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CaplOutay- Conergence and pal Supp Progr Rehabtnaion a teins arr nae Fen ert Cn Pavement snd Rewind Snare Balan Tabangee = oan sea ovan = 140 Baangse Cy ‘inne DETAILED UNIT PRICE ANALYSIS tons /Oomrotn re Pn mes i agin Ra a Unt aanceret : (ut Rrra Ste Ont PA Eats 120 month ers er E : {Ciel A+ Bt] Ae Submited r : (Catoat(Az6 83)-a8 evtuaes F (Dupin Pet Hour: Subied = (utp Pw r= As Evan 1 a (Erect Une Cot [C1 Bt): As Sabai 1a meh Direct Unt Gost (.2+02)- As Evahned : | ‘Mame and Specification T ‘Sb Total A= Eanied {GiDreci Unicon + Fs) [Cbrectunk owt iea v3 a {vera Congency and Wacolanous [OGM] Aa Sabaioe Rao a | Oe a-oF 3 z eorct | 12 ontetr Prof CP]: As Eats oor a3 23a hae Tas VAT] - As Sabo 3 A HTT Foo (Uaivake Asso ex VAT: As Evaute ENTE IED ae [KT Ut ont Sug Tebow te a ital Ut Coote vaste i GzsnasIaea ae Preraseosy ‘necxeomevento ey apie, Joaer atte EUFRACIO A DELFNADO JR ‘a Chet Plavig Dson capa vty Comergenc ad Sout! Proqram -Rabanton of ‘nraur uted ranean Or Fatman Raconarcton of Colman "Preent tn Rete Srstres #Roangen Tabane abe Roma even ua mana = 1, ong Cy ‘ewe Pye DETAILED UNIT PRICE ANALYSIS. on ne Doren asa reins Prog Peter Sar Pea he es ree nc he nara ane ed Soar eT Bae Beet Soa ole OF Erie ‘Cito A+ Bs) As Sub (Cet Az 8.2): As Broo (usp Pe Hours Scot 1D 2p Per Hour: Eat EX Drect Unt Goat C1 +04 Ax ind [E2Deel Unt Gost €2 +02 - As Evaated | are and Speen Sab Tot Aa Bole . Ts, ¥ a0 . oC) are 0 waar : eae oan wea 7 oan ‘a censors Fr Sear eee os Fi vnunbae Tar VA] Ba Sube Sgrsnasie 5 ye oasa Ys VA A roe SSrsw sae ae ‘ita Oa ona Subine (ezsngsigea7 i ‘aout cost: As Erte ae cnecxEDREVENEO OY recount Pa uFRAC0 A. DELFWADO IR ‘uO. ht Prin Ora ee Siamese ‘pveent nd Renta Byuteree # Bettman Rowtwe Aen 3) se | ot sess 2oaot rao (126) jose | ot seal an |& re Speed Reson 42) wen | ot re ‘ae Wininn trees) wea) Van 1 Pree Seo 8) se | ot ot 098 |p. terorn Mears Marr Chern, 75) we | man mare “one Soy Bere soa | oa + Soran Seley Fee | se | : |) Teco Boe (Sra oa wo |e v0 2000 ‘S| ine Ua Can [ESF W Ovrreas,Coningne ad enlaraaes [OSH TT eenacor's ret 6B) Value Aiea Tor [VAT Test Ua oat Preaneo by na toa rt cpl Outay Converge ‘one Feemoe program -Ranaimaion of sr conensed panne Routed Inbar #4 “sinotnges. Tobangno (000 Roa ‘hrvement ond Roe Marcas eag novel = a8, @owname MF ‘sumone Proves ‘Foust Per eur At Erte vet Un Cost C+ 0.1] Aa Sa Prec Ut cost (€2 + D.2)~As Evaluated ame and Speciation at J meer : eo: : 5 ae wees Bsa rari ome Seo giear eee fo gsnel taco eben pcan oe soar ua Genta Evsused ezenasizesaie Sanaa cneonmeveveney vurmsco a oem PREPARED BY 4 Oe Factn Racoon of sed ProenstRotnetraciee a basges ans er Oa ove tt Reape arg Pee DETAILED