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Lesson plan 11 Teacher: Võ Thị Doan

Date of preparation: 4/9/2022

Date of teaching: 6/9/2022
Period 1CB (Class:11A1, 11A5, 11A6)
Period 1TC (Class:11D1, 11D6)

Introduction English 11 and Review English 10

I. Objectives
1. Knowledge, skills, attitude
- Knowledge
+ Introduce English 11
+To help the students review some grammatical points they have learnt in 10th form so that they can approach
the new knowledge in the twelfth form programme
- Skills
Help SS to develop listening and reading skills beside speaking and writing skills
- Attitude
+ Educate in students the great passion for studying English.
2. Orientation towards students’ competency development
After the lesson, SS have a chance to develop their problem solving and communication competency,
they also develop the skill of collaboration.
II. Preparation of teacher and students
1.On the teacher’s part: textbooks, posters, pictures,
2.On the students’ part: Read the guiding books and grammatical books before going to school
III. Teaching procedures
 Stabilization (2 ms)
 Formerly assigned assignments check-up:
 Classroom activities
Aims of the Lesson content & techniques for organizing Expected products &
activity students’ learning activities assessment of student work
Help Ss to get Picture Talk + Ss can guess the word
involved in - Asks the sts to work in groups (books closed) + Ss sare assessed through
learning - Sticks the pictures of six things on B/B such as : Fish their presentation
, Rain, Ice-cream, Elephant, Nespaper , and Dog
- Asks the sts to name them and find out what the
pictures talk by collecting the first letters of each name
from the pictures
-Emphasizes on the students’ answers and introducing
the lesson
Aims of the Lesson content & techniques for organizing Expected products &
activity students’ learning activities assessment of student work
Help Ss to review -Helps the students to master the knowledge they + Ss can remind the form and
the tenses learned last year by eliciting them some main ideas. uses of the tenses they have
- Content : TENSES learned.
- Simple future tense + Ss are assessed through
- Simple past tense - their presentation.
Past continuous tense,
- Simple present tense,
- Present perfect tense,
- Present continuous tense

Aims of the Lesson content & techniques for organizing Expected products &
activity students’ learning activities assessment of student work
Help Ss to do the HANDOUT-Techniques: Group work, instruction + Ss can do the exercises
Lesson plan 11 Teacher: Võ Thị Doan
exercises I. Put the correct tense of the verbs in correct tense well
- Techniques: pair work + Assessment can be made
- Content: through Ss’ answers.
2.have studied
4.are listening
II. Give the correct form of the words in brackets.
1. loneliness
2. firefighter
3. preference
4. considerable
5. responsibilities
III. Choose the best answer.


