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Table of Contents
Chapter 1 – Demon Queen Beatrice

Chapter 2 – Service at Dawn

Chapter 3 – Short Break in the Forest

Chapter 4 – Effie’s Night Visit

Chapter 5 – City of Distrust

Chapter 6 – Knight Leader in Heat (1/2)

Chapter 7 – Knight Leader in Heat (2/2)

Chapter 8 – Waking up as a Woman

Chapter 9 – Private Audience

Chapter 10 – Multiple Encirclement of Soft Flesh

Chapter 11 – Cecil and Erune’s Entreaty

Chapter 12 – Assassin of the Demon Queen

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Chapter 1 – Demon Lord Beatrice
Demon Country Lachmaheim.

This is literally the country where the demons live.

In the middle of the vast wilderness that occupies most of the land,
there was a big city out of place. This is the capital of the Country of

In the center of the town, there is a huge Demon Lord Castle.

On the top floor of the demon lord’s castle, located the boudoir of
the Demon Lord.

“Hmmm, today’s report….”

From there, was a woman reading a document while sitting in a

luxurious chair.

She had light brown skin with long silver hair.

And a glamorous body wrapped in a stimulating costume.

She is the lord of this demon castle.

The demon Beatrice who is also the queen of Lachmaheim.

“Is there anything odd today?”

The strange thing about this place is that a part of the city was
destroyed by the demons’ rampage…… and that’s it.

Basically, the demons have arrogant personality.

Even if they are of the same demon race, they have no cooperation.

Frequent riots happen, destroying their own city.

Because of this, the other races thought about them as inferior race.

And that ideology gave birth to the previous war.

“Are the gathering of demons in good condition?”

Beatrice moved her eyes to the new material. She then smiled

Beatrice, who is the current demon queen, of course, didn’t escape

this mistreatment.

Moreso, she’s also a survivor of the defeat in the previous war.

And because of this, her hatred of the humans, fairies and elves was
stronger than other demons.

“Finally, the time has come”

The documents, which include the construction of a new army of

demons, were written there.

Beatrice is willing to start another war again.

In addition, it’s aimed at the whole world as well.

“The gathered demons constituted about 8,000 strong. Quite a feat,

I say”

Normally, strong demons are very egoistic, and does not usually take
group actions.

To be able to gather 8,000 of them in one group is extraordinary


In a sense, I have to express my gratitude towards them”

It is the hatred towards the other species that moved the demons.

And like Beatrice, some of the long-lived demons are survivors of the
previous war.

And precisely because they survived, many of them become her


The only way for a demon to obey is by the use of force.

They also cannot help but obey those stronger than them.

Such powerful demons responded to Beatrice’s call this time.

By this fact, you can call Beatrice as the strongest of the demons,
but the hatred of the other races is also a factor for their

So to speak, the revenge of the demons is about to begin.

“Our first aim is the Country of Humans. Those guys who are
complacent about peace, let’s kill them in an instant”

Humans have a very short life span compared to demons and other

At most, a human can only live for over a hundred years.

Naturally, not one of them has experienced the previous war.

And as they change generations, the thought of threat to the

demons is diminishing.

“If we did a surprise attack there, they will become our slaves in no
time … kukukuu”

As the reigning ruler of the demons, she turned around.

Towards the strategy that ordinary demons wouldn’t think of.

“First, let’s have Bivnaheim”

Bivnaheim is a country of humans located just across the

Lachmaheim country.

“They won’t expect their country to be first to get attacked”

War is a normal think for a country.

If you did not do so, you will not be able to replenish the army you

attack with.

If you don’t have enough supplies, they will starve and as a result,
you will face defeat, no matter how strong your troops are.

That’s the normal war. However, demons are quite different.

With their physical abilities, it’s possible to reach Bivnaheim before

they get hungry.

The forces more mobile than demons on the ground were only
fairies, which can fly in the sky.

Even that, the Fairy King will still take the time amassing the fairies
to send reinforcements once he knew that Bivnaheim has been

By that time, the demons will have cleaned up the country as


“And, if we get hungry, we will just take away everything we can

take, and those we can’t we will destroy.”

Beatrice has no intention of conquering other races.

With the exception of the demons, she’s planning to destroy all of

the races in this world.

So she made thorough plans in complete plundering Bivnaheim of all

its graces, by a storm.

And the next, she will invade the neighboring countries.

Those in between Lachmaheim and Bivnaheim

She will advance her troops to another human country, Norcheim.

“Over there, unlike the others, their army is strong. We have to be


Norcheim first received the demonic invasion of the previous war.

As a result the country was completely destroyed.

With this, their grudge with the demons are exceptionally strong.

Unlike Bivnaheim, they are always in full alert.

Challenging them from the front will clearly result in heavy

casualties, even though they are demons.

Plus, the difficulty will be even higher if they cooped themselves in

their sturdy castles.

The reason for this is because demons have no siege weapons.

“But we excel in overwhelming physical ability, mobility and, and

hand-o-hand combat, so we have to make good use of this”

Once Bivnaheim is destroyed, we’ll decide to encircle Norcheim.

If we crush their neighboring country first, the morale of the human

soldiers will plummet.

“Even if their castle is tough, it will be pregnable if those the

soldiers’ morale became weak”

That was Beatrice’s strategy.

“Once we destroy the Human Countries, the fairies and the elves will
be next”

Both are countries with smaller population than humans.

Even if it is the same number, the demons, with their higher battle
potentials still has the upper hand.

The key to this war was how quickly we could crush the humans’
main forces.

“Now then, let’s work out the details right away”

She then took out a map.

They then decided the route to send troops where Norcheim would
not know.

At that time, there was a knock on the door.

“Demon Queen-sama, can I come in?”

“Yes, you may enter”

Beatrice stopped what she was doing, then greeted with a

corresponding demeanor befitting a demon queen.

What came in was a man who has an intelligent look for a demon.

The guy is a staff officer under her.

“And what is your purpose? Speak briefly”

“Actually, we have acquired information about suspicious

movements about some elves”

“Some elves, you say?”

Beatrice frowned at the unexpected information.

In her plans, elves should begin to move after Bivnaheim is


“Yes. Apparently the prince of their country has been visiting one
country after another, and seems that they are trying to form an
alliance like the previous war”

“What did you say!? Kuh, those annoying elves……”

Beatrice’s gaze became filled with power, and the space around her

Powerful magic is acting in the area with just her rise of emotions.

The staff officer still continued his report, despite sweating heavily
on that pressure.

“It seems that they are exchanging branches of the King Trees in
each country as testimony of their alliance”

“the King Trees? Just what are they thinking……”

Beatrice spat out in indignation.

Like other countries, Lachmaheim has also their own King Tree.

However, it has been in a quite awful state, as it hasn’t been

maintained for many years.

For demons, the King Tree is no different from an ordinary tree.

“However, it’s not good if they became united once again”

“Yes, and there is a possibility of it interfering with Your Majesty’s


“Then, first of all, collect further details about this”

“As you command, Your Majesty!”

The demon staff then politely bowed and exit the room.

After that, she went to her desk once again.


She raised her fist, then punched it with excessive force.

The blow from her delicate arm smashed the thick but luxurious
desk in one blow.

After her anger finally subsided, she settled to her seat once again.

“You bastard, will you stand up before me once again……?”

Beatrice grimaced, grasping her hand strongly.

And thus, the demon queen began to move to stop the alliance.

Chapter 2 – Service at Dawn
We successfully managed to form an alliance with Bovnaheim.

We have successfully passed the screening of the Human King, too,

and now, we are heading for another human country.

Though right now it’s in the middle of the night, I’m driving the

The other members of my party are sleeping this time.

As we want to reach each countries as soon as possible, we are

taking turns in the horse-drawn carriage.

However, it’s just Cecil and I who knew how to control the horse.

Effie could fly, while Fran and Helena didn’t have the chance to
touch them either.

We can’t leave it to someone who isn’t used to it after all.

Of course, if the horse gets tired, we have to rest too……

“Another human country?”

While driving the carriage, I was thinking about the country where
we will head from now on.

Because we the documents for this country came along with the
carriage, we smoothly passed the first checkpoint.

“The name is Norceheim … Isn’t that a closed nation with only


They don’t accept other races, and surprisingly, they don’t seem to
trade with them either.

“Somehow, I feel heavy……”

Well, I’m also nervous, going to a place openly hostile to you.

Instinctively, I stroked the sword in my waist.

“I hope that in the worst of situations, I would not be using this”

Once weapons are drawn, it will be hard to sheath them back in


So we have to be careful not to do so.

After feeling gloomy for a moment, the door behind me opened.

I looked back and see who came out.

“What is it, Fran?”

She sat next to me.

“Prince, thank you for the hard work”

“…isn’t it still too early to get up?”

It will still take some time for the sun to rise.

“I have been awakened by the slight shake”

“Now that you mention it, this is the first time you got on a carriage,

Even if she’s a half-elf, Fran’s senses are sharper than a human


You will still feel slight vibrations, but this is still a well-made

As a matter of fact, the human Helena is still fast asleep.

“We have been in the carriage for a long time. Are you alright?”

“I’m alright. I somehow got used to it a bit. It’s not making me feel
dizzy anymore”

“Then that’s good”

If she feels unwell, then we will have to find out another way.

“I should be able to do better than this…… I’m sorry”

“Don’t worry about it. Just do what you can do.”

Fran, upon hearing my words, smiles, as if she thought something


“Do what you can do……well, there is something I can do”

Her gaze stopped at me.

Then, she entwined her arms around my body.

I see. That ‘is’ something she can do. But this place is bad.

“Wait a bit. I’m currently driving right now. It’s not good to lose my
concentration here”

I tried to stop her with a warning, but she didn’t stop.

Finally, her hands reached for my pants.

“Prince, you’re getting hard. Are you expecting something?”

“”If I didn’t expect something from a pretty girl like Fran, then I’m
not a man”

Upon realizing I got excited, I could only smile wryly.

Because I have lived faithfully to sexual desire so far I could not

refuse to this.

It can’t be helped. It’s a straight road for a while and it will be fine, I

I put my right hand above her head, then directed it to my crotch.

“It’s impossible for us to have sex right now. Can you blow me

“Yes, if that’s what you want, Prince.”

She nodded, removed the hook, and then took my obscene stick

There, her hands touched it, which had already become stiff.

As soon as that soft touch was transmitted, it got excited in earnest.

“Then, I’ll hold it in my mouth now……Nnn, lero, jyuubuu!”

Fran swallowed the glans first, and licked it there emphatically.

At the same time, she grabbed the root of my dick with her hands.

The sensation of her soft hands on the bottom and her rough tongue
on top.

I savored the good feeling as she tasted me from both sides. She’s
learned quite a lot of skills.

Though Effie leads in pure skills overall, Fran is richer in servicing


She knows how to satisfy a man physically and mentally.

“You’re pretty good, Fran”

I muttered, brushing her hair with one hand.

