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Journal of the Formosan Medical Association 121 (2022) 978e985

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Original Article

Expanding resources of endovascular

thrombectomy: An optimization model
Chun-Han Wang a, Ting-Yu Liu a, Wen-Chu Chiang b,
Sung-Chun Tang c, Li-Kai Tsai c, Chung-Wei Lee d,
Yen-Heng Lin d, Jiann-Shing Jeng c, Matthew Huei-Ming Ma b,
Ming-Ju Hsieh e,*, Yu-Ching Lee a,**

Department of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, National Tsing Hua University,
Hsinchu, Taiwan
Department of Emergency Medicine, National Taiwan University Hospital Yun-Lin Branch, Yun-Lin
County, Taiwan
Stroke Center and Department of Neurology, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
Department of Medical Imaging, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
Department of Emergency Medicine, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan

Received 22 April 2020; received in revised form 3 June 2021; accepted 15 July 2021

KEYWORDS Background/Purpose: Recently optimized models for selecting the locations of hospitals
Stroke; capable of providing endovascular thrombectomy (EVT) did not consider the accuracy of the
Emergency medical prehospital stroke scale assessment and possibility of secondary transport. Our study aimed
service; to propose a new model for selecting existing hospitals with intravenous thrombolysis capa-
Endovascular bility to become EVT-capable hospitals.
thrombectomy; Methods: A sequential order was provided to upgrade hospitals providing intravenous thrombo-
Resource lysis, using a mixed integer programming model based on current medical resource allocation.
redistribution In addition, we drafted a centralized plan to redistribute existing EVT resources by redetermin-
ing locations of EVT-capable hospitals. Using historical data of 7679 on-scene patients with sus-
pected stroke, the model was implemented to determine the hospital that maximizes the
number of patients receiving EVT treatment within call-to-definitive-treatment time.
Results: All suspected stroke patients were sent to EVT-capable hospitals directly under the
current medical resource allocation model. After upgrading one additional hospital to become
an EVT-capable hospital, the percentage of patients receiving definitive treatment within the
standard call-to-definitive-treatment time was elevated from 68.82% to 72.97%. In the model,
assuming that there is no hospital providing EVT, all patients suspected of stroke will be sent to

* Corresponding author. Department of Emergency Medicine, National Taiwan University Hospital, No. 7 Chung Shan South Rd., Taipei 100,
Taiwan. Fax: þ886 2 2322 3150.
** Corresponding author. Department of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, National Tsing Hua University, No. 101,
Section 2, Kuang-Fu Road, Hsinchu 300, Taiwan. Fax: þ886 3 572 2204.
E-mail addresses: (M.-J. Hsieh), (Y.-C. Lee).
0929-6646/Copyright ª 2021, Formosan Medical Association. Published by Elsevier Taiwan LLC. This is an open access article under the CC
BY-NC-ND license (
Journal of the Formosan Medical Association 121 (2022) 978e985

EVT-capable hospitals directly after upgrading three or more hospitals to be able to provide
Conclusion: All patients eligible for acute stroke treatment are sent to EVT-capable hospitals
in the simulation under the current medical resource allocation model. This model can be uti-
lized to provide insights for capacity redistribution in other regions.
Copyright ª 2021, Formosan Medical Association. Published by Elsevier Taiwan LLC. This is an
open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

