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Student’s Handbook

Professional Exchange Program – IFMSA

Name of the Student:




Supervising doctor:

Start date:

End date:

Dear Student and Doctor,

Student Handbook is part of IFMSA official

documentation system.

Please fill it in during your clerkship.

Table of Content
1. Introduction to IFMSA and SCOPE Exchange Program
2. Letter to the Supervising Doctor
3. Letter to the Student
4. CIMSA for Millenium Development Goals
5. Global Health Learning Objectives
6. Academic Quality Kit
a. Logbook
b. Checklists:
i. Clinical checklist
ii. Surgical checklist
c. Tutor’s Evaluation
7. Final notes and remarks

2 Student’s Handbook| International Federation of Medical Students’ Association (IFMSA)

Introduction to IFMSA - SCOPE
The International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA)
is an independent, non-governmental and non-political federation of
medical students gathering more than 1 million medical students from
over 100 countries.

The IFMSA was founded in May 1951, Copenhagen-Denmark and it is

officially recognized as a Non Governmental Organization (NGO) within
the United Nations’ and recognized by the World Health Organization
as the International Forum for medical students.

The Standing Committee On Professional Exchange (SCOPE) was at the

core IFMSA’s foundation with the mission to: “Promote cultural
understanding and co-operation among medical students and all health
professionals, through the facilitation of international students’
exchanges” .

Today 8400 exchanges are being done by IFMSA-SCOPE. These

combined make SCOPE the largest students-run exchange program in
the world, having “exchanged” more than 232,000 medical students
throughout its history.

For more information, visit the IFMSA website:

3 Student’s Handbook| International Federation of Medical Students’ Association (IFMSA)

Letter to the Supervising Doctor
Dear Doctor,
We would like to thank you for participating in the largest student-
run exchange program in the world.
The exchange program of the IFMSA (International Federation of
Medical Students’ Associations) is a non-profit and volunteer project
run by students, for students. With over 8300 students travelling on
exchanges per year, it represents a great opportunity for foreign and
local students, as well as our faculties and health care institutions, to
share medical knowledge in a professional context. As a tutor, you are
invited to participate from this unique experience sharing knowledge
and contrasting cultural differences by guiding the foreign student
during its practice in order to make the exchange a high quality and
unforgettable experience.
In order to ensure that our student gets the best out of their
clerkship with your department and to provide feedback about the
placement, we kindly ask that you:
- Meet with the student at the beginning of the clerkship to discuss
expectations and goals of the clerkship
- Together with the student, fill out all the parts of this handbook.
- Sign the certificate of clerkship providing student has met with
your expectations.
We hope that this clerkship will be a memorable experience for you
as much as for our students.
Thank you for your cooperation.

4 Student’s Handbook| International Federation of Medical Students’ Association (IFMSA)

Letter to the student
Dear Student,

Thank you for choosing IFMSA and SCOPE for your clerkship.

You are participating in the largest student run exchange program. As

such, most of the work done for your exchange is by colleagues of you, who
have volunteered time out of their medical curriculum to help you have a
memorable exchange opportunity. You will experience a great hospitability, an
excellent chance to discover a new health care system, a wonderful opportunity
to meet new friends from around the world. However, we would like to draw
your attention that this exchange is first and foremost an educational
opportunity. As such, we urge you to act in consequence. You are requested to
attend actively 80% of your rotation, have an active participation in the plan of
care of patients, and fill this student’s logbook seriously in order to get your
Exchange Certificate.

You will be requested to:

• Arrange to meet your supervising doctor on your first day to discuss

expectations and goals of the clerkship.

• Fill out the logbook according to the expectations of your home Faculty
and your supervising doctor.

• Ensure that you “meet expectations” of supervising doctor in order to get

the certificate of clerkship signed by the supervisor.

• Fill out the electronic Evaluation Form (eEF) available at the IFMSA
database ( at the end of the exchange.

• Present the signed handbook and certificate to your local exchange officer
when you return from you exchange.

Enjoy your exchange!

5 Student’s Handbook| International Federation of Medical Students’ Association (IFMSA)


 At September 2000, in Millenium Summit of United Nation, 189 nation

members of UN is declared a Millenium Declaration that called as Millenium
Development Goals/MDGs

 8 point of MDGs:
1. Eradication of extreme poverty and hunger
2. Achieve universal primary education
3. Promote gender equality and empower women
4. Reduce child mortality rate
5. Improve maternal health
6. Combat HIV / AIDS, Malaria and other disease
7. Ensuring environmental sustainability
8. Develop a Global Partnership for development

 MDG 1: Eradication of extreme poverty and hunger  If there are no poor

people, almost all case is practicaly solved. When the money is avaible people
could go to the doctor to cure themself. People could get proper fascility that
support their life. People could get a proper meal and drink. Because of that
this point is become the first priority.

