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This experiential course made me aware of how challenging it is to teach, particularly

in these Pandemic times when classes are conducted online. The experiences I had
in this course will truly stick with me forever. I’ve learnt a lot, and I plan to use those
lessons in my future profession as a teacher. This portfolio is developed to share my
experiences in this course. The difficulties I’ve encountered and the lessons I’ve
learned throughout the course are detailed in this document. While reading this, the
readers would gain a knowledge of my teaching philosophy and what a successful
teacher should be, and in doing so, this will ideally inspire those who will enroll in the
same course.
In my perspective, the key to teaching is how effectively a teacher directs students
toward learning. Nowadays, spoon-feeding isn’t a part of teaching anymore, and I
believed that taking on the position of a facilitator makes a teacher better and
enhances students’ learning. I’ve always felt that teachers can teach pupils even if
they don’t give them everything. The best way for students to learn is, in my opinion,
for them to observe, foster a sense of curiosity that will motivate them to seek out
more information, investigate, and ask questions. Teaching is what teachers do, and
I believe the most challenging aspect of it is to develop an effective teaching
strategy. As a future teacher, I can’t force my students to do activities that most of
them don’t want to perform. Getting their trust and formulating goals with them
should also be a part of my teaching method. On the other hand, I don’t believe that
learning is solely a teacher’s responsibility. Both the professors and the pupils should
have a strong desire to learn. As a future teacher, I might communicate to them the
significance of what we are learning in class and how it would impact their future
careers families, and social position. No matter how effectively I communicated with
them and how well they understood my worry for them, it is ultimately up to the
students to find the will to attend class and figure out how to avoid any obstacles in
their path. Learning is a life-long process, it never stops, and the purpose of us
teachers is to give them the sense of not wasting or taking It for granted, showing
them how they can use those learning to have a better life.
After the entire field study experience, I now have a broader grasp of various
subjects. As a future educator, it will be my duty to ensure that my students learn
effectively because this is my purpose and the focus of the course I took. However, I
must cultivate a passion and love for this work. I became aware of the significance of
your perspective on the importance of your task after observing how much our
resource teacher takes pleasure in her classes and maintains her enthusiasm every
day without waning. It gives those effective teachers the motivation every day to
perform and deliver learning to students. In every classroom, the climate depends on
how the teachers approach them, and it shows how much you enjoy or hate what
you are doing by just greeting your learners. The relationship between the teacher
and students is very important to build trust As a future educator. Need to be strict in
terms of the classroom rules, submissions to maintain order in the class. The use of
positive reinforcement also could boost the students’ desire and develop the
confidence that would lead them to perform better in the class.
During my time spent watching, I learned not just how to become the teacher I hope
to be, but also how to improve my study habits and grow as a learner. I observed
some excellent teaching strategies that I have since used in my own education to
advance my own learning. How I manage my learning is one component of my
fieldwork experience that has helped me learn. During my fieldwork. In order to help
her students learn more efficiently, the instructor modified her lessons in a number of
instances, and I observed how technology played an important role in establishing
the ideal learning environment for the students. It was fascinating to observe a
classroom from the viewpoint of a teacher. I was particularly astounded by the
experience of watching a teacher manage multiple students at once in an online
learning environment, and I discovered a lot about the value of a physical learning
environment for the students as well as a psychological environment. I’ve seen how
distinctive or varied each student is from the others, which makes teaching difficult
but enjoyable. I’ve been successful in utilizing key ideas and techniques to create a
better learning environment and instruct pupils more effectively. These lessons I’ve
learned are essential for helping me understand what to anticipate in my future
profession as a teacher because I’m a future educator. I’ll definitely use the
strategies and try to be as creative as I can to adapt my teaching style to the present
environment or the kinds of kids I’ll be working with. In order to build trust among my
students, I would make sure to involve them in explaining the rules of the classroom.
I will incorporate technology in my Instructional materials to make learning more
exciting and catching. I’ll make sure that my pupils have a laser-like focus in class
and that they are just as motivated to learn as I am to teach them. I’ll also make sure
that I am constantly energizing and upbeat so that I can transmit that energy to my
Learning can be directly assessed by looking at their work or performance. It can
provide information about what and how much students have learned by assessing
tests, papers, performances, observations, or other student work items. Direct
evidence is persuasive because it allows for judgments to be made regarding the
relative level of learning or mastery that students have attained. Plans for
assessments are created to collect direct evidence wherever it is feasible.
The first field study's main concern is with the students and the setting in which they
are shaped, cultivated, and raised into the ideal person. This subject’s lessons and
conversations provide a fantastic opportunity to discover more about the students as
well as their current perspectives on education as a whole. The present trend and
shift in education, which directly affects and influences the learners, is the ideal way
to think deeply about and analyze the learners in a broad sense. The change of the
perspective goes hand in hand with the potential change of how we view these
individuals. It has been emphasized so many times that gone are the days where the
teacher is the center of the process and learners are just passive and waiting to be
filled up with knowledge. Examining the setting in which the learners will be formed is
another aspect of the study. A number of subjects were focused on outlining what a
vital and supportive learning environment is for the students. A setting that is
stimulating, cozy, and devoid of any distractions that can hinder learning a good time
and money-worth location. I was able to have my first off-campus field observation.
The very main point for the observation is to have a first hand in contact with the
learners as well as to conduct an observation on the physical aspects of the school
such as the different facilities, classrooms, etc. It’s the very first time that I was able
to meet a lot students coming from different fields. It is also the very first time for me
to have an actual classroom observation. I learned a lot of things from the student up
until issues concerning the overall aspect of the leaming environment. My
cooperating teacher shared a lot of insights and tips on how to make a classroom
effective and conducive to the varied and different needs of the diverse learners. I
was able to conduct field interviews to the teachers, students, department heads and
staff of the school as regards on how they view the learners as well as their ways
and styles on making an active and engaging learning environment. The observation
was successful, and I learned a lot and experienced a lot. After the encounter, I had
a lot of wonderful insights and reflections. Overall, before beginning or carrying out
any activity, a teacher must recognize and respect each student’s uniqueness inside
the boundaries of the classroom. Ensuring that the needs of the learners serve as
the foundation for all subsequent activities.
Uyawan Carigara, Leyte
Cell No.: 09637520281
Email address:

Birthday: December 12, 1999
Birthplace: Carigara District Hospital
Age: 23
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Civil Status: Single
Father’s Name: Leonito Ragsag
Mother’s Name: Nenita Ragsag
Tertiary: Eastern Visayas State University – Carigara Campus
Bachelor of Secondary Education
Major in General Science
Baruguhay Norte Carigara, Leyte
2019 – Present
Secondary: Carigara National High School
Sheilded Metal Arc Welding
Ponong Carigara, Leyte
2017 – 2019
Carigara National High School
Ponong Carigara, Leyte
2013 – 2017
Primary: Uyawan Elementary School
Uyawan Carigara, Leyte
2007 – 2013

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