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Hellenic Society of Cardiology (2016) 57, 389e400

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Intravascular hemodynamics and coronary

artery disease: New insights and clinical
Marina Zaromytidou a, Gerasimos Siasos a, Ahmet U. Coskun b,
Michelle Lucier a, Antonios P. Antoniadis a,
Michail I. Papafaklis a, Konstantinos C. Koskinas a,
Ioannis Andreou a, Charles L. Feldman a, Peter H. Stone a,*

Cardiovascular Division, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, United States

Received 15 December 2015; accepted 26 July 2016

Available online 25 November 2016

KEYWORDS Abstract Intracoronary hemodynamics play a pivotal role in the initiation and progression of
Endothelial shear the atherosclerotic process. Low pro-inflammatory endothelial shear stress impacts vascular
stress; physiology and leads to the occurrence of coronary artery disease and its implications.
Atherosclerosis; ª 2016 Hellenic Society of Cardiology. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. This is an open
Acute coronary access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
syndromes nc-nd/4.0/).

1. Introduction characterized by an early onset with a long interval before

clinical symptoms appear as well as heterogeneity in its
The field of cardiovascular disease has experienced enor- phenotypic expression and natural history. The identifica-
mous progress, but atherosclerotic coronary artery disease tion and control of coronary risk factors, such as diabetes,
(CAD) remains the leading cause of death. Atherosclerosis is smoking, arterial hypertension and hyperlipidemia, is the
cornerstone of preventative strategies.1 Atherosclerotic
lesions tend to form at certain arterial segments (e.g.,
branch points, curvatures, bifurcations, downstream of an
* Corresponding author. Peter H. Stone, Cardiovascular Division,
obstruction) despite the systemic effect of risk factors on
Brigham and Women’s Hospital, 75 Francis St, Boston, MA 02115,
United States. Tel.: þ1 8573071965; fax: þ1 8573071955.
the vasculature, and only a small percentage of coronary
E-mail address: (P.H. Stone). lesions lead to a clinical event. Therefore, local factors
Peer review under responsibility of Hellenic Society of must determine the localization and progression of the
Cardiology. atherosclerotic process. Extensive in-vitro and in-vivo
1109-9666/ª 2016 Hellenic Society of Cardiology. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (
390 M. Zaromytidou et al.