UNIT PRICE ANALYSIS (UPA) ene men wi ama Sect nd Osicton os aneenet [ret ec ere erat Smee Nay ag Oren Atte tag ‘rane Tie Teale Faas Nan nd Capcny oe ‘Sb Tou er At As Babin [Espen Seaton Aa Suited Taal A2~B2)- Ae Evid Lupe Per our A Subriid (Dt Per Nor: As Eaitog EOwve Unt cost(C 4+ D4) Aa Baba {2 Ovect Un cout (C2+0.2)-As Bln Sb Tota A3- ba Er [Bifpener Unt cone F3) (Geet UtCout 2+ Fa) 8. . sisi ae mao “rar [HI Overhwaa, Ce ney end bmacetanevs [OC - Ae ++ Wee G7 “Shoorae (deen Conese ct OM. te mes —_— [i earesora rch Som | ou ath] ‘[La{Contractor's Prost (P| As Evaiosed Fe of GIR Ty Ba 13, ifs nee ara] amd er Haig i ae Ate 1 A Eat GIeHi vit esa} aro4a.79) i foalUatCon sas Sian a ‘Sraimcaca tomes z us cxoAOREVEAEDNY raraseoty nite mck oeraoo oar ters ast at Pe son sonal Outiy - Convergence and Speci! Suppor Program -Rehabitition of Dlaantar Raat Pavement ond Rosdaide DETAILED UNIT PRICE ANALYSIS ( DUA) ar Mo. Oesrpton waa ‘xpi Common Excavation Unt ot Anna om Ou Per Ho Ae Sut 000 cum, dio Per Hove At Evel 00 cum nd Otber Facies -Reconswvcan of Cobepaed Structure a Batangas -Tabanges- Lobe Road, 0142 + 640-0143 +148, Oaangas Cy ‘acagas Proven Name and Capacity in ian win ee RT ‘Sub-Total for At «ha Subrited lessee ‘ae ig inca “aes [Sub-Total fr Aza Eras (Caltoul A +)-as Sutminen (Cao (A2+B.2)-As Evncates (8:}Output Pe Hou a [02|0vtput Pr Hour =e Evaluated (EOWrect Unit Cost C4 + 04 Ar Babin [E2{DWect Unk Coat (C2 02) As Evaloned ame and Spectetion ‘Sub-Toal ee ATA Brauated Otto eer) i re Unk Cou (242) . Tae (rwendContgoncy end Wicca [SCM Sub aor se Vand Mscolrsor (SCM Eola et oz — tt [conver ro (CFA eames et i ortcors Prof (P]: a Eves nee ar ake Abe Tx VAT, Sri sree 12 Nae aged Tax VAT|=90 Erman Bs Gea tz Teta Unt Soa hs tans Siem aaa ——— cn oxEOREMeWETOF SESE nee cane. Jone oe at - SS — Bc A oeLreaco SS Dv. Chet Pang Ovtion atl tn = Corrine oa Spec Bop Popa Rane sumed hirstctre ane Oe Fac -Reconetction 0 RocoeSrcure ot ange Tengen Leb Rt Peat tee: Kve +e Baars CY anon Pvc DETAILED UNIT PRICE ANALYSIS ( OUPA) enh Omonen wee ct acre (Comme netimmcwnet on SE sores He con Qbacoes Ae A em. out +6 -As Brie Tol Az [Det Ua Conti C 4.) Tee Usk Cont(€2 D2) -AaEvaunied |_{ stato aa Boa ‘eapveatune com 1+ = (Grea conte? °F) = : ‘itomnasd Congeny and acolo Oe ae See Sen Sees = "Titres sm Subites = {al Seracor rom CP] Eon Es Silva hase ax VA] Subied a 133 ln hoes an VAT] me Evia a [tot Un con: ites = Testo ipzeneras aie ser oer cnoreoneveweo By vERACIO A DELFADO JR near ‘eC as, On Cnt erg Con nt Comey tnt pen Prenat of ‘eter dooce rnton na Ome an Reese met sna cn ug Tage a Tavarsaa seve ee bag ‘non ine DDETARED UMT PRICE ANALYSIS (DUPA) ae et, wn = anette tet Som Bt Sewrtencr a senate aun oeeiieas Ceo