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Teacher: Vo Thi Doan

Date of preparation: 30/9/2022

Date of teaching: 04/10/2022
Period 13 CB (Class:11A1, 11A5, 11A6)
Period 17 TC (Class:11D1, 11D6)
I. Objectives
1. Knowledge, skills, attitude
- Knowledge
+ To help Ss talk about personal problems
+ Asking for and giving advice.
- Skills: integrated skills, mainly speaking
- Attitude:
Eager to learn some ways to solve their personal problems
2. Orientation for competency development
-To provide Ss some motivation to deal with their problems in life.
II. Preparation of teacher and students
1. On the Teacher’s part: Appliances for studying (textbooks, references, teaching aids, etc.)
2. On the Students’ part: Lesson preparation
III. Teaching procedures
1. Stabilization (1m)
2. Check-up (4ms)
Ask some Ss to go to the board then make a situation and ask them to answer:
“Your friend liked a girlfriend in class but he was shy and did not tell her because he thought she did not
agree. He worried, so this affected his studying. If you were his close friend, what would you do to help
Give comments about their answers and mark.
3. Classroom activities

Aims of the Content, techniques for organizing students’ Expected products and
activity learning activities assessment of students’ work
Play a game: -T writes the jumble word on the board and ask Ss - Ss’ answers may vary.
Jumble words to rearrange this word
To find out the NOPRESAL BLOMPRE
title of the lesson -T raise some questions and calls on some Ss to
give their answers
T: Are you having any problem at your school or - Suggested answer:
at home?
T: What do you often do when having a problem?
Ss: ….
T: Who do you often talk with?
Ss: ….
- Informs the class of the lesson objectives and
leads to the lesson.


ACTIVITY 1: Choose the correct sentences (a-e) to complete the conversation between two friends.
Content, techniques for organizing Expected products and assessment
Aims of the activity
students’ learning activities of students’ work
To help Ss practice - Explains to Ss the task’s requirement. - Listen carefully
some skills (speaking - Asks Ss to read the conversation
and reading) quickly to get the main idea. - Read the conversation individually
- Has Ss read again and match the - Read and match in pairs
sentences (a-f) with the gaps (1-6) in - Suggested answer:
the conversation. 1. b 2. e 3. d
- Asks them to correct others’ answers 4. a 5. f 6. c

To improve reading Answer the question

skilss through Let Ss work in pairs, do the task 1. She was chosen to take part in the
answering the questions English Public Speaking Contest in Da
Nang, but her parents don't allow her to
-T asks Ss to take part in the activity to go there. They are worried because she
remember the new words. has never been away from home
2. Van advises Chi to ask their teacher
to persuade Chi's parents


ACTIVITY 2: Practise the conversation with a partner. (5 ms)

Aims of the Content, techniques for organizing Expected products and assessment
activity students’ learning activities of students’ work
To help Ss - Asks Ss to practise the conversation - Practise the conversation
practise speaking in pairs in 3’. - Use the correct intonation so as to
- Goes around the class to help if sound as natural as possible.
- Call sts to practice.
- Corrects their pronounciation
ACTIVITY 3: Choose one topic. Use the information below or your own ideas to make a similar
conversation. (9 ms)

Aims of the Content, techniques for organising Expected products and assessment of
activity students’ learning activities students’ work
To encourage Ss - Explains the task to Ss. - Ss can choose one of two topic to
to use their own - Asks Ss to work in pairs in 5’. make the conversation.
ideas to make - Encourages Ss to give more advice for - Suggested answer:
their conversationLinda’s or John’s problem. (Handout 1)
- Calls some pairs to act out their
conversations in front of the class.
- Gives comments on Ss’ performance
ACTIVITY 1: Work with a partner. Talk about a problem that you have had at school or at home. (7
Aims of the Content, techniques for organizing Expected products and assessment of
activity students’ learning activities students’ work
To provide freer - Asks Ss to choose a problem that you - Discuss and then make their own
speaking practice have had at school or at home to talk conversations
about. - Ask their teacher and friends for any
- Has Ss work individually first, then comments on your voice, speed or
talk with their friends. pronunciation so as to improve for the
- Calls some Ss to present their talks. next time.
- Gives comments. Suggested answer:
(Handout 2)
ACTIVITY 2: Summary (3ms)
Content, techniques for organizing Expected products and
Aims of the activity
students’ learning activities assessment of student work
To check Ss’ - Has Ss share the other problems they met Ss’ presentations in front of the
comprehension and - Asks Ss to give advice to help them class
broaden their