Aims of the Lesson content & techniques for organizing Expected products &
activity students’ learning activities assessment of student work
Help Ss to talk Ask and answer the following questions about the + Their talk about the school
about the new method of learning English year day
school year day. -Techniques: Group work, instruction, modeling + Ss are assessed through
- Content: their presentation.
A: How do you feel about learning English?
B: I feel……….
A: Can you tell some effective way to learn?
B: Yes, I
B: …….
E. HOMEWORK (5 ms)
 Prepare the new lesson
Questions/ Exercises for testing and assessment follow Competency-based Orientation
1. Knowledge
Listen! The teacher (ask)............... us a question.
 Comprehension
I (wait) ……….for her since half past six.
 Low application
You (see) ………. the film on TV last night?
 High application
Write a paragraph about the method of learning English
Lesson plan 11 Teacher: Võ Thị Doan
I.Give the correct tense of the verb in brackets.
1. We (study)................ a very hard lesson yesterday.
2. We (study).................. almost every lesson in this book so far.
3. He usually (sing)..................... badly but yesterday, he (sing) ....................very well.
4. They (listen) .......................to the teacher now.
5. Where ....................your mother (be)............... ? – She is in the kitchen.
II.Word formation: Give the correct form of the words in brackets.
1. She faced _________ because she not only had few friends but also was unwelcomed in that area. (lonely) -
2. That a woman becomes a ______ has ever been considered to be weird, as people have assumed that this
job is only for men. (firefight) firefighter
3. Although she was aware of gender ________ in favor of boys, she applied for that position. (prefer)
4. This university is ranked as one the most successful institutions which have made ________ progress in
gender equality. (consider) considerable
5. In order to eliminate gender inequality, domestic __________ need to be shared by both husbands and
wives, (responsible) responsibilities
III. Choose the best answer.
1. In some companies, it is suggested that female officers should be supported by their male co-workers. The
underlined word has the closest meaning to:
A. colleges B. colleagues C. villages D. collectors
2. Paul: “I suppose that working mothers are good educators for their children.” - Kate: “_____”
A. I agree with you. They know little about educating.
B. I couldn’t agree more. They are able to teach their children at home.
C. That’s true. They don’t know how to teach their children.
D. Because educators are teachers.
3. In order to be ______ for this position, candidates must have not only an MA degree but also work
A. qualify B. quality C. qualified D. qualification
4. Taking part in social activities and interacting with different cultures widen their knowledge and gradually
______ them.
A. nature B. mature C. future D. picture
5. “The protesters couldn’t persuade the president to change the law.” has the closest meaning to:
A. The president couldn’t be persuaded to change the laws.
B. The president couldn’t persuaded to change the laws.
C. The president couldn’t be persuade to change the laws.
D. The president couldn’t persuade to change the laws.
6. The afternoon meeting _______ because three of the five committee members are unable to attend.
A. might postpone B. might postponed C. might be postpone D. might be postponed
7. Dental appointments _______ so as not to conflict with school commitments.
A. should be arranged B. should not be arranged C. should be arrange D. should not arrange
8. This beer can be served ________ beefsteak.
A. from B. by C. with D. as
9. Many parents think that fast food ________ in schools.
A should not sold B. should not be sell C. should be not sold D. should not be sold
10. Jenny and Jim have been looking for a caretaker to look after their parents who are both old and sick in
their house. The underlined word has the closest meaning to:
A. test taker B. caregiver C. test giver D. checker
Lesson plan 11 Teacher: Võ Thị Doan
Date of preparation: 4/9/2022
Date of teaching: 7/9/2022
Period 2CB (Class:11A1, 11A5, 11A6)
Period 2TC (Class:11D1, 11D6)
I. Objectives
1. Knowledge, skills, attitude
- Knowledge:
+ To get the Ss to know the concept of “ generation gap”, vocabulary about the generation gap and family
rules, two grammar points: should and ought to for giving opinions and advice, and must, have to for
expressing obligation.
- Skills:
+ to develop Ss’ integrated skills
+ to develop Ss’ skill of cooperative sharing and problem solving
- Attitude:
+ to motivate Ss to work collaboratively, enthusiastically to acquire knowledge.
+ to help Ss recognize their responsibility in dealing with problems related to the lesson as well as
those in their lives.
2. Orientation towards students’ competency development
Ss are expected to develop linguistic, communicative, and problem-solving competencies.
II. Preparation of teacher and students
1. On the teacher’s part: Text book, Pictures enlarged to introduce the lesson,
2. On the students’ part: Textbook
III. Teaching procedures
1.Stabilization (2 ms)
2.Formerly assigned assignments check-up: No
3.Classroom activities

Aims of the Lesson content & techniques for organising Expected products & assessment of
activity students’ learning activities student work
This activity will
help Ss to define - Ss are expected to give the answers
the generation like this:
differences they + They may be grandparents, parents
experience with and children/ grandchildren.
their parents. + We think that this type of this family
is still popular in our community.
Brainstorming: + The differences may be about fashion,
- Puts the students into groups of 5 and asks lifestyles, way of thinking/ values of life,
them to take turn talking about the differences jos/career/ studying, communication
between them and their parents. etc.

