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The Use of

DBMS and the


Bulacan Date Developed:

BSIS / ACT January 2021
Polytechnic Date Revised:
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DBS - 213 College
Database System Developed by:
(Access) Document No. Minerva V. Magbitang Revision # 01
Rosemarie S. Guirre
Database Systems

List of Modules


1. Introduction to Database Management Systems DBS 213 - 1

2 The Use of DBMS and the Database DBS 213 - 2

3 Nature of Data DBS 213 - 3

4 Applied associations of data DBS 213 - 4

5 Data Models DBS 213 - 5

Bulacan Date Developed:

BSIS / ACT January 2021
Polytechnic Date Revised:
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DBS - 213 College
Database System Developed by:
(Access) Document No. Minerva V. Magbitang Revision # 01
Rosemarie S. Guirre

COURSE TITLE: Database Systems (Access)

MODULE TITLE: The Use of DBMS and the Database

NOMINAL DURATION: __5___ HRS (NO. of Hours per topic)


At the end of this module, you MUST be able to:
• Familiarize/Utilized Database Management Systems.


The Use of DBMS and the Database
2.1 File Management vs. Database
2.2 Data Management Concepts
2.3 Data Redundancy
2.4 Hardware and software consideration
2.5 DBMS software
2.6 Query language
2.7 Data manipulation
2.8 Database models
2.9 Hierarchical database
2.10 Network database
Quiz, Oral Recitation, Peer Learning

Access SQL: basic concepts, vocabulary, and syntax. (n.d.). Microsoft. Retrieved March
10, 2021, from

Corey, D. E. (2007, October 2). DBMS vs File Management System –.


File Processing versus Databases. (n.d.). Database Management (Chapter 9).

Sande, F. (2020, September 18). Understanding Database Management

Concepts. Raima.

What is a Database Model. (n.d.). Lucidchart. Retrieved March 10, 2021, from

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Polytechnic Date Revised:
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DBS - 213 College
Database System Developed by:
(Access) Document No. Minerva V. Magbitang Revision # 01
Rosemarie S. Guirre
Information Sheet

Learning Objectives:
After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to:
1. Familiarize/Utilized Database Management Systems.

DBMS vs File Management System

A Database Management System (DMS) is a combination of computer
software, hardware, and information designed to electronically manipulate data
via computer processing. Two types of database management systems are
DBMS’s and FMS’s. In simple terms, a File Management System (FMS) is a
Database Management System that allows access to single files or tables at a
time. FMS’s accommodate flat files that have no relation to other files. The FMS
was the predecessor for the Database Management System (DBMS), which allows
access to multiple files or tables at a time (see Figure 1 below)

(Kreig 1999)

File Management Systems

Advantages Disadvantages
Typically, does not support multi-
user access
Simpler to use
Less expensive· Limited to smaller databases
Fits the needs of many small Limited functionality (i.e., no
businesses and home users support for complicated
transactions, recovery,
Popular FMS’s are packaged along with Decentralization of data
the operating systems of personal
computers (i.e. Microsoft Cardfile and
Microsoft Works)

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DBS - 213 College
Database System Developed by:
(Access) Document No. Minerva V. Magbitang Revision # 01
Rosemarie S. Guirre
Good for database solutions for hand Redundancy and Integrity issues
held devices such as Palm

The goals of a File Management System can be summarized as follows (Calleri,


Data Management.
An FMS should provide data management services to the application.
Generality with respect to storage devices. The FMS data abstractions and access
methods should remain unchanged irrespective of the devices involved in data
Validity. An FMS should guarantee that at any given moment the stored data
reflect the operations performed on them.
Protection. Illegal or potentially dangerous operations on the data should be
controlled by the FMS.
Concurrency. In multiprogramming systems, concurrent access to the data
should be allowed with minimal differences.
Performance. Compromise data access speed and data transfer rate with

From the point of view of an end user (or application) an FMS typically provides
the following functionalities (Calleri, 2001):
• File creation, modification and deletion.
• Ownership of files and access control on the basis of ownership permissions.
• Facilities to structure data within files (predefined record formats, etc).
• Facilities for maintaining data redundancies against technical failure (back-
ups, disk mirroring, etc.).
• Logical identification and structuring of the data, via file names and
hierarchical directory structures.

