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Mooladhara Chakra

Gross Physical Aspect

Deity: Shri Ganesha This Chakra oversees the excretory and reproductive
Physical counterpart: Pelvic Plexus, prostrate gland organs. Because of this there have been mistaken
Looks after: Reproductive and excretory organs associations in the past between sexual tantric practices
Qualities: Innocence, wisdom, chastity, childlike nature. and the awakening of the Kundalini. In fact this type of
No of Petals: Four (4) practice is completely against the quality of innocence
Day: Tuesday Colour: Coral Red Element: Carbon which is embodied in the Mooladhara and so is doomed to
Gem: Coral Symbol: Clockwise Swastika failure. In certain cases it can even be dangerous with the
potential to harm the natural system irreversibly. Sex and
The Mooladhara represents the beginning of time - the reproduction have a vital and natural part to play in
evolution of all things, from a single cell like the amoeba, everyone’s lives, however it is only when this is tempered
to complex mankind. This Chakra is at the root of the with respect, and a balanced outlook, that we can take
whole subtle system, and so acts as the support of all the advantage of the power of our innate innocence. After we
Chakras. In Sanskrit ‘moola’ means root and ‘adhara’ begin our journey of Self Realisation we learn to develop
means the support. this respect, and enjoy a refreshingly uncomplicated and
sincere code of conduct which is the hallmark of wise and
Quality universally respected individuals.
The fundamental quality of this Chakra is innocence, the
type of simplicity which is the basis of all righteous Causes of problems with the Mooladhara Chakra
action. This quality is most evident in young children and Left Side: Excessive sexual, tantric or occult practices.
babies, who will exhibit no malice or desire for personal Right Side: Excessive puritanism (e.g. a fanatical focus on
gain at the expense of others. This is also a kind of the evils of the world).
wisdom, as when a child instinctively knows how to suck
to obtain food, or cries in discomfort. Unfortunately, as Looking after the Mooladhara
we progress through childhood and life, we are beset by A weak Mooladhara may show up as : a poor sense of
influences and environments which obscure the wisdom direction, poor memory or sense of balance and certain
and innocence we were born with. The result is that we other diseases or mental problems.
become tied up in a seemingly perpetual knot of
complexity in our relationships and actions. To help clear any problems of this Chakra we can:
A. Use the elements
As we start meditating, however, this complexity slips Sit on the earth as much as possible to ‘ground’ our subtle
away and we re-discover the joy of simplicity in our day system.
to day lives; to take action without selfish motive, to enjoy Soak our feet in a bowl of warm salted water whilst
all the aspects of life as if we were children again. This meditating (called ‘footsoaking’).
also helps us to make wiser choices in our lives and to see Place the right hand on (or towards) the ground whilst
the innate wisdom in a correct course of action. It’s easy meditating.
to see just how powerful this innocent wisdom can be
when we hear the truth from ‘out of the mouths of babes’, B. Affirmations
as illustrated by the popular fable of The Emperor’s New Mother, please make me an innocent person
Clothes. Mother please clear my Mooladhara Chakra.
Mother, please establish innocence in me.
The presiding Deity (or role model) for the Mooladhara General Advice
Chakra is Shri Ganesha, the eternal child with the head of Try and keep our focus on natural things such as the earth,
an elephant. He is the archetypal innocent, and guards his sky or grass rather than on the gross material things which
Mother Kundalini (Gauri) and her subtle instrument with may be fighting for our attention.
alertness and uncompromising zeal. He is typically Avoid too much red meat.
worshipped as the remover of obstacles, either in the Meditate on the quality of innocence.
course of awakening the Kundalini during our Self Adopt a balanced and respectful attitude towards members
Realisation process, or during our lives in general. As the of the opposite sex.
eternal child Shri Ganesha bubbles with joy, enthusiasm,
playfulness and love.

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