studies concluded that intracoronary hemodynamics and patterns.10 Blood flow enters these lower pressure regions
particularly flow-derived endothelial shear stress (ESS) are and generates flow separation, recirculation and reat-
the most prominent factors that underlie the diversity of tachment zones (reverse flow), which is characterized as
the natural history of atherosclerosis in susceptible in- low ESS (Fig. 2a). These disturbed flow zones are also
dividuals with CAD risk factors. encountered upstream and downstream of obstructions,
such as stenotic atherosclerotic plaques, at stented lesions
2. Hemodynamic factors affecting blood and at coronary artery-vein graft junctions after a coronary
bypass surgery.11
Therefore, the complex interactions of blood flow, vis-
cosity and arterial geometry generate the different ESS
2.1. Mechanical forces patterns that are characterized by their direction (unidi-
rectional, bidirectional) and magnitude (low, moderate,
Blood circulates through the vasculature following the high). Moderate ESS varies between 1.5 -3.0 Pa over the
cardiac cycle. Vessel geometry alters the hemodynamic cardiac cycle, and it is encountered in relatively straight
characteristics, and changes in blood flow affect the arterial segments, where it exhibits unidirectional flow
morphology and function of arteries. This constant inter- with atheroprotective effects. High ESS refers to values
action between blood flow and arterial geometry results in over 3 Pa, which is present at the stenotic site of athero-
the production of a complex hemodynamic pattern with sclerotic plaques. Low ESS (below 1-1.5 Pa) with undis-
varying spatio-temporal characteristics.2e4 turbed unidirectional flow occurs at the inner areas of
The metric used to quantify the biomechanical forces curvatures and upstream of stenosis.12,13 Low oscillatory
induced by blood pressure and flow is called stress, and it is ESS is characterized by bidirectional flow (reverse flow),
defined as a force normalized by the area to which the and it is observed at the ostia of branches, downstream of
force is applied. Blood pressure-derived force, known as stenotic plaques and at the lateral walls of bifurcations
tensile stress (TS), is distributed circumferentially to the (Fig. 2b). Low and/or oscillatory ESS promotes pro-
arterial wall, and it is represented by the Laplace’s law atherogenic pathways, and it is a key factor in the devel-
equation (TSZP(r/h), where P is mean arterial blood opment and progression of focal atherosclerosis.13,14
pressure, r is the lumen radius and h is vessel wall thick-
ness). Blood flow also produces tangential forces,5,6 which 2.2. ESS and atherosclerosis
is the friction of the flowing blood on the endothelial sur-
face, called endothelial shear stress (ESS), which is pro- Atherosclerosis is a complex disease that involves various
portional to the product of blood viscosity (m) and the components of normal arteries, such as endothelial cells,
spatial gradient of blood velocity at the wall (ESS Z mdv/ smooth muscle cells (SMC) and arterial extracellular matrix
dy) (Fig. 1). The arterial wall properties and structure macromolecules, which undergo a phenotypic switch from
(arterial stiffness) also modify the impact of TS and ESS on their normal physiological function under the stimulation of
the lumen.7 local flow hemodynamics and inflammatory mechanisms.
Coronary blood flow, blood properties (primarily viscos- There are several key points of the atherosclerotic process.
ity) and arterial geometry determine the characteristics of (1) The transportation, subendothelium accumulation/
ESS. Laminar blood flow is characterized as smooth and retention and modification of low density lipoprotein (LDL)
streamlined, and it is further categorized into disturbed or particles that trigger the inflammatory cascade, activate
undisturbed flow according to the presence or absence of endothelial cells and signal the recruitment and migration
reverse flow, respectively.8,9 Arterial geometry determines of monocytes into the endothelium. (2) The subsequent
the ESS pattern formed. The presence of bifurcations, differentiation of monocytes into macrophages that facili-
branches, curves and obstructions modifies flow and ESS tates the phagocytosis of modified LDL and form foam cells
that amplify the inflammatory micro-environment, which
gradually progress into atherosclerotic lesions. (3) The
migration and differentiation of smooth muscle cells (SMCs)
to the intima that participating in all atherosclerotic stages
by altering extracellular matrix synthesis and releasing
cytokines and adhesion molecules involved in monocyte
recruitment and macrophage proliferation.15 Endothelial
shear stress is implicated in the regulation of all of these
critical steps, which supports its important role in athero-
sclerosis initiation and progression.

2.2.1. Mechanosensing and mechanotransduction

The endothelium plays a crucial role in the initiation and
progression stages of atherosclerosis because it is the bar-
rier between blood flow and arterial layers. Normal endo-
thelial cells sense changes in the microenvironment and
regulate important functions, such as vascular tone,
Figure 1 Mechanical forces that impact the arterial wall. circulating cell adhesion, coagulation, fibrinolysis, and
SS Z shear stress, P Z arterial pressure, u Z blood velocity. vessel wall inflammation, in response to hemodynamic
Intravascular hemodynamics and coronary artery disease 391

Figure 2 (a) Types of blood flow, (b) distribution of ESS patterns along the length of an atherosclerotic lesion. NC Z necrotic

