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Name: Annisa Nopendia

Student’s Number: 1813042038

Mid-Term Examination English for Law

I. Multiple Choice
1. The correct definition of Law is…
a. The highest form of rule and protects individuals by determining what is
acceptable behavior and conduct.
b. Regulations in the form of sanctions given to the president to the public and his
c. The regulations are not fixed and only have a character written for the peace of its
d. Non-permanent, unwritten and written regulations for the peace of the people and
their countries
2. Which one of the following is not the principle of the election in Indonesia?
a. Direct
b. General
c. Unfair
d. Fair
3. The followings are the duty of Supreme Advisory Council, except…
a. Answering questions from the president
b. Making a law
c. Providing advice
d. Giving consideration
4. Which one of the following is the definition of patent?
a. Patent is a government authority or licence conferring a right or title for a set
period, especially the sole right to exclude others from making, using, or selling
an invention.
b. Patent is a president’s authority or licence conferring a right or title for a set period,
especially the sole right to exclude others from making, using, or selling a book.
c. Patent is a special power possessed by a president without being interfered with by
other institutions.
d. Patent is the right of the DPR to ratify the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget
5. Which one is not the synonym of word “Prescribe”?
a. Determine
b. Establish
c. Specify
d. Identify
II. Essay
1. What is the structure of Parliament?
Answer: There are 575 members, all elected. 427 from Government (Onward Indonesia
Cabinet) & 148 from opposition

2. Mention and explain the 6 principles of election in Indonesia!

a. Direct (langsung): Voters shall vote on their own without any intermediary.
b. General (umum): All Indonesians that already satisfy voters' criteria, shall be able to
vote without any restriction.
c. Free (bebas): Voters shall be able to vote by their own conscience without any
coercion to vote for a particular candidate.
d. Confidential (rahasia): Secret ballot are guaranteed and voters' choice shall not be
known to others but themselves.
e. Honest (jujur): Voters, candidates, and electoral institutions shall perform their duty
in complete honesty.
f. Fair (adil): Voters and candidates shall receive equal treatment by the law, with no
particular voters or candidates shall receive preferential or discriminatory treatment.

3. What is meant by Patent Scope (WIPO)?

Answer: Patent Scope is the public database of record for Primary Care Trust (PCT)
international patent applications published by the World Intellectual Property
organization (WIPO).

4. Explain the definition of Supreme Advisory Council!

Answer: The Supreme Advisory Council is one of institutions in the country that
abolished in the fourth change of the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year
5. Determine the meaning of the following words in Indonesia:
a. Prescribed
b. Ratify
c. Promulgation
d. Budget
e. Party
f. Opposition
a. Prescribe = menentukan
b. Ratify = mensahkan
c. Promulgation = pengajuan
d. Budget = anggaran
e. Party = partai
f. Opposition = partai penentang

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