Differences between
you and your parents

way of thinking lifestyle

- Elicits answers from Ss and gives feedback.
(T. can tell Ss that these differences can be in
the choice of music, clothing, values,
lifestyles, ways of shopping (directly from
shopping centers or online), or
- Leads to the lesson: The Generation Gap
Lesson plan 11 Teacher: Võ Thị Doan


ACTIVITY: Listen and read (5 ms)

Aims of the Lesson content & techniques for organizing Expected products & assessment
activity students’ learning activities of student work
Ss will be able to - Tells Ss that they are going to listen to a Expected answer:
grasp the general conversation between two friends and lets They are talking about types of
idea of the them working in pairs predicting: “What are families they belong to,
conversation and Sam and Ann talking about?” disagreements they get into with
concept of the - Plays the recording. Ss individually listen to their grandparents or parents and
generation gap. the conversation and read along. how to solve this problem.
- Checks Ss answer and provide feedback. - Ss’ work can be evaluated and
given marks if they can answer the
question properly.
ACTIVITY 1: Read the conversation and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false(F)
( 7 ms)
Aims of the Lesson content & techniques for organising Expected products & assessment of
activity students’ learning activities student work
This activity will - Asks Ss to do this activity in pairs. Expected answer:
help Ss to - Gets them to read the statements and decide 1. F → She lives in a nuclear family.
understand the if they are true or false and refer to the 2. F→ She is part of an extended
conversation conversation to find clues for their answers. family.
through - Has Ss compare their answers 3. T
comprehension - Checks Ss’ answers and asks them to correct 4. F → Ann’s parents believe family
questions. the false information. members should share the chores.
5. T
ACTIVITY 2: Find the meaning of highlighted compound nouns (7 ms)
Aims of the Lesson content & techniques for organising Expected products & assessment
activity students’ learning activities of student work
Ss will - Asks Ss to pick out the highlighted Expected answers
comprehend the compound nouns in the conversation and write 1. A nuclear family
meanings of them on the board. 2. Childcare
unknown nuclear family 3. A generation gap
compound nouns extended family 4. Table manners
given in the childcare 5. A viewpoint
conversation generation gap 6. An extended family
table manners
- Draws Ss’ attention to the pronunciation and
stress of these compounds.
- Gives Ss a chance to challenge each other
while figuring out the Vietnamese meaning of
these words.
- Tells Ss to complete the definitions, using the
highlighted compound nouns in the
- Puts Ss in groups of 5. Each group will pick
out a paper with a compound noun which they
have to tell its meaning in English. Once they - Group assessment.
have received the paper, they will be given 2 - Compliments or marks will be
minutes to brainstorm and show the definition. awarded to the group which have the
- The class will discuss and assess on what has most correct answers.
been shown by each group.
ACTIVITY 3: Read the conversation and find verbs used to express duty, obligation, advice or lack of
obligation. (7ms)
Lesson plan 11 Teacher: Võ Thị Doan
Aims of the Lesson content & techniques for organizing Expected products & assessment of
activity students’ learning activities student work
This activity is to - Asks Ss to read the conversation again, and  Opinion & advice: should and
recall Ss Modal find the verbs expressing duty, obligation, ought to in positive and negative
verbs and how to advice, or lack of obligation. forms
use them. - Has Ss compare their answers in pairs / Duty & obligation: must and have to
groups. Then check answers as a class Lack of obligation: (not) have to,
- Gives feedback. (not) need to


ACTIVITY: Ask and answer the following questions (7 ms)
Lesson content & techniques
Expected products & assessment
Aims of the activity for organizing students’
of student work
learning activities
This activity will help develop - Ask Ss to work in pairs to ask Expected answer:
their speaking skill using the and answer the questions 1. I live in a nuclear family,
ideas from the conversation and - Have some Ss tell the class including my father, my mother,
Ss' own ideas about their partners' type of my sister and me.
family and what they like and 2. Everyone shares the household
dislike about it. chores to each one. My mother
1. Are you a part of a nuclear doesn't take much time to take care
or an extended family? of all members, and there is no
2. What do you like and dislike generation gap in my family.
about your type of family?

D. HOMEWORK (5 ms)
- Guides Ss to carry out an interview about generational conflicts and report the findings next class.
+ Divides the class into groups of 9/10 students.
+ Each group will interview 15 teenagers, aged 15-17, who live in their area, take notes of their answers.
(T. can guide Ss to design the questionnaires for the survey instead of interview because of limited time)
+ Report the findings to the whole class next lesson (Looking back & Project class)
Suggestion questions
1. Are there any problems in your family?
+ What are they about?
+ Where do they come from?
+ How do you deal with them? How do your parents deal with them?
2. What do you like to change about yourself so that you can deal with the conflicts better?
3. Do you think your parents should change their attitudes and rules? Why? Why not?
Questions/ Exercises for testing and assessment follow Competency-based Orientation
Question: What will you say in English if
+ you want to advise your friend to share the chore with his/her mother?
+ you want your friend not to use smartphone in class because it is against the school’s regulation.
Question: What does “Generation gap” mean?
3.Low application
Question: Are there any conflicts between you and your parents because of generation gap? What are they
4.High application
Question: What would you like to change about yourself to deal with the conflicts better?

