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Engineering Department
Policy Title Policy No. Version No.
Filing and Controlling of Engineering Documents CDBP-ENG-002 1.0

Version Control
1.0 Engr. Moises To define the guidelines on filing & controlling of 11/17/2022
Espra Engineering Documents

I. Objective
To provide the guidelines and localized procedures in Filing and Controlling of Engineering Documents in
order to:
1. Ensure that it is easily traceable and accessible to authorized users.
2. Ensure that it is protected from damage, degradation or loss.
3. Ensure that it is properly labeled and updated.

II. Policy
It is the policy of the property to ensure that the Local Standard Operating Procedure (LSOP) on Filing and
Controlling of Engineering Documents is observed for easy access, retrieval and monitoring.

III. Procedure and Guidelines

A. Concept
Engineering Documents are classified into Administrative, Shift Operation, Preventive Maintenance, and
Projects Files. These are considered as important documents and must be controlled and stored properly in
designated areas. Filing procedure must ensure ease in tracing of documents.

B. Responsibility
For Department Head:
1. Ensures that the staff follows this procedure.
2. Ensures that sufficient training is given to staff on how to file and control engineering documents; and,
3. Assigns the department secretary responsible for filing and control of the documents.
For Personnel of the Department:
1. Files the documents in their designated areas, properly labeled and arranged.
2. Controls the documents by correct labeling and observing the period of retention.
3. Updates the files by removing outdated and/or obsolete documents and placing in new documents.
4. Revise the master list regularly and whenever deemed necessary.

C. Guidelines
1. The file folders/binders must be properly labeled and arranged per section in alphabetical order for
easy retrieval.

2. A list of files per section must be prepared and placed in a folder and filed together with rest of the
files in the specific section. This list must be updated regularly and whenever deemed necessary.

3. Only files dated for the current year must be stored in the active folders unless considered as


Engr. Moises Espra Emet Sendin

Chief Engineer General Manager
This CONTROLLED document is confidential and all rights are strictly reserved. The contents of this document may not be reproduced either in
whole or in part without the consent of Canyon De Boracay Premier / Station B Inc.
Division / Department Page 2 of 4
Engineering Department
Policy Title Policy No. Version No.
Filing and Controlling of Engineering Documents CDBP-ENG-002 1.0

4. Files removed from the active folders/binders shall be transferred to the inactive storage and shall be
retained for two (2) years, after which, it shall be disposed properly.

5. The inactive storage must be well organized to enable easy retrieval of documents whenever deemed
necessary for reference purposes.

6. Files are classified as follows:

A. For Administrative Files:

• DIFFERENT OPERATING DEPARTMENT – must be filed in a file binder, one for each department,
labeled with the name of the department. These files must be stored in the Chief Engineer’s Office.

• OUTGOING COMMUNICATION – must be filed in a file binder labeled with “OUTGOING

COMMUNICATION”. These files must be stored in the General File Storage Area.

• INTERNAL MEMORANDUM – must be filed in a file binder labeled with “INTERNAL

MEMORANDUM”. These files must be stored in the General Files Storage Area.

• CONCESSIONAIRES – must be filed in a file folder, one for each concessionaire, labeled with the
name of the concessionaire. These files must be stored in the General Files Storage Area.

• SUPPLIERS – must be filed in a file binder, one for each supplier, labeled with the name of the
supplier. These files must be stored in the General File Storage Area.

• GOVERNMENT/ PRIVATE AGENCIES – must be filed in a file binder, one for each agency, labeled
with the name of the agency. These files must be stored in the General Files Storage Area.

• MINUTES OF MEETING – must be filed in a file binder labeled with “MINUTES OF MEETING”.
These files must be stored in the Chief Engineer’s Office.

• OPERATING MANUALS – must be filed and classified into different engineering sections (AV, CE,
EE, ME) in General Files Storage Area.

• BROCHURES / COMPANY PROFILES / CONTRACTORS – must be filed and classified into

different engineering sections (AV, CE, EE, ME) in General Files Storage Area.