1. Introduction tissue plasminogen activator (rt-PA) should be upgraded in

order to maximize the number of patients being covered
within a specific period of time. This model’s merit is the
It has been shown that endovascular thrombectomy (EVT) is
incorporation of secondary transport probabilities and the
beneficial to patients with large vessel occlusions (LVOs).1e5
use of an “expectation”, according to the accuracy of
In addition, studies have shown that a shorter time interval
prehospital stroke scale assessment and the call-to-
between the onset of symptoms and reperfusion using EVT
definitive-treatment time as the measure to extract a
results in improved functional outcome at three months.6e9
more robust optimal decision. We inputted geographic lo-
Interhospital transfer also delays the time before receiving
cations of a set of archived patient data for simulating the
EVT10 and might worsen the outcome of patients with LVO.
path to receive definitive treatment within the model. We
One study found that transfer-in patients had significantly
chose archived patient data because many epidemiologic
longer last-known-well-to-EVT initiation time, were less
factors, such as age, were associated the occurrence of
likely to have independent ambulation at discharge or be
stroke, and the available data for past patients was more
discharged to home, and had a higher rate of symptomatic
representative of other regions across the world.
intracranial hemorrhage.11 Currently, EVT-capable hospitals
only make up a relatively small portion of hospitals in most
of the world. Therefore, the stakeholders in some commu- 1.1. Background of case study
nities may need to increase the number of hospitals with EVT
ability. Nevertheless, it is paramount to find a most suitable We built a mathematical model to determine which hos-
hospital for upgrading to be able to perform EVT in order to pital will benefit the most patients with LVO if it upgrades.
provide maximal benefit to patients, since this process re- Since 2010, the EMTs in Taipei City used Cincinnati Pre-
quires a large input of resources. hospital Stroke Scale (CPSS) to identify stroke patients. If
The process to decide which hospital should be upgraded a patients had one of the CPSS indicator symptoms,
is complicated and many aspects must be considered. including facial droop, arm drift, and slurring of speech,
Common criteria for selecting the optimal location of a the patient would be suspected of having a stroke. The
hospital with EVT ability is to let the most of the patient result of CPSS examination was recorded in the ambulance
population receive EVT treatment within one specific time run-sheet. In addition, the address of the scene was also
period.12,13 Many prehospital triage studies14,15 have incor- recorded in the ambulance run-sheet. We collected the
porated randomness and dynamic variation of the location of data of patients who was suspected of having a stroke by
suspected stroke patients in simulations where an optimal EMTs from ambulance run-sheets from 2010 to 2015. We
bypass strategy was inferred. Similar simulations regarding put the six years of data from patients suspected of having
the location of the suspected stroke patients is also relevant a stroke in the set U to determine the sequence of hospital
in selecting which stroke hospital to upgrade. Uncertainty in upgrade.
the accuracy of the prehospital stroke scales is rarely dis- For considering the distribution of elderly people in
cussed. However, this is an important factor to consider Taipei, we used land area and village population data
since emergency medical technicians (EMTs) used the scale published on the Data. Taipei platform.16 The city consists
to identify patients with LVO, which informs the decision of of 12 administrative districts indexed by a to l, and the
the receiving hospital. However, in order to receive a population profile of each administrative districts is shown
definitive treatment, patients often go through hospital in Supplementary Table 1. District a has a larger popula-
transfers and repeated testing, which has been shown to be tion, yet the elderly population in this district is less than
statistically associated with inaccurate judgements. Calcu- that in district b. Currently, there are 6 EVT-capable hos-
lating the scene-to-primary hospital time and the associated pitals (ABCDEF, which form the set H) and 4 rt-PA hospitals
waiting and treatment durations in the primary hospital can (GHIJ, which form the set C) in Taipei City. The relative
lead to a significant underestimation of the actual call-to- geographic locations are shown in Supplementary Figure 1.
definitive-treatment time. In addition, the road networks
connecting patients to an EVT-capable hospital, as well as
that in the planning area, need to be assessed. Modern 2. Methods
Geographic Information Systems (GISs), such as Google Maps,
provide for real-time or forecasted drive time for potential 2.1. EVT Capacity Expansion Model
ambulance routes.
A mathematical optimization model is proposed to We formulated an EVT Capacity Expansion Model, belonging
decide which existing hospitals providing recombinant to the class of integer optimization to identify the most

C.-H. Wang, T.-Y. Liu, W.-C. Chiang et al.