changes. Endothelial cells are arranged in a specific manner permeability of endothelial surface and facilitates the
on the artery surface to form a tight seal, which controls infiltration of molecules.20
the transportation of all molecules between the lumen and Stimuli for LDL internalization include the presence of
intima. hyperlipidemia in combination with ESS-induced increased
The identification of the different flow patterns endothelium permeability, the ESS-upregulated expression
(mechanosensing) is mediated by numerous endothelial of genes encoding for the LDL receptor of the endothelial
mechanosensors, including ion channels, G-proteins, cav- membrane, and the prolonged residence time of LDL par-
eolae, tyrosine kinase receptors, nicotinamide adenine ticles near the endothelium due to low and oscillatory
dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH), adhesion molecules ESS.13,21,22 Certain stimuli, including low ESS, signal the
(PECAM-1/ VE-cadherin/ VEGFR2), primary cilium, integ- migration of VSMCs from the media to the intima tunica,
rins, glycocalyx and the actin cytoskeleton. The detection where these cells proliferate and produce proteoglycans
of shear stress stimuli leads to the physical deformation of that contribute to LDL retention, intimal thickening and
the cell surface, intracellular signal transmission and con- fibrous cap formation.9,23 Low ESS reverses the endothelial
version of the mechanical force into the chemical mole- microenvironment in favor of monocyte adherence and
cules that generate the endothelial response via migration by triggering the expression of adhesion mole-
differential gene expression (mechanotransduction).16,17 cules on the endothelial cell membrane and the secretion
Laminar flow and unidirectional high shear stress create of chemoattractant cytokines to initiate the inflammatory
an atheroprotective endothelial phenotype, and low/ cascade.24
oscillatory ESS is responsible for a proatherogenic pheno- Retention of LDL results in its oxidation by reactive ox-
type. Different ESS patterns exert their gene modulation ygen species (ROS), which is upregulated in sites of low ESS
via the anti-inflammatory transcription factor (TF) Kruppel- and augments inflammatory pathways (e.g., production of
like factor 2 (KLF2) and the proinflammatory nuclear fac- inflammatory cytokines and adhesion molecules) and
tor-kB (NF-kB).18,19 The complex, partially understood endothelial dysfunction and triggers the differentiation of
mechanisms of mechanosensing, mechanotransduction and monocytes into macrophages that encapsulate oxidized LDL
gene regulation translate the ESS stimuli and drive the and form foam cells.25 ROS reduces the availability of NO,
endothelium to respond by altering its cell conformation, which minimizes its anti-thrombotic, anti-mitogenic and
permeability and production of atheroprotective and anti-inflammatory properties (e.g., prevention of LDL
proatherogenic molecules. oxidation and monocyte adhesion/transmigration into the
Endothelial cell (EC) orientation and structure is modi- intima). Activation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase
fied according to blood flow types. Specifically, ECs exposed (eNOS) only occurs in areas with physiological ESS, which
to high ESS are elongated and aligned with laminar flow, but deprives regions with disturbed flow of the atheropro-
low/oscillatory ESS leads to poorly aligned cells with tective effects of NO.26,27
structural changes from fusiform to polygonal shapes. The Vessel architecture is altered during atherosclerosis
mitotic and endothelial apoptotic cell cycles are attenu- progression, which leads to vascular remodeling. Low ESS
ated in low/oscillatory ESS sites, which results in the triggers the infiltration of macrophages into the
widening of cell-to-cell junctions, increases the subendothelium-accumulated lipoproteins, which forms
392 M. Zaromytidou et al.

