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Practical Curriculum

Cyber Security Fundamentals

 Module 01 - Information Security Threats and Vulnerabilities1

Overview of Threats and Vulnerability2
Lab 01: Create a Trojan to Gain Access to the Target System3
Lab 02: Create a Virus to Infect the Target System13
Lab 03: Create a Worm using the Internet Worm Maker Thing23
Lab 04: User System Monitoring and Surveillance using Spytech SpyAgent32
Lab 05: Find Vulnerabilities on Exploit Sites48
 Module 02 - Information Security Attacks55
o Overview of Information Security56
o Lab 01: Perform a Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) Attack using Cain & Abel58
o Lab 02: Perform MAC Flooding using macof68
o Lab 03: Perform a DoS Attack on a Target Host using hping374
o Lab 04: Perform an SQL Injection Attack Against MSSQL to Extract Databases
using sqlmap83
o Lab 05: Perform Parameter Tampering using Burp Suite96
o Lab 06: Audit System Passwords using John-the-Ripper106
o Lab 07: Perform Social Engineering using Various Techniques to Sniff Users'
o Lab 08: Crack a WPA2 Network using Aircrack-ng124
o Lab 09: Hack an Android Device by Creating Binary Payloads126
o Lab 10: Exploit Open S3 Buckets using AWS CLI139
 Module 03 - Identification, Authentication, and Authorization149
o Overview of Identification, Authentication and Authorization150
o Lab 01: Implement Access Controls in Windows Machine151
o Lab 02: Manage Access Controls in Linux Machine166
o Lab 03: Implement Role-Based Access Control in Windows Admin Center
o Lab 04: Implement Centralized Authentication Mechanism193
 Module 04 - Network Security Controls - Administrative Controls213
o Overview of Security Policy214
o Lab 01: Implement Password Policies using Windows Group Policy215
o Lab 02: Implement Auditing Policies232
o Lab 03: Implement a Secure Network Policy249
o Lab 04: Implement a PowerShell Security Policy262
 Module 05 - Network Security Controls - Technical Controls283
o Overview of Technical Control284
o Lab 01: Implement Host-based Firewall Protection with iptables286
o Lab 02: Implement Host-based Firewall Functionality Using Windows Firewall290
o Lab 03: Implement Network-Based Firewall Functionality: Block Unwanted Website
Access using pfSense307
o Lab 04: Implement Network-Based Firewall Functionality: Block Insecure Ports
using pfSense Firewall319
o Lab 05: Implement Host-based IDS functionality using Wazuh HIDS338
o Lab 06: Implement Network-based IDS Functionality using Suricata IDS352
o Lab 07: Detect Malicious Network Traffic using HoneyBOT383
o Lab 08: Establish Virtual Private Network Connection using SoftEther VPN390
o Lab 09: Scan System for Viruses using Kaspersky Internet Security406
 Module 06 - Network Security Assessment Techniques and Tools413
o Overview of Network Security Assessment414
o Lab 01: Collect Data through Search Engines415
o Lab 02: Gather Threat Intelligence Feed using threatfeeds.io430
o Lab 03: Perform Vulnerability Research in Common Weakness Enumeration
o Lab 04: Perform Vulnerability Assessment to Identify Security Vulnerabilities in the
Target System o441
 Module 07 - Application Security449
o Overview of Application Security450
o Lab 01: Implement Application Whitelisting using AppLocker452
o Lab 02: Blacklist Application using ManageEngine Desktop Central473
o Lab 03: Perform Application Sandboxing using Sandboxie488
o Lab 04: Detect Web Application Vulnerabilities using OWASP ZAP493
o Lab 05: Detect Injection Vulnerability using Burp Suite499
o Lab 06: Determine Application-Level Attacks514
o Lab 07: Perform Web Server Footprinting using Various Footprinting Tools527
 Module 8 - Wireless Network Security619, IoT and OT Security661
o Overview of Wireless Network Security620
o Lab 01: Configure Security on a Wireless Router621
o Lab 02: Implement Enterprise Mobile Security using Miradore MDM Solution637
o Lab 03: Secure IoT Device Communication using TLS/SSL663
 Module 9 - Data Security735
o Overview of Data Security736
o Lab 01: Perform Disk Encryption using BitLocker Drive Encryption738
o Lab 02: Perform Disk Encryption using VeraCrypt745
o Lab 03: Implement Built-in File System-level Encryption on Windows752
o Lab 04: Perform Data Backup using Genie Backup Manager757
o Lab 05: File Recovery using EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard765
o Lab 06: Back Up and Restore Data in Windows770
o Lab 07: Perform Data Destruction using Windows DiskPart Utility783
 Module 10- Network Troubleshooting789
o Overview of the Network Troubleshooting790
o Lab 01: Network Troubleshooting using Command Line Utilities and Tools791
o Lab 02: Network Troubleshooting using Nmap800
o Lab 03: Network Troubleshooting using Hping3807
o Lab 04: Access Remote Machine using PuTTY811
o Lab 05: Intercept Network Traffic using Wireshark and tcpdump817
o Lab 06: Apply Various Filters in Wireshark830
o Lab 07: Analyze and Examine Various Network Packet Headers in Linux using
o Lab 08: Scan Network to Identify Hosts in the Local Network844
 Module 11 - Network Logs Monitoring and Analysis853 and Incident

o Overview of Logs Monitoring and Analysis854

o Lab 01: Configure, View, and Analyze Windows Event Logs855
o Lab 02: View and Analyze Windows Logs862
o Lab 03: View and Analyze Linux Logs866
o Lab 04: Conduct Security Checks using buck-security on Linux875
o Lab 05: Analysis and Validation of Malware Incident879
o Lab 06: Implement Policies using Group Policy Management Console886

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