optimal hospital with respect to location. The most optimal 2.1.2. Parameters
hospital was defined in terms of enabling the largest in-
crease in the number of patients who were able to receive
the definitive treatment within a specific time period,
among all of the existing hospitals in the planning area.
Solving the model multiple times gives a sequence of hos- pu u˛U the probability that patient u
pital upgrade recommendations. The call-to-definitive- has a suspected stroke yet the
treatment time may be the time spent sending a patient cause of stroke is other than
to an EVT-capable hospital directly and giving EVT/rt-PA, to LVO
a rt-PA hospital and giving rt-PA, or initially to a rt-PA hos- 1  pu u˛U the probability that patient u
pital then transferring to a EVT-capable hospital and giving was with LVO
EVT. Since the conjecture about whether a patient is Su u˛U response time for the
suffering from LVO based on the on-scene stroke scale ambulance to reach the site of
assessment is uncertain, this study proposed to compute the the patient u plus on-scene
expected call-to-definitive-treatment time associated with time
an estimated probability distribution of having a LVO based Ti;u u˛U; i˛HWC transport time from getting
on the same prehospital stroke scale. We describe the no- patient u to hospital i
tations of the mathematical optimization model below (see Gc;u u˛U; c˛C the shortest transport time
Fig. 1). from getting the patient u to
its nearest hospital in HWfcg
2.1.1. Sets Gc;u u˛U; c˛C the shortest transport time
from getting patient u to its
nearest hospital in Cyfcg
Q processing time for a hospital
to perform a test
H set of EVT-capable hospitals
Tc c˛C the shortest secondary
C set of rt-PA hospitals
transport time from hospital c
U set of patients
to its nearest EVT-capable
Tbc;q c˛C; q˛Cyfcg the shortest secondary
This study used past patient data to form the set U. It is transport time from hospital q
also possible to simulate the random occurrence of the ðq scÞ to its nearest EVT-
requests for emergency medical service (EMS) by drawing a capable hospital including
set of patient locations following some probability distri- hospital c
bution. In the later method of forming the set U, the A administration time of hospital
occurrence of these patients being at corresponding sites is transfer
assumed with equal chances.

Figure 1 The decision-making process until a patient receives definitive treatment. EVT: endovascular thrombectomy; rt-PA:
recombinant tissue plasminogen activator.

Journal of the Formosan Medical Association 121 (2022) 978e985

in time Z receiving definitive treatment (rt-PA/EVT) within the standard call-to-definitive-treatment time (rt-PA: 1.5 h/EVT: 3 h). EVT: endovascular thrombectomy; rt-PA: re-
(continued )





Du u˛U waiting time for patient u to


receive treatment after a test

CTDu u˛U call-to-definitive-treatment

Number (percentage) of suspected patients who receive definitive treatment in individual hospital

time for patient u




U threshold



M a large number










2.1.3. Variables





u˛U; i˛HWC

Xi;u the auxiliary evacuation decision.

1Z if patient u is sent to hospital i


from the scene; 0Z otherwise.



Yu u˛U 1Z if patient u is expected to





receive treatment in specific call-

to-definitive-treatment time CTDu
minutes for the type of stroke

The result of hospital expansion for endovascular thrombectomy resource redistribution (scenario 1).





patient u after receiving the call;





0Z otherwise.

Zc c˛C 1 Z if hospital c enables the EVT
capacity; 0Z otherwise.










The proposed model is of a bi-objective optimization





fashion that maximizes the number of past/simulated pa-
tients who are expected to be covered within a specific




period of time and minimizes the total expected call-to-

definitive-treatment time with the current set of hospitals

providing rt-PA and EVT-capable hospitals. For complete-




ness sake, the model and its technical description are




shown in Supplementary Material.

2.2. Two scenarios for expansion of EVT resources






In the first scenario, we performed a Monte Carlo simula-






tion according to the current distribution of EVT resources.

We attempted to upgrade current four rt-PA hospitals one






by one based on the recommendation of the proposed


in timea






In addition to upgrading rt-PA hospitals based on cur-

rent medical resource allocation, we simulated the
combinant tissue plasminogen activator.

expansion of rt-PA hospitals to EVT-capable hospitals one


by one under the assumption that there was no hospital

providing EVT treatment. In other words, in the second


scenario, we attempted to redistribute the EVT resources


in Taipei in order to appropriately allocate the EVT-


capable hospitals.