 MDG 2 : Achieve universal primary education  Indonesia will meet the

target to provide the education for all at 2015 (on track). Moreover, Indonesia
is overpass the MDGs target in this point because Indonesia add Junior High
School as an aim of education for

 MDG 3 : Promote gender equality and empower women In many things,
woman rights in Indonesia is developing rapidly. Although it is still far from
the gender equality. In this point there are 3 target.

6 Student’s Handbook| International Federation of Medical Students’ Association (IFMSA)

1. Education
2. Job Field
3. Parlement Representatives
We are on track at the first target but lacking in the second and third target.

 MDG 4 : Reduce child mortality rate  Statistic said that the number of
babbies death in Indonesia is decreasing significantly from 68 at year 1991
become 34 per 1000 of birth at year 2007, so the target at 23 per 1000 birth
at year 2015 will be achieved.

 MDG 5 : Improve maternal health  Every year arround 20.000 woman in

Indonesia is dead because of delivering a baby. And almost every death is not
need to happen.

 MDG 6 : Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other disease  Prevalance of

HIV/AIDS in Indonesia is increasing, moreover for the high risk group of drug
abbuser and prostitute. HIV/AIDS in Indonesia reported to be doubled
between 2004 and 2005. But the number of Malaria is decreasing from 4,68
at year 1990 to 1,85 per 1000 population in 2009. And the effort to control
the Tuberculosis is meeting the target.

 MDG 7 : Ensuring environment sustainability  Indonesia development has

sacrifice a lot of environtmental field. It cuts tree, damages the land, and
poluting river and air. This point is aimed to prevent more damages.

 MDG 8 : Developing a global partnership for development  This last point is

connected to international partnership that include trading issues and
international economics. Indonesia is active participant in a lot of
international forum. Indonesia has a commitment to develop partnership that
give benefits to the multilateral organization, bilateral partner, and private
sector to arrive at good economic growth and decreasing of poverty.

 Based on CIMSA’s Policy Statement that created in National Leadership

Summit Banda Aceh February 3-6 2011, we declare, as a medical student and
7 Student’s Handbook| International Federation of Medical Students’ Association (IFMSA)
future doctor, we will actively participate in effort to achieve MDGs especially
in point 4, 5, and 6.

 CIMSA for MDGs – Role of Medical Students to Achieve MDGs, is project

inisiative that start at May 2011- May 2013. In this project, CIMSA encourage
every people to work together help the government achieve the MDGs,
especially in the medical aspect.

 The aim of CIMSA for MDGs – Role of Medical Students to Achieve MDGs:
1. Help the government to achieve the MDGs target, especially at point 4,5,
2. Improving medical student awareness to actively participate in achieving
the MDGs target.
3. Medical students could actively contribute in health quality improvement of
the society.

 Every local choose points of MDGs to be a focus in a project. Start from pre-
survey to see the condition that connected with the MDGs status in that local.
From the result of the survey, the local is developing a project that
appropriate with the condition. And finally to see the impact, local should
make a post-survey.

 Projects:
1. Point 4 MDGs
- Social campaign that raising issues about baby and children health
include a good knowledge of breastfeeding, nutrition intervention, and
- Children health’s examination

2. Poin 5 MDGs
- Education of the pregnant woman and woman in fertile age include
contraception use, antenatal care, and birth limitation.
- Examine the nutritional status and health status of mother, pregnant
woman, and woman in fertile age.
8 Student’s Handbook| International Federation of Medical Students’ Association (IFMSA)
3. Poin 6 MDGs
- Regular education to the community that have a high risk of HIV/AIDS
(prostitute, transgender, homeless child, drug abbuser, homosexual)
and promote non-discriminative behavior to people with HIV/AIDS.
- Educate people to know about the prevention and medication of
Tuberculosis and other infectious disease to the society.

