S2 Educator Guide The Global Carbon Cycle

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2 The Global Carbon Cycle

by Lindsey Mohan and Jenny D. Ingber

ll living things are made of One of the products we release when student understanding of the products
carbon compounds, from we use carbon compounds is carbon and processes of the carbon cycle is
the grass you walk on to our dioxide. While carbon dioxide is becoming urgent, as global-scale changes
human bodies. Since carbon is a major invisible to the human eye, increasing in the amounts of carbon in different
component of all plants and animals, amounts of this gas are now affecting parts of the carbon cycle are now
it also comprises the food we eat and our world’s global temperature, and resulting in global climate change.
the products we make from wood and in turn, our atmospheric circulation
cotton. Carbon is also present in every patterns and global climate. Carbon Around Us
breath we exhale. Fossil fuels such The processes that move carbon You may have heard that diamonds are
as coal, oil, and natural gas are also through and around our world are part made of carbon. Did you know that
made of carbon: these natural deposits of the global carbon cycle. Similar to the graphite—the soft, gray material that
formed when the carbon compounds familiar cycle that moves water between forms the “lead” of a pencil—is also
of dead organisms underwent chemical its solid, liquid, and gas forms, the made of carbon? How can these two
changes below Earth’s surface. All of carbon cycle involves common science materials be made of the same kind of
these carbon compounds—both foods processes that students commonly learn atoms but look and feel so different?
and fuels—are important to human in school: these include photosynthesis, The name for different materials
communities because we depend on cell function, and combustion, to composed of the same kind of atoms is
them to meet our needs for energy. name just a few. The need to increase allotrope. Thus, diamond and graphite

24 The Global Carbon Cycle

GRADE STANDARD EEI UNIT instance, diamonds are colorless while
graphite is gray; diamond is one of the
Grade 3 3.1.b hardest minerals found on Earth, but
graphite will rub off on your hands.
Grade 4 4.1.3-5 Reflections of Where We Live;
4.2.a-c Plants: The Ultimate Energy Resource Though these allotropes are very
The Flow of Energy Through Ecosystems different, they are both made completely
Life and Death with Decomposers of carbon.
If you ask your students for examples
Grade 5 5.1.h
of materials made of carbon, they may
mention diamond or graphite. If they
Grade 6 6.1.3 know that diamond and graphite are
6.5.a-b carbon, they may recognize that both
materials are part of the carbon cycle.
Grade 7 7.1.d
Diamond and graphite, however, move
Grade 8 8.12.1 Agricultural and Industrial Development in the through the carbon cycle at a much
United States (1877–1914) slower rate than many other carbon
8.12.5 Industrialization, Urbanization, and the compounds.
8.6.a-c Conservation Movement
Carbon is one of the most abundant
elements in the known universe, and
are both allotropes of carbon. The yet invented—their atoms have different its atoms readily form chemical bonds
difference in the materials is that at a arrangements. The atomic-scale with many other elements. The result is
very small scale—detectable only under differences result in visible differences that the world has an incredible range of
the most powerful types of microscopes in appearance and characteristics. For carbon compounds. One of the simplest


The carbon cycle describes how carbon moves in and out of reservoirs on Student Thinking:
our planet. Where carbon is located, and in what form, is important for Confusion About Plants
understanding climate change. For much of Earth’s history, enormous and Climate 30
amounts of carbon have existed as coal and oil (fossil fuels). As humans Pictures of Practice:
learned to use these materials as fuels to power transportation and Trees and Climate Change 31
industrial manufacturing, the carbon is being moved relatively quickly into Student Thinking:
the atmosphere as carbon dioxide. Transformation of Carbon 33
Places where carbon accumulates are known as carbon “sinks” or Student Thinking:
“reservoirs.” For instance, a growing forest removes carbon from the Burning Gasoline 35
atmosphere and stores it in the structure of its wood and leaves. The Pictures of Practice:
opposite case, a carbon “source,” is something that gives off carbon. One Combustion and
example is a volcano, which erupts carbon dioxide gas along with ash or Carbon Dioxide 36
lava. Scientists track the movement of carbon between sinks and sources. In the Classroom:
Looking at large-scale systems, they can develop a carbon “budget” to California Land Use 37
keep track of where carbon is stored and where it is moving. Visualizing Science:
Using Carbon-Cycle
The carbon cycle is an important part of school curriculum. In this chapter
Diagrams 39
we explore the science of this cycle, and student ideas about how carbon
moves through this cycle. We take a closer look at photosynthesis and
productivity, sequestration, and combustion of fossil fuels as key processes
in the carbon cycle.

