of way that you want to. Because you’re human. And that’s what
humans do, they feel. That’s what makes us different from machines. Once you can
feel accurately, you can now understand your feelings. You can understand the root
of those feelings. So many people get away with saying, I don’t know what I feel
like, I don’t know why I feel this way. Well, it can happen. Initially. But as
humans we can and are supposed to KNOW our feelings by observing them. That’s what
makes us different from animals. They feel but can’t make sense of those feelings.
They directly go from feeling to acting. But we can do the essential step in
between. Understand our feelings and then decide how to act.

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