9 Student’s Handbook| International Federation of Medical Students’ Association (IFMSA)

Global Health Learning Objectives
Within SCOPE, we think the idea of Global Health Education is
very important. We recommend that you take a bit of time to
consider the objectives below and research some of the health
issues that you host country faces and how this contrasts with
your own country.
1. To know the primary health concerns and basic
epidemiology of the host country and how it differs from
the home country
2. To understand the structure of the healthcare system in
the host country and how it is funded
3. To have a knowledge of the medical education system in
the host country
4. To observe professional and doctor-patient relationships in
the host country and compare them to the home country
5. Identify any differences in public health regionally and
nationally in the host country

10 Student’s Handbook| International Federation of Medical Students’ Association (IFMSA)

Academic Quality Kit

I, _____________________________have read through the suggested

(Name of Head of Faculty)

SCOPE logbook document and have edited it according to our Medical

School’s requirements. I am satisfied that this document is sufficient

enough to meet the standards required by

(Name of Medical School, Country)

Certified by: ______________________________________________

(Name and Title)



11 Student’s Handbook| International Federation of Medical Students’ Association (IFMSA)

First Two weeks of attachment

Date Learning Experience/Skill Hours Signature or Initials

attended of Tutor (Whichever
is required by home

12 Student’s Handbook| International Federation of Medical Students’ Association (IFMSA)

Second Two weeks of attachment:
Date Learning Experience/Skill Hours Signature or Initials
attended of Tutor (Whichever
is required by home

13 Student’s Handbook| International Federation of Medical Students’ Association (IFMSA)

Checklist for Internal Medicine

Does individually

Does under

Taking Anamnesis Assists

Physical head & neck
examination Chest
Treatment plan
Commenting on lab results
Taking blood pressure
Taking blood samples
Perform & interpret ECG
Prepare and i.v.
give injections i.m.
Interpretation X-rays

14 Student’s Handbook| International Federation of Medical Students’ Association (IFMSA)

Checklist for Surgical Rotations:



Does individually
Does under
Observes Comments

Taking Anamnesis
Physical head & neck
examination Chest
Treatment and operation
Commenting on lab results
Informed consent
Surgical hand washing and
wearing sterile clothing
Removing drainages
Wound management
Hygienic protocols
Stitches/ Making
Staples Removing
Interpretation X-rays
Basics on using local
Bladder catheterization

15 Student’s Handbook| International Federation of Medical Students’ Association (IFMSA)

Doctor’s Evaluation of Student’s Performance
Instructions to supervising doctor:
 Please read through the logbook to assess whether the student has fulfilled expectations.
 In order for the student to receive a certificate of clerkship, he/she must have at least “met
expectations.” If the student has done so, please also sign the additional Certificate of Clerkship in
order for the clerkship to be recognised. Please circle as appropriate.

Poor Sub-Standard Met Exceeded Excellent

Expectations Expectations

Excellent Good Pass Fail Does not


History taking
Physical examination
Assessment of findings
Plan of management
Presentation and discussion of cases
Adequacy of progress notes
Acquisition of technical skills
Fund of knowledge
Use of medical literature
Command of language
Curiosity & motivation for learning
Responsibility & dedication to patients
Professional attitude & behavior
Relation with colleagues & supervisors
Ethical principles
Potential for professional & academic growth

Areas of special weakness:


Name of evaluator ____________________________

Signature: ____________________________________________Date: ____________________________

16 Student’s Handbook| International Federation of Medical Students’ Association (IFMSA)

Doctor’s comments and suggestions:

Student’s comments and suggestions:

17 Student’s Handbook| International Federation of Medical Students’ Association (IFMSA)

Additional Requirements:

18 Student’s Handbook| International Federation of Medical Students’ Association (IFMSA)

This Student’s Handbook was first assembled in May 2009, with the great
efforts of SCOPE’s Academic Quality Coordinators:
Laura Sommer Hansen-- (National Exchange Officer of IMCC; Denmark)
Chris Phillips --(National Exchange Officer of Medsin-UK; United Kingdom of
Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
Sleiman Haddad-- (IFMSA’s International Director on Professional Exchange,

Further developed by :
Hiba Bashari – (Academic Quality Coordinator, National Exchange Officer of
NMSA; Norway)
Simon Tallowin – (Academic Quality Coordinator, National Exchange Officer of
Medsin-UK; United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)

Re-edited in March 2011 by:

Jennifer Jahel Vélez González - (National Exchange Officer of IFMSA Chile)
Izak Jurčid - (Exchange Project Coordinator – SloMSIC ; Slovenia)
Aviad Lampner - (National Exchange Officer – SISM ; Italy)

In cooperation with:
Pablo Vega Rojas - (IFMSA’s International Director on Professional Exchange;
Rada Popescu - (National Exchange Officer of FASMR; Romania)
Kaisa Kyllonen - (National Exchange Officer of FiMSIC; Finland)
Charlotte Peal - (National Exchange Officer of Medsin-UK; United Kingdom of
Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
Federica Balzarini - (Laison Officer to Research and Medical Associations)

Last edition in August 2011 by:

Aleksandra Starzynska - (Academic Quality Coordinator, IFMSA-Poland)

19 Student’s Handbook| International Federation of Medical Students’ Association (IFMSA)

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