Self - evaluation:
Lesson plan 11 Teacher: Võ Thị Doan

Date of preparation: 5/9/2022

Date of teaching:8/9/2022
Period 3 CB (Class:11A1, 11A5, 11A6)
Period 3 TC (Class:11D1, 11D6)
Lesson: 2 LANGUAGE
I. Objectives
1. Knowledge, skills, attitude
- Knowledge:
+ To provide learners some language items in Unit 1
+ For vocabulary, that is words and phrases related to the generation gap and family rules, as well as some
compound nouns
+ For pronunciation, that is strong and weak form of words in connected speech
+ For grammar, that is the use of some modal verbs: should, ought to, must, have to
- Skills:
+ To promote Ss to develop the skill of working in pairs and groups
- Attitude:
+ To encourage Ss to work harder
+ To provide Ss some motivation
2. Orientation towards students’ competency development
-Learn some more new compound. Understand the meanings of the compound nouns in the sentences.
- Ss practice putting stressed patterns.
- Remember the use of modal verb. Explain their choices. Apply the modal verbs to rewrite the sentences
II. Preparation of teacher and students
1.On the teacher’s part: Handouts, textbook, pieces of papers, lesson plan and cassette.
2.On the students’ part: Textbook, reading and considering the tasks
III. Teaching procedures
1.Stabilization (2 ms)
- Greeting and checking students’ attendance
2.Formerly assigned assignments check-up (…ms) (Optional)
3.Classroom activities

Aims of the Lesson content & techniques for organizing Expected products & assessment of
activity students’ learning activities student work
communication Teacher T divides the class into 2 groups:
skills / Stimulated "SON and FATHER"
speaking skill - T shows 5 pictures about 5 compound noun
asks Ss to try their best to remember the
pictures and the go the the board to write
down the words, which group has more right
words will be the winner.
Lead in:
- T: Today we are going to study unit 1 -
language to know more about compound
+ What time do you often get up ? Answer Key: 1. hairstyle
2. Junk food 3. generation gap
4. Schoolchildren 5. nuclear family
Lesson plan 11 Teacher: Võ Thị Doan
ACTIVITY 1: Vocabulary: Compound nouns. 1. Matching: (5 ms)
Aims of the Lesson content & techniques for organising Expected products & assessment of
activity students’ learning activities student work
functional 1. Matching: 1g 2h 3i
competence T: Ask Ss work individually to match each 4f 5c 6b
single noun (1-9) with another (a-i) to make a 7a 8d 9e
compound noun.
Ss: Check their answers in pairs, then check
as a class.
T: - Give the meanings of these compound
nouns, if necessary.
- Draw Ss' attention to the four compounds
written as one word: household, hairstyles,
schoolchildren, footsteps.
ACTIVITY 2: B. Pronunciation:
1. Listen and repeat (5 ms)
Aims of the Lesson content & techniques for organizing Expected products & assessment of
activity students’ learning activities student work
Follow-Up 1. Listen and repeat II. Pronunciation:
competence. -Play the recording for Ss to listen and repeat. *Note: In a sentence, the following
This activity -Ask Ss to pay attention to the stressed words words are stressed:
focuses on with the stress mark before the stressed 1.Content words: nouns, verbs,
stressed and syllable. adjectives, adverbs
unstressed words -Play the recording again for Ss to listen, 2.Negative auxiliaries
in sentences, and pausing after each sentence. 3.Question words: who, whose, when,
enables Ss to Ss: Work in pairs to find out the parts of where, why, what, and how
discover a speech of the words which are stressed in 4.Demonstrative pronouns that do not
connection these sentences. precede nouns: this, that, these, those
between stress 5.Possessive pronouns: mine, yours,
and grammar. his, hers, ours, theirs, except post-
modifier constructions such as of
mine, of yours, etc.
Example: I've just 'met a 'friend of
ACTIVITY 3: C. Grammar:
1. Exercise 1: Underline the correct words (5 ms)
Aims of the Lesson content & techniques for organising Expected products & assessment of
activity students’ learning activities student work
Functional 1. Exercise 1: Underline the correct words III. Grammar
competence. -Ask Ss to underline the correct words to 1. Exercise 1: Underline the correct
This activity complete the sentences, and pay attention to words
focuses on the the meaning of the sentences in order to 1. should 2. ought
use of should / choose the right word. 3. must 4. have to
shouldn't, ought to / -Have Ss work individually first, then ask 5. mustn’t
ought not to, must / them to compare their answers in pairs. Check Ex1: I think parents should spend
mustn't, have to / Ss' answers. more time talking with their teenage
don't have to. Note: children.
We use should and shouldn't to give our Ought to and ought not to mean the
opinions about something or advice to same as should and shouldn't.
someone. Ex2: I think she ought to share the
Ought to and ought not to mean the same as housework with her mother.
should and shouldn't. Ex3: You must show respect for the
Must has a stronger meaning than should and elderly.
ought to. Ex4: I have to clean the floor and
Must and have to are used to express cook dinner every day.
obligation or the need to do something. Ex5: You must practise your English
Lesson plan 11 Teacher: Võ Thị Doan
Must expresses obligation imposed by the every day.
speaker while have to expresses external Ex6: I have to practise my English
obligation. every day.