the necrotic lipid core that gradually grows in size and forces, mostly tensile stress. The collagen concentration is
inevitably disturbs arterial structure and geometry. The crucial for the fibrous cap to withstand these forces. The
production of extracellular matrix (ECM) molecules (e.g., increased proteolytic MMP function and decreased SMC
collagen and elastin) from VSMCs and fibroblasts is normally collagen synthesis in sites of low ESS may account for the
counterbalanced by the activity of matrix-degrading en- fibrous cap thinning that predisposes it to plaque rupture.
zymes, primarily metalloproteinases (MMPs) and cathep- The excessive and expansive remodeling of the plaque in
sins, which maintain the integrity of the arterial wall. The sites of low ESS and intense MMP activity are associated
balance between ECM synthesis and degradation is dysre- with plaque vulnerability.29,33,34 A large necrotic core is
gulated in a low ESS milieu, which alters the arterial ar- associated with plaque rupture because of the anatomical-
chitecture. The expression and activity of MMPs and mechanical changes it provokes and increased macrophage
cathepsins is enhanced as dysfunctional endothelial cells infiltration are evident in rupture-prone plaques.35
upregulate MMP and cathepsin gene expression.28 The The mechanisms responsible for plaque erosion are not
accumulation and activation of macrophages and VSMCs by as well studied as the mechanisms responsible for plaque
pro-inflammatory cytokines increases MMP release.29 Low rupture. Most of the erosions occur downstream of plaques,
ESS interferes with VSMC function by promoting the where sites are typically subjected to low ESS. Low ESS
expression of growth factors that trigger the migration, regions are characterized by increased endothelial cell
differentiation and proliferation of VSMCs and pro- turnover, endothelial cell apoptosis and impairment of the
inflammatory cytokines, which halts ECM production and endothelial glycocalyx, which ultimately results in endo-
signals VSMC apoptosis (Fig. 3).13 ESS also modifies the thelial denudation. Consequently, low ESS is involved in the
arterial structure by promoting neovascularization (e.g., pathogenetic mechanism of erosion.20,36,37
the upregulation of VEGF and other angiogenic stimuli) and The thrombogenic material of the necrotic core is
intraplaque hemorrhage.28,30,31 exposed to the bloodstream after rupture or erosion, which
results in thrombus formation that partially/totally oc-
2.3. ESS and manifestations of coronary cludes the lumen or remains contained in the vascular wall.
atherosclerosis The factors that determine the impact of thrombus on the
vessel include the magnitude of the plaque cap disruption
Biomechanical factors substantially contribute to the for- and the blood thrombogenicity, which is increased in sites
mation of vulnerable plaques and the actual event of pla- with abnormal ESS values.38,39
que rupture or erosion.6,32 Atherosclerotic plaques are
formed by a lipid-rich necrotic core and a fibrous cap that 3. In vivo techniques to investigate local ESS
separates the core from the vessel lumen, which averts the
contact of the thrombogenic core compounds with blood The detrimental role of ESS in the initiation and progression
flow. Ruptured plaques are characterized by a weakened of atherosclerosis emphasizes the need for a validated tool
fibrous cap that is susceptible to mechanical hemodynamic to assess ESS values in humans. ESS patterns depend on

Figure 3 Endothelial cells in a low ESS milieu signal the initiation and progression of the atherosclerotic process by affecting
important functions, such as vascular tone, circulating cell adhesion, coagulation, fibrinolysis and vessel wall inflammation.
LDL Z low density lipoprotein, ROS Z reactive oxygen species, MMPs Z matrix metalloproteinases, MCP Z monocyte chemo-
attractant protein, VCAM Z vascular cell adhesion molecule, ICAM Z intercellular adhesion molecule, TNF Z tumor necrosis
factor, IL Z interleukin, IFN Z interferon, BMP Z bone morphogenic protein, PDGF Z platelet-derived growth factor, VEGF Z -
vascular endothelial growth factor, ET Z endothelin, TGF Z transforming growth factor, NO Z nitric oxide, t-Pat tissue plas-
minogen activator, VSMCs Z vascular smooth muscle cells, SREBP Z sterol regulatory elements binding protein,
TFs Z transcription factors, NF-kB Z nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells.
Intravascular hemodynamics and coronary artery disease 393