Database Management Systems

Database Management Systems provide the following advantages and

Greater flexibility Difficult to learn

Good for larger databases Packaged separately from the
operating system (i.e., Oracle,
Microsoft Access, Lotus/IBM
Approach, Borland Paradox, Claris
FileMaker Pro)
Greater processing power Slower processing speeds
Fits the needs of many medium to large- Requires skilled administrators
sized organizations

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Polytechnic Date Revised:
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DBS - 213 College
Database System Developed by:
(Access) Document No. Minerva V. Magbitang Revision # 01
Rosemarie S. Guirre
Storage for all relevant data Expensive
Provides user views relevant to tasks
Ensures data integrity by managing
transactions (ACID test = atomicity,
consistency, isolation, durability)
Supports simultaneous access
Enforces design criteria in relation to data
format and structure
Provides backup and recovery controls
Advanced security

The goals of a Database Management System can be summarized as follows

(Connelly, Begg, and Strachan, 1999, pps. 54 – 60):
• Data storage, retrieval, and update (while hiding the internal physical
implementation details)
• A user-accessible catalog
• Transaction support
• Concurrency control services (multi-user update functionality)
• Recovery services (damaged database must be returned to a consistent
• Authorization services (security)
• Support for data communication Integrity services (i.e. constraints)
• Services to promote data independence
• Utility services (i.e. importing, monitoring, performance, record deletion,

DBMS Concepts
DBMS solutions come equipped with a unique set of components, each
responsible for performing different tasks. Here are the most basic DBMS

Software—A DBMS is a software-based system that provides a management

interface, which helps users control databases and data sources.
Data—DBMS provides controls for managing operational data, such as records
and metadata, as well as index files, data dictionaries, and administrative
Procedures—documents that standardize database management, used as
guidelines by employees and users, and as automation policies.
Database languages—DBMS use various languages to perform tasks such as
controlling user access and specifying database schema. DBMS languages
include Data Manipulation Language (DML), Data Definition Language (DDL),
Data Control Language (DCL), and Database Access Language (DAL).
Query processor—serves as a communication intermediary between users and
the DBMS data engine. The query processor enables users to query requests, for
example, by entering instructions in Structured Query Language (SQL).

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Polytechnic Date Revised:
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DBS - 213 College
Database System Developed by:
(Access) Document No. Minerva V. Magbitang Revision # 01
Rosemarie S. Guirre
Runtime database manager—enables DBMS to centralize management of
runtime data. A runtime database manager validates user authorizations,
processes approved queries, determines which strategy provides optimal query
results, ensures data integrity, and handles any task that requires handling
query and runtime data.
Database manager—handles database jobs and enables administrators to
perform database operations and maintenance tasks, including data backup and
restore, cloning, deleting, updating the database, and executing patches.
Database engine—performs the main data storage and retrieval tasks. A
database engine can be built into the DBMS software or as a remote resource
accessed via an API.
Report generator—enables users to extract DBMS files and display the
information in structured formats, according to predefined specifications. Report
generation processes help users perform analyses and derive actionable insights.

Data management is a very complex task that involves a lot of components that
work in synergy. The data management concepts can be grouped into different
entities that have common tasks pertaining to a data module.

The first is that of development of the data management system.

This involves data architecture, data modeling, and data analysis. Only of the
data is analyzed the other two tasks are done. You should know the type of data
that gets into the database and based on that only you will use a particular
model and a database.

Next comes the database management. It involves data maintenance,

administration and the database management system itself. The administrator
role is important that they perform all the data administration activities and

Choosing the right database for your organization based on the type of data and
the volume of data that is keyed in is important. Most of the leading vendors of
database provide you with an inbuilt database management system. Apart from
that there are third party database management systems that can be used.

The other concept that you should be aware of is the data security management.
Access to the different modules should be given only to those who need it. Proper
authentication and authorization is needed before they access the data in the

This security can be implemented at the application level itself. It should be

decided who should have access to which data and they must be provided links
to that tool accordingly. This would prevent unauthorized access of data and
change made to the data.

