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Accredited School

Most of teenagers need to go to school and there are a lot of schools over there. Nowadays,
schools grow to offer plenty of choice; private and state ones. However it is a hard choice
since there are many factors which need to be considered before making the selection. Some
will be influenced by friends; because some friend got to certain school than we go to there
too. Some prefer to choose certain school because of the closer distance. In fact, the primary
decisive matter for selecting school is whether the school has been accredited or not.
Why is important to choose an accredited school? Well, accredited schools have an edge over
the unaccredited schools. This label of Accredited School has an impact in employment
opportunities. As result, if there are two or more students with similar qualifications, the
student who comes from the accredited school will have an edge over the other candidate.
Student from an accredited school has more open door than student with an accredited one.
Many students select certain school depending more on short term factors like friend
influence and short distance from home. It is not bad since commuting actually needs much
cost. Choosing school which is closer to home will save time, energy and money. However if
that school is not accredited, the time and money spent along studying seems to be waste in
the long term because it could become a limiting factor in gaining future opportunities.
Accredited school is not the only factor which will drive student’s success. Personality and
characterization are very important too. However a student with good personality who comes
from an accredited school is better than the others.
The Danger of Texting While Driving
The popularity of mobile devices has had some dangerous consequences. We know that
mobile communications are linked to a significant increase in distracted driving which results
in injury and loss of life.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported that in 2010 driver distraction
was the cause of 18 percent of all fatal crashes – with 3,092 people killed – and crashes
resulting in an injury – with 416,000 people wounded.
The Virginia Tech Transportation Institute found that text messaging creates a crash risk 23
times worse than driving while not distracted.
Eleven percent of drivers aged 18 to 20 who were involved in an automobile accident and
survived admitted they were sending or receiving texts when they crashed.
Distracted driving endangers life and property and the current levels of injury and loss are
Why Sleep is Essential for Our Health
Modern-day living, especially in urban areas, does not always embrace the necessity of an
adequate portion of sleep. Yet, it is essential that people make an effort to get enough sleep
Enough sleep makes us be more active. When we get healthy sleep, our energy levels are
higher. So it can improve athletic performance, including better speed, agility, and reflexes.
Sleeping is the most vital time to shape memories and make the connections between events,
feeling, and experiences. In fact, sleep helps us to form new learning and memory pathway in
our brains.
Good sleep allows our mind to regain focus and tackle those tricky mental challenges. It can
also stimulate creativity.
Sleep makes our immune system stronger and helps us to fight infection. It is our body
mechanism to ward off infection. When we do not get enough sleep, our immune system will
be weaker, making us more susceptible to illness.
From the fact above, it is clearly obvious that sleep is essential for health. Getting enough,
healthy sleep will make us be more active, boost our memory, keep us stay alert, and
strengthen our immune system.
The Importance of Exercise and Sports
We all know that exercise is important in our daily lives, but we may not know why or
what exercise can do for us. Here are some of the benefits of exercise.
Exercise increases energy levels. Exercise increases the strength and efficiency of your
cardiovascular system to get oxygen and nutrients to your muscles. When your
cardiovascular system is working better, everything seems easier and you have more energy
for the fun things in life.
Exercise increases muscle strength. Staying active keeps muscles strong and joints,
tendons and ligaments flexible, allowing you to move more easily and avoid injury. Strong
muscles and ligaments reduce the risk of joint and lower back pain by keeping the joints
aligned. They also improve coordination and balance.
Exercise can help you maintain a healthy weight. The more you exercise, the more
calories you burn. In addition, the more muscle you develop, the higher your metabolic rate,
so you burn more calories even when you're not exercising. Results? You can lose weight and
look better physically which will increase your self-esteem.
Exercise improves brain function. Exercise increases blood flow and oxygen levels in the
brain. It also promotes the release of brain chemicals (hormones) that are responsible for cell
production in the hippocampus, the part of the brain that controls memory and learning. This,
in turn, improves concentration levels and cognitive abilities, and helps reduce the risk of
cognitive degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's.

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