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● Chemical bonding
○ Chemical bond: Neutral electrical attractions between the nucleus and the
valence electron of different atoms
○ Why are compound formed?: To be stable = To have the lowest potential energy
○ Having 8 electrons valence shell = lowest potential energy

● Features of the topic

○ Covalent bond
■ Sharing of electron pair between two atoms of nonmetal
■ Covalent sharing in nonmetal
■ Sharing the electrons
● Nonmetals are making the bonds: covalent bond
○ Ex: Water
○ H2O
○ H -> nonmetal
○ O -> nonmetal
■ Covalent bond

○ Ionic bond
■ Attraction between cation (metal) and anions (non-metal)
■ Forming cation & anions
● Cation: metal
● Anions: nonmetal

○ Metallic bond
■ Attraction between metal atoms and the surrounding sea of electrons
■ Bond forming between metal and metal

■ 4
● Covalent bond

○ Polar covalent bond

■ Bonded atoms have an unequal attraction for the charged electron
resulting in an unbalanced distribution of charge.
■ Greed
■ Two of the atoms making a bond = sharing electrons
● One side is greeder -> slightly negative than other

○ Nonpolar covalent bond

■ Bonding electrons are shared equally by the bonded atoms, resulting in a
balanced distribution of charge 4
● Ex:
○ H 랑 F -> covalent bond (nonmetal 끼리니까)
○ F is greeder
■ 그러면 electron 들이 F 에 더욱 더 가까이 위치해 있다
■ 그러면 F is slightly negative
■ H is slightly positive
● Higher electronegativity 가 더욱 더 끌어당긴다.
○ Polar bond 라고 부른다

○ F 랑 F 끼리 만들면
■ Charge 가 없다
■ Non polar bond

● Which chemical bond forms
○ Zero electronegativity -> non polar
○ Intermediate electronegativity -> Polar covalent
○ Large electronegativity -> Ionic
■ One of the atom has high electronegativity will pull electrons
■ 사진 참고
■ electronegativity, defined as the relative ability of an atom to attract
electrons to itself in a chemical compound.
● Formation of a covalent bond

○ Energy consideration
■ As atoms approach one another, potential energy decrease, and
attractive forces dominate over repulsive forces
■ However, when they get too close, potential energy begins to increase as
repulsive forces dominate over attractive forces

● Electron bond energy

● Electron bond length

● Summary
○ Electrons in each atom are attracted to the nucleus of the other
○ The electrons repel each other
○ The nuclei repel each other
○ They reach a distance with the lowest possible energy - Bond Energy
○ The distance between is the Bond Length

● Electron - dot notation

○ An electron - configuration notation in which only the valence electrons of an
atom of a particular element are shown, indicated by dots placed around the
element’s symbol
○ These are the electrons usually involved in bond formation
○ Inner shell electrons are not shown

● Octet rule
○ CHemical compounds tend to form so that each atom, by gaining, losing or
sharing electrons, has an octet of electrons in its highest occupied energy level
(valence electron) - the phenomenon is called the octet rule.

● Stability
○ To be stable, follow octet rule
■ Most atoms form bonds in order to:
● Have 8 valence electron e-
● Or fill their outer energy level
● Or be like the noble gasses
○ Stability is the driving force behind bond formation

○ Lewis dot structure

● Summary of Lewis structure

○ Shows how the valence electrons are arranged
○ One dot for each valence electron
○ Hydrogen follows the duet rule
○ The rest follow the octet rule
○ Bonding pair is the one between the atom symbols

● Rules for writing lewis structure

○ 1. Central atom (the anchor) - is the least electronegative atom in the formula
○ 2. One bond = 2 electron, lone pair = 2 electron
○ 3. H is never the central atom
○ 4. Adopt the most symmetric arrangement
○ 5. Draw lewis structure


● Ionic bonding is
● Covalent bonding is
● Nonpolar bonding is
● What type of bond is this?
○ Covalent bond
○ Ionic bond
○ Polar covalent
○ Nonpolar covalent
● Bond length is
○ Minimum energy
● Bond measure is
● Bond energy tends to be stronger when a bond length is shorter
● Not the reason for the compound
● Not true about the octet rule
● Exception of octet rule
○ Hydrogen