wear = E ane nd Soci aaa cohapeed ‘etrstrvcture and Other Facies am meanectos "A Batanges Taber ramen andl «44 KOUAS » 10, Batangne CY DETAILED UNIT PRICE ANALYSIS ( OUPA) tenn Omron Te at rom Br Caren 8M) kt ance ae ae Coane owe Grate Labo Sa Taal for AT As Suid ‘Su Total or AY a Evan I iF Ta {CalTotal At +6.) As Submited ir 492620 (CaToul (Az + 8.2)-As Evaluated 2 492620 (D110utput Per Hout Aa Submited (Dz output Par Hout As Evaluated 1 [iret Uni Coat (C.1 01) as Sebo (E2]Diect Unk Cot (€2+D.2)- As Evaluated Name and Spaciiation ‘Sub Total fr Ai Aa Sabie’ Maerate rat © ae ‘Sub-Total for Ai Aa Eviuated [Gweet Unit Coat + F#) (G-dDtrect Unit Cou (2+ F 2) [H.\ Overnead, Contigency and Miscellaneous (OCM) - As Submitted T 1% AF _Gt r a [i dveread.Cortigeny nd Wcalaneous [OCH]: A vated eo 67 Jp fee Leora Prot (cba Subtog ot Gt ‘12 [Contractor's Proft (CP) - Aa Evaluated 8% of G2 ta 1 [DilValue Added Tax VAT) As Submited EC MCRES ESA ee |[2.2\Vatue Aided Tax (VAT) - As Evaluated Sh_of (G2+H2- IP ar [KciiTota Uni Coot «As Submited (REDEESEPEG “e ‘ z seit Tia Un Cox =o Evid (G2enasigsze Se pmepaneo oy _ ‘creoxtomeviewen ay i ——EUFRACIOA DELFNADO JR rogren Rabson antl sty Comers ot erence Came ‘sean rnc ana mer ac "rant and Ronde sete Bale ara cneh oan Kav)» 14, ete CY tage Powe DETALED UNIT PRICE ANALYSIS (DUPA) tonto Durer se ™ ogres Prpaatn (anemone nt Mamaroness vm Selbee sarees Be sa SEES etc 2008 sem Lobe Rows, {Eafe (At + 8i)-As Submited ‘Eafe (Az 82)- As Evan ub Taal Ai- A Bald [oweet Ut Cost 1+ Fi cx [6 drec Unt cot (E2F2 ie i orange] wo cnr OA eed maa ‘djovrnn, Corigeny on Micoaneos OOM] A Eee ea oe [Lge ocho bd wotGt 1 Sones’ Prof C7]: vod tea GF Av hed Ton VATA Subd SGT 5 vl ae Tas VAT] =A Ewe So OPH ici Ta Ut cout: Suis Stewie (oUt coat: he Ea (grads 7 ena BY ceoreoevews0 3 aa sense FRAC & DELFINO cae at nC, Par Sen Capt uty Convergnne nd pec Suppor Program Reabn of ante Related ancy and Oe Face “Recaro of Copan ‘Pavement and Roasie Structure Batanga Taberguo Lobe Road meat tater nage ee DETAILED UNIT PRICE ANALYSIS ( DUPA) meio say Nees cane steer bs oeatere teens | Re sun omnia | ae oe T a SS ee SubTotal fr Ai-Aa Eve fet (AT «Baa Subriad (CalToal A 82)-As Eve uP Hae Sb Per Mer Aa Erato B00 cum, pees can ere ramane or [20ect Unt Cost (62 +02) Aa Esato a 682 Name and Speieton Une curity | Unt cont Amour rp) sl Aprons Sites Baa (9 Shrkape Foe Sab Taal or A a iio a Sb Tol ioe AT a Ete ‘TilometUstcon tr ae are Varco * as ifort Sones aT a Malvern orien an Means (0M Baad wer ae i eos ree As Subs cr — a 1a[eonrcrs oer Eee te rer— ze “ivr An oat Sag Soo eT Pd Salo soed Tr Wa ree Soe naar a ial Cows Bod Ciena aut ‘eal bw cos oman eas oH vrersreo 8 cHeoKcoREUED BY se, sere uric & oe.r0 ee