• PERMITS AND LICENSES – must be filed in a file binder or clear book labeled with “PERMITS
AND LICENSES”. The file must contain a Table of Contents indicating the permit/ license name, issuing
agency, date of issuance, validity period. These files must be stored in the Chief Engineer’s Office and/or
Technical Officer’s Office.

• MONTHLY/ WEEKLY REPORTS – must be filed in a file binder/ folder one for each report type,
namely: Monthly Fuel Inventory, Fuel Consumption, Power Consumption, Water Consumption, EE
Supervisor’s Weekly Report, CE Supervisor’s Weekly Report, AV Supervisor’s Weekly Report, ME
Supervisor’s Weekly Report. These files must be stored in the General Files Storage Area.


Engr. Moises Espra Emet Sendin

Chief Engineer General Manager
This CONTROLLED document is confidential and all rights are strictly reserved. The contents of this document may not be reproduced either in
whole or in part without the consent of Canyon De Boracay Premier / Station B Inc.
Division / Department Page 3 of 4
Engineering Department
Policy Title Policy No. Version No.
Filing and Controlling of Engineering Documents CDBP-ENG-002 1.0

folder labeled with “MT & E CALIBRATION REPORT”. These files must be stored in the General Files
Storage Area.

• UTILITY BILLS - must be filed in a file folder one for each utility type and labeled with the utility
name (water/ electricity). These files must be stored in the General Files Storage Area.

• WATER ANALYSIS - must be filed in a file folder one for each water type (Potable Water / Non-
potable (Industrial) Water)) and labeled accordingly. These files must be stored in the General Files Storage

• CONTRACTS - must be filed in a file binder duly labeled with “CONTRACTS”. The file must
contain a Table of Contents indicating the list of contracts therein. It must be subdivided to separate one
contract from the other. These files must be stored in the Chief Engineer’s Office.

• TOOLS/EQUIPMENT- must be filed in a file folder duly labeled with “TOOLS/EQUIPMENT”. This
file must be stored in the General File Storage Area.

• BUILDING PLANS / TECHNICAL PLANS - must be filed in a storage cabinet either inside the Chief
Engineer’s Office or in the General Files Storage Area properly marked and arranged. A List of Plans must be
evident also in the storage area.

B. For Shift Operation Files:

• DAILY REPORTS- – must be filed in a file binder, one for each report per shift (Electrical, Boiler,
STP, Plumbing Checklists, etc.), labeled with the name of checklists and shift schedule, i.e. 1st Boiler
Checklist (6 – 2) These files must be stored in the General Files Storage Area.

C. For Preventive Maintenance Files:

• SERVICE REPORTS – must be filed in a file binder, one for each type of service labeled with the
name of the service report. These files must be stored in the General Files Storage Area.

D. For Projects:

• SPECIAL PROJECTS – must be filed chronologically in a file binder labeled with “SPECIAL
PROJECTS”. The binder must be subdivided into for (4) divisions, namely: On Going, Completed, Hold, and
Proposed. This binder must be stored in the General Files Storage Area.

• MAJOR PROJECTS – must be filed in a file folder labeled with the name of the project. It must be
arranged in such a way that On Going, Completed, Hold, and Proposed Projects are segregated and labeled per
group. These files must be stored in the Chief Engineer’s Office.


Engr. Moises Espra Emet Sendin

Chief Engineer General Manager
This CONTROLLED document is confidential and all rights are strictly reserved. The contents of this document may not be reproduced either in
whole or in part without the consent of Canyon De Boracay Premier / Station B Inc.
Division / Department Page 4 of 4
Engineering Department
Policy Title Policy No. Version No.
Filing and Controlling of Engineering Documents CDBP-ENG-002 1.0

IV. Amendment
This Policy may be revised, amended, edited or deleted in part or in full by the Management as it deems fit.
Any revisions, amendments, or deletions to this Policy shall be advised to all concerned through the issuance of
a Revised Policy Form.

**********NOTHING FOLLOWS**********


Engr. Moises Espra Emet Sendin

Chief Engineer General Manager
This CONTROLLED document is confidential and all rights are strictly reserved. The contents of this document may not be reproduced either in
whole or in part without the consent of Canyon De Boracay Premier / Station B Inc.

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