Fran’s face turned red, but sucked up my lewd stick further.

“Kuh, don’t do it too hard. I’m getting distracted”

My hand is shaking with pleasure, and I was about to shift the horse.

It will be a disaster if I suddenly accelerate or sudden stop in this


I strongly gripped the reins once again.

“I’m sorry. I’ll be careful”

“Don’t worry, this time I want to taste the service of Fran slowly”

“I will do my best to serve you.”

She made a serious expression, then completely sucked my hard

dick whole this time.

Everything from the glans to the root, was covered with Fran’s

The sensation of her mouth’s wetness, accompanied by the

stimulation of her tongue’s movements created a nice accent.

“Njyuuu, rururururuu! Lero, Jyupaah!”

Although her head movements are minimal, her tongue moved

around freely inside her mouth.

Her tongue skills stimulated my horn continuously.

It’s like I’m getting a massage with warm water, but only just around
my waist.

Slowly, the pleasure accumulating made me feel numb.

“Nguu, Nn, leroooo!”

To the penis that she’s holding inside her mouth, Fran made use of

her exquisite tongue techniques to serve it fully.

Her movements are so erotic that it puts a prostitute to shame.

No, it’s even many times more, and it gets better and better as
minutes pass by.

She also seems aroused from licking my stuff.

Her eyes are moistened, as her body moved bashfully along with

“That’s good, a bit more and I’m going to cum……”

A fellatio service on an unstable carriage.

Subtle shakes were transmitted to Fran, causing her head to move


These unpredicted movements further intensified the pleasure even


“this appearance, if someone comes from the other side of the road,
what would you do?”

“-! But, I cannot stop my service to my prince midway……”

Fran then stared at me with impatience.

“That’s right. you have to hurry, Fran. Serve with all your might from

“Understood. Haaum, zururururuu!”

After she got permission, Fran restarted her fellatio in full force.

She put her hands on my waist, and began shaking her head with all
her strength.

Indecent sounds lingered in the air as my hard cock trembled.

“Haaahaaa……Prince, yours are already trembling…… it’s going to

come out”

Fran pulled out my fuck rod out of her mouth, then stared at my
erection with excitement.

For my true feelings, I really want to have sex with her right now.

But it’s impossible to start here.

“Oh, I’m almost there. Don’t stop blowng”


I caught the head of Fran again and let her suck my meat stick,
which is already at its limits.

It was a bit violent, but she seems to be feeling it too.

Her tongue twined around the rod of mine with more intense

It was so intense I couldn’t bear it anymore.

“Fran, I’m going to cum. Swallow it all!”

I held her head so as not to let her go, then came as it is.

“Nnn, Nnnnguuuuu!? Gokuuh, gokugoku!”

Fran whose head was pushed down all of a sudden drunk up all my
load desperately.

Otherwise, she will be suffocated by the semen.

Even if it’s painful, she didn’t vomit even once, as if Fran’s

masochistic tendencies have appeared.

After I finished ejaculating it all, I finally released her.

“Guguh, Haaahaaa, ehoo, ehoo!”

Fran looked at me with watery eyes.

I gently pat her head.

“It was pleasant. Thank you”

“Me too, as long as the prince can put it out, I’m happy”

As she said so, she raised herself up.

“I think it’s already time, so I’ll wake up Cecil and the others”

When we noticed, the sky is beginning to become bright.

The sun is about to rise once more.

“Yeah, I’ll count on you. But wipe your mouth before that, okay?”

“Yes, I’ll do.”

And so, Fran went back to the carriage once again.

After I confirmed it, I arranged my clothes back and faced the front.

It was a bit thrilling, but it might be good to play like this once in a

Chapter 3 – A Breather in the Forest
At the break of dawn, Cecil who was awakened by Fran arose.

Apparently, she didn’t notice that the service Fran had made
towards me.

Well, even if she found out, she would be jealous for a minute to an
extent, and just that.

The door behind opened, and Cecil came out of it.

She came to the driver’s seat, where I was sitting.

“Allan-sama, it’s now time. Please let me take your place”

“Nay, I’m still fine. We will take a rest soon anyway, so let me take it
a bit more”

I handed over a map to Cecil, pointing where we could stop by for


We should be able to get there for a few minutes.

“I understand. Thank you very much.”

After saying that, she stood up.

“Then I will prepare breakfast for everyone instead”

“Oh, I’m counting on you”

Cecil went back to the carriage once again.

After a few minutes, I was able to find a suitable place to take a
break, according to schedule.

There is a plenty of shade, and there is also a sign of water. It will be

enough to rest the horses.

“Okay, whoah whoah. Turn around now, horsies”

I manipulated the reins and stopped the horses.

After they stopped completely, I got off the platform.

Then, I untied the ropes, freeing the horses to graze.

“You’ve done a good work. Take a rest for today”

When I hit the horses’ ass, they went towards the water.

It seems they are trained well, as they aren’t getting away, but still,
we need to find out if there are dangerous beasts lurking about.

If they are attacked by any chance, it will result to injury, and if it

happens, it’s going to be a big deal.

“Allan-sama, please come here!”

I turned around to the source of the voice, and saw Cecil beckoning

And from there, I saw a large pot on an improvised stove of piled


“Can you please give us water with your magic?”

“Okay, leave it to me”

I answered with pleasure, and used my magic.

In a moment, the pot was filled with water.

Still, it’s great that you can drink the water produced with magic.

After that, we’ll just have to wait for the breakfast to be served.

But then, the call of nature suddenly struck me. Well, I’ve been
driving for a long time.

I gave a sidelong glance to Cecil and the other girls, then entered the
nearby forest.

……After I finished my business and about to return, I heard a noise


“……A beast?”

I’m not sure if it is, but I have to confirm. I erased my presence and
preceded with caution.

Then, I found something moving in the grass. No, when I looked

closely, it was ……someone.

“Helena? What exactly are you……”

When I saw her, she looked around, then slipped down her shorts

and underwear in a rough manner and sat.

I realized what she was doing, but it was too late.


From her groin, pale liquid squirted out.

Though I feel awkward a bit, I couldn’t help but watch that


I stepped out to adjust my position a bit, but I stepped on a withered

branch, as if placed like a trap.

“Eh? What!? O-onii-san! N-no way, don’t look!”

Helena seems to have noticed me, but she couldn’t stop what she
had started once.

She made a bright red face like an apple as she realized I saw her
golden shower.

There is no denying I have been found, so I approached her with

dignity instead.

“Wh, why are you here!?”

“It’s a bit strange, but I want to see a bit more”

“Onii-san is mean! Uh, Uuuuuuuuh……”

Helena, still with a blushing face turned angry, but she was more
embarrassed as she covered her face with both hands and looking


After she finished, she wiped her crotch and stood up.

“Even it’s Onii-san, peeping to a girl in her business is unforgivable! I

will tell Cecil-oneesan about this!”

“O-oi, Please forgive me.”

I tried to calm Helena in a hurry.

If she reported this to Cecil, my future travel plans will be in a

miserable state from now on.

“Then, do something for me as an apology”

“……Well, it can’t be helped then. Ask anything”

“Anything? Then I want you to embrace me right now!”

After she said so, she took off her bottoms once again and showed
me her secret.

To tell the truth, I was embarrassed being seen, but at the same
time…… I wanted to make you see it more”

Helena’s vagina began to get wet in spite of having been wiped a

little while ago.

“You’ve become fairly erotic in this short time”

I then touched Helena’s ass.

If she forgives me through sex, then everything will work out fine, I

“It’s because you have such hot sex with other onee-sans that I
could not help it……”

“Certainly, they might have been a little worse in education”

Despite that, I had Helena turn around.

I seized both of her hands and placed it on a nearby tree, and stood
at her back.

Helena has little experience yet. This will be good starters for

“Onii-san, I can’t stand it anymore……”

“I know. I’ll put it in right away”

I took my horn out of my pants and pressed it against Helena’s wet


I had also got excited watching Helena peeing earlier.

“Onii-san’’s hot and hard……it’s hitting me. I can’t wait anymore!”

And Helena, just like that, pressed her own waist against my own.

Her pussy sank my hard rod deep in.

“U, uuuuh, its entering meee!”

Helena shrilled in excitement.

In her pussy, my hard cock is also being tightened with excitement in

the same way.

“It’s really tight…… how’s your condition?”

“Your thick dick is really in, and it has reached all the way inside……!”

“It’s really narrow inside you Helena. I feel like it’s going to break
just by putting it in. are you really sure?”

“Yes, but I want you to feel good too, so please move”

She made a request with a gaze like a child fawning over me.

Hahahahah, if I didn’t pick her up, she might have become a devilish

There is no man who can stand this beauty’s charms and instincts of
wanting to protect her. Otherwise he is not a man at all.

“Okay then. I’ll firmly satisfy your request”

I put my hand to her waist, then began to sway my hips.

I went with full force from the start.

Swinging my hips with all my might to distort that cute ass.

“Hahiii!? It’s suddenly intense!”

Helena suddenly yelped out, panicking at my excessive force.

“If you make a loud noise, Cecil and the others might hear you, you

“But, I couldn’t help it……Hyau, nuuuuuh!”

To the movements of my lascivious stick churning her insides,

Helena even further shook her waist more.

The pleasure spread gradually, and my footing became unstable too.

“It’s piercing me soo much! I can’t stand it anymore!”

“Didn’t you say you wanted this, Helena? Taste it to your heart’s
content more!”

I reached my hand to her front, then massaged her chest from the
clothes above.

It’s size does not match with her childish face, but her sensitivity is

“Ahiii, My breaaaasts! Don’t massage it so muuuuuch!”

Why, is it no good? But you feel it, right? You are tightening up
inside, too”

While swaying my hips, I felt the change in Helena’s insides.

Even though it’s narrow, it was actively trying to squeeze out semen
from my hard cock.

Though her techniques are still poor, her hard work is


“Hiuu, Nnnnuuuuuu! Cumming, I’m already cumming!”

“Even though you invited me yourself, isn’t it a bit early for you to
reach your limit?”

“Even if you say such a thing, I really can’t endure it anymore!

Cumming, I’m cumming!”

Because she’s about to come, her vagina tightened its embrace even

To match her climax, I violently pushed my hips even further inside


“Cumming! Cummucngcummingcumming!!! O-oniisaaaan,


“I’m also cumming, Helena”

I pierced my hard cock into her pussy even deeper, then ejaculated
at her climax.

The semen that has been fired dyed her narrow vagina white in an

“Hii, higuuuhh……!”

Helena was about to crumble from the spot, but I caught her and
held her in place.

However, the semen which was pumped inside her pussy

overflowed and dripped, from her crotch to her legs.

If I bring her home this way, they will be able to tell what we have

Now then……How will I explain this to Cecil now?

I was seriously thinking of excuses, but when we got back on the

carriage, she was already angry – because we were late for breakfast.

Chapter 4 – Effie’s Night Visit
We did a few more trips, so we’re coming up to Norcheim a bit later.