As Oh Chet, Pn isn Sites Ate -as booms (Ei ome Unt Conti 1°31) As Saban ar and Speccaton sue Yo te AYA SS sonrstasiaie Ha ‘At Ct a hon [DETAILED UNIT PRICE ANALYSIS ( DUPA) Im pevement nner (9.30/14 dee! aa ete | Omron Sone O10 7515) = Be cle Sipe Pre Corny Coma agra Sou eee 2eaa 30 242 90. te Mineanoue (ODM): Aa Sabo [ae . ‘Se cataneovs [Oh “As Brion ieeacey + 206.23 A Suited se Gt = a - Bee e? - aA ee ie 1 aT aan Peat ez snes —884 CRECRETEEP ET cat PEE EEIFEST an (CHECKEDREEWED BY: carat Jogerr EUPRACIO A. DELFIMADO Jn. tree —BYACIOA.DELFINADO JR, cna ‘Aas. Ov: Chet. Pannng Oven glue Comrgies and Sec Bape Progam Rhantton of (nate Alas vente ant OF Reconaracton of Coane ‘Pavement ond Ronde Srectres Brenan Tabangn Labo Red ONG 6a RON» 1 Blanes ‘atarge Power DETAILED UNIT PRICE ANALYSIS ( DUPA) dy wine ‘eet Sl rat Inet agnor o Seewre nar meets eee See seams AO [Rio At ks Babe Seta At a Baad are Capety ae onan Setar ec Mw Tn 3a a ‘Sie Teal AT: A cb ‘Tlie Aa aid Yet (AY = Bt) Ae Subeited — . . €atew A:+03: too isn] ee tr DZ Oupet Per Hour - Au Evaluated [EN.Diac Ua Cot (1B) A Bria |Ebeec Unt Con (C22): Ae Ete Sesion jeer ‘Strat eis isaenasi3e2} ——smcon oeruoo me Oi Pa Oven cent Outey Convergones and Boat! Buse Program -Rehebitaton of Cleat Anne hirer a Oe Facies Recenercton of Coles ‘Pevenam ana Ronduse Suctree M Satangue. Tovangee Lobe Rows Neotans ean moves tan bamnges Cry ‘satrgee Pare DETAILED UNIT PRICE ANALYSIS ( DUPA) hen Ne Deron woe ‘Suc Concrete ati, cnee A. 28 coy) = As Subwied (cout (A2* 8.2): Ae values F (01 (Ouipst Per Nour: Subied = ‘Sub-Total tr AT Ae Evan (Dedt Unt Coat 7 BI EE ios a G7, Seo Gt tet G2 Seo [6 SHIT Seo GzenTrT iGtenteiteri (Gaenzrige iz ‘OMECKEDIRE VIEWED By FSIS] otal Otay - Convergence and Special Bupport clenter nas ineutuctre snd Other Faces“ Recor Program -Ranabitation of wiruction of CoMupend 3 “Lobe Read. ‘Pevemen! and Roadaide Seucture # Batangas - Tabanguo nen No | Oessrpon nt ot Meanwament Site Be tour Ae Suomi ‘htt Be tow At Evatt Kove2 +640 - KOU ‘estangn Prove “40, Betangee Cy DETAILED UNIT PRICE ANALYSIS (DUPA ) ‘Sub-Total foc AT Aa Evaluated — = (CifTotal (At + 6.1)- As Subrited ; = (CalYota (Az + 6.2)- Aa Evaluated ae (.sfOutput Per Hour Ae Submited : : — |Dfovtput Per Nour Aa Evaluated 036 cum, s[Owect Unit Cont (C.1 + 0.1) As Submited t = [Ejowect Unk Cont (62> 02) As Evaluated = F is Name and Specieation Unk ‘Quanty Unit Cost meen play ral ‘Sub-Total for AY - As Evaluated * {FifDirect Unk Cost (© F) ie |G ADWreet Unt Cost (e7 + F 2) i ic ‘Contigency and tiscelensous [OCM) As Submited wee eT ir [tA Overhees, Contigency and Mlscslensous (OCM) “As Evaluctod ie of GT a Ut |Contrectors Brot (CP) Ax Submited BK of GT a 12 Contactors ProMt (CP) As