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QUESTION 5 This question includes an email you have to write 2. The email is an informal email, which means that you will write to your friend or 10. a family member The question will include 1-2 sentences as background information and 3 different bullet points that you must include in your email Take note of what each bullet point wants you to do (explain, describe, mention, state, invite, etc.) as each verb requires a different focus in your answeb Always brainstorm the ideas you will include in each bullet poifit BEFORE you begin writing Aim to write at least 2 ideas for each bullet point This question is worth 12 marks if you are in grade 9 (cre) © The content is worth 6 marks © The language is worth 6 marks The question is worth 16 marks if you af@ in grade 10 (extended) © The content is worth 8 marks © The language is worth 8 marks You should aim to write around 180 words if you are in grade 9 (core) even though the world limit written in the exam is 150 words You should aim to write around 230 words if you are in grade 10 (extended) even though the world limit writtewin the exam is 200 words How can | write an informal email? Follow this layout: Dear. 1st Paragraph (Introduction= Mention the background information given in the question- i.e. the aim of writing) 2nd Paragraph (1st body paragraph= 1st bullet point) 3rd Paragraph (2nd body paragraph= 2nd bullet point) 4th Paragraph (3rd body paragraph= 3rd bullet point) Sth Paragraph (Conclusion= Extra point of your own) Concluding sentence Love/Yours, 10 Exercise 5 14 Last week, you tried a new activity. Write an email to a friend about the activity. In your email, you should: + describe the activity you did + explain what you liked about it + invite your friend to do the activity with you. The pictures above may give you some ideas, andiyou can also use some ideas of your own. Your email should be between 450 and 200 words long. You will receive up to 8 marks for the content of your email, and up to 8 marks for the language used. euctes 2020 ost072aF M20 " Dear Samantha, How’s everything? I really hope everything’s good. Personally, I'd been bored out of my mind for the longest time ever, so I decided to try this new activity last week. 1 have to tell you all about it! Because I love art, I decided to try going to this weekly art event where the paint every time in a different place. When I went last weeksit was,by The Nile. Since the event requires no prior art experience, perfect for me; I hadn’t painted in forever. Even though my painting wasn’t my best work, I sna the fact that it got me out of my artist slump that I’d been on end. Getting to create art with loving artists around wee also a new, yet freeing, experience for me. Thnow you love painting, so why don’t you cote? It’s W great space for everyone where you'd feel like you're expre self freely while getting inspired d also be a great chance for us to abou think! Love, Jane Underlined= Complex sentences Italicized= Compound sentences Emboldened= Compound-complex sentences [otal: 16] 2020 stanza [Turn over 10 Exercise 5 13. You recently organised an event for your family to celebrate a special occasion. Write an email to a friend telling them about this event. {In your email, you should: + say what the special occasion was + explain what you did to make the eventimemorable + describe your family's reactions. The pictures above may give you some ideas, can also use some ideas of your own Your email should be between 450 and 200 Words long. You will receive up to 8 marks for the contentlOf your email, and up to 8 marks for the language used. ‘euctes 2022 ostorzariwze Dear Linda, I miss you so bad! Anyway, I’ve got to tell you all about this special family celebration I organised last week. I! was super hectic, but il was all worth it Because my grandparents’ 55th anniversary was last week, I decided to throw a party to celebrate this milestone. They're basically the glue that holds our. family together, 50 the fact that they've been together for 55 years is huge, unbelievable, ani Although my whole family hates parties, I held a party at i merely hate the fact that parties are usually loud, I deci a quiet, ur favourite mood. tranquil party. I organized a movie night and mad comfort food. I also put on some calming music t Everyone was amazed with the party. Thei laughs and smiles were taking over the place. My grandma even teatéd up aypit, and everyone kept thanking me non-stop for putting everything together. Even though coming ith LY and bringing it to life took it out of me, I wouldn’t hi any other way; I think this day helped me appreciate the little moments I have with my loved ones, so I decided to hold a reunion with all our school friends, and you have to be “S e See yousoon! Love, Jane Underlined= Complex sentences Italicized= Compound sentences Emboldened= Compound-complex sentences [Total: 16} euctes 2022 storia [Turn over

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