If we keep up our pace, we will be able to get there by night.

However, unfortunately, it started to rain.

There were many roads that were not paved, so we decided to wait
for the night to be safe.

Under the trees, we tied the horses and spread out the tent.

The coach is enough for a normal ride, but it is a bit narrow for five
people to lie down and sleep.

It is better to have a tent so that you can sleep peacefully.

Our luggage are inside the carriage, so there is no need to worry

about getting wet.

“I’ll turn off the lights now”

Effie, who have been lighting the surroundings with magic, turned
them off.

After that, we exchanged good nights, and silence came.

The only sound that can be heard is the sound of rain.

Apparently, the horses are already sleeping too.

I also decided to let go of my consciousness early to prepare for


But after a while, my consciousness returned suddenly.

I felt that someone moved around me.

As I am the type that will not wake up even if you turn the bed over,
the person is likely on its feet now.

When I opened my eyes, I saw a vibrant pink hair on my head.

“Effie, what’s going on?”

I speak in a small voice so as not to wake Cecil and the others.

“Fufu, aah~ I was found out”

She gave me a smile as if a kid caught pulling out a prank, then

peeked into my face.

“What do you think I am? I can immediately identify movements if

there are assassins or not”

Well, even if it is someone tough, I’m still confident I will not lag

“Hmmm, that’s unfortunate because it’s not. But now that you
found me, it can’t be helped. Pardon the intrusion~”

“Intrusion you say……Hey!”

After she’d said, she slipped into my blanket.

Effie seems to be in her same slim wear when she goes to bed, so
whenever she moves inside, the sensation of her smooth skin could
be felt from time to time.

Well, if it was normal for them to wear a sleepwear, they would be

nothing but complete exhibitionists.

Returning to the topic, a soft mass was pressed around my legs. It

was probably her breasts.

And as if it was given, her hands shifted to my underwear in a

practiced motion.

“Hey, do you intend to do it in this state?”

Now that it has come to this, I pulled the blanket over and stared at

I have Helena and Fran on my left and right.

The other side of Helena was Cecile, and the other side of Fran was
supposed to have Effie.

“Though she’s not as skilled as I am, Cecil is also sharp. If you do

something too flashy, she’ll find out.”

“Then, do you want to suppress my voice? I’m also into that kind of

But Effie didn’t even try to listen.

She’s loyal to her sexual desire more than I am. Wait, so it’s useless
after all?

I who thought of stopping her by force when they were about to
wake up, could only give up on the reality in front of me.

Effie who saw it, smiled as if she acknowledged my actions.

“Well then, let’s enjoy our secret sex, shall we? Ufufufufu”

She took out my horny stick, grasped it with her hands tightly and
moved it up and down.

As expected of Effie, her techniques are the best.

Even now, as she stimulate mine with her hands, she pressed her
huge tits against me, entwining my legs.

My body is enwrapped with Effie’s soft flesh, from my waist down to

the bottom. It feels heavenly.

“Look, your penis is getting bigger”

As she said, my dick has erected in a blink of an eye by the

stimulation that used her whole body.

Effie saw it, and smiled in joy.

“Now then, let’s see if I can put it in”

As she moved my blanket, she straddled above my waist.

Because her every part of her body has entangled with mine earlier,
her clothes have already disarranged.

Effie’s fully tempting figure was exposed in my presence.

She has a body that any men would desire, as if she’s a sex fairy.

It’s even more appropriate to call her a succubus already.

“Wow, it’s so hard and amazing…… I don’t really know any more if I
can hold my voice back or not”

“Hey hey, I’ll be really in a pinch if you don’t”

“Well, what’s it going to be, hmm? Fuuuuuuh”

With a deep breath, Effie dropped her hips towards my dick.

Her vagina is already unraveled, as she welcomed my stick with


It seems that Effie herself can still afford not to let out her voice.

She then smiled towards me and started moving her waist.

Though her movements were slow, it gave off a large impact that
you can relish her pussy from the root to the glans.

Her pussy meat entangled around my own flesh stick relentlessly.

“Fuuu, it’s a bit different than usual……”

Though I was also showing a margin of confidence, I was still slightly

intrigued by the new experience.

On both sides, Helena and Fran gave of comfortable breathing

sounds in their sleep.

Mixed with it are the wet and sloppy sounds from our connecting

This immorality from this made me even more excited in a different

way than usual.

“Allan-kun’s penis is getting bigger inside me. Is mine that good?”

Effie looked down on me with pride.

It was a little frustrating, but I had to admit. I gave a little nod.

“I’m glad you said that. I want you to feel even better”

She put her hands on my chest.

And from then, the movement of her waist gradually accelerated.

Although the pleasure I received directly increased too, because she

put her arms aside, her bombastic breasts became more

Furthermore, every time Effie’s body shook, her chest followed in


It was pleasing to the eyes, is all I could say.

“Haa, uhnnn……No good, my voice will come out!”

It’s quite natural, as the more intense the movements, the more
pleasure she will receive.

Eventually, she couldn’t bear to suppress her voice anymore, so she
held her mouth with one hand.

“Fuu, fuuuguu……uhnn!”

However, she was unable to block them all, and her breathes and
moans still leaked out.

“Effie, you’re feeling better now too”

There was a bit more pleasure, as her insides tightened a bit more
than usual.

As it entwined around my meat stick, it tried to squeeze out my

semen from the inside.

This is the pleasure that I already got – and she’s not even moving
her waist yet.

Is she were able to move now, there is no doubt that I will feel even
more aroused than before.

“Hnnn! Wait, Allan-kun? Ah, haa, Nnnguuh!”

“Effie, surprised by my sudden action, slipped the hand that covered

her mouth.

But even so, she tried to close it with her lips not to escape the

However, her eyes were already shining with lust.

Even in a condition where she is trying to endure her voice from the
feeling of pleasure, she’s getting more excited.

“”You’re really quite an erotic fairy”

I whispered in her ear, then grabbed her waist.

Now that we have come this far, I’d like to see how Effie goes with

So as not to escape, I secured her waist with mine, pushing up my

dick all the way to the bottom.

“Nbuuh, no good, my insides! Already, cumming!”

“Ahh, I’m going to cum too”

With our acts until now, we reached our limits at the same time.

This play that made us suppress our voices surprisingly made us

even feel more.

“So, can you hold till the last minute?”

“I aimed at her pussy, then slammed it all at once.

The next moment, her insides went into convulsions.

“Nnnnnnnn! Haa Hahii……! Aaaaah!”

While the gaps of her mouth opened and closed, Effie’s whole body
went trembling.

Still focusing at her pussy, I ejaculated with all my strength.

A large amount of semen that has accumulated overflowed from our

connecting parts.

After the climax has ended, she fell down over me.

“T-that was a bit too much, you know?”

“Did you feel so good that your body can’t move anymore? It seems
that I will be able to sleep in peace this time around”

“Fufufu. Ahh, I’m tired now”

After a while, Effie’s breathing began to be heard.

She really has a bold personality to sleep like this……

Though I’m amazed by her attitude, I cleared myself, and used my

magic to clean up the aftermath.

Then, while feeling her soft body in my arms, I went to sleep again.

Chapter 5 – City of Distrust
The next day, from the carriage, we could finally see a big city before
our eyes.

It is likely Norcheim.

“Is that Norcheim? those are quite the high walls”

Cecil, who is also sitting on the platform, said so.

I also look closely, but the whole city is indeed surrounded by a

stone wall that is nearly 10 meters high.

It’s better to call it a citadel rather than just a city.

“That’s quite a heavy atmosphere it is giving. Brace yourselves


Cecil nodded to my words.

I already know that people of Norcheim hold grudges towards other

races, but I didn’t think it’s enough to create a city so fortified like

They might be even more obstinate than we expected.

Thinking about what we’ll do from hereafter, I could only give a sigh.

“If they don’t let us in, we have no choice but to break in by force”

“Ah, Allan-sama! You can’t do that!”

Did she hear my mutter? Cecil immediately detained me in panic.

“But I must meet the King of Norcheim by all means. You know that,

As I put emphasis on my mission, Cecil gave a frown.

This is also for Algarde. And half of my purpose.

I can’t go back to my country until I finished my mission.

“Well, that was the last resort anyway. Let’s try going straight to the
front first”

“That’s right, Allan-sama. Who knows, they might surprisingly let us

pass through”

Nodding to Cecil’s words, I advanced the carriage.

We approached the front in a dignified manner.

Then, some people came out from a checlpoint-like place next to the

“That carriage over there, stop it next to the gate!”

A man of age, who is probably the leader, came out and incited us.

However, though it was lightly armored, he approached us with


Some of the men in his back are armed with spears.

For the time being, I stopped the carriage next to the gate as
instructed by them.

“All of you get off!”

“Yeah, I got it”

I also told Fran and the others in the carriage, and they all got off,
one after the other.

“You, aren’t you an elf?” Morever, a fairy……. What do you want

with this town?”

Perhaps I should have expected this, as the leading figure gaze at us

with a suspicious look.

“This is not like Bivnaheim, and unless you have a good reason, all
non-human races are banned from entry. I’m sure you have already
heard it from them”

He said, and made a signal to his men to surround us.

It already became a pretty dangerous situation, and it’s not just

from the arms they are carrying.

I really want to settle this with talks as much as possible.

That’s why – I removed the sword with the scabbard in my waist and
presented it to the leader.

“Well now. I know you are all cautious, but they don’t have any
weapons, so you don’t have to aim at them either”

“……Fine. Just hand yours over”

I handed the sword over as he said.

It’s good that the other party has opened to talks. If we were
attacked in this time, we won’t be able to retaliate immediately.

Once they also sheathed their weapons, I began to tell our mission.

“Though I’m an ordinary elf to you, I am the prince of Arinheim. I

want to have an audience with the king of this country”

To a suspecting party like him, I should not use such petty tricks.

Besides, I’m not good at lying anyway.

“A prince you say? And where is your proof?”

The leader frowned in displeasure.

“Alright. Is this enough for you?”

I who have been expecting those words, pulled out the branch of
the King Tree in my bosom.

The leader who saw it almost popped his eyes in surprise.

“That is, it’s the King Tree’s-“

“Of course it is. Now do you understand the importance of this?”

And just like that, the leader, with a difficult-to-describe expression,

said unto me.

“Wait here. I will call the person in charge”

Then he ran to the checkpoint.

“Now then, I wonder what kind of guy will come next. I hope he or
she could be reasoned with”

“I hope so too, Allan-sama……”

Cecil agreed, while brushing Helena’s hair.

Maybe because of being surrounded by men, she felt uneasy.

In the meantime, the leader came back from the checkpoint.

Behind him was a woman.

“These are the guys that have the branch of the King Tree”

The woman is not wearing any armor, but you can tell that she is a

Perhaps, she’s the superior of these guards.

“Greetings. I am Allan, Prince of Alinheim. I came here to Norcheim

to discuss a very important issue with His Majesty the King”

“The Prince of Elves want to discuss something with the King? I


She nodded a few times as she appraised us with her gaze up and


Meanwhile, I am also observing the other party.