2.2.1. Data source and software

In this study, there were 7678 patients suspected of having
a stroke, who had at least one of the three CPSS indicator
Number of

symptoms. Their geographic locations were collected in the

Table 1

set of patients U. For all the 7678 patients, 4037 patients


had three, 1319 had two, and 2322 had one positive CPSS

indicator. This study set the corresponding value of pu ,

C.-H. Wang, T.-Y. Liu, W.-C. Chiang et al.

following the finding in the study by Scheitz et al.,17 at Under hospital H upgraded, among all patients, 1 patient
0.690, 0.735, and 0.761 respectively. The study was originally sent to hospital A, 619 patients originally sent to
approved by the institutional review board of the National hospital D, and 22 patients originally sent to hospital F are
Taiwan University Hospital. sent to hospital G instead. Fig. 2 shows the patients dis-
The mathematical optimization program was imple- tribution in the districtb, which are the most affected areas
mented with AMPL, which stands for A Modeling Language in Taipei when hospital H is upgraded. The receiving hos-
for Mathematical Programming. AMPL is an interface pitals are not affected elsewhere.
integrating a modeling language very similar to its mathe- Besides upgrading rt-PA hospitals based on current
matical notations and a variety of solvers.18 We used the medical resource allocation, we redistribute EVT resources
IBM ILOG CPLEX Optimization Studio (CPLEX), which is an so that hospitals providing EVT are appropriately-allocated
optimization solver initially developed by ILOG, LLC and in Taipei. Under the assumption that there is no hospital
then became part of the International Business Machines providing EVT treatment, EVT resources are added to a
Corporation for solving the integer programming problem.19 hospital providing rt-PA one by one and the result is shown
The CPU time to solve the model for an optimal solution is in Table 2. In the first upgrade, the model recommends
206 s on average for the instance of Taipei City on a per- upgrading hospital B. Hospital B is located in the area
sonal computer with Intel Core (TM) i5-6500 CPU @ where the most stroke cases occur, hence 7576 (98.67%)
3.20 GHz and 16G RAM. suspected stroke patients will be sent to hospital B for
treatment. Other suspected stroke patients, such as pa-
tients living in the eastern and southern parts of Taipei, will
3. Results be sent to the rt-PA hospitals on the first occasion. Among
these patients, there are 100 suspected patients sent to
According to the six-year data and the approach for esti- hospital A and 2 suspected stroke patients sent to hospital
mation of probabilities in Scheitz et al.,17 the outcome of G. After upgrading three or more hospitals to EVT-capable
the EVT Capacity Expansion Model recommends upgrading hospitals, all suspected patients will be sent to EVT-
the rt-PA hospital H to become an EVT-capable hospital capable hospitals directly (Table 2).
(Table 1). In the past set of 7,678, a total of 5603 suspected If hospitals A, B, E, F, H, I all become new EVT-capable
stroke patients (which are 319 more than before expan- hospitals, all suspected stroke patients will be sent to the
sion), would be able to receive definitive treatment within EVT-capable hospital directly, and 71.61% of them are able
the standard call-to-definitive-treatment time (Table 1), to receive definitive treatment within the standard call-to-
with the percentage elevated from 68.82% to 72.97%. definitive-treatment time.
In the Monte Carlo simulation, all patients with sus- When all hospitals are expanded with the EVT re-
pected stroke are sent to an EVT-capable hospital directly, sources, there are 769 suspected stroke patients sent to
including one upgraded rt-PA hospital (hospital H), ac- hospital A, 1518 suspected stroke patients sent to hospital
cording to the proposed model. There are 982 suspected B, 836 suspected stroke patients sent to hospital C, 566
stroke patients sent to hospital A, 2104 suspected stroke suspected stroke patients sent to hospital D, 999 sus-
patients sent to hospital B, 834 suspected stroke patients pected stroke patients sent to hospital E, 344 suspected
sent to hospital C, 615 suspected stroke patients sent to stroke patients sent to hospital F, 925 suspected stroke
hospital D, 1399 suspected stroke patients sent to hospital patients sent to hospital G, 641 suspected stroke patients
E, 1102 suspected stroke patients sent to hospital F, and sent to hospital H, 670 suspected stroke patients sent to
642 suspected stroke patients sent to the upgraded hospital hospital I, and 410 suspected stroke patients sent to hos-
H, which is shown in Table 1. pital J. Among all of them, 5933 (77.27%) patients are able

Figure 2 The distribution of patients and their receiving hospitals at present (left panel) vs. after the suggested upgrade of
hospital H (right panel) in the most affected district b. Each dot corresponds to the site of a patient. The color of the dot represents
the hospital receiving that patient.

