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Capt Ontay- Conergence and pal Supp Prowrtr :Rehatnaion of Steamer te ara ng roan aceon Caan Pavement and Rend Snore tang Tabsngeo Woven seaman 140, Botangne Cy ‘inne DETAILED UNI PRICE ANALYSIS tone Oct i Prenat men en ge at Bs) Ustttancenet Qatar Somme he enn OMetre ter satomams Mat eam {Ciel A+ Bt] Ae Submited |Coteat(aze 83)-as eve |D.{Ostpi Pe Hour: Ae Sobre |Doupa Pe Nour=As Etats (Erect Une Cot [C1 BN) As Babe Dict Unt Gout (€2 02 - As Evatt {Gipweciumicon eters : (Exbreaumeanea tea F Sot Trea gens MacOS ae a 2 aes 5 : set = Uaeacart Pt as boa oa? —F 3 Ya hae ava A ab Seager aa (Seva asses abou Seale rase ina ‘Tauro cree mr] ‘Tons coun Ga Sana pra peerixeoer creouneven br cane or. 0 UPEAGO §oeLrnNDO ‘at Che! vig san capa vty - Conargenc ad Sulla Poway -Rabation of ‘nraur uted basen ang Omer Fatman Resonator of Cotman "Prement tna Renate Sree #Roangn Tabane ote Roma van ug mana) = 1, ong Cy ‘eewrgn Preven DETAILED UNIT PRICE ANALYSIS, pon Come ave cian rags Pega orton = Shaw Pear Ae Sarin ee ome Serene Ae ems to men Sa oats Oe Eee Ciel A Bs). 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Suppor Program -Rehabititon of maser Aalatd Wirairctire and Other Facies “Reconstr ef Cobapaed Pavement wnd Roadside Sirctues a Batangas -Tabengno Lebo Rose, O12 + 640-0143 + 148, Oatangas Cy ‘ata Proven DETAILED UNIT PRICE ANALYSIS ( DUPA) — | = mien SS Se ewe | Maa me anemone “Bes (=== ie [acme [nee [mo ‘Sa Toa er AT aa Eeaied iF Ta Name and Capacity iF Fane ilo 2 (Coal (AZ+ B.2)-Ae Evavated f i (8:]Output Per Hour he — [02|0uxput Pe Wout “Ae Evaluated eax a0 [EOtrect Unit Cost C4» 4 Ae Sabina E = (E2|Oect unt Cont (C2 + 0.2)-Ar Eveloted ‘Soil fr AN =a Baring [strate fer Roos saa : = seen F = [Overhead, Contigency and Wcolaneous [OC ha Submiiee maa se Overhead. Contigency and Miscellaneous (OCW) - Ae Evaluated weet fe i = oo : Scan ee nee #3 ee se : —— oe : See as 2 or CSECPEIPEST : ‘a/alalalala| (62= Was [-AECRETEEP CPR PEIFEST (CHECKEDREVIEWED BY. EUPRACIO A. DELFIMADO JR. ‘Otc ‘Aa. 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