Action Oriented Options - Dungeon Jedi Masters

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Action oriented monsters are a great way to spice up an Surrounded by Fear & Dead Men Round 1+. On
encounter. They can add an extra layer of challenge and initiative 20 the forecaster will generate an aura of fear
engagement into any game. We have included a few through the force. Each creature of the forecaster’s choice
options below that you can add into an already made within a 30ft radius must make a DC X Wisdom saving
monster block and use at your table! throw, or become frightened on a failure this e ect will
These actions were made to be used at any tier of play last until the end of the creature's next turn. Also any
within SW5e. To support this, actions that deal damage or creature who is frightened and starts it’s turn within a 10ft
require a DC have an X in place of the number. When radius of the forecaster, has its speed reduced to 0 .
using these blocks, you are able to determine what
Unyielding Rage. Round 2+. Anytime the forecaster
DC/damage would be a fun challenge for your table. Keep
takes damage roll a d20. On a roll of 11 or higher the
in mind that adding these actions to an existing enemy
forecaster can either move or make a free attack.
may have an a ect on its Challenge Rating and to adjust
accordingly. Unlimited Powah Round 3. The forecaster will be able to
take two actions this turn and add 1d8 of additional
May the Force be with you! lightning damage any time it damages another creature.
— Todd & Tegan, Dungeon Jedi Masters
BIOCHEMIST Holographic Double. Round 1+ On initiative 20 the
Gravitic Interdictor Round 1+. The Biochemist emits an techcaster will spawn a duplicate within 30ft. (respawning
interdictor eld around her making it di cult for those the hologram on subsequent turns if the duplicate is
around her to move. Creatures who start their turn or destroyed). The techcaster can then use it’s reaction to
enter within 10ft. of The Biochemist must make a DC X swap places with the duplicate. This movement will not
Strength save. On a failure the creature will have trigger an opportunity attack.
disadvantage on attacks and saving throws until the
beginning of their it's turn. Disguise & Swap. Round 2+ At the start of the
techcasters turn it can choose one target within 30 ft.. The
Feedback Shielding Round 2+. A feedback shield target will make a DC X Charisma saving throw, on a
surrounds The Biochemist. Once per a turn when a failure the techcaster and it’s holographic duplicate will
creature within 60ft. of The Biochemist lands a successful take on the appearance of the target. The techcaster can
attack they take Xd4 energy damage. also choose to switch places with either it’s dupl;icate or
the target.
Chemical Betrayal Round 3. The Biochemist emits a
chemical aura manipulating the minds of those within it's Holographic Onslaught Round 3. At the start of the
radius. Any hostile creature within a 60ft. radius will have techcaster’s turn it will roll 1d4 +X. The result will be the
to make a DC X Wisdom saving throw. On a failure the number of holograms that appear within 60ft. of the
creature will use it's reaction to make an attack against techcaster. The techcaster will also be able to make an
one of it's allies. The creature will move up to it's additional attack equal to the number of holograms he
movement speed to get in range of its target. produced.


Whistling Barrage Round 1. At initiative 20 The Bounty Tactical Positioning Round 1. At the start of the
Hunter will unleash a barrage of Whistling Birds. Up to 6 Commander’s turn all allied units gain a free movement
creatures within 60ft. of the Bounty Hunter will or attack action. The movement does not provoke
automatically take Xd4+1 kinetic damage. opportunity attacks.

Explosive Extraction Round 2. At initiative 20 The Bounty Inspiring Speech Round 2. At the start of the
Hunter will engage his jetpack and move 50ft. in the air, Commander’s turn all units within 60ft. of the commander
this movement will not provoke an opportunity attack. He gain 3d10 in temporary HP. As well as advantage on their
will then launch a rocket at group of his enemies. Each rst attack made after the speech.
creature within a 20ft radius of his point of attack will
need to make a DC X Dexterity saving throw taking Xd6 Scorched Earth Round 3. At the start of the
re damage on failure and half as much on a successful Commander’s turn he will choose a point within 100ft. of
save. his current position. All creatures within a 15ft radius of
that point must make a DC X Dexterity saving throw
Holographic Displacer Round 3+. At initiative 20 The taking Xd8 on a failure and half as much on a success.
Bounty Hunter will engage his holographic displacer unit. Also any creature that failed the save will be marked until
Any attacks against The Bounty Hunter will have the end of the commander’s next turn. Marked creatures
disadvantage. If the Hunter takes damage roll a have disadvantage on saving throws, and the
concentration saving throw. If the Hunter fails the saving commander’s allies will have advantage on attacks against
throw he will lose his holographic displacement until the marked creatures.
start of the next round.

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