The Global Carbon Cycle 2525

and most stable carbon compounds is happens to the carbon atom during
carbon dioxide. these cycles (i.e., where does the carbon
Carbon Dioxide. Carbon dioxide atom go inside of plants, and where does
is becoming well known because of it come from when we breathe it out)
its association with climate change. some will respond that carbon dioxide
As such, it is often labeled as a “bad” is “bad oxygen.” Many students do not
gas. Yet, life on Earth may not exist realize that the carbon entering the plant
without some amount of this gas in our as part of the carbon-dioxide molecule
atmosphere. is being used to make new substances,
Every carbon-dioxide molecule is one such as sugar or starch.
carbon atom bonded with two oxygen
atoms. Its chemical formula is CO₂, one The Carbon Cycle
of the first and easiest gases for students The global carbon cycle is a complex
to name and remember. While carbon cycle, involving many materials and
dioxide only constitutes around 0.04 their movement between many systems.
percent of the gas molecules in our Because carbon moves between
atmosphere, it serves as a greenhouse materials through biological, geological,
Plants are an important part of the
gas that keeps Earth’s surface from carbon cycle, acting as carbon sinks. and chemical processes, the carbon
being frozen solid. It is also necessary cycle is known as a biogeochemical
for plants, which need carbon dioxide leaves, and fruits. When animals and cycle. Again, the water cycle, which
to perform photosynthesis. Without decomposers digest those materials, includes processes that move water
carbon dioxide, plants would not be able they release the carbon back into the air through living things, rocks, and
to form energy-rich compounds such as as carbon dioxide. chemical processes, provides another
sugars and starches. This cycle sometimes gets too example of a biogeochemical cycle.
Organic Carbon. Organic carbon simplified for students. Instead of Carbon Atoms Move. Carbon
compounds are the materials that make developing a story about how carbon atoms are matter; they cannot be created
living things. They are mainly composed dioxide moves from a gas into other or destroyed. Carbon can only change
of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms, carbon compounds, students tend form by making chemical bonds with
along with traces of other elements. to develop ideas about gas-gas cycles other atoms. A carbon atom that is part
Different combinations of these (Mohan et al. 2009). Gas-gas cycles of a tree today has a long history of
elements, chemically bonded together describe plants changing carbon dioxide being part of other things throughout
in various arrangements, form sugars, into oxygen and animals changing Earth’s history. The atom could have
starches, and carbohydrates, plus lipids oxygen back into carbon dioxide. When been part of the muscle of a dinosaur,
(fats), proteins, and acids (like DNA). students are asked to explain what or the beak of one of the last dodo birds
Organic carbon compounds also include
hydrocarbons, the molecules found in Teaching
fossil fuels. These substances are rich
with chemical energy, originally captured
from the sun through photosynthesis.
Viewed at the most fundamental level, Given that carbon dioxide is associated with climate change and it is the
the material that makes up an apple is main greenhouse gas monitored by scientists, students tend to make
very similar to the gasoline we pump into car­bon dioxide a villain just as they would the bad guy in a story. Yet,
our cars! Both are composed of organic carbon dioxide is an important greenhouse gas that helps to keep our
carbon compounds, and both are rich planet habit­able. It is also the gas that plants need to live. Be attentive
with energy. to how students talk about carbon dioxide because although it is one of
Many students know that plants take the greenhouse gases causing climate change, it is also fundamental to
in carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, life on Earth. Climate change is about having too much carbon dioxide.
but they do not think about how
plants use carbon to grow their stems,