ACTIVITY 1: Vocabulary: Compound nouns. 2. Gap-Filling: (5 ms)
Aims of the Lesson content & techniques for organizing Expected products & assessment of
activity students’ learning activities student work
functional 2. Gap-Filling: 2. Gap-Filling:
competence T: Ask Ss work in pair to complete the 1. hairstyle / table manners
questions with some of the compound nouns 2. generation gap
in 1. 3. nuclear family
Ss: Work individually first. Then work in 4. junk food
pairs, and compare their answers. 5. schoolchildren
T: Check Ss' answers. Have them practise
asking and answering all the questions in
ACTIVITY 2: B. Pronunciation: 2. Stressed or Unstressed (5 ms)
Aims of the Lesson content & techniques for organizing Expected products & assessment of
activity students’ learning activities student work
functional 2. Stressed or Unstressed *Note: In a sentence, the following
competence. This -Explain the activity to Ss, drawing their words are unstressed:
activity focuses attention to the words in bold. 1. Function words: pronouns, the verb
on words with -Have Ss work individually first, then play the be, auxiliary verbs, articles,
either strong recording and ask them to check their answers conjunctions, and prepositions
forms or weak in pairs. 2. this, that, these, and those when
forms depending -Check answers as a class, highlighting the followed by a noun
on their function different cases. 3. who, whose, when, where, why, what
in the sentence. -Ask pairs of Ss to role-play the questions and and how when they introduce a relative
answers in front of the class. Praise Ss who clause
pronounce the strong and weak forms Exception: When auxiliary verbs and
correctly. modals are not followed by a verb,
they have strong forms.
ACTIVITY 3: C. Grammar: 2. Exercise 2: Rewriting (5 ms)
Aims of the Lesson content & techniques for organizing Expected products & assessment of
activity students’ learning activities student work
Self-motivation. 2. Exercise 2: Rewriting 2. Exercise 2: Rewriting
This activity -Ask Ss to use the word in brackets to rewrite 2.You mustn't use your mobile phone
focuses on should each sentence without changing its meaning. in the examination room.
and ought to to -Have Ss do this exercise individually. 3.I don't have to type my essay.
give opinions and Monitor the activity and help them if 4.You should tell the truth to your
advice, and must necessary. family.
and have to to -Check Ss' answers by asking individual Ss to 5. Young people must plan their future
express take turns to read aloud the sentences, and career carefully
obligation. then write them on the board.