Table 2 The result of hospital expansion for endovascular thrombectomy resource redistribution (scenario 2).
Number Current Expanded Patients Number (percentage) of suspected patients who receive

Journal of the Formosan Medical Association 121 (2022) 978e985

of EVT- EVT- hospital receiving definitive treatment in individual hospital
capable capable treatment A B C D E F G H I J
hospitals hospital in timea
1 None B 2548 100 7576 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 (0.00%)
(33.19%) (1.30%) (98.67%) (0.00%) (0.00%) (0.00%) (0.00%) (0.03%) (0.00%) (0.00%)
2 B E 3713 0 4412 0 98 3016 0 2 138 11 1
(48.36%) (0.00%) (57.46%) (0.00%) (1.28%) (39.28%) (0.00%) (0.03%) (1.80%) (0.14%) (0.01%)
3 BE F 4473 0 2105 0 0 2623 2950 0 0 0 0
(58.26%) (0.00%) (27.42%) (0.00%) (0.00%) (34.16%) (38.42%) (0.00%) (0.00%) (0.00%) (0.00%)
4 BEF A 4940 1024 2105 0 0 2233 2316 0 0 0 0
(64.34%) (13.34%) (27.42%) (0.00%) (0.00%) (29.08%) (30.16%) (0.00%) (0.00%) (0.00%) (0.00%)

5 ABEF H 5321 1024 2104 0 0 2233 1615 0 702 0 0

(69.30%) (13.34%) (27.40%) (0.00%) (0.00%) (29.08%) (21.03%) (0.00%) (9.14%) (0.00%) (0.00%)
6 ABEFH I 5.498 813 2025 0 0 2172 1148 0 707 813 0
(71.61%) (10.59%) (26.37%) (0.00%) (0.00%) (28.29%) (14.95%) (0.00%) (9.21%) (10.59%) (0.00%)
7 ABEFHI D 5627 774 2024 0 564 2172 697 0 643 804 0
(73.29%) (10.08%) (26.36%) (0.00%) (7.35%) (28.29%) (9.08%) (0.00%) (8.37%) (10.47%) (0.00%)
8 ABDEFHI C 5779 774 2024 836 566 1336 697 0 642 803 0
(75.27%) (10.08%) (26.36%) (10.89%) (7.37%) (17.40%) (9.08%) (0.00%) (8.36%) (10.46%) (0.00%)
9 ABCDEFHI G 5920 770 1546 836 567 1000 696 921 642 700 0
(77.10%) (10.03%) (20.14%) (10.89%) (7.38%) (13.02%) (9.06%) (12.00%) (8.36%) (9.12%) (0.00%)
10 ABCDEFGHI J 5933 769 1518 836 566 999 344 925 641 670 410
(77.27%) (10.02%) (19.77%) (10.89%) (7.37%) (13.01%) (4.48%) (12.05%) (8.35%) (8.73%) (5.34%)
in time Z receiving definitive treatment (rt-PA/EVT) within the standard call-to-definitive-treatment time (rt-PA: 1.5 h/EVT: 3 h). EVT: endovascular thrombectomy; rt-PA: re-
combinant tissue plasminogen activator.
C.-H. Wang, T.-Y. Liu, W.-C. Chiang et al.

