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Unit 3 - Social Science

Date: 29/11/2022 Revision Paper Grade : 8
Section - A
Q.1) Fill in the blanks:
1. There are two school of thought- Orientalists and .
2. There are two categories of bills- and .
3. are inorganic substances occurring naturally on the earth.
Q.2) Choose the correct answers:
1. The Hindu College was established in Banaras in_ .
a. 1784 b. 1791 c. 1789 d. 1799

2. The energy derived from hot springs and emission of dry or wet steam, from hot rocks at great
depths, is called .
a. Geothermal energy b. Nuclear energy c. Wind energy d. Tidal energy
3. presides over the Supreme Court.
a. Chief Justice of India b. President of India
c. Prime Minister of India d. Senior- most judge of a high court
4. The first principal of the Bengal National College was .
a. Raja Ram Mohan Roy b. Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
c. Aurobindo Ghosh d. Satish Chandra Mukherjee
Q.3) Correct these statements:
a. The Rowlatt Act came into force in 1920.
b. Punishment for the offender is the main objective of civil law.
c. Judiciary in India is often considered to be fast paced.
Section - B
Q.4) Answer in short: (any 4)
1. Name three colleges established by William Bentinck.
2. What were the recommendations of Radhakrishnan Commission?
3. Name two nuclear power plants in India.
4. What are repressive laws?
5. What is appellate jurisdiction?
Section - C
Q.5) Answer the following: (any 4)
1. What were the main provisions of the English Education Act of 1835?
2. What are the different uses of copper?
3. Distinguish between Renewable and Non-Renewable sources of energy.
4. In what ways were the laws made by the British arbitrary?
5. What do you understand by independence of judiciary?
Section - D
Q.6) Answer in details: (any 2)
1. Law applies equally to all. However, there are certain problems which do not allow the common
man to access the facility of courts. Why?
2. Name two prominent Indian lawyers of the British period. What was their contribution to the freedom
3. Explain Mahatma Gandhi’s system of education.

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