Her gait is tight, and her height is a bit higher for a woman. Though
she’s still a bit shorter than me.

Provoking from the side of her navy blue hairs is a side ponytail.

Her eyes also gave a sharp glint, just like what you feel on a warrior
or a knight.

And, the most noticeable part is that chest.

It is too big, even for my hands. It’s almost as big as Effie’s.

If our talks go well, I would like to invite her for a drink sometime.

“You are the group that gathers branches of the King Trees of the
other nations, am I right?”

“What, you know it already? If so, then we can skip the details then”

“Yes, we heard these rumors just recently”

She replied, along with an introduction.

“I go by the name of Erune Nyx. I am the commander of the Knight

Brigade guarding this city”

“Thank you very much for your courteousness. I’d appreciate it if

you’d let us through.”

“I’m sorry, but I cannot do that”

I thought our talks will go smoothly with this, but Erune shook her

“I have certainly confirmed the branch of the King Tree is genuine,

but we have no guarantee if you are really a prince. We still need

“Confirmation? Then what will you do?”

“Send a messenger to Alinheim. That will be our confirmation”

“Oh come on! Don’t you know how long will it take?”

“Everything is for the safety of our city”

I tried to persuade Erune, but she won’t give in no matter what I do.

This woman is too hard to crack.

“And just a warning. Don’t even think of breaking in by force”

Erune puts her hand to her sword in her waist, threatening us.

“I see. You are saying that you won’t hesitate to kill even the
defenseless me when things get awry. Is that right?”

“Even if you are a prince, it is better than letting suspicious people

enter our city”

Apparently, their vigilance against other races seems to be more

than I expected.

However, I cannot wait that long.

As my companions have increased, my desire to return to my home

country also increased.

It is fine with just me and Cecil, but it is bad even for me to have the
others accompany me for who knows how many months and years.

If it comes to this, I have no choice but to rely on magic.

“Erune, can I have a moment? Just you and I”

While approaching her, I secretly invoked my temptation magic.

I haven’t made any big spells recently, so I still have enough magic
power in stock.

“What, jus the two…of……us, you say?”

I can already see Erune feeling a bit dizzy from taking a direct hit as
she looked at me.

Though Temptation Magic is strong, it was a spell that cannot be

seen from the outside.

“I have no other intentions. I just want to speak with you, just the
two of us”

I stood before her, giving her a good smile as I said that.

Usually, a smile like this is already enough to make any woman fall

for me……

“Wh-what are you talking about? J-just the two of us is……”

She refused me, taking a step back.

By that action, I stepped forward, gradually approaching Erune little

by little.

The magic spell has an effect that can make anyone aroused as long
as they are nearby.

Anyway, I narrowed down the distance between the two of us, as I

talked to her.

“I only want to have a good small talk with you. Can we settle this
down with just the two of us? You don’t want this to escalate to a
national issue, don’t you?

In reality, my father does not really know what I’m doing, what I
have done, and what I’m about to do.

However, Erune is not supposed to know that.

“……I understand. But it will just be a small talk, you and I. Nothing
beyond that, you hear?”

She’s still stubborn, but she accepted my offer.

Alright, now we can be alone with this!

After that, I will ask Erune for some help, as usual.

From there, we walked towards the checkpoint with just the two of

Chapter 6 – Knight in Heat (1 of 2)
At the entrance of the gate.
I was taken at its checkpoint by Erune.
Then, we passed through a room in the back.
“This is my office”
Erune said while trying not to look at me as much as possible.
Seeing her state right now, I chuckled.
It seems that the magic is working hard.
In this case, Erune should be being struck with an unbearable arousal
right now.
As soon as she entered the room after me, she secretly closed the
lock with the key behind her back.
“Erune is the commander, right? For a leader of those knights, isn’t
this room a bit narrow?”
“I usually stay in the office at the castle. However, the deputy
commander and I are taking turns in being stationed in the gate from
time to time”
“I see. Very cautious indeed”
Though I said that, I looked at Erune’s appearance once again.
She is fidgeting for a while now, unable to settle down.
Since she stood upright just before, I could see the difference
Added to that, her face has become redder too, compared to earlier.
Might be because of being unable to suppress her arousal.
“What’s wrong, your face is red?”

Pretending to not know anything, I anxiously called to her.
Though what I did is terrible, this is in order to meet the king
Well, I admit that some of my desires have been mixed with it.
“No, I just felt something strange from a while ago. I feel hot all of a
Erune continued, as she sat on a chair.
“Maybe I caught a cold or something. It’s not something you should
worry about”
After that, she took out a bottle out of the desk. It has white powder
“Rather than that, let me hear you out first……ah”
Perhaps it’s a kind of medicine, she tried opening the bottle, but her
hand slipped, dropping the bottle on the desk.
I approached her, grabbed her shoulder and pulled her back to the
“Hm, let’s see. I have quite some knowledge about medicine too.”
I brought my face closer to Erune’s.
Interestingly, her face turned redder even more.
“Haahaaa, my body……it’s too hot! Why is this………!”
Realizing something is wrong with her body, she became even more
However, this is also my time to strike. I put hers and my own
forehead together.
“You’re right. You’re pretty hot. You sure you don’t want to lie down
and take a rest for a bit?”

With that in mind, I looked at Erune’s eyes from up close.
“………Kuh! No good, I can’t stand it anymore!”
When she stared at me at close range, the effects of the magic might
have been increased to the maximum.
The closer the caster, the more intense the effect will be.
Erune tried to get up from her seat, but she knelt down.
Then, she put her hands toward my waist.
“……I apologize for saying this all of a sudden, will you violate me?”
She apologized to me, and with a completely horny gaze, she
pleaded to me.
“I’m happy to be asked a beautiful woman such as Erune, but this is
really sudden”
“My body went hot all of a sudden and I cannot stand it anymore……
Being unable to bear the sudden excitement seems to have pained
her too.
The dignified knight from earlier is now having an appearance of a
woman in heat, right in front of me.
However, it’s still not the time. I assumed with a calm demeanor and
replied to her.
“I understand. But I’m not ready yet. If Erune serves me, then I will
have sex with you.”
After I said so, I took off my dick from my pants.
It’s starting to get hard, but it was still halfway to its full power.
“Wh-what should I do? I have no such knowledge……”

It seems that is the first time for her to see a man’ stuff, as she’s a bit
Oh well, this is much better than a woman screaming.
“Don’t you have that big breasts of yours? Hold it in between them”
“Haa, fuuu……I just have to use this? Understood.”
Her breathing is turning rough, but she put her hands on her clothes
as I told.
She started undoing her buttons, but her hands stopped midway.
“Sorry but, are you really okay about this? If it’s embarrassing to take
it all off……”
The above buttons of her sleeveless shirt were undone, and the
valley is formed within the gap.
Wow, this is quite arousing in its own way.
Erune, on the other hand looked stiff, enduring the shame.
“Oh well. This is fine too, I guess”
After that, I brought my fuck stick towards the formed cleavage.
“Here is a man’s thing, if you put this in between your breasts, it will
make him feel good for certain, no matter who they are”
“Only that? It is surprisingly simple.”
Realizing that was all, her expression loosened a bit, then she began
touching my obscene stick.
“It’s hot, and a bit hard……I’m going to slip this kind of thing in
And then, led she it towards her valley.
“Ooh, so soft……”

The moment it touched her breasts, I released a groan without
It was a bit frustrating, but she really has a wonderful chest.
Only the tip was in, but my legs are already trembling in the
“Did it really feel good?”
“Of course it feels good. Keep going”
Though Erune looked a little curious, she still slipped my cock in my
Eventually, the entire thing was swallowed deeply to the root by her
bombastic breasts.
If you look it from the side, it will look like my cock is stabbing right in
front of her cleavage.
“Though the normal tit-fuck is good, this sensation of indulgence is
not that bad either”
My hard rod is sandwiched in both left and right sides horizontally,
but the sensation rivals the former in a way too.
As proof, I couldn’t even bear the sensation anymore. My cock
became even bigger and harder than before.
“Wha- it got bigger in my chest……! It really arouses a man”
Erune, feeling my dick bet bigger in its own, began panting hard.
Part of the magic’s effects make the skin even more sensitive than
Even though it was not on the level of being an erogenous zone, she
should be feeling more sensation from just being shaken.
“Do not end it with just putting it in. Serve me firmly”
I urged Erune to move.

As if her consciousness returned, she then put her hands to her
“I only have to move like this, right? Nnn, fuuuh”
With both hands holding her huge breasts in place, she began
massaging the flesh sandwiched within.
Though the feeling of being the filling is pleasant, it is still different
when it’s stimulated.
The sensation was so arousing that I could feel the heat around my
“What a pressure. I might collapse anytime”
Her bombshell tits are so big. Moreover, the sensation it’s giving to
my cock is tremendous.
It feels so good that I’ll launch immediately if I’m not careful.
“Allan, your breathing is going up too. Do my breasts feel that
“Of course, so much that I could not stand it anymore. Can you lend
it to me for a moment?”
I withdrew Erune’s arms then grabbed the soft flesh.
No matter how great her chest is, Erune is still a beginner.
And because of that, I’m feeling itchy all over that I could not hold it
“Wha- my breast are……nuuuh!”
She paused her actions momentarily, but within that gap, I started
moving my hips.
I plunged my hard cock deeper into the valley formed with my two
hands, giving a sense of pleasure different from a vagina.
“No way, my chest is being used like this……”

Erune, seeing her breasts being handled like a plaything, began
panting wildly.
Is she possibly a masochist by any chance?
“Wow, it’s like I’m are having sex with your chest”
“S-Ssex? Is it normally this intense? Hauuun!”
“Yes. Moreover, I will let the lower part of you taste it after this”
Erune was…… she was still nailed at my thing slamming her breasts.
Though in her face, there is a color present in them that I expected.
“It’s time, it’s gonna come out now”
“W-what is going to come out- Hyau!”
I released my pent-up semen to the chest of the puzzled Erune.
The ejaculation continued profusely, dyeing her entire chest white in
the process.
“I-is this ejaculation? Also, it’s hot, and it’s filling up and spreading all
over my breasts……”
Erune looked down at her own chest, intoxicated with the sensation.
After I finished letting out all my semen, I pulled my dick away from
her cleavage.
“Haahaa…… the insides has become so thick and syrupy……”

She drew her chest, and the semen that was put from the cleavage
And then, a little embarrassed, she looked up to me.
“After this, will the next one calm down this burning sensation? Tell
me, please. Because my head is already at its limits”
“Its okay. Just leave it to me. I will definitely calm it down for you”
I don’t know if your body will go back to normal though……
I looked at Erune beneath me, with those things in my mind.