coronary artery geometry and blood flow type, and an ac- precise imaging modalities of the arterial wall and lumen.
curate 3D reconstruction of the vessel geometry and coro- Two angiographic images obtained from orthogonal views
nary blood flow values is a prerequisite for estimating ESS. are selected that correspond to the same coronary seg-
These particular data are derived using invasive imaging ments with the IVUS or OCT pullback. The lumen and EEM
modalities, such as intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) and borders are traced in each IVUS or OCT frame to facilitate
optical coherence tomography (OCT) after fusion with the extraction of the basic geometrical characteristics of
coronary angiography, and noninvasive imaging tools, such the vessel, which are subsequently oriented in 3D space
as coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA). according to the angiographic information.40 The method-
The technology used to assess ESS has evolved tremen- ology for ESS assessments required pre-planned protocols
dously during the last decade. Assessments of ESS are not that utilize the IVUS catheter path to provide an accurate
performed in real time and require the transfer of imaging orientation for the 3D model until recently. The introduc-
data to laboratories with proper equipment and expertise, tion of the centerline method, which generates the 3D
but these factors are expected to change in the near reconstruction with the implementation of data derived
future. from routine coronary angiography and IVUS, simplifies the
procedure and allows the retrospective ESS interrogation of
3.1. Invasive techniques imaging data banks.41
The second step in ESS assessment methods is the
The 3D reconstruction of the coronary artery after acqui- calculation of coronary blood flow to the reconstructed 3D
sition of IVUS or OCT and x-ray angiography data are the artery. Coronary blood flow in the arterial section (a section
gold standards in ESS assessment because these techniques free of significant side branches that may alter the flow) is
are standardized and validated. Coronary angiography calculated from the time required for the volume of blood
produces a 2D outline of the arterial lumen throughout its contained within the section to be displaced by radio-
course on the epicardial surface that is not adequate for 3D opaque material during a contrast injection or via the use
reconstruction without the addition of additional more of Doppler velocity measurements (Fig. 4).40,42,43

Figure 4 (A) Cross sectional OCT image with implemented local ESS values (lumen border), (B) Cross sectional IVUS image and (C)
Example of ESS and LAD coronary wall morphology after the 3D reconstruction and computational fluid dynamics. EEM Z external
elastic membrane, ESS Z endothelial shear stress, LAD Z left anterior descending, PaZ Pascal.
394 M. Zaromytidou et al.