● Metallic bond
○ The chemical bonding that results from the attraction between metal atoms and
the surrounding sea of electrons
○ Electron Delocalization in Metals
■ Delocalize 는 fix electron 이 없다. 그니까 마구잡이로 움직인다.
■ Positive metal ions and other ions 를 엮고 있는게 electron 이다. 그니까 우리를
엮고 있는게 delocalized electrons
■ Insulator 이 fix position 이면 deliver 할 수 없다. 그래서 conduct electricity
위해서는 freely moving about electron 이 필요하다. 그래서 metal can conduct
■ Iron and tree
● 1. Vacant p and d orbitals in metal’s outer energy levels overlap,
and allow outer electrons to move freely throughout the metal
● 2. Valence electrons do not belong to any one atom

○ Only tells us how atoms are connected
■ Lewis structure tells us how the atoms are connected to each other
■ They don’t tell us anything about shape
■ The shape of a molecule can greatly affect its properties
■ Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion Theory allows us to predict

1. Molecules take a shape that puts electron pairs as far away from each other as possible
a. Have to draw the lewis structure to determine electron pairs
2. What are regions of high electron density?
3. Bonding
4. Nonbonding lone pair
a. Lone pair take more space

○ 0 - 0 - 0 -> 이거는 linear, line
○ Three bond -> 이거는 trigonal planar
○ 4 새면 tetrahedral
○ 2 개가 bend 한거는 bend
○ 5 개는 bi - triangular
○ 4 개는 see saw
○ 3 개 t shape
표 해석 잘 모르겠음

● Intermolecular forces
○ Force between the molecules

1. Force of attraction between the molecules

a. Weaker than the actual chemical bond (intermolecular force)
b. Affect Physical property (Ex. Boiling point)
i. High boiling point = Large attractive forces
ii. Low boiling point = Small attraction forces
● Dipole moment
○ Dipole = is created by equal but opposite charges that are separated by a short
○ 하나는 + 하나는 - 다른 charge 있음

● All polar bond has Dipole moment

● Intermolecular forces
○ The attraction between the molecules are not as strong as the chemical bond
○ However, strong enough to control physical properties such as boiling and
melting points vapor pressures, and viscosities

● Dipole - Dipole moment (Ion- Dipole 아닌가?)

○ 소금을 기름에 넣으면 녹지 않는데
○ 소금을 물어 섞으면 녹는다
■ 그 이유는 NaCl -> Na+ Cl-
■ NaCl 이 물어 들어가면, O-, H+ 니까 Na 랑 O 랑 붙고, Cl 이랑 H 랑 붙는다
■ 이래서 소금은 물이랑 섞일 수 있다
■ 그런데 기름이랑은 섞일 수가 없다
● 기름은 아무 +나 -가 없음 그래서 나뉠 수가 없음

○ London Dispersion Force
○ Always correct answer
■ Q: formula 주고 lewis structure, shape, intermolecular forces 찾으시오 하면
intermolecular force 를 모를때는 LDF 써라
○ Nonpolar 은 neutral, but still have electrons moving around them
○ Electron 이 돌다가 어느 순간에 끼리끼리 모인다 = negative charge 가 됨
○ 그럼 반대편은 조금 +한 모멘트가 됨
■ 이럴 때 short 한 attraction force 가 생김 -> 어디에나 생길 수 있음
■ Weakest force
● Nitrogen = N2 -> nonpolar covalent
○ LDF 로 만들기 가능
● 물은 dipole dipole force water molecules are holding each other


● IMF = Inter Molecular Forces

○ Dipole - Dipole
■ Hydrogen bonding -> not actual bond but intermolecular forces
○ Ion - Dipole
■ Reason of dissolving ionic compound into water
○ London Dispersion Force
■ Everywhere

● Ion - Dipole interactions

○ Important in solutions of ions, The strength of these forces are what make it
possible for ionic substances to dissolve in polar solvents

● Dipole - Dipole interactions

○ Molecules that have permanent dipoles are attracted to each other
○ These forces are only important when the molecules are close to each other
○ The more polar the molecule, the higher is its boiling point

● Hydrogen bonding
○ The dipole - dipole interactions experienced when H is bonded to N, O, or F are
unusually strong. We call these interactions hydrogen bonds
○ Electronegativity of the nitrogen(N), Oxygen(O), and Fluorine(F) atoms

● London Dispersion Force

○ LDF are attractions between an instantaneous dipole and an induced dipole
○ These forces are [resent in all molecules, whether they are polar or nonpolar
○ The tendency of a electron cloud to distort in this way is called polarizability

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