A. HOMEWORK: (3 ms)
- Summarize the main points of the lesson.
- Asks sts to:
+ Practise the conversations and write the last conversation again.
+ Prepare the next lesson (Listening).
IV. Questions/ Exercises for testing and assessment follow Competency-based Orientation (Handout
- Write a summary about person’s problem.
- Give some advice for it.
3.Low application
- Talk about a problem based on above summary
4.High application
- Choose the best advice for that one.
V. Appendix (Optional)

A: Hi, John. You look unhappy. What's the matter with you?
B: Well. My classmates keep making fun of me because I got poor grades at school
A: Don't worry. You should ask your teacher for help when having a problem.
B: But the problem is that I don't understand my homework and I can't do it.
A: If I were you, I would find a tutor who explain the lesson again to you and help you with
your homework at home.
B: That's a good idea. I'll try it. Thank you for your advice.


I had a terrible row with my best friend over a boy that we both like. And she hasn't spoken
to me ever since. I don't want to lose this best friend but I don't know what to do, so I asked
my mother for her advice. She told me that I must know who is more important to me, my
best friend who I have known since childhood or a boy who I have just known for some
days and that I should apologize to my best friend and make up with her.

HANDOUT 3 (Homework)

- Write a summary about person’s problem.

- Give some advice for it.
- Talk about a problem based on above summary.
- Choose the best advice for that one .

Self - evaluation:
Teacher: Vo Thi Doan
Date of preparation: 01/10/2022
Date of teaching: 05/10/2022
Period 14 CB (Class:11A1, 11A5, 11A6)
Period 18 TC (Class:11D1,11D6)

I. Objectives
1. Knowledge, skills, attitude
- Knowledge
+ to help sts to know vocabulary relating to teenage relationships
+ To help the sts understand the listening passage by listening for choosing the correct answer and
answering the questions
+ To help Ss to develop listening skills: listening for specific information
- Skills
+ To promote Ss to develop their listening skills
+ To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups
- Attitude
+ To encourage Ss to work harder
+ To provide Ss some motivation
+ To help Ss to know more information about teenage relationships
2. Orientation towards students’ competency development
Communicative and cooperative competence
II. Preparation of teacher and students
1.On the teacher’s part: -pictures, handouts, lesson plan
2.On the students’ part: Vocabulary, textbooks, workbooks and materials relating to the lessons
III. Teaching procedures
1.Stabilization (2 ms)
2.Formerly assigned assignments check-up (Optional)
3.Classroom activities

Aims of the Lesson content & techniques for organising Expected products & assessment
activity students’ learning activities of student work
- Introduce some
general - Asks the students to answer some questions:
information about 1. Do you usually tell your problems or secrets to - Yes, because my patents are
teenage your parents? sympathetic. They can give me
relationships 2. Are they willing to lend an ear? some advice.
3. If you have a boyfriend or girlfriend. Will you - No, because my parents are very
tell your parents about it? Why or why not? strict and unsympathetic


Aims of the Lesson content & techniques for organising Expected products & assessment
activity students’ learning activities of student work
To get Ss to know - aks sts to guess the topic: teenage relationships A talk show with host Vicky
the topic of the - Introduces host Vicky Holmes and guest Dr Holmes and guest Dr Dawson
lesson Dawson to sts
ACTIVITY 1: Listen to the talk show with host Vicky Holmes and guest speaker Dr Dawson. Choose the
best answer to complete each statement. ( 10 ms)
Aims of the Lesson content & techniques for Expected products & assessment of
activity organising students’ learning activities student work
To focus on Listen to the talk show with host Vicky
comprehension Holmes and guest speaker Dr Dawson. Choose the best answer to complete
Choose the best answer to complete each each statement.
statement. 1. C 2. B
- asks Sts to lsiten to a talk show for specific 3. C 4. A
detail and choose the best option to complete
each statement. If sts cannot find the answer,
stop the recording after the sentence
containing the information for answer
- asks sts to compare their answers with s