In an effort to further simplify ESS assessment, 3D artery The combination of IVUS or OCT with the techniques of
reconstruction may be generated using only information near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) / near-infrared fluores-
from biplane angiography, a technique known as 3D quan- cence (NIRF) also improves their imaging properties. Spe-
titative coronary angiography (3D QCA).44,45 Although 3D cifically, NIRS detects lipid core-containing plaques based
QCA is suggested as a less time-consuming and complicated on the absorption and scatter patterns of near-infrared
method, major drawbacks exist. Lumen area and vessel light by the different plaque components.53e56 The addi-
diameter detection is far inferior to IVUS or OCT precision, tion of NIRS to IVUS/OCT catheters enhances the charac-
and the lack of its ability to provide information about terization of plaque tissue regarding the lipid content, but
plaque components and vascular remodeling restricts its the limited penetration of NIRS (1-2 mm) is inadequate for
use in ESS assessments.46,47 the study of deeper artery segments.53,57 The imple-
IVUS and OCT provide ESS assessments and plaque mentation of NIRF in invasive intracoronary plaque assess-
characterization, but novel imaging modalities, such as ment enables the study of the atherosclerotic mechanisms
near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) / near-infrared fluores- on a cellular/molecular level and provides information on
cence (NIRF), provide valuable information of plaque inflammatory activity.58 Animal and ex vivo studies support
composition and the possible role of inflammation. the introduction of NIRF to IVUS/OCT catheters as a
promising tool for the evaluation of the natural history of
3.1.1. Intravascular ultrasound atherosclerosis, but further technical improvements are
Intravascular ultrasound is an invasive modality that pro- warranted to allow testing in human studies.59e61
duces images of the arterial lumen and wall by converting
the reflected ultrasound waves into electrical signals. Its 3.2. Non-invasive techniques
axial resolution (70 to 200 mm) and penetration (>5 mm)
enables the evaluation of lumen dimensions, arterial CCTA has been used to reconstruct the 3D geometrical
remodeling and PB that, combined with its good repro- model of the coronary artery for subsequent CFD analysis
ducibility, supports IVUS as an effective modality for in- and ESS calculations in an effort to minimize invasive
vestigations of the natural history of atherosclerotic procedures and simplify the assessment of hemodynamic
disease. Certain limitations, such as the acoustic shadowing parameters.62,63 A limited number of published data exist
in calcified plaques and the inability to characterize plaque on the estimation of ESS and plaque morphology using
tissue components, led to the development of new tech- CCTA, but the reported results are encouraging.64e66 The
niques, such as virtual histology IVUS (VH-IVUS) and OCT, to non-invasive methodology of CCTA in ESS calculation
address these issues. Virtual histology translates the IVUS avoids the complications that accompany the intra-
radiofrequency backscatter signal into tissue color images coronary techniques and allows CCTA to be performed in
(with each color signifying a precise tissue component), low and intermediate risk groups. However, the spatial
which supplements the gray scale (IVUS) images and am- resolution (z400 mm) of CCTA cannot visualize small
plifies the available information. VH-IVUS exhibits excellent diameter branches (<0.5 mm) or accurately identify
predictive accuracies compared to histopathology samples, certain plaque or arterial wall characteristics and subtle
but several studies in porcine models questioned its reliable changes in atherosclerotic morphology, and the presence
accuracy.48,49 of calcifications obscures lumen borders.67e70 Commercial
software for the quantification of PB exhibits good intra-
3.1.2. Optical coherence tomography platform reproducibility, but industry standards should be
Optical coherence tomography is an invasive imaging mo- applied to overcome the poor interplatform
dality that generates cross-sectional images of the coronary reproducibility.71
vessel using the reflections of near-infrared light. The
higher resolution (10-20 mm) of OCT compared to IVUS is
4. Role of ESS in the natural history of
used to depict structures that are otherwise not well
characterized in IVUS images, such as thin fibrous cap, atherosclerosis
thrombus and endothelial coverage of stent struts. OCT was
recently validated as a reliable modality for 3D coronary The development of effective evaluation techniques uti-
artery reconstruction and assessment of ESS values because lizing well validated and routinely used imaging modalities
of the more detailed and accurate imaging of coronary paved the way for the in-vivo study of ESS in animal models
vessels, including vulnerable plaques and intracoronary and humans. Understanding the role of ESS in CAD pro-
devices. However, the inferior penetration depth of OCT gression may be best accomplished with studies that are
compared to IVUS into the arterial wall provides informa- designed to evaluate the ESS values and vessel morphology
tion only for the superficial arterial layers and cannot in serial time points.
evaluate vascular remodeling or plaque burden (PB).46,50,51
4.1. Animal studies
3.1.3. Novel imaging modalities
IVUS and OCT are valuable imaging modalities for the Animal studies to evaluate the natural history of athero-
estimation of ESS and its association with the natural his- sclerosis using ESS were performed in hypercholesterolemic
tory of atherosclerosis. A hybrid IVUS-OCT catheter that swine models because of the characteristic development of
combines the imaging depth of IVUS with the high resolu- human-like advanced atherosclerotic plaques. Animal
tion of OCT has been developed and tested ex vivo with studies provide significant advantages of histopathological
promising results that await validation in human studies.52 analyses, which are the gold standard in plaque tissue
Intravascular hemodynamics and coronary artery disease 395