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Polytechnic Date Revised:
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DBS - 213 College
Database System Developed by:
(Access) Document No. Minerva V. Magbitang Revision # 01
Rosemarie S. Guirre
Data quality management concerns about the removal of duplicate data and
making sure that the data in the database are reliable. Data integrity is
maintained by the quality team. For making use of business intelligence, you
have to use the data warehousing concepts. Data that are older enough to be not
used in the mainstream application can be moved to a warehousing server when
another application would interpret the data available and give useful
information about the customers or any other entity. This helps the management
in making decisions for the future growth of the organization.

Data redundancy
1. Data redundancy is the repetition of data. Data redundancy data is a
common issue in computer data storage and database systems.
2. Data redundancy in database means that some data fields are repeated in
the database.
3. This data repetition may occur either if a field is repeated in two or more
tables or if the field is repeated within the table.
4. Data can appear multiple times in a database for a variety of reasons. For
example, a shop may have the same customer’s name appearing several
times if that customer has bought several different products at different

Disadvantages of Data Redundancy

• Increases the size of the database unnecessarily.
• Causes data inconsistency.
• Decreases efficiency of database.
• May cause data corruption.

Types of database models

1. Hierarchical database model
2. Relational model
3. Network model

Selecting a data model is also a matter of aligning your priorities for the
database with the strengths of a particular model, whether those priorities
include speed, cost reduction, usability, or something else.

Relational model
The most common model, the relational model sorts data into tables, also known
as relations, each of which consists of columns and rows. Each column lists an
attribute of the entity in question, such as price, zip code, or birth date. Together,
the attributes in a relation are called a domain. A particular attribute or
combination of attributes is chosen as a primary key that can be referred to in
other tables, when it’s called a foreign key.

Each row, also called a tuple, includes data about a specific instance of the entity
in question, such as a particular employee.

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DBS - 213 College
Database System Developed by:
(Access) Document No. Minerva V. Magbitang Revision # 01
Rosemarie S. Guirre
The model also accounts for the types of relationships between those tables,
including one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many relationships. Here’s an

Within the database, tables can be normalized, or brought to comply with

normalization rules that make the database flexible, adaptable, and scalable.
When normalized, each piece of data is atomic, or broken into the smallest useful
Relational databases are typically written in Structured Query Language (SQL).
The model was introduced by E.F. Codd in 1970.

Hierarchical model
The hierarchical model organizes data into a tree-like structure, where each
record has a single parent or root. Sibling records are sorted in a particular order.
That order is used as the physical order for storing the database. This model is
good for describing many real-world relationships.

This model was primarily used by IBM’s Information Management Systems in the 60s and 70s,
but they are rarely seen today due to certain operational inefficiencies.

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DBS - 213 College
Database System Developed by:
(Access) Document No. Minerva V. Magbitang Revision # 01
Rosemarie S. Guirre
Network model
The network model builds on the hierarchical model by allowing many-to-many
relationships between linked records, implying multiple parent records. Based
on mathematical set theory, the model is constructed with sets of related records.
Each set consists of one owner or parent record and one or more member or
child records. A record can be a member or child in multiple sets, allowing this
model to convey complex relationships.

It was most popular in the 70s after it was formally defined by the Conference
on Data Systems Languages (CODASYL).

Access SQL: basic concepts, vocabulary, and syntax

Access for Microsoft 365 Access 2019 Access 2016 Access 2013 Access 2010 Access 2007

When you want to retrieve data from a database, you ask for the data by using
Structured Query Language, or SQL. SQL is a computer language that closely
resembles English, but that database programs understand. Every query that
you run uses SQL behind the scenes.

Understanding how SQL works can help you create better queries, and can make
it easier for you to understand how to fix a query that is not returning the results
that you want.