Evalveted Bef G2 ir [LitlVale Added Tax (VATA Submined SoG) RTT |2.2|Valoe Added Tax VAT) As Evaluated Son G2-RZ sae ‘Kci[Total Unit Cost Ae Submited Gienietresiie a{Total Unt Cost Aa Evaluated (CES PEIFES?) PREPARED BY (CHECKED REVIEWED By: CARMEL JOSEPH L180 EUFRACIO A vELF ADO. ee Ota ch ‘Ass Ow, Chie Planning Drain rg rom the National Rods a Acces Rods and/or convergence tnd Speci Support Progra, Sustalable Infrastructure Project Alleatng GAPS (SPAS) ei ceadiog to Mojr Steric Pb Bulngs acti, Construction of aed wth Orlnage, Barangay Conde Labak 1 -Barengny canes Setnges iy. tans DETALED UNIT PRICE ANALYSIS (OUPA) ‘nm Ne omen aaa rec Oni Con E+ SE ——— outeag eer wesone ‘Sint Soe ag es a nS a tn leone nn “Sonera emee nates rte neta ana re ‘etarens fares cy DeTAREO UN mE ANAC (UPR ame Dsn 22 ames et sera ‘item he etd ‘ttt mmo: Ate omerence and Soc Sopot Progra Sutil nkastrctrt Prees Alting GAS (PAG Aces Rods no es rom the Nona Rox lending Moo Seaeg be Blns Fetes, Contraction Rnd wth ange, Brngy Conde ebb |-Brangn Cone an, ato co ‘ages atone cry age DETALED UN RICE ANAS (OPA) en Dare 22 sane cou ‘Stree nnn ses is in cnt. omer ee et oie, en ‘mama ng hasten pcr arg Tanng a ow ‘ity un neta) Bongo ‘sarge [DETAILED UMT PRICE ANALYSIS (UPA) ‘we on | wo thous | nouns | anu) Eiteaiate: (e2hewliazo02|:aa ens ee bres Um cot e104) Sa — {bra Un eol(€302)- Asai — S F on arg ne DETALED UNIT PRICE ANALYSHE | DUPA ) ae Syperomenieses = = 3 a a ae a7 a aro a eee eee eae oe Ee es Tener a ae a oe bitms errant eas ———st a Shane Sua owen OROEOREVENtD pr com nr econ our a.m Ont Parry Dvn Consncton Repair Rehatitation improvement t Various nhaslvtreineading Lea Projet. Construction of Flood Control Store ‘Nong Sawang River (Shi Bungahan# and Sho Upon) Labo, Baten NCE ANALYSS OU) | aa Soom | mete | mnie | im Sota 8 At a convene an See Suppo Progam Stabler Project Abeting GAPS SPA) Aces Rods andor Briers rom the Natl Rods cicero e/g eBay Facies, onto i ad wth Ora, aang Conde beh 1 erargny Conde bh 2, Batanga Cy, ‘rons ‘eran om ANC (OA) “Convergence and Spel Support Progra, Sustainable rastrcture Projet Alevlting GAPS SHPAG) Access Rode and/or Bie rom the Natlona Road lending to Majo Sate Publ Boing Falties, Contraction of Ron wth Orinag,barangny Conde Lab -Barargny Conde Laat? Batanga ny, ‘nnens SSeS he etnga ry tangs eTALED UNIT PME ANAS (UPR) Convene and Speci Suppor Program Sut nkastracure Projects Alevating GAPS (PAG) Aces Rou dor Wigs rom the Hato ond eng to Major Strategie Pi Bung Facts, Contrucon Rod wth Orage, Branny Conde abh briny Cane abe astgr om, anes oo erate it mk AAS OH) ‘tense Oneten eam, Fete Maren Prnet M We ‘en meno ei ie Oto br meh A Se ——

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