ACTIVITY 1: Vocabulary: Compound nouns (3 ms)
Aims of the Lesson content & techniques for organising Expected products &
activity students’ learning activities assessment of student work
This activity 1. Make words related to the generation gap using Key:
helps Ss to the letters. 1. childcare
consolidate what 1. accdehlir 2. nuclear family
they learned 2. rnlueca aimlyf 3. table manners
about 3. ebalt amensnr 4. extended family
Compound 4. detenedx fylmia 5. conflict
nouns. 5. tcnlifoc
Lesson plan 11 Teacher: Võ Thị Doan
ACTIVITY 2: C. Grammar (5 ms)
Aims of the Lesson content & techniques for organizing Expected products &
activity students’ learning activities assessment of student work
This activity Complete a mother's advice to her 16-year-old Đáp án:
helps Ss to daughter, using should/shouldn't and 1. should
consolidate what ought/oughtn't. 2. oughtn't
they learned Your grandparents live far from us, so you________ 3. shouldn't
about using talk to them on the phone regularly. 4. ought
should/shouldn't You are going to a concert, so you_______ to wear 5. should
and your old jeans.
ought/oughtn’t. You______ stare at the computer screen for too long.
It is really bad for your eyesight.
You_______ to talk to your grandparents more often
so that you can understand them better.
You_______ become more responsible by sharing
the housework with other people in our family.

I. HOMEWORK (5 ms)
Learn the main points of the lesson:
+ Compound nouns
+ Weak form and strong form of words
+ Modal verbs: should, ought to, must, have to
-Redo the tasks
-Prepare the reading part.

Self - evaluation:
Lesson plan 11 Teacher: Võ Thị Doan

Date of preparation: 5/9/2022

Date of teaching: 9/9/2022
Period 4 CB (Class:11A1, 11A5, 11A6)
Period 4 TC (Class:11D1, 11D6)


Lesson: 4 READING
I. Objectives
1. Knowledge, skills, attitude
- Knowledge:
- To provide learners some vocabulary related to the topic of conflicts in the family
- To get Ss to know more about the conflicts between parents and teenagers and they may know the
way to avoid them.
- Skills: mainly reading skill
+ Skim the text to get the general idea
+ Scan the text to get some specific details
- Attitude:
- To make sts aware of generation gap.
2. Orientation for competency development
Ss are expected to develop self-motivation, collaboration, information-processing and functional
II. Preparation of teacher and students
- Read the text carefully.
- Prepare pictures, teaching aids, etc.
- Read the text, look up the new words and prepare the tasks following.
III. Teaching procedures
2.Check-up (5ms) (Optional)
Asks one student to read the following situations, then complete the sentences:
a. They don’t allow him to go out after 11 pm. (MUST NOT) He ___________________________
b. They think that it is a good idea for me to apply for that job. (OUGHT TO)They think that I________
c. It was not necessary for Mary to finish all the homework. (HAVE TO)  Mary __________
a) The mustn’t allow him to go out after 11 pm.
b) They think that I ought to apply for that job.
c) Mary doesn’t have to finish all the homework.
3.Classroom activities

Expected outcome and

Content, techniques for organizing
Aims of the activity assessment of students’
students’ learning activities
- To get students to be Brainstorming - Give possible answers to the
familiar with the topic of - Ask the question 'Where do you think questions.
the reading text. family conflicts come from?' to - elicit
Ss' opinions. Answer Key:
-Have Ss brainstorm different factors The conflicts may come from
leading to family conflicts. different viewpoints or beliefs
-Ask individual Ss to share their between parents and children,
opinions and encourage different money matters, parenting styles…
Lesson plan 11 Teacher: Võ Thị Doan

