EIA Task 7

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Construction of highway across small villages

Project Description: Assumed Project is highway with approximately 25 kilometers long and for
construction purposes will be divided into two construction packages, the first package from KM0.00 to
.KM10 with the second package covering KM10to the end of the Project road at KM25

Activity Phase Identified Impact Mitigation Actions

construction camps, Design / Pre- .Drop and deterioration in air quality preparation of an Air Quality Plan through
rock crushing plants, construction Proper control, siting and maintenance of
concrete batching equipment, including concrete batching plants,
plants and borrow shall mitigate emissions impacts. Spraying of
pits in the pre- roads with water during dry periods and
construction covering of friable materials will also help
.prevent dust impacts
locating borrow pits, Design / Pre- Soil erosion and contamination .identify excavated material
access roads, camps, construction strip the topsoil in batches of 2,500 m2 and
.plant .store the mixed material in the stockpile
take a soil for further chemical analysis. If any
samples show elevated levels of contamination
will be disposed of as hazardous waste. Any
other non-contaminated disposed of as non-
.hazardous waste
Inadequate Design / Pre- Contamination and poor quality of surface Consideration in the design phase has be given
assessment of the construction water to the issue of drainage and culverts to ensure
hydrological that drainage patterns are working properly and
conditions in the there is no any discharge or contamination into
project area and .surface water
poor design result in
the failure of project
structures, including
.bridges and culverts
Flora Construction A No. of trees will need to be cut within the identify through a site survey if any tree species
Project area and other trees by the site will are located within 5 meters of the site boundary
be damaged during construction works to form part of the clearance, Revegetation and
Restoration Management plan. If any of trees
are identified
will be required to place wood fencing around
the tree in order to protect the tree
during construction works, including its root
Waste Construction Road construction will inevitably generate the safe collection and removal of all waste
solid and liquid waste products including materials from the site. Accordingly, prepare
inert waste as concrete, wood, plastics) contracts with a suitably licensed waste
and hazardous waste like waste oils, management contractor for the removal of inert
batteries. In addition, uncontrolled and hazardous wastes from sites. shipment of
discharges of sewage and ‘grey water’ as .these wastes shall also keep waste manifests
from washrooms and canteens) from
construction sites and worker’s camps may
also cause odors and pollute local water

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