to receive treatment within the standard call-to- this model will help improve the quality of stroke treatment
definitive-treatment time. in other regions in the future.
There are some limitations in our study. Numerical
results are based on archived, real-life data in our study.
4. Discussion For example, deciding which rt-PA hospital to upgrade is
based on the previous patient distribution. The patient
Major innovations of this study are as follows. The patients’ distribution may change over time, which means the re-
prehospital stroke scale records allow calculation of the sults have to be updated as the data change. However,
“expected” call-to-definitive-treatment time using a set of patient distribution changes slowly with time. On the
estimated probabilities of correctly identifying patients other hand, due to the difficulty in data accessibility,
with LVO. Known theoretical results from optimization some assumptions are added into the model. For instance,
models suggest that using an expectation of the call-to- the door-to-test time and administration time for each
definitive-treatment time yields a more robust optimal hospital should be of course different, but they are
decision (i.e. a decision that is most likely to be optimal in assumed to be the same. Besides, this expansion plan
all situations) compared to using the historical time focuses on enabling most patients to receive the definitive
because there are uncertainties in the measurement of the treatment within standard time but not other specific
door-to-definitive-treatment time.20 The procedure of factors. For example, in a real-world implementation, the
sending patients to the EVT-capable hospital, including the cost of extra facilities and personnel and the financial
upgraded hospital capable of providing rt-PA treatment, or benefits require further analysis. Moreover, whether pri-
to the hospitals capable of providing rt-PA treatment vate hospitals are willing to follow the serial upgrade plan
excluding the one being upgraded was simulated through is also an issue. Under National Health Insurance and
novel modeling techniques. The sequence of hospitals to be hospital rating system, hospitals are eager to expand their
upgraded in order of the number of patients that would be service and provide EVT. Although there is no way to give
covered within a specific period of time was obtained. The mandatory orders to decide which hospital, especially a
proposed model is generally considered to be sufficient to private one, could have the priority to be upgraded, this
be used in the planning area in addition to our case study. model provides the national policymakers an aid. When
In Taipei, 68.82% of patients are estimated to receive necessary, the national policymakers can offer resources
treatment within the expected call-to-definitive- in exchange or give incentives to persuade the hospitals to
treatment time based on patient data and current distri- cooperate.
bution of hospitals. To plan a suitable rt-PA hospital-up- In conclusion, we propose a mathematical optimiza-
grade project, both the locations of the hospitals and the tion model, considering not only geographical locations
distribution of patients are essential factors and should be of patients and hospitals, but also the accuracy of the
considered. From the perspective of geographical infor- prehospital stroke scales and the possibility of secondary
mation, it is necessary to add the EVT-capable hospital in transport of patients. All patients suspected of stroke in
the southern part of Taipei since most of the current EVT- Taipei are sent to EVT-capable hospitals directly in the
capable hospitals are located in the central and the north- simulation under the current medical resource alloca-
ern region. Therefore, the results suggest adding EVT re- tion. In addition, under the assumption of no hospital
sources to hospital H. After expanding the EVT capacity to providing EVT treatment initially, all suspected patients
hospital H, 8.36% of suspected stroke patients are sent to will be sent to EVT-capable hospitals directly after
hospital H instead. upgrading three or more hospitals to become EVT-
In the model, under the assumption that there is no capable. This model has generality to be validated and
hospital providing EVT treatment, we choose new EVT- then applied in both rural and urban areas and is a useful
capable hospitals one by one for EVT resource redistribu- tool to provide a suggestion for EVT capacity redistribu-
tion. The model suggests that the order of hospital upgrade tion in other regions.
is B, E, F, A, H, I, D, C, G and J. After the 6th hospital is
selected to upgrade, hospitals A, B, E, F, H, and I become Declaration of competing interest
new EVT-capable hospitals. It predicts an increase of 2.79%
of suspected stroke patients receiving treatment within The authors have no conflicts of interest relevant to this
the expected call-to-definitive-treatment time after EVT article.
resource redistribution, when compared with current
medical resource allocation.
The model built up in our study can be generalized; that Acknowledgments
is, it can be used in other regions. For the areas with scarce
EVT resources, the model can help to decide the successive We would like to thank the Taipei City Fire Department for
upgrade of rt-PA hospital until the number of patients their administrative support. The article was supported by
who can receive treatment within the standard call-to- the Taiwan Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST 106-
definitive-treatment time is satisfactory. On the other 2314-B-002-091 and MOST 108-2314-B-002 -131) and Na-
hand, for the areas where EVT resources are not evenly tional Taiwan University Hospital (108-09). The funding
distributed, it provides a suggestion for EVT capacity sources had no role in the design of this study or any role
redistribution to increase overall. We confirm the feasibility during its execution, analyses, interpretation of the data,
of this model through past stroke data. It is believed that or decision to submit results.

Journal of the Formosan Medical Association 121 (2022) 978e985

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