Trabajo de Los Cerdos

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Made By: Martina Soto and Isabella Rodríguez from 1°4

We will present:
Name: Pig.

Type of animal: It is a mammal animal.

Appearance: It is small, pink, with a short tail and a big orange nose.

Habitat: They usualy live in tropical templed climate habitat.

Eat: Everything that crosses them.

Abilits: Recognize herself in a mirror, learn to perform certain behaviors and solve
problems more easily.
They are small, pink and
The adult domestic pig has a
heavy, rounded body, a
comparatively long and
flexible snout, short hoofed
legs (four toes), and a short
tail. The thick but sensitive
skin is partially covered with
rough bristles.
They are found in many parts of the
world, in some of the most are:
China, USA, Brazil...
When they are raised as cattle, they normally eat
grain, which is the food they provide, however, if
they are outdoors they can eat all kinds of edible
and non-edible (They can destroy a human body in
just 30 minutes without leaving a single trace of it)
Usualy, they
can develop
some abilits,
that others
animals just
can’t learn.

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