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DBS - 213 College
Database System Developed by:
(Access) Document No. Minerva V. Magbitang Revision # 01
Rosemarie S. Guirre
What is SQL?
SQL is a computer language for working with sets of facts and the relationships
between them. Relational database programs, such as Microsoft Office Access,
use SQL to work with data. Unlike many computer languages, SQL is not difficult
to read and understand, even for a novice. Like many computer languages, SQL
is an international standard that is recognized by standards bodies such as ISO
and ANSI.

You use SQL to describe sets of data that can help you answer questions. When
you use SQL, you must use the correct syntax. Syntax is the set of rules by which
the elements of a language are correctly combined. SQL syntax is based on
English syntax, and uses many of the same elements as Visual Basic for
Applications (VBA) syntax.

For example, a simple SQL statement that retrieves a list of last names for
contacts whose first name is Mary might resemble this:

SELECT Last_Name
FROM Contacts
WHERE First_Name = 'Mary';

SELECT statements
To describe a set of data by using SQL, you write a SELECT statement. A SELECT
statement contains a complete description of a set of data that you want to obtain
from a database. This includes the following:

• What tables contain the data.

• How data from different sources is related.
• Which fields or calculations will produce the data?
• Criteria that data must match to be included.
• Whether and how to sort the results.

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Polytechnic Date Revised:
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DBS - 213 College
Database System Developed by:
(Access) Document No. Minerva V. Magbitang Revision # 01
Rosemarie S. Guirre
SQL clauses

Like a sentence, a SQL

statement has
clauses. Each clause
performs a function
for the SQL statement.
Some clauses are
required in a SELECT
statement. The
following table lists
the most common SQL

Basic SQL clauses: SELECT, FROM, and WHERE

A SQL statement takes the general form:

SELECT field_1
FROM table_1
WHERE criterion_1

An example in Access
The following illustrates what a SQL statement for a simple select query might
look like in Access:

SQL object tab showing a SELECT statement

1. SELECT clause
2. FROM clause
3. WHERE clause

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DBS - 213 College
Database System Developed by:
(Access) Document No. Minerva V. Magbitang Revision # 01
Rosemarie S. Guirre
This example SQL statement reads "Select the data that is stored in the fields
named E-mail Address and Company from the table named Contacts, specifically
those records in which the value of the field City is Seattle."

Let's look at the example, one clause at a time, to see how SQL syntax works.

The SELECT clause

SELECT [E-mail Address], Company
This is the SELECT clause. It consists of an operator (SELECT) followed by two
identifiers ([E-mail Address] and Company).

If an identifier contains spaces or special characters (such as "E-mail Address"),

it must be enclosed in square brackets.

A SELECT clause does not have to say which tables contain the fields, and it
cannot specify any conditions that must be met by the data to be included.
The SELECT clause always appears in front of the FROM clause in a SELECT

The FROM clause

FROM Contacts
This is the FROM clause. It consists of an operator (FROM) followed by an
identifier (Contacts).
A FROM clause does not list the fields to be selected.

The WHERE clause

WHERE City="Seattle"
This is the WHERE clause. It consists of an operator (WHERE) followed by an
expression (City="Seattle").

Sorting the results: ORDER BY

Like Microsoft Excel, Access lets you sort query results in a datasheet. You can
also specify in the query how you want to sort the results when the query is run,
by using an ORDER BY clause. If you use an ORDER BY clause, it is the last
clause in the SQL statement.

An ORDER BY clause contains a list of the fields that you want to use for sorting,
in the same order that you want to apply the sort operations.

For example, suppose that you want your results sorted first by the value of the
field Company in descending order, and — if there are records with the same

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Polytechnic Date Revised:
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DBS - 213 College
Database System Developed by:
(Access) Document No. Minerva V. Magbitang Revision # 01
Rosemarie S. Guirre
value for Company — sorted next by the values in the field E-mail Address in
ascending order. Your ORDER BY clause would resemble the following:

ORDER BY Company DESC, [E-mail Address]

Note: By default, Access sorts values in ascending order (A-Z, smallest to largest).
Use the DESC keyword to sort values in descending order instead.

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BSIS / ACT January 2021
Polytechnic Date Revised:
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DBS - 213 College
Database System Developed by:
(Access) Document No. Minerva V. Magbitang Revision # 01
Rosemarie S. Guirre

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