ACTIVITY 2: Listen again. Answer the questions (12 ms)

Aims of the Lesson content & techniques for Expected products & assessment of
activity organising students’ learning activities student work
To help Ss Listen again. Answer the questions Answer the questions
understand more - aks sts to read the questions before 1.The talk show is about how
the listening listening, and underline the key words in each teenagers and their parents deal with
lesson. questions problems
Q1: main topic 2. They need to learn to form safe and
Q2: teenagers, prepare for becoming adults healthy relationships with other
Q3: what, parents do, children experience people
break-ups 3. Parents should offer a shoulder for
Q4: parents, strongly oppose, romatic their children to cry on and listen to
relationships them
- play the recording without pausing 4. No because their strong opposition
- aks sts to listen, write down the answers will make their children stop talking
- asks sts to discuss their answers in pairs about their feeling


ACTIVITY 1: In your opinion, what is the “right” age for a romantic relationships? Discuss with a partner
(5 ms)
Lesson content & techniques
Expected products & assessment of
Aims of the activity for organising students’
student work
learning activities
To allow sts to personalize - Asks sts some questions A person should start a romatic
their opinions. before they start the discussion relationship when he/she is at an age or
+ What is the purpose of a satge in life when he/she is mature
romantic relationship? enough, and is ready for a possible
+ Do people start a relationship marriage. For this reason, the “right”
just for fun or for a possible age can be different from person to
marriage? person
- tell sts that the answers to
these questions will help them
to decide on the “right” age for
a romantic relationships

ACTIVITY 2: Summary (5 ms)

Lesson content & techniques
Expected products & assessment of
Aims of the activity for organising students’
student work
learning activities
To check Ss’ comprehension - Has Ss summarise the talk The talk show is about how teenagers
and broaden their knowledge show with host Vicky Holmes and their parents deal with problems
and guest speaker Dr Dawson They need to learn to form safe and
healthy relationships with other people
Parents should offer a shoulder for
their children to cry on and listen to
- Calls some Ss to share their ……

E. HOMEWORK (2 ms)
Questions/ Exercises for testing and assessment follow Competency-based Orientation
1. Knowledge
Learn by heart the key words in this lesson
2. Comprehension
If you have a boyfriend or girlfriend. Will you tell your parents about it? Why or why not?
3. Low application
In your opinion, what is the “right” age for a romantic relationship?
4. High application
summarize the talk show with host Vicky Holmes and guest speaker Dr Dawson
Self - evaluation:
Teacher: Vo Thi Doan
Date of preparation: 2/10/2022
Date of teaching: 07/10/2022
Period 15 CB (Class:11A1, 11A5, 11A6)
Period 19 TC (Class:11D1, 11D6)
I. Objectives
1. Knowledge, skills, attitude
- To help the students to write online posting about relationship problems, write a paragraph
about relationship problems and get on well with their classmates.
- To promote Ss to develop their writing skills
- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups
- get on well with their friends and know how to solve their own problems
2. Orientation towards students’ competency development
Sts have a chance to express themselves in written English.
II. Preparation of teacher and students
1.On the teacher’s part: textbooks, posters, colors chalks……
2.On the students’ part: read and analyze the example so they know what they are expected to do
III. Teaching procedures
1. Stabilization (2 ms)
2. Formerly assigned assignments check-up: none because the lesson is long.
3. Classroom activities