Chapter 7 – Knight Leader in Heat (2/2)
Erune, with my cum still on her cleavage, looked up at me with eyes
filled with lust.
The gap between her dignified figure and her melting expression is
really charming.
However, the show is still far from over.
“A-allan……is it okay now? With this, my body will calm down, right?”
“Of course, I promise you”
Erune clung to my legs, begging towards me.
I responded with a smile, assuring her.
“I’m relieved…… Moreover, I learned something”
“Oh, what is it?”
“A way to please a man. Can I try something?”
“Of course. I’m here for you, Erune”
I’m happy to answer her proposal.
I’m looking forward to what kind of service Erune is giving me.
“In truth, I still don’t know whether this will please you or not,
She, upon gathering her determination, put her hands upon my
Then, without any warning, pushed me down with force.

Surprised by the unexpected aggression, I just fell down on the floor.

Maybe because she was unused to this, or maybe because she’s a
powerful knight, but she did quite pushed me with considerable
“guh……you really pushed me down hard”
Erune, who is now straddling above me, slipped my pants away.
It seems that me cumming at her chest intensified her lust even
“I already know the basics. I have to put it in just like this, right?”
She declared, grasping my cock with one hand.
“Gah! Too strong, your grip is too strong! Be gentler!”
“I-I’m sorry! I forgot that my body is a bit different from others……”
That was a bit different? I thought my dick was squished a bit.
“It’s already okay. Be careful next time, okay?”
She then nodded faithfully to my warning.
This time, she moved her hand cautiously as she tried to insert it
once again.
She adjusted its position in a way that my glans covered her exposed
treasure vault above.
After that has been done, she spoke to me.
“……You might have noticed this already, but I am still a virgin. Aren’t
you disappointed? For an uncute woman like me who had lost all her
“Lost her charm? Are you blind? All I see is a very beautiful girl in
front of me.”
Certainly, her looks didn’t qualify as being cute, but that does not
mean she has lost all her charm.

“Even if you see cuteness as being beautiful, then aren’t you plenty
cute just a while ago?”
Her eyes, moistened up with tears as she looked up at me really left
a mark in my head.
“You’re quite a good flatterer, Allan”
“It is not flattery. Can’t you see that my stuff isn’t limping yet? It’s
the evidence”
I already came once, but my dick is still in its full power.
Erune is just that attractive.
“This is the first time someone has told me such thing……or do elves
have a strange sense of beauty? …… either way, I’m happy.”
“About the sense of beauty, I don’t think so, but it doesn’t matter
now. So, when are you going to start? I’m losing my patience here
“Fufu, I’m glad you said that. Here I go”
After that cute laughter, she began inserting it little by little.
Her insides are tight. Not just because she’s a virgin but also because
she has a toned body.
However, thanks to the magic’s effects, she is considerably wet
already, so she is ready.
“Fuguh, uuuhh……Haa, haa!”
Did she felt the pain? She almost shouted from that.
However, this didn’t prevent her from stopping her waist from taking
my dick deep in.
My cock gradually penetrated into the depths of her vagina, resisting
the movements of the pleats surrounding me.
“fuuu, fuuuu……wow, it’s all the way deep inside……”

Once our waists stuck to each other, she paused to take a breather.
But her vagina constricted as she breath, intensifying the sensation
of pleasure even further.
“How does it feel to be connected to a man for the first time?”
“How does it feel… It feels…… it’s like I’m being accepted. Though
this is the first time I ever felt this way, to be honest, I’m quite
“Then that’s fine. I’m also happy that I pleased you too”
Maybe because she was a member of the order of knights, was not
treated as a woman in the Knight Brigade.
But thanks to me, it reminded her of the pleasures of being a woman
once again.
If so, then it was worth using the magic after all.
But still, I cannot forget my original purpose.

Though my other purpose is to feel good with Erune, my main

purpose is still to have her help us out.
“Erune, can you move by yourself?”
“Ah, I think so. I’ll try”
After putting pressure on her legs, she tried to raise her hips a little.
Then, she began to slowly move up and down.
“Haguu……your dick, isn’t it a bit huge?! I just moved my hips a little,
and it reached all the way to the back already”
Erune exclaimed to me, with her face starting to distort from
With just a little motion, my cock is already hitting the back wall of
her insides, so she wasn’t able to make big moves with her hips.

If she did, she would be attacked by an intense pleasure.
“My bad, Erune. I can’t make it smaller. It’s also the proof that I am
aroused at Erune’s beauty”
“Gasp! How can I feel bad if you say such thing…… on my first time
Certainly, it might be a bit too much if I went rough on Erune who
has just lost her virginity yet.
“But is this okay? You need to feel pleasant, in order to solve that
burning sensation in your body”
I said so with an anxious-looking face towards her.
As if troubled by this, she bit her lips and made a bitter expression.
“It might be so, but…… Nhaaa! Haa, auuu!”
Erune, though worried, groaned in pleasure.
However, the next moment I saw, was a woman with a determined
“I understand. I’m going to move my hips from now on”
“I see. That’s good”
“Suuu, fuu…… well, here I go”
She took a deep breath, then lifted her hips at once.
The head of my penis scratched the meat of her insides, giving Erune
great pleasure as she moved.
And with her body already shaking, she plunged her hips downwards
this time.
With a plock, my fuck stick reached deep inside her quickly, reaching
up her womb entrance in no time at all.
“Ah, aguh! This feeling, it’s too good!!!”

Was the pleasure more than she expected? Erune raised a lovely
moan without notice.
But even so, she kept on moving without stopping her hips.
After a bit of time, the pained look disappeared on her face. It seems
she’s getting used to it.
“”Ukuuh……my body, it’s shaking……!”
I noticed that I’m being drunk to the pleasure as well.
If I leave it like this, I will surely come in a few minutes.
However, it is not in my personality to just stay still.
Let’s just help her out a little bit.
“Let me help you, Erune”

I reached out to her most intimate place.

Then, I touched her clitoris her most erogenous zone, with my hands.
“giii!? Wh-where are you touching?!”
Erune screamed loudly on the sudden stimulus.
Hearing her reaction, I smiled then stimulated it a bit more.
“How do you feel? Are you going to cum right now?”
“Cum? Is this what it means? This heat that goes up from my
“That’s right. Just leave yourself to the pleasure, Erune.”
I continued pleasing Erune, who’s still moving her hips violently.
“Cumming, I’m cumming!”
She put her hands on my chest, then slammed her hips at the end.
“……cum, Cuuuummmmmmiiiinnnnggg! Aaaaahhhh!”

Erune’s whole body twitched vigorously. It was how intense she
The pressure went tight in her insides, clutching my dick like a vice
It was so much that it’s likely for the semen will leak out, but
somehow she was able to keep it in by putting power in her hips.
During that time though, she bent her body upwards, facing the
heavens while she convulsed.
“Haa, haaa…… Wow, so this is the sex they are talking about”
After a while, Erne, who finally got his sanity back, said so while
dropping herself on the floor.
Because I cut off the magic at the same time of her climax, its effects
are no longer active.
Her body should be able to settle down soon.
“It was good, Erune”
“Same. Thanks to you, Allan”
She smiled at me.
I’m not really sure because her body was piled on top of mine, but
her vigilance towards me seems to be diminishing.
If so, now is my time.
“Erune, I’m sorry for asking this in such a bad time……”
“What is it?”
“To tell you the truth, I can’t endure this any longer. I want to fuck
Erune right now”
The lascivious rod that enjoyed her insides earlier is still facing the
heavens with all its might.

When she saw it, she opened her eyes wide in surprise.
If this surprised her that much, then I’m looking forward to what face
she will give, upon having enjoyed its pleasure.

Chapter 8 – Being Awakened as a Woman
Erune was able to get back to her sanity once I got rid of the
temptation magic.
Then I told that I want to embrace her because I still am excited.
Though it’s pretty clear what happens if you say something like this
on a person you just met, but Erune today is different. She learned
the good feeling of sex just a while ago.
With this, I’m looking forward to hearing it from her.
“Wha- you want to do it again? With me?”
“Yes, I cannot take it anymore. I want to violate you right now.”
I told her how excited I am, and how I’m getting hard at holding it
At the same time, I raised my body and stared at her with the same
Interestingly, Erune got flurried. It was quite noticeable.
“Is it true that you are excited about me, and you’re likely to violate
me at any moment?”
“Yes, but, it’s no good to use force, right? That’s why I need your
I will be able to make her submit to me with the temptation magic of
I try, but I won’t be acknowledged truly if I did that.
This might be corny, but what I’m seeking is the pleasure from the
bottom of our hearts.
The best way to make a woman fall is to make her admit it.
“How about it, Erune? Just nod your head, and you will feel pleasure,
a whole lot more compared to earlier”
I approached her, little by little, as I whispered a charming proposal.
Erune didn’t answer it right away.
This is a good sign, as she would decline me by now if she’s not

wanting it.
I’m not sure if it’s because I’m an elf or not, but I see her mind is
already in turmoil.
“……I see. The reason you got so excited is because I am your
partner…… I have to take responsibility”
After quite a bit of trouble, finally nodded at my words.
I did a fist pump in my mind on that reply.
From the outside, I made it seem that it’s for the excited me, but I
think she might have also been expecting this to happen in her heart.
And I was right.
“Then, I’m going to start, okay?”
“Yes. Come”
The instant I heard those words, I pushed Erune down at once.
She fell on the floor, and at once, the soft flesh of her chest jiggled
before me.
With great troubles, I finally made it here.
“First of all, let’s check your condition down here”
I reached out my hand to Erune’s precious place.
She then opened her legs slightly, making it slide in between them.
A wet sensation reached my fingertips as soon as I touched her
precious place.
“It’s pretty wet”
“Of course it is. After you have done so much to me, it already
turned to a mess……”
Though she refuted, she looked somewhat happy.
It seems that she’s glad that she’s seen as a woman.
“Erune is beautiful after all, so I can’t help but get excited”
“Sure, for you, I’m beautiful, but there will be others who are more
beautiful than me who will also come to you”

“Don’t say that. Erne is also beautiful enough. That’s why I’m
pushing you down like this”
“You are beautiful” – I repeated those words to further boost her
confidence, and my excitement while at it.
After that, the noble knight at my arms gradually turned modest.
“D-don’t repeat it so much……it’s embarrassing”
“I’m just telling the truth”
“To say that frankly and out in the open, that’s cheating”
Like her actions, her intimate place turned feverish again due to my
If that’s the case, then things will go much smoother from here on.
“Can I put it in again?”
“Yeah, I’m ready at any time”
As soon as she nodded, I inserted my rod into her pussy.
Thanks to my plenty of caresses, it went deep inside her with lesser
force than before.
That said, it doesn’t mean that her reaction became lesser too.
As proof, the walls of her pussy still twined around my dick, further
stimulating it even at this moment.
She didn’t even know any techniques yet, but these moves……
If I were to teach her from mow on, I’m sure she will become the
best of the best in no time.
I grabbed her ass, moving it around and churning her insides.
“Fuu, Fuu…… Erune, your insides feel so good”
“Me too, my insides being filled up by yours……aguh, it even reached
the back!”
My hard cock reached the womb at last. When it did, she clung her
legs onto my waist.
As if it doesn’t want me to escape.