characterization, immunostaining and gene expression Local and systemic factors must coexist for atheroscle-
measurement. rosis to initiate and progress, but the nature of their
The results from the swine models support the detri- interaction was not investigated until quite recently. Kos-
mental role of low ESS in the initiation and progression of kinas et al. demonstrated that the pro-atherogenic
atherosclerosis in the presence of systemic risk factors threshold of low ESS was cholesterol-dependent, with
(hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia). Chatzizisis et al. demon- increasing cholesterol levels exaggerating low ESS effects
strated that low ESS sites were associated with intense and diminishing the atheroprotective effects of higher
subendothelium lipid accumulation, inflammation, severe ESS.73 The results of the animal studies support ESS as a key
internal elastic lamina degradation, excessive expansive factor in the mechanisms of atherosclerosis and highlight
remodeling and fibrous cap thinning.4 Koskinas et al. the importance of local hemodynamic conditions in the
examined the interaction between ESS and vascular setting of systemic risk factors.
remodeling in a natural history study consisting of 5 time
points and provided new insights that low ESS was associ- 4.2. Human studies
ated with the early initiation and the ongoing progression of
focal plaques. Vascular remodeling was a highly dynamic, 4.2.1. Natural History of CAD
temporally changing response to local plaque formation. The first human studies were published approximately a
Marked heterogeneity of remodeling patterns at each time decade ago and demonstrated that ESS was a significant
point was reported, and compensatory expansive remod- determinant of atherosclerotic plaque progression and
eling was identified as the predominant vascular response. vascular remodeling. Stone et al. reported that plaque
Individual plaques also exhibit a heterogeneous course that progression occurred almost exclusively in areas of low ESS
evolves through a variety of remodeling patterns and may be accompanied by expansive or constrictive
throughout their natural history while local ESS values remodeling.74,75 Subsequent studies by Samady et al. also
adapt to changes in vessel lumen and dimensions. Regions support the role of ESS in CAD associating low ESS with
of very low ESS resulted in plaques with excessive expansive plaque progression.76e78
remodeling, which further exacerbated the low ESS envi- These studies substantially contributed to elucidating
ronment and augmented subsequent plaque progression. the role of ESS in atherosclerosis, but they are limited by
Conversely, lesions with compensatory or constrictive the small population number. The Prediction of Progression
remodeling were characterized by an amelioration of the of Coronary Artery Disease and Clinical Outcomes Using
adverse low ESS stimulus and a trend towards less marked Vascular Profiling of Shear Stress and Wall Morphology
further growth. A small subpopulation of coronary segments (PREDICTION) Study was the largest serial anatomical nat-
was exposed to a progressively worsening stimulus of low ural history study of coronary atherosclerosis conducted in
ESS throughout their evolution, and these segments ulti- 506 Japanese patients who presented with an acute coro-
mately evolved to presumed highest-risk plaques. These nary syndrome and underwent percutaneous coronary
high-risk lesions were identified in-vivo at earlier stages of intervention (PCI) at the culprit lesion followed by 3 vessel
their natural history using the combined assessment of local imaging with IVUS and angiography. The positive predictive
ESS, plaque thickness and vascular remodeling.34 value to predict clinically relevant obstruction progression
Arterial regions exposed to low ESS exhibited reduced treated with PCI of baseline PB was estimated as 22% but
endothelial cell coverage, augmented infiltration of acti- rose to 41% when the baseline pro-inflammatory low ESS
vated inflammatory cells, and substantially increased was considered. Further analyses, which included IVUS-
expression and enzymatic activity of elastolytic MMPs based tissue characteristics, revealed that the highest
relative to their inhibitors. These enzymes likely contribute positive predictive value (53%) and diagnostic accuracy
to the fragmentation of elastin fibers and promote the (88%) were demonstrated when low ESS and large necrotic
excessive expansive remodeling response of the vessel wall, content were present. The negative predictive value
which ultimately promotes the formation of atheromata remained high (91%) if all predictors were absent (Fig. 5).79
with thin fibrous caps.33 A similar serial study from a Baseline low ESS was an independent predictor of plaque
different animal cohort complements the former results by progression and worsening luminal obstruction in routine
emphasizing the association of local low ESS with the for- natural history of CAD and the development of clinically
mation of lesions with reduced SMC content and augmented relevant lesions treated with PCI. No association between
expression and activity of collagenases, which favors high ESS and plaque progression was observed. Very few
attenuated synthesis and increased catabolism of collagen. clinical events occurred in this low-risk Japanese patient
This an imbalance likely contributes to the evolution of population. Therefore, an association between baseline
early lesions to collagen-poor, thin-capped vascular characteristics and subsequent major adverse
atheromata.29,72 clinical events could not be studied.80,81
A recent study examined the association of ESS with The Providing Regional Observations to Study Predictors
atherosclerotic initiation and progression by placing a ste- of Events in the Coronary Tree (PROSPECT) study was a
notic shear modifying stent (SMS) in the coronary arteries of natural history study of coronary atherosclerosis conducted
mini-pigs and assessing ESS values using OCT. The results in 697 patients who presented with ACS in America and
supported previously published data of the presence of low Europe and were followed for a median period of 3.4 years.
and multidirectional ESS downstream of SMS and associ- This study provided an opportunity to examine the role of
ating these factors with plaque progression and TCFA low ESS in plaque progression in a truly high-risk popula-
phenotype.67 tion. The non-culprit lesions associated with subsequent
396 M. Zaromytidou et al.