ACTIVITY 1: Prediction (4ms)
Expected outcome and
Content, techniques for organizing
Aims of the activity assessment of students’
students’ learning activities
You are going to read a text about the Answers may vary depending on
This activity help Ss conflicts between parents and their Ss’ ability of prediction.
develop their collaboration teenager children. Which of the
competences to find out the following may be found in the text?
causes of family conflicts. - Let Ss work in groups, do the task.
- Ask Ss to tick the conflicts (a-g) and
then compare their choices with their
partner's. Sometimes help Ss with
unfamiliar words in the list (a-g)
- Has Ss share their opinions with the Vocabulary
whole class. -create(v)
Vocabulary -impose(v)
- Elicit vocabulary using explanations -norm(n)
and examples. -brand name(n)
- Let pupils repeat the new words in
chorus, then individually.
- Check Ss’ vocabulary using the
technique Rub out and Remember.
ACTIVITY 2: Read the text and check the predictions (4ms)
Expected outcome and
Content, techniques for organizing
Aims of the activity assessment of students’
students’ learning activities
- Helps Ss develop skimming - Ask Ss to skim the text and compare - Check the predictions as quickly
skill by choosing the best their predictions in1. as possible by scanning skill.
title for two opinions about - Check Ss' answers, and ask them to Suggested answers:
ecotourism with three given give the clues from the reading text Key
options. which helped them to work out the b c d e f
- Have Ss work individually then
compare the answers with a partner.
- Calls Ss to show their answers on the
- Give feedback.

ACTIVITY 3: Working out the meaning of new words based on the context. (5 ms)
Content, techniques for Expected outcome and
Aims of the activity organizing students’ learning assessment of students’
activities performance
- This activity helps develop -Ask Ss to match the highlighted .
students’ ability in guessing words in the text with the definitions Expected answers:
word meaning in context and given. (Matching the highlighted
helps them know some new -Tell Ss to go back to the reading words in the text with the
words to facilitate their text to locate the highlighted words definitions)
comprehension. and study the context surrounding 1. afford
the words to work out their 2. Impose
meaning. Then match them with the 3. brand name
definitions. 4. norms
-Have Ss work individually, then 5. conflicts
Lesson plan 11 Teacher: Võ Thị Doan
check their answers in pairs or
- Check the answers again as a class.

ACTIVITY 4: Read the text and answer the questions. (10 ms)
Content, techniques for
Expected outcome and assessment of
Aims of the activity organizing students’
students’ performance
learning activities
- This activity help Ss to - Ask Ss to read the Suggested answers:
develop reading skill by getting questions first to work out Key
detail information for the type of information 1.Because they strongly believe they know
comprehension. they will look for in the what is best for their children.
text. 2.They want to be more independent, create
- Ask them to work in pairs their own opinions and make their own
, one asks and one answers. decisions.
- Move round to make sure 3.They are worried because these clothes may
that all sts are working and break rules and norms of society, or distract
to help them if necessary. them from schoolwork.
- Ask some sts to report 4.They want their children to spend their time
and give feedback in a more useful way.
5. No. Some of them try to impose their
choices of university or career on their


ACTIVITY 5: Discuss with a partner (7ms)
Content, techniques for
Expected outcome and assessment
Aims of the activity organizing students’ learning
of students’ performance
- This activity helps develop - Have students work in pairs to Expected conversation:
Ss’ critical thinking skill of discuss the questions in 2ms. A: Hello, B. You look so sad. What’s
solving their family conflicts - Asks some pairs to present their the matter with you?
successfully and enhance Ss’ answers in front of the class. B: Uhm…
speaking skill. - Encourage Ss to ask further A. You get into conflict with your
questions and share their ideas. parents, don’t you?
B: Exactly, my parents don’t always
understand me.
A: What are the reasons for your
B: They think that I don’t take my
study seriously and they also
disagree with the way I spend my
spare time. As you know I have
some close friends. I often chat
online and hang out with them on
weekends. I feel joyful and relaxed
whenever I am with them. I don’t
know how to deal with these, please
help me.
A: I think you should tell your
parents how you feel and what you
learn when you are with your
friends. Besides, you have to study
harder and show your progress in
study in order to prove that your
hanging out with your friends
Lesson plan 11 Teacher: Võ Thị Doan
doesn’t affect your study.
B: Good idea. I will take your

-Asks Ss to: + Learn new words by heart and do the tasks again.
+ Prepare the next lesson. (Speaking)
IV. Questions/ Exercises for testing and assessment follow Competency-based Orientation
+ What do these words mean: norm, brand name, impose, afford?
+ Where do conflicts come from?
3.Low application
+ What should children do to deal with this conflict?
4.High application
+ Write a paragraph to summarize the reading text.
Self - evaluation:
Lesson plan 11 Teacher: Võ Thị Doan

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