Aims of the Lesson content & techniques for organizing Expected products & assessment
activity students’ learning activities of student work
Help Ss to
* In your opinion, what is the "right" age for a UNIT 2: RELATIONSHIPS
approach the
romantic relationship? Why? Lesson WRITING
topic “a romantic -
Ask Ss to present their answers in groups In your opinion, what is the "right"
relationship” -T: Today we are going to study the way to age for a romantic relationship?
write an online posting Why?
ACTIVITY 1: Read an online posting on Teen Forum and fill the gaps (6 mins)
Aims of the Lesson content & techniques for organizing Expected products & assessment
activity students’ learning activities of student work
Help Ss to know
the form of an - Ask Ss to work in pairs to read an online I. Read an online posting on Teen
online posting posting on Teen Forum and fill the gaps Forum and fill the gaps
- Call some Ss to copy the answers on the 1. upset 2. shocked
board and check with the whole class 3. influence 4. different
Put the following parts of the online posting 5. talented 6. appearances
in the correct order
- ask Ss to work in groups of tables.
T: - The focus of this activity is on the different
parts of the story posted to the teen forum. II. Put the parts of the letter in
- Ask Ss to read through the list (a-g) and put the right order according to the
the parts in the order they appear in the online template
posting in 1. 1. d 2. a 3. f
- T calls on some Ss to read aloud the answers 4. b 5. e 6. c
and check with the whole class.
ACTIVITY 2: Put the following parts of the online posting in the correct order (6 mins)
Aims of the Lesson content & techniques for organizing Expected products & assessment
activity students’ learning activities of student work
Help Ss to know - ask Ss to work in groups of tables.
the form of an T: - The focus of this activity is on the different
online posting parts of the story posted to the teen forum.
- Ask Ss to read through the list (a-g) and put II. Put the following parts of the
the parts in the order they appear in the online online posting in the correct order
posting in 1. 1.g 2.c 3.f
- T calls on some Ss to read aloud the answers 4.d 5.e 6.a 7. b
and check with the whole class.
ACTIVITY 1: Choose one of the stories below. Use the ideas to write an online posting of 160 - 180
words (6ms)
Aims of the Lesson content & techniques for organizing Expected products & assessment
activity students’ learning activities of student work
Ss know more - Explain to Ss that there are three topics for III. Choose one of the stories
about the ideas to them to choose from. These topics are about below. Use the ideas to write an
write an online teenagers' relatìonship problems with parents or online posting of 160 - 180 words
posting friends. 1. Title of the posting
- Encourage Ss to add more details when they 2. The writer's name
write the story. 3. Date and time
- Ask Ss to write their drafts individually, and 4. The writer's mood
then exchange their writing with a partner for 5. Description of the incident
peer feedback Encourage Ss to make revisions, 6. The writer's feelings
if necessary. 7.The writer's wish
- Collect some of the Ss'final drafts and give
ACTIVITY 2: Write an online posting of 160 -180 words (10ms)
Aims of the Lesson content & techniques for organizing Expected products & assessment
activity students’ learning activities of student work
- Techniques: group work IV. Write an online posting of
- Content: 160 -180 words
- T makes sure that Ss know to write an online
posting Model:
I feel lonely in my home!
-Then Ss write the letter individually. by Lion King >> Tuesday,
December 3, 2014 at 9 P.M
My parents are always busy at work.
They often work late on weekdays
and most weekends. So, I'm left
alone at home with the housemaid or
tutor. I feel so lonely and miss my
parents a lot. I wish my parents
understood and spent more time
with me.
What should I do?
ACTIVITY 3: Peer correction (5ms)
Aims of the Lesson content & techniques for organizing Expected products & assessment
activity students’ learning activities of student work
Help the sts - Techniques: pairs work, critical thinking;
realize the other Collaboration + Ss are assessed through their
mistakes. - Content: presentation.
Ask Ss to exchange their writings and correct
the mistakes
ACTIVITY 1: Ask and answer the following questions (4ms)
Aims of the Lesson content & techniques for organizing Expected products & assessment
activity students’ learning activities of student work
Help the Ss -Techniques: explanation, examples, pair- + Their talk about relationships
improve their work, + Ss are assessed through their
relationships presentation.

E. HOMEWORK (2 ms)
- Think of something that happened to you or another person. Write an online posting of 160 -180 words.
- Guides sts to prepare lesson at home “Communication and culture “

Self - evaluation:

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