Figure 5 Incidence of PCI for symptoms or plaque progression according to independent predictors- The PREDICTION study.
PB Z plaque burden, ESS Z endothelial shear stress, NC Z necrotic core, PCI Z percutaneous coronary intervention, PV Z pre-
dictive value.

major adverse cardiovascular events were characterized at TCFA or a ThCFA at the single baseline anatomical “snap-
baseline by a large PB (70%), small minimal luminal area shot” of imaging during the index culprit lesion event.
(4.0 mm2) and the appearance of TCFA by radiofrequency The recent implementation of high-resolution OCT in ESS
IVUS. The hazard ratio for major adverse cardiovascular computation provides more detailed information on plaque
events at 3 years was high (11.05) if all 3 lesion charac- characteristics with respect to ESS value. One study in pa-
teristics were present at baseline.82 Stone et al. investi- tients presenting with ACS used OCT and identified low ESS
gated the incremental prognostic role of low ESS in a post- areas that exhibited larger lipid accumulation, higher
hoc analysis of the PROSPECT study to predict new MACE prevalence of spotty calcification and macrophage density
and the anatomic characteristics in the high-risk Western compared to higher ESS regions. One interesting finding was
population of the PROSPECT study. The preliminary results that low ESS plaques displayed thinner fibrous caps, and the
demonstrated that the presence of local low ESS within a TCFA phenotype was present almost exclusively in low ESS
lesion provides substantial incremental prognostication for plaques, which confirms previous results from animal
future major adverse events when added to the other studies. However, only a small percentage of low ESS le-
known prognostic anatomic characteristics, an observation sions presented a TCFA phenotype, which suggests that a
highlighted by the fact that there were no MACE outcomes multifactorial pattern defines plaque characteristics, in
in follow-up if the lesion did not exhibit local low ESS at which ESS plays a significant role. Notably, this study
baseline regardless of PB, MLA, or lesion phenotype at investigated ESS and plaque morphology only at one time
baseline.83 point, and the variability in the natural history of individual
Recent serial natural history studies indicate that most plaques was not evaluated.85
plaques also exhibit a highly variable natural history. Most
plaques, even advanced plaques, become quiescent over 4.2.2. Role of Local ESS in Outcomes following Stent
time, but other plaques may evolve to become more highly Deployment
inflamed and more prone to rupture.34,84 The observation in Several human studies focused on ESS assessment in inter-
PROSPECT that <4% of large PB lesions and <5% of TCFA ventional cardiology and stent deployment. Neointimal
histology lesions were associated with a new MACE support formation, neoatherosclerosis and in-stent restenosis are
the concept that the majority of even ostensibly high-risk the nemeses of interventional cardiologists. ESS was
plaques generally become quiescent. In contrast, a non- recently investigated as a parameter affecting prognosis
culprit lesion that remains in a low ESS microenvironment after stent implantation. Stent placement injures the
will likely continue to progress whether it appears to be a endothelium and arterial wall, which alters the local
Intravascular hemodynamics and coronary artery disease 397

geometry and blood flow (flow separation, recirculation).86 The techniques that are currently used to assess ESS are
The development and implementation of drug-eluting primarily invasive and relatively time-consuming, which
stents significantly reduced the formation of neointimal restricts the study of ESS exclusively to the research field.
hyperplasia compared to bare metal stents. Several studies The introduction of newer techniques that overcome these
support the notion that ESS drives in-stent neointimal hy- methodological limitations will allow a wider application
perplasia/ neoatherosclerosis and contributes to stent and study of ESS, which will deliver an invaluable body of
failure, which stimulated the search for optimal stent po- data and contribute enormously to an understanding of the
sition strategy and structure.87e89 ESS does not seem to detailed mechanisms responsible for plaque progression
affect the arterial wall behind the struts, perhaps because and ultimate disruption and inform new pre-emptive
of the altered compressed arterial structure.87, 90 One interventions.
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