26 The Global Carbon Cycle

that roamed Earth. This means that the Teaching
carbon that makes up our very bodies
has existed in other forms as well.
The movement of carbon happens on
two time scales. There is a long-term Just as the water cycle includes places where water is found and
part of the carbon cycle and a short- processes that move it among those places, the carbon cycle includes
term part. The rocky, outer crust of our reservoirs of carbon and the processes that move carbon among them.
planet—the outermost portion of the For example, as water moves from the ocean into the atmosphere
geosphere—plays an important role in through evaporation and back into the ocean through condensation,
the long-term carbon cycle. Many of the carbon can move from the atmosphere into plant sugars through
rocks (such as coal) and minerals (such photosynthesis and then back into the atmosphere through combustion
as calcite) that make up Earth’s crust (burning). This historical separation of carbon-cycle processes into
contain carbon. As rocks and minerals different disciplines may prevent students from developing a coherent
change form as part of the rock cycle, picture of the whole carbon cycle.
carbon contained within them moves
to different places. For example, when
weathering processes break rocks into
smaller pieces called sediments, streams electricity. The carbon in these fossil former balance between carbon in the
and rivers carry the sediments to the fuels has been part of Earth’s geosphere short- and long-term parts of the carbon
ocean. After settling on the ocean floor for millions of years, in the long-term cycle. The increase in the concentration
and becoming buried by subsequent part of the carbon cycle. By burning of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere is
layers of sediments, the carbon carbon-based fuels for energy, we are increasing global temperatures.
contained in the original rocks might moving huge amounts of carbon out The Carbon Budget. Scientists
eventually be melted and erupted to the of the long-term part of the carbon are constantly working to refine their
surface again in a volcanic eruption. cycle and into the atmosphere as knowledge about the amounts of carbon
Geologic processes such as these require carbon dioxide. The carbon would have moving through different parts of the
immense stretches of time to move remained in the long-term geologic carbon cycle. In Chapter 1, you saw that
carbon from one place to another. carbon cycle for millions of years if scientists track energy using a global
Biological and chemical processes we were not burning it, but it is now energy budget, or energy balance. When
that occur at or near Earth’s surface entering the atmosphere, altering the scientists track carbon, we call this the
move carbon through various forms carbon budget. Just as we budget our
Fossil fuels contain carbon that has
on a much faster time scale. Through money by keeping track of the amounts
been trapped for millions of years,
photosynthesis, carbon moves from such as coal in this coal mine. that we deposit and withdraw from
the air into plants, and through cellular our bank accounts, the carbon budget
respiration, decomposition, and describes the amount of carbon that
combustion, carbon moves back into the enters and exits different parts in the
air. Movements of carbon through these carbon cycle. The carbon budget tells
processes may happen on time scales us how much carbon is stored in each
measured in days. carbon reservoir and how much carbon
These two time scales of the carbon is moving between those reservoirs.
cycle—the long-term cycle through Accounting for the amounts of carbon
geologic processes and the short-term in each place and process helps scientists
cycle through biochemical processes— understand the system’s balance and
can help us understand how the predict how it will affect other parts of
amounts of carbon in different parts Earth’s system.
of the cycle are changing, leading to The length of time carbon stays
global climate change. Today we are within any carbon reservoir varies. For
burning ever-increasing amounts of oil example, the time a single carbon atom
for transportation and coal to generate remains in a plant may be as little as a

The Global Carbon Cycle 27

few weeks or months. Yet, carbon moves carbon from the geosphere to the photosynthesizing organisms in aquatic
atoms found in fossil fuels have been in atmosphere. By estimating the amount ecosystems use carbon dioxide for
those reservoirs for millions of years. of carbon moving through each flux, photosynthesis, but they also give off
The carbon budget tells us how much scientists try to determine if reservoirs carbon dioxide during respiration. In
carbon is stored in each of the key will remain in balance. the long run, plants are a net carbon
carbon reservoirs—the atmosphere, Carbon-cycle diagrams use arrows sink because they take in about twice as
the ocean, the terrestrial biosphere, to show the flow of carbon in or out of much carbon as they release.
and the geosphere. reservoirs. Sometimes reservoirs only
The carbon budget accounts for include one arrow, indicating that it is Carbon-Cycle Processes
carbon leaving and entering each either a sink or a source. For example, The carbon cycle is already included in
of the reservoirs. The processes that fossil fuels are considered only as a net teaching standards for K–12 education,
move carbon from one reservoir to source of carbon, because it would take and its prominence in curricula is likely
another are called carbon fluxes. millions of years for that reservoir to to grow in coming years. However, the
Photosynthesis, for example, moves absorb new carbon. organization of carbon-cycle curricula
carbon from the atmosphere to the Some reservoirs take in and give off is currently fragmented across grades
biosphere. Combustion of fossil fuels carbon. For example, vegetation and and science disciplines. Students may


NASA’s popular carbon-cycle diagram shows fluxes

between carbon reservoirs as well as the movement of
carbon within the ocean. Credit: NASA Earth Observatory