“If this goes on, my insides will feel incredible…… therefore, please,
let me feel the joy of being a woman!”
Erune begged with a face full of lust.
She’s completely depraved to pleasure right now.
If so, then let’s deprave her even more.
I tried reaching her bombastic breasts that kept swaying with every
movement of her hips.
“Haaa, my breasts again?”
“Yeah. I don’t see anything as big as this yet”
Her breasts are so huge that it cannot be grasped completely even by
a man’s hand like mine. It’s more than enough for me to massage.
“I am a fan of big breasts from the start, but Erune’s tits are the best”
“I-I see…… to tell the truth, the male knights were also catching
glimpses at them, but I thought it was simply because they were
“There is no such thing. I bet they also want to rub it too”
“Well, now I feel complicated. Now that I know the worth of being a
woman, it suddenly feels embarrassing”
“But now it’s only for me, right?” I won’t let other men touch it”
As if I am claiming its ownership, I wrapped her breasts with my both
She gave a hot moan, then she looked up to me.
“Ah~! If you say something like that……my heart is getting hot again”
As if following her heart, her body got hotter, as she is starting to
sweat a bit.
Each of our scent and odor mixed together, filling up the whole
Indecent sounds were produced every time we move our hips, and
the violent sensation even reached our brain.

“Erune, become my woman. It’s a waste for you to remain here”
“T-that was too sudden……Nhha!”
I moved closer to the front, then continued.
“You might have alredy notced, but there are only women in my
“Now that you mention……no way. All of them?”
“Correct. They are my precious women who came along with me.
Some of them even came from faraway”
“I see. You surely are a lady-killer. And I have been made into a
woman by this lady-killer……”
She nodded as if she was convinced.
“But I have a mission to protect this city……”
“If you’re listening to the rumors, then you already know what I’m
talking about, don’t you?”
She nodded to the question.
“If my purpose is achieved, this city will remain in peace. You won’t
have to shut yourself in like now”
“……to be honest, Allan, while I was doing this with you, sometimes I
think elves and spirits might be enough to be trusted for once”
“Then, why don’t you give some of that trust to me?” You won’t
regret it.」
“Allan…… I, I will follow you. This body is already yours……Ahn,
As soon as Erune agreed, I began violating her immediately.
I massaged that bombshell chest of hers so much they they distort in
shape, hile I pierce her insides with all my strength.
“Your insides are trembling. You’re cumming already?”
“It’s because you are too violent! Aaah!”
Erune moved her hands to my back, embracing me closely.
But this just excited me further, urging me to move faster.

“……gah, its coming!”
As I reached the limit of my endurance, my waist still swayed, as if
driven by instinct.
And at the same time, Erune also reached her climax.
“Cumming! I’m cumming again! Aaaaaah, cummiiiiiinnnngggg!!!”
Her insides squeezed me violently, and at that moment, I ejaculated
I released all my load, and Erune’s womb gulped it all, as I deeply
perced her uterus with my cock.
“Haaahaaa……! Fuu, hauuu……”
Erune breathed hard as she trembled from the lingering climax.
Feeling satisfied by the scenery, I pulled my meat stick.
From her secret part, semen that was injected inside her leaked out.
With this, we can finally meet the king.
I thought so, as I sat on a chair nearby.
Bonus Illustration from the site:

Chapter 9 – Private Meeting
After making Erune fall, I took a little break, then straightened my
clothes to get ready.
At the same time, I fixed her dress has well.
After all, we cannot afford to go outside in this state.
As soon as we got ready, we left the room.
The room was on the far end, so they shouldn’t have heard the
sounds, probably.
“I want to get my people inside”
I said to Erune, who was walking next to me.
She walked in a pose so splendid that you wouldn’t think this is the
same woman that I broke a while ago.
“That may be difficult”
“Even for you, the head of the knights?”

Erune affirmed through my words.

Great, and here I thought Erune had a quite a lot of power……
This country doesn’t trust anything other than Bivnaheim.
In that case, it is the army here that has power.
Because they were once destroyed by the demons, they invested
more in their war potential.
It is the knights that protect the center of such a country, so Erune
who is a leader must have considerable power …
As if she caught what I was thinking, Erune explained to me.
“Though there is a king in this country, below that is a parliament
elected by citizens.”
“Parliament? Oh, I see …”

From there, I immediately understood.
It is because there was also a parliament in the country where I lived
in the previous life.
“In this country, the power of the king and the power of the
parliament are at odds. Above all, the knights are an organization
under the king.”
Erune went on to explain this country.
It seems that the king had the most of the power before it was
heavily damaged in the previous war.
After they have been defeated, he was forced to take the blame for
the huge losses.
Then, the said parliament was born, in order to contain their
criticisms to the king.
If so, then it seems that the military forces of this country is headed
by the parliament.
“The knights remained to be under the king. However, they were
downgraded to just an organization to protect the city’s security.”
Unlike the image I was looking for, to think they became similar to
the police now…
“That’s why not all your friends can get in. It will make you stand out
too much.”
Certainly, I’m sure it’ll create much more uproar than Bivnaheim’s.
I worry about Effie this time.
“If everyone is impossible, what if I only take a single person with
“Then you may be able to secretly go to the King”
“Thank you. This is a great help for us.”

I patted Erune’s back in gratitude.

If I’m alone, I don’t have anyone to contact outside when something

So I’m going to choose Cecil as my companion.
“By the way, to your other companions that will be standing by, have
them stay at the Knight’s facility just in the outskirts of town. Their
level of accommodation is similar to an inn’s so they should be fine.
“Understood. I’ll let them know”
At least, they can rest much more than compared to sleeping in a
After that, I went into the city with Cecil as planned.
We wore hooded robes to hide our sharp ears.
Then, we were led by Erne to the castle where the king is staying.
“I thought this town would be much different because it hates other
races, but this is surprisingly normal.”
Cecil who walks next to me said unexpectedly.
“That’s right, it looks no different from the city of Bivnaheim”
People are coming and going, and the shops on the street are full of
Dark emotions could not be felt from the faces of these inhabitants.
“It because inside this city…… inside these walls is a living space only
for humans. For them, it’s like a sanctuary.
Erune explained to us with a proud tone.
The peace of this city is thanks to the work of the Knights.
“Let’s hurry on ahead. If they find out who you are, even I won’t be
able to stop the commotion”
We nodded in earnest to her words.
We reached the castle while using the back alleyways so as not to
stand out.
And we even went in from the back door so that the citizens would

not find it.
Of course there were guards in the back, but when Erune made up a
few words, it became easy for us to pass through.
The knights are an organization close to the king, so Erune’s
persuasion is quite effective in the castle.
After we went through the castle to some extent, we were guided to
a certain room.
“This is my office. You……Cecil, correct? You should stay here in the
“If something happens to me, contact the others. I’m counting on
“It will be done, your Highness. Please be careful”
Cecil bowed toward me and stepped into the room.
“Today I’m supposed to be at the gate, so no one will come to visit
Erune assured the safety of Cecil.
I could only nod to her. This time I will now face the King.
There seems to be similar to an Oval Office of the king of this country
here, and it’s located at the top of the castle.
“I’m going to check with the King. I will return soon”
Erune left me and proceeded to the office first. After that, several
minutes passed before she came out.
Was there a heated debate inside? Her face is a little flushed.
“The king is now willing to see you. You may now come in”
Urged by her, I have entered the room at last.
The interior of the room is surprisingly simple, and to describe in
simple terms, gave a feeling of being really sturdy as well.
At the desk at the back of the room, there was a man in his fifties. Is
he the King?

He had a body so toned that if he called himself a warrior then I
wouldn’t deny it at all.
“It is my outmost gratitude to see you for the first time, your
Majesty. I am Allan vi Aling, Alinheim’s prince”
“So, you lowly being are the Elven Prince that our Knight
commander’s been talking about”
The king looked at me from head to toe, as if appraising my value.
It is good if I were to be gazed by a woman this way, but I feel
goosebumps when it’s a man like this. Worse, I feel like I’m being
licked over.
“Then first of all, show the branch of the King Tree. I would like to
confirm it with my own eyes”
“As you wish. Here it is”
The king carefully examined the branch I took from my pocket.
“Hmmm. It is certainly a branch of the King Tree. However, how can I
tell if this is a branch from the Elven Country?”
As if waiting for those words to come out, I took out the remaining
branches of the King Tree.
“There are three kinds of King tree branches here. All of them are
different, as each branch comes from a different King Tree”
Though the King Trees are of the same kind, their differences rely on
the surroundings of the country where it grew up.
“……It is different from the King Tree in my country, and I don’t think
those demons can raise such a tree considering how splendid this
branch is……”
He seemed pretty reluctant, but though indirectly, he admitted that I
am a prince of the Elves.

“I have heard you lowly being’s purpose. However, are you really
“Yes, we are. After all, after this country, we will be going to the
Country of Demons next…… to Lachmaheim”
“And here I thought you are forming a coalition to defeat the demon
race…… but forming a reconciliation? ………I cannot accept this”
The king shook his head and denied me.
“I have only heard rumors, but just how many in this country hates
the demons? Also, is it not good for the country to treat one entity as
an enemy for eternity just because you once stood against it?”
The king could only refute back with a groan.
He, of all people should be aware of that the most.
A country develops more if it improves relations with others rather
than making an enemy of them.
It’s because the funds that should have been for the army can now
be diverted to other projects.
“However, the citizens……”
“This is the problem of your country. In order to resolve it, I would
like to make a deal with you, Your Majesty. If you entrust me with
the branches of your King Tree, I will change your life and improve
my relationship with the demons will be improved”
Thinking it was time, I approached the king and pushed it a little
“I understand your enthusiasm. But if by any chance you were
captured by the demons……What about the branches of the King
Indeed, it is likely to be misused to Demon race.
But I already have an idea for the sake of it.

“If that is the case, can you lend to me your knight leader? I know
her feelings for her country well”
“I see what you mean…… Commander, what do you think?”
Erne who was waiting behind comes out and salutes.
“Ha! I will not let the Demons take it, even the cost of my life!”
“…… Very well. Let’s try it, that method of yours. If it works, then I’ll
try to persuade the Parliament and the people”
After the king said that, he pulled out the tree branch from the tight
safe in the room.
And then, I received it.
“Let’s hope it to go well. Use the empty room of the castle tonight.
And get out early in the morning so they won’t find you tomorrow.”
After he said so, he sat on his chair again.
I bowed towards him, and I left the room with Erne.
With this, I have finally obtained our fourth King Tree Branch.

