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Class VII
Somebody’s Mother (Poem)
Word Meanings:
1. ragged :worn out
2. grey: gloomy
3. throng: crowd
4. hastened: moved quickly
5.timid: easily frightened
6. content: satisfied
Read and Write
A] Answer these questions:
1. Where was the old woman standing ? What did she want to do?
Ans: The old woman was standing at the crossing to go to the other side of the
2. What were the old woman fears?
Ans The old woman fear was to cross the road as the traffic was moving and no
one was stopping for her.
3. Who Offered to help yhe old woman?
Ans: One school boy offered to help the old woman. He lovingly helped her
cross the road.
4. Why did the young boy feel happy and well content?
Ans: The young boy felt happy and content because he had helped someone
who was in need.
5. What did the boy tell his friends?
Ans: The boy told his friends tthat he helped the old lady thinking someday
someone will help her old mother in a similar situation when he might be far
away from her.
6. What prayer did the old woman say for the young boy?
Ans: The old woman in her prayer asked God to be kind to the young boy.

B] Answer the following with reference to the context.

1. The Woman was old and ragged and grey,
And bent with a chill of a winter’s day;
The streets were white with a recent snow,
And the woman’s feet were aged and slow.
a) Describe the old woman.
Ans: An old woman wearing ragged clothes and she was little bended because
of chill of the winter.
b) What kind od day was it.
Ans: It was a very busy day as the traffic was a moving one.
c) Why does the poet say that ‘the woman’s feet were aged and slow’?
Ans: As the woman was old her feet were wrinkled and because if her age she
was very slow.
2. She stood at the crossing and waited long,
Alone, uncared for, amid the throng
Of human beings who passed her by.
Nor needed the glance of her anxious eye.
a) Who was waiting ? What was the person waiting for?
Ans: The old woman was waiting. She was waiting for the traffic to halt so that
she can cross the road.
b) Who was passing by?
Ans: A group of school boys were passing by.
c) What was the attitude of the people around the person?
Ans: No passengers pay heed to her need and concern.
3. At last came out of the merry troop
The gayest laddie of all the group;
He paused beside her and whispered low
I’ll help you wish to go.’
a) Who was being described as the merry troop?
Ans The group of small boys were being described as merry troop.
b) Who is being described as the gayest laddie?
Ans: The boy who helped the old lady is being described as gayest laddie.
c) What did the boy say to the old woman?
Ans: The boy said that he will help her to cross the road if she wish.

4. Her aged hands on his strong young arm

She placed, and so, without hurt or harm
He guided her trembling feet along,
Proud that his own were firm and strong;
Then back again to his friends he went,
His young heart happy and well content.
a) Whose arm was strong and young?
Ans: The young boys arm was strong and young.
b) Why did the person feel proud that his legs were firm and strong?
Ans: The person felt proud because with his firm and strong legs he was able to
help the old woman.
c) Describe how the person helped the old woman cross the street.
Ans: The person firmly hold her hand and helped her to cross the road.

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