28 The Global Carbon Cycle

learn about photosynthesis in their life
science or biology course, read about
the carbon cycle in Earth science, and
complete experiments on combustion
in a physical science or chemistry
course. The connections among these
processes may not be explicit when
students receive this information in
separate experiences.
Consider the difficulty students might
have with the water cycle if they learned
about evaporation at one grade level,
but didn’t have an opportunity to learn Plant leaves have openings called
about condensation for another year stomata to take in gases from the air,
including carbon dioxide.
or two. How complete would students’
understanding of water cycling be if
they received this type of instruction? sun’s energy as chemical energy in Transforming Organic Carbon.
Clearly, students need instruction that biomass. Almost every living organism When carbon compounds move
makes explicit connections among the on Earth depends on the success of this through ecosystems, the compounds
various processes in the water cycle. process. Primary productivity is a term change forms at various points along
Similarly, they need to learn about the used to describe large-scale conversion the way. These changes happen
full cycle of processes that move carbon of carbon dioxide into organic carbon through processes such as digestion
so they are not learning about one compounds through photosynthesis. and biosynthesis, in which incoming
process here and another process there. Plants don’t incorporate all the carbon carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids are
Ideally, students should learn about all dioxide that enters their stomata: More broken down and rearranged into new
the processes that move and change than half of the carbon dioxide that materials in our cells. Physical growth
carbon in a connected cycle. enters the leaf exits unchanged when of our bodies is a visible indicator that
Photosynthesis. Photosynthesis the stomata open to release gases such some of those materials remain in our
is the main process by which organic as water vapor. The exchange of gases body structure. For example, when we
carbon is generated from atmospheric between plants and the atmosphere eat a hamburger, our bodies do not
carbon dioxide in living organisms. is called respiration. The same term store the meat and bread in the same
Plants, algae, and photosynthesizing applies to the process of animals form that we ate them. Instead, digestive
bacteria take in carbon dioxide from exchanging gases with the atmosphere, and metabolic processes in our bodies
air and water and use energy from the but we also know it as breathing. Net break the food down into molecular
sun to transform these materials into primary production is a term that “building blocks,” and then reassemble
energy-rich sugar compounds. The describes the amount of carbon plants them into new molecules. Some of the
leaf of a plant is the primary site for actually incorporate into their structure new molecules are used immediately
photosynthesis. Chlorophyll, a green after taking respiration into account. through cellular respiration, while other
pigment found in plant cells, absorbs Net primary production varies widely molecules remain in our bodies to help
sunlight and makes it available in for different ecosystems. For example, us grow or replace or repair body tissue.
the cell. From the raw materials of tundra and relatively sparse boreal While digestion and biosynthesis
carbon dioxide, water, and energy, forests produce carbon compounds, are transformation processes within a
the cells build carbon compounds but tropical forests, savannahs, and single organism, food chains and webs
(sugars) that incorporate the energy grasslands can produce around 10 to show transformation happening at an
from the sun within the chemical 20 times as much carbon compounds ecosystem level. We can look at how
bonds. in the same amount of time. In general, carbon moves through an ecosystem
Photosynthesis is a unique vegetation-rich ecosystems provide by examining how it passes from one
biochemical process. It is the only greater opportunities for carbon trophic level to the next. A trophic level
process known that can harness the storage. refers to the place an organism occupies

The Global Carbon Cycle 29

Food chains show how materials and energy are passed from organism to organism.

in a food chain. The lowest trophic level millions of years ago took in carbon hydrocarbons that comprise fossil fuels.
consists of plants and other producers compounds and stored them within The carbon remained in an organic
that gather energy from the sun. The their structure. After these ancient form throughout this process.
trophic level increases as energy moves plants and animals died and were Oxidation of Organic Carbon.
up the food chain—first to herbivores, covered by sediments, pressure and Carbon compounds, such as food or
or plant eaters, and then to carnivores, heat changed the materials into the fuels, are rich with chemical energy.
or animal eaters. Carbon enters the When these compounds react with
ecosystem through photosynthesis and Three workers caked in oil turn piping oxygen in a process called oxidation,
to plug a well in Alberta, Canada.
is transformed into sugars inside plants chemical energy is released as heat.
or producers. Once these plant products Oxidation processes include cellular
are eaten by a primary consumer (e.g., respiration in living organisms,
a rabbit), the carbon may be digested decomposition (rotting) of formerly
and stored inside that animal’s body. living things, and combustion, also
If the primary consumer is eaten by a known as burning. As oxygen reacts
secondary consumer (e.g., a wolf), the with carbon compounds in these
carbon compounds are broken down processes, carbon dioxide is always one
again and rearranged and stored inside of the byproducts.
the body of the secondary consumer. Oxidation processes are key to
In this way, some carbon makes its understanding where our carbon
way through several organisms and dioxide is coming from. Respiration
trophic levels before it is returned to the from animals release carbon dioxide
atmosphere through respiration. into the atmosphere. Additional carbon
Fossil fuel formation is another dioxide is released from soil as microbes
example of the transformation of break down organic matter contained
carbon. Plants and animals from within it. Deforestation and other