Chapter 10 –Encirclement of Multiple Soft
It was a short audience, but I was able to get the approval of the
The branch of the King tree in my hand is the best proof of all.
With this, all branches other than Lachmaheim’s are in my hands
In addition of the new one, that is four items all in all.
One more to go to unify this Algarde alliance altogether.
“This room is for the guests allocated to the Knight Brigade. Just
make use of this for the time being.”
Guided by Erune, I entered the room.
Perhaps I should have expected this, the interior is also simple, but it
is comparable to hotels in the center of a city.
“People coming and going here increases as the night approach, so
as the king said, it’s better if we leave tomorrow early in the
“I understand. Let’s do so”
It’s better to follow the words of someone who knows everything
about the castle after all
If we went out hurriedly and got found by instance, all our hardship
will be gone through the wind.
“I want to tell Cecil about this too”
“Leave her to me, I will go”
That’s what she said, but she didn’t move in front of me.

“What’s wrong?”
“No, that……yeah……”
Erune seemed restless for some reason.
However, it was pretty clear in my eyes.
Hmmm, so that’s what it was.
I raised my hand, put it on her head, then stroked her hair.
Thank you for today, Erune. I was saved, really”
“Ah, Y-yeah! It was nothing. I just did what I have to do”
Erune smiled happily.
It’s unbelievable to think it was the same face that had that dignified
expression in front of the king a while ago.
Well, that gap between those is pretty cute.
“So…… Actually, I wanted to ask you something.”
“What is it? I’ll do whatever I can.”
After all, it’s all thanks to Erune that I acquired an audience with the
In a sense, she took the leading part. I only negotiated.
“So, what do you want me to do?”
I have a lot of expectations, but I still dare to ask them.
Then she began to put her hands on her clothes.
She put her hand on the buttons, then started unbuttoning them one
after another in front of me.
Then, after she removed the intruding brassiere, the bombastic tits
that I tasted a while ago underneath it was again revealed to my

“As expected, no matter how many times I see it, those breasts are
“Is that so? I’m happy for the praise”
She drew her arms closer, emphasizing the cleavage of her chest.
It seems that she has learned how to please me with that gesture.
The thought of her working hard for me made me happy too.
“You said they were glorious, right? If so, why don’t you taste them?
Each of my glory that is”
“Fufufu……very well, let me taste the glory”
As her breasts jiggled towards me, she put her arms around my neck.
Just below this are two pieces of soft flesh with nothing else in
between them…… it’s really beautiful.
Becoming true to my desires, I extended my hand towards them.
However, at the last moment, the door of the room was opened.
“Wha-what are you doing, Allan-sama!”
Cecil appeared from the other side.
She entered the room, then forced herself between Erune and me.
“What happened to the branch of the King Tree?”
“I have already taken care of it. I was able to make a deal with the
king somehow”
“Then I’m glad it’s sorted, but…… for you to try to start something
like this……”
Caught red-handed, Cecil looked at me angrily.
“I didn’t get any contact for a while. I was so worried”

“So you came to see me, but I’m surprised. You already know where I
“Please don’t underestimate my ears. If I just concentrated, then a
wall of this much is no problem”
Cecil said so, pointing at her sharp ears.
“A-Allan……what should I do?”
Erune was perplexed of what to do in this sudden situation.
Even for a Knight Commander like her, this was a loss of face.
“Now that it has come to this, let’s settle with the two of you as my
After I said that, I grabbed Cecil’s arm and dragged her to bed,
knocking her down in the process.
‘Hyau! Allan-sama, geez…… I guess it can’t be helped now”
Cecil, who knows that I can’t stop now that I have come this far,
sighed as if she had given up.
I called Erune over and ordered the both of them to serve me with
their chests.
Nodding at my order, they then pulled out my cock from my pants
and together, they sandwiched it in between their breasts.
“Erune’s chest might be bigger, but I won’t lose when it comes to
Does the presence of a rival made her feelings ablaze? Cecil pressed
her tits aggressively towards my dick.
“M-me too, I have no intention of losing, now that Allan praised my
breasts himself”
Erune also pushed her enormous breasts in the same way

Two pairs of soft flesh were pushed back and forth with one another
as they massage my flesh stick in between.
In such a heavenly situation, I can’t bear but to get erect in no time.
“Wow, it’s like your breasts are swallowing me in……”
I wasn’t able to do anything but react unnaturally to this pleasure.
I always try to play the dominant role towards my partners, but now,
it makes me want to prioritize my own pleasures first.
“Fuu…… Please draw your breasts closer, both of you”
To the sensation of the all-out breast fuck, I could only give a sigh as
they moved themselves towards my cock.
As if they heard it all, the two seem to become more motivated.
“Allan-sama’s penis, I will make it feel even more comfortable……
leroo, jyuupu!”
Cecil put out her tongue, starting to lick the lewd rod that peeked
out from the valleys.
Erune noticing it, also drew her face closer as she did the same.
“Me too……haamuu, nuuu! Jyururururu”
“Ahaa, Erune-san is working hard too. But I can’t lose here!”
While moving their bountiful tits alluringly, the two girls show off
their skills in fellatio one after the other.
“……This is so long and hard. I think I’ll not be able to keep up”
However, Cecil noticed Erune was still beginner to such techniques,
so she matched her pace with her. The tongue service then became
even as they licked from both sides.
As a result, my cock became even more slippery between their
breasts as the two continued to lick it further.

The tity fuck’s intensity has increased futher.
Cecil and Erune kept on stroking my dick while making wet and
sloppy sounds.
Their fellatio didn’t stop either.
However, I am nearly approaching the end of the pleasure, to my
“How is it, Allan-sama? Are you going to come already?”
“You are about to come, right Allan? I can feel it pulse in between, so
I can tell……”
Realizing that I’m on the verge, they let go of my dick and looked at
They looked at me like carnivores eyeing the prey they are about to
“Please let us make you come with our service, Allan-sama”
“Allan……let it all out in our breasts”
After they said that, their breast fucking turned even more violent.
The feeling of these huge pairs of tits that are already pleasant as it is
further intensified as the two put pressure in every direction even
And because I was licked harshly earlier, it became easier for them to
move around than before.
Adding those factors, even I wasn’t able to endure it at all.
“Both of you, I’m about to come! Take it all”
Dobyuu, byurururururu!

After that I came. Releasing the limit after so long felt so good I think
my waist will come off.
Furthermore, the two didn’t stop their chest movements even
though I already came, and still continued to do so as if trying to
squeeze all my semen with it.
“Ahhn! This is soo much…… I feel like I’m drowning!”
“My chest feels so hot! Wait, it’s still coming out?!”
The ejaculation continued for a long time, smearing the two
beautiful women with white turbidity.
Their chests, their necks, their faces, and even their hair.
All are covered with my cum that it became difficult to find a place
that’s not dirty anymore.
“Haa, fuuu……Both of you are excellent”
I caught up my breath and praised them.
Their coordination is pretty good even though this is the first time
they served me together.
“Thank you very much for the praise, Allan-sama. I’m very happy”
“Me too, though I didn’t think it would come out like this. Its like you
are wrapping me up entirely”
The two looked at me as if they were put into a trance.
“But Allan-sama……”
“the two of us, we, we aren’t satisfied yet……”
It seems that after receiving my semen, it further intensified their
lust instead.
They stared at me breathing rough breaths.

It has come to this, so I have no choice now, but to make them feel
good in return.
The moment I decided to do so, I became re-energized once again.

Chapter 11 – Cecil and Erune’s Entreaty
After I ejaculated in pleasure from the tit fuck of the two, I unloaded
my waist, took a breather and sat on the bed.
However, as if not caring about my state, Cecil began talking to me
once again.
“Allan-sama, can you still do it? I, my body has become so hot …”
Her face, as if begging me, was already completely horny.
She seem to have been infected by the atmosphere of this room.
This huge difference between the strict and the horny Cecil is really
“Why do you want it Cecil?”
I asked her so.
“I want you to violate me Allan-sama. It’s already throbbing here,
and it won’t stop!”
Cecil exclaimed with eyes filled with earnest, contrasting her red
Well, if my partner begins to beg at me like this, I won’t be able to let
her go just like that.
“I understand. Turn your butt over here”
Upon hearing my words, her expression brightened all of a sudden.
She then crawled on all fours on the bed, then turned her ass in this
“W, wait for me! Allan, me too……”
Erune also faced the similar way.

Was she also turned on like Cecil? Her face is also beet red with lust.
“Me too, I also want to be with you. Will you embrace me?”
“Of course. You can line up beside Cecil too, Erune.”
“Ah, okay”
Following my orders, Erune went on all fours too.
After that, the ass of the two women were spread before my eyes.
I looked at them closely, comparing their difference with each other.
They are white and beautiful. Their shapes are also well rounded too.
Each of the flesh sticking out gave a soft feeling, and as they rubbed
each other, their plumpness jiggled in excellence.
Because I was unable to see which one is better, I decided to touch
I reached out my hands towards Cecil and Erune’s asses.
“Gasp! Before, our tits, and now, our ass?”
“Nnnn, is it good, Allan-sama?”
Erune went to a gasp once my hands touched her butt.
To her opposite, Cecil seems to have expected this to some extent,
and asked for feedback instead.
The difference in their experience is obvious.
“Both of you have excellent asses, and it makes me want to feel it for
a long time”
I told them frankly about my feelings.
“I’m really glad to be praised, but please, my body can’t endure it
any longer!’
“Fufu, can’t endure it any longer, huh”

While giving out a smirk, I extended my hand, this time to Cecil’s
most intimate place.
Then, vaginal secretions leaked out from all directions, just what she
I only touched it with a fair amount, but it already entwined itself
with my fingers.
“Wow…… if you are this wet, then there is no need for foreplay
I immediately held my obscene stick to her intimate place.
After ejaculating, the two’s butts revived it just by massaging them
once. it’s how incredible their asses are.
“Higuuu! Allan-sama’s thing is hitting me!”
“Can you feel it? I’m putting it in”
“Yes! Please stick it in! Fill me up with all your strength!”
Did being touched my dick made her near climax again? Cecil’s voice
is rising.
To answer her, I pushed my hips forward.
My cock went inside, and was completely wrapped by her wet
As expected, Cecil’s insides already prepared too.
Its hot flesh surrounded my meat rod, trying to squeeze the semen
from within.
“It’s in…… ahh, ahhn! it’s as big as ever!”
“you swallowed it entirely. you really want it that much?”
“Of course, this is what I wished for!”

A sweet voice that you’ll never imagine to come out from the usually
strict Cecil came out from her lips.
It sounded like she has totally melted in the pleasure.
I felt happy too, thinking about it.
“Hold your body firmly. I’m going to move”
I grabbed her hips firmly, and started moving mine towards it.
I only finished the insertion. The full-scale torture is just about to
“Hiiuun, Nnnh……Aaahn!”
As I banged her hips hard, love juices oozed out and sounds of water
surrounded us.
“Allan! Please do it to me…… Hearing those lewd sounds, I can’t
resist it anymore!”
Erune queued up next to Cecil, pressing her ass to me.
Its soft sensation was transmitted to my waist, stirring my desires
blazing even more.
“The knight leader has become very lewd”
“And who’s fault do you think this is? My body can’t turn back
Though Erune said that, her voice contained no trace of
Instead, I felt a “what kind of pleasure will I enjoy from now on?”
from her tone.
I smiled at it, then pulled out my cock from Cecil.
“Ahhn…… no, don’t pull it out……Ahii!”

She waved her butt and let out a lonely cry, but I inserted a finger in
it to take its place.
Taking the place to serve my fuck stick is a pussy not sufficient
enough to put it all in, but has the freedom to make mine move
I caressed the insides of the other pussy, continuing Cecil’s desire of
“If that’s the case, then please let me take responsibility”
I pressed my hard dick wet with Cecil’s love juices against Erune’s
And inserted it all the way through without stopping its movements.
“Afuu, it finally entered……!”
Erune shivered all over, delighted from the sensation of insertion.
As a matter of fact, her pussy tightened as soon as it greeted my
hard cock.
“Erune’s tightness is not falling Cecil’s either. I can’t determine which
one is greater”
Both of them have bodies of excellent calibers.
So excellent I want to ravish them all completely.
“Get ready, for I won’t stop until both of you succumbs to me”
After I said it, I made my waist movements more violent than ever.
I pressed all the way until the glans of my penis reached through the
cervix of her vagina, and then stirred it further with round motions.
After that, I turned my waist over to feel all the surrounding meat
around it.
Ahh, Allan is stirring up my insides…… no good……I’m becoming

Seeming to unable the feeling of pleasure, she grasped the sheets
However, these were all useless acts. I will make her learn it the hard
I knocked her upper body forward, then reached out the front with
my hand.
Then, I cupped those bombshells swaying from below.
“Now it’s over there……Ahh…… kyufuu! Its touching my nipples!”
With this much stimulation, she should be feeling a lot from her
Pleasure was sent from the top and bottom of her body, and in no
time, Erune quickly collapsed.
“this is, cumming! I’m cumming again!”
It seems that she can’t endure reaching her climax anymore.
Once I saw it, I pulled out my dick again and inserted it back to Cecil’s
“Hyaaaaaaaa! It has entered me agaiiiin!”
“Ihiii! Aah, even though, even though it’s just a bit more till I
“All your bodies are in my hands now. Do not think of coming
without me.”
After that, I fully savored the pussies of the two beauties.
Slowly dyeing them with pleasure, the two didn’t even resist at all.
However, my body continued to respond even after the two’s hearts
already gave in.
As my hard cock continued to feel the sensation of the service of the
two pussies, I eventually reached my limits.

“I’m going to come. Where do you want it?”
“Inside, please let it out in my womb! Hyaaa, hafuuuuunn!”
“Me too! I won’t forgive you if you come outside……aguhhh!”
Cecil and Erune answered in the interval of their breaths.
To answer those wishes, I pierced my dick towards the depths of
their vagina once again.
The two who are nearly reaching their peak couldn’t bear it
anymore, and came after another.
“Cummingcummingcummingcummingcumming! I’m gonna
dieeee…… Aaaaaaah”
“Come, come inside! oaaaAAhhh, Cgummmmiiinnng!”

Dopyudopyuu, byurururururu!
I poured my semen inside the pussies of the two, who are trembling
in climax respectively.
Being creampied at the same time as they climaxed, they were swept
away by the waves of excitement, causing them to part with their
consciousness as their body trembled in pleasure.
Haaahaaa……this is tiring as expected……”
I lowered my hips to the bed.
Both of them are in soppy and terrible state now. We have to clean
up before we go out tomorrow.
I activated my magic once more once I thought so.

Chapter 12 – The Demon Lord’s Assassin
Around when Allan was enjoying himself with Erune and Cecil.
An entity is starting to move again in Lachmaheim, the Country of
In the office of the Demon Lord, Beatrice.
There were there demons inside.
The Demon Lord Beatrice, who very master of this room, the male
demon staff that appeared last time,
And another female demon, which is currently taking a nap on the
“Kukaa, funyuuuuu……”
The name of the woman dozing comfortably on the sofa is Glinnis.
She had long orange twintails on her hair and looked like in her mid-
However, her most noticeable characteristic are her clothes, which
barely covered anything. Compared to a poor underwear, it had such
a high degree of exposure that you would even consider if it still
qualifies as clothes or not.
She’s a good match to Effie terms of lewdness.
Plus, she also had an indecent body as well, not losing to that lewd
costume of hers.
Every time she breathes, her rich chest moved up and down.
Originally, these three people should be having a meeting right
“Our honorable Demon Lord, is it really okay for Glinnis to be like

“Leave her alone. We can proceed with just you and me”
Beatrice said, ignoring the sleeping woman.
The man, nodding in assent, handed over the documents in his hand
to Beatrice.
“The progress of the Military Development?”
She read out the documents, which were the summary of all the logs
and preparations of the Demon Forces.
“Yes. I will then explain the situation from here”
“I’m listening”
The staff cleared his throat, then read the documents out loud.
“Cough……First of all, are the Demons whom we have conscripted.
We have accomplished 8,000 of them”
“Oh, no vacancies? Splendid”
Beatrice went into a good mood from the first report.
She didn’t expect that the Demons, who held selfish interests, would
gather as planned on their schedule.
She even thought that a number of them would have already ran
somewhere without notice.
“This contributes to the fact that our Demon Lord’s power is
“Quit with the compliments. We all know it’s the hatred of the other
races that made them do this far”
Beatrice eluded the man’s praise and made a slight analysis.
In fact, it is as what she said. Their remorse for humans, elves and
fairies played a big factor in all of this.
Even now, a lot of them are already wishing a war already.

The military spirit of the Demons is basically higher than of other
“For the breakdown of our war potential, our main force comprises
of the Orc Tribe, with 3,000 strong”
For comparison, even a barehanded orc is equivalent to about five
human soldiers.
Ogres and trolls are even more powerful, as even with their physical
strength alone, the elves and spirits would have a hard time dealing
with them even with their magics.
And such creatures are included in the 8,000 attacking troops.
Beatrice thought that if this surprise attack became successful, any
country will easily fall victim, no matter how tough they were.
“Hmmm, what about our weapons?”
“That’s a bit of a problem. Because there are only few who can
produce weapons, we barely have enough to supply the troops……”
“Well, I didn’t have expectations from them at the start”
Beatrice said to the man who then looked apologetic.
“On the other hand, are the preparations for the sortie about to
“Due to the training, they are able to march side by side at the bare
minimum. It would be blessed for us to have at least one week
“then I’ll leave it to you. I’ll verify this afterwards. You are dismissed”
Beatrice said so, but before that, he took out another piece of
“This is……”
After she received it from him, she immediately opened it and read.

Then, her expression turned fierce.
The prince of the Elves has entered the city of Norcheim……you say”
“Yes, your Majesty. This is a report we received from one of our
scouts. I think I should inform you this at the very least”
“……I see. I understand. Good work”
After that, the man left the room.
After she confirms that the man has left, she looked at another
document again.
“Two elves, one a half bred, one fairy and one human. It seems they
are really serious in forming an alliance”
All the races other than the Demons are present.
Even Beatrice couldn’t help but feel a sense of crisis with this.
That woman with the elven prince……and here I thought that this
Allan and his company will be forced to stay in Norcheim a bit longer.
It was already unexpected to be able to enter this country which
didn’t treat the other races fairly.
“But bad luck to them as I already anticipated their next move”
From their past movements, their purpose is very clear.
They collected branches of the King Tree in each country, mark it as
proof of their alliance, and unite the whole Algarde into one.
“And now, the last King Tree is here”
She stood up, went to the window, and looked down outside.
Beyond that sight is the castle courtyard.
“Those guys won’t even think that it’s the King Tree at all”
In the middle of the courtyard, there stood a tree.

Unlike the King Trees from other countries, there is no trace of
divinity on it, making it seem like an ordinary, lonesome tree.
Nobody took care of it, and it was the result.
While gazing at it, she gained an idea.
For that, she decided to wake up the remaining subordinate sleeping
on the sofa.
“How long do you plan on sleeping.? Glinis!”
Beatrice swung her arm, and sparks scattered in front where Glinis is
“Hyaaaaaa!? Hot! It’s hot!”
She who had just received a spark from the face jumped quickly,
immediately turning around to Beatrice.
“You’re awful, Beatrice……… I almost got myself burned!”
“Hmph. An ordinary Demon won’t receive a wound from that
“Eeeeeh! Please don’t compare me to the likes of Orcs and Ogres! It
is a serious affair if my skin is damaged, you know!”
“Still as noisy as ever…… But you heard them all, right?”
Beatrice asked Glinis, who was obviously asleep from earlier.
But this time, Glinis nodded.
“We, the succubi are the dream demons! Even while asleep, all our
senses are still active!”
Even though Glinis has no horns nor tail protruding out from her, she
is undoubtedly a succubus.
Rather, this is an incredible advantage for her already, as it became
easier for her to mix in with other humans.

In fact, the succubi that slipped through the human population are
also the ones who collected information on Allan and his company.
Because they also have a passion for squeezing one’s semen, they
are often going in and out of the Country of Humans.
And Glinis here is the Succubus Tribe’s Queen.
Though she tends to be enthusiastic from the outside, this woman
had already incapacitated many human males for the rest of their
“If you are listening, then speak early. You will tempt this elf.
“Heee, an elf, is it? Though they are certainly good looking, elves are
too plain”
Glinis complained with lack of enthusiasm.
“it seems that it is not the case for this one. As a proof, he is
surrounded by many women already”
“Is that true? If he is, then I can expect he’s also good in the bed,
right? I can’t wait!”
Glinis did a complete 180 degrees of her mood easily, as if turning a
palm over.
At this behavior, Beatrice could only gave a sigh, then continued.
“This guy has the branches of the King Tree of the other countries. I
want you to tempt him to take it out, cooperate with the other
succubi and take it.”
“Yeahyeah~ I get it”
“The branches are worthy of use. Do not break them”
She reminded once again, and the woman nodded.
This time, she asked Beatrice in reverse.

And, after we get the branch, what will I do with this elf?”
“Hmmm……after that, you are free to do anything you like with him”
Those were the words Glinis had been waiting for.
Upon hearing it, she confirmed it once again, then jumped up and
down in joy.
“Is that true? Its true right? No takebacks! I can milk him as much as I
like? Yaay!”
Because Glinis made many men impossible to come back, she was is
still lying low, not entering human towns for quite a while.
This has frustrated her for a long time, so upon hearing that she will
have a target that she could play with as long as she liked, she was
happy at the bottom of her heart.
“Then please leave this to Glinis! I’m going out!”
She said with confidence as she jumped out of the room.
“Fuu…… That Elven Country will surely worry about the issues of
their successor from now on……if their country still remains standing
till then”
Beatrice said with a smile, and returned to her seat once again.

The characters from volume 2 of the Light novel (Volumes 4-6 of the
web novel)

From left to right: Glinnis, Beatrice, Erune, Cecil and Allan

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