32 The Global Carbon Cycle

Transformation of Carbon

tudents can struggle with understanding transformation processes. While
most students know that some of the food we eat stays in our bodies, they
do not always understand this process as the break down and reassembly
of the same atoms that entered their bodies. Food chains are usually presented
as a step-by-step story of “who eats who.” However, students are rarely asked to
trace the materials flowing through a food chain. The following chart compares
student conceptions about digestion, growth, and food chains, to science concepts
that students are expected to learn in school.

Common Student Conception Science Concept

Digestion Food is eaten, goes through the digestive Food is eaten, and the materials are broken
system and is turned into energy for our down into atoms and molecules that are
bodies or expelled. transported to cells and reassembled into
molecules the body can use.

Growth Living things grow because of all the things Living things grow because they use
they eat and drink over time. This is just a materials they take in from their
natural process in living things. surroundings and reassemble them into
molecules that add to biological structures.

Food chains One thing eats another thing, creating a Living things obtain energy-rich materials
story about who eats who. by eating other living things. Some of those
materials are used, while others remain in
the organism until it is eaten by something
else and passed on to the new organism.

Biomass The largest animals in an ecosystem Biomass decreases as you move up trophic
weigh the most, and therefore, most of the levels. Producers and primary consumers
biomass is found in these animals constitute more biomass in an ecosystem
than higher-order consumers.

Ask Your Students

What happens when you eat food? How do plants and animals grow?

What does a food chain illustrate?

Which animals have more biomass, producers or consumers?

The Global Carbon Cycle 33

changes to the way we use land increases Teaching
carbon dioxide as well.
In comparison to the rate at which
natural processes release carbon dioxide
into the atmosphere, our burning Start with students’ everyday experiences of eating and breathing to
of fossil fuels seems relatively small. help students make connections between the reactants and products
Estimates indicate that the burning of of oxidation processes. Most students know that they take in food and
fossil fuels currently adds only about oxygen and expel carbon dioxide. Just as burning coal in a power plant or
10 percent as much carbon dioxide to gasoline in a car’s engine requires oxygen, our bodies require oxygen to
the atmosphere as natural processes do. “burn” our food. Another way of stating this is that the compounds in food
However, this seemingly small amount need to be oxidized for the body to obtain the energy they contain. The
of carbon dioxide is being transferred products we give off through respiration as a result of reacting oxygen
from long-term geological reservoirs with carbon compounds are carbon dioxide and water.
into the short-term biochemical carbon
cycle. Because carbon sinks at Earth’s
surface are insufficient to absorb the
additional carbon dioxide produced this energy, we oxidize large amounts of taught in different grades and courses
by human-controlled oxidation of organic carbon compounds, producing within a school’s science curriculum.
fossil fuels, it is accumulating in the carbon dioxide as a byproduct. We also introduced the idea that food
atmosphere. In this chapter we explored how and fuel must be oxidized to release
When we eat food, burn fossil fuels, carbon moves through Earth’s separate its chemical energy, and the products
or change the way we use our land, we spheres and discussed challenges that of this oxidation reaction are energy,
are making choices about the location teachers face in helping their students carbon dioxide, and water. In the next
of carbon on Earth. Our bodies need to make connections between separate chapter, we will take a closer look at how
to obtain the chemical energy stored in processes within the carbon cycle. We our needs for energy have changed over
carbon compounds for survival. We use highlighted the difference between the time, as well as the places where we can
that energy to move and function. We long-term parts of the carbon cycle get it.
also need power to run our homes and and the short-term parts and pointed
support our lifestyles. In our quest for out that many pieces of the cycle are

Our bodies oxidize food to obtain energy to function. Our cars oxidize gasoline to obtain energy.
How are these process similar and different?

34 The Global Carbon Cycle

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