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BRENNTAG aa — 1. Identification Product identifier ‘ther means of identification Recommended use Recommended restrictions = ~~ cc10800 SAFETY DATA SHEET CAUSTIC SODA FLAKE GSO SODIUM HYDROXIDE None. ALL PROPE! None known. AND LEGAL PURPOSES Manufacturer/importeriSupplierDistributor information, Manufacturer ‘Company name Address Telephone E-mail Emergency phone number 2. Hazard(s) identification Physical hazards Health hazards Environmental hazards OSHA defined hazards Label elements Signal word Hazard statement Precautionary statement Prevention Response Storage Disposal Hazard(s) not otherwise classified (HNOC) Supplemental information Brenntag Pacife Ino. 40747 Patterson Place Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 562.003.9626 Not available {800-424-9300 cHEMTREC Corroeive fo metals Catogory 1 ‘Skin corrasionfiitation Category 14 Serious eye damageleye ation Category 1 Net claseitied Not classitied Danger May be corrosive to metals. Causes severe skin burns and eye damage, Causes serious eye damage Keep only in original container. Wash thoroughly afer handling, Wear protective glovesiprotectve clothingleye protectionface protection. If swallowed: Ringe mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. fon skin (or hai): Take off immediately all contaminated clothing, Rinse kin with waterishower. I Inhaled: Remove person to fresh alr and keep comfortable for breathing, If in eyes: Rinse cautiously with water for several minules. Remove contact lenses, i present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Immediately calla poison ‘center/doctor. Wash contaminated clothing betore reuse. Absorb spilage fo prevent material damage Store locked up. Store in carrsive resistant container with 2 resistant inner ine. Dispose of waste and reeiduse in accordance with local authorty requirements, None known, None. 3. Composition/information on ingredients Substances Chemical name ‘Common name and synonyms CAS number % “SODIUM HYDROXIDE 1310-732 100 Designates that a specific chemical identity ane/or percentage of compostion has been withheld as a trade secret Tatar name: CAUSTIC SODA FLAKE GSO SODIUM HYDRONIDE wavs 72470 Version: OF Issue date: 01-20-2018 118 4, First-aid measures Inhalation ‘Skin contact Eye contact Ingestion Most important symptomsieffects, acute and delayed Indication of immes medical attention a ‘treatment needed special General information 5, Fire-fighting measures Sultable extinguishing media Unsuitable extinguishing media Specific hazards arising from the chemical Special protective equipment and precautions for firefighters Fire fighting equipmentinstructions Specific methods Move to tresh air. Calla physician If symptoms develop or persist Take off immediately all contaminated clothing. Rinse skin with water/shover. Calla physician or poison contral center immediately. Chemical Burns must be treated by a prysician, Wash ontaminated clothing before reuse. Immediately fush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutos. Remove contact lenses, it present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Call a physician or poison control center immediately. Call a physician or poleon control canter inmediately. Ringe mouth Do not induce vomiting, If vomniing Cecurs, keep head low so thal stomach content doesn't get into the lungs. ‘Burning pain and severe corrosive skin damage. Causes serious eye damage. Symploms may Include stinging, tearing, redness, sweling, and blurted vision. Permanent eye damage Inclucing blindness could reault. Provide general supportive measures and treet symptomatically, Chemical Burn: Flush with water Inmmediately. While fusting, remove clothes which co not adhere to affected area. Call an ambulance, Continue flushing curing transport to hospital. Keep victim under observation. ‘Symptoms may be delayed. Eneure that medical personnel aro aware of the materials) involved, and taks precautions to protect themselves, \Water fg, Foam, Ory chemical powder. Carbon sloxde (C02). (Do not use waterjet a8 an extinguisher, asthe wil epread the fre. During re, gases hazardous fo heath may be formed ‘olfcontained breathing apparatus and ful protective clothing must be worn Incase oe Move containers trom fe area if you can do se without risk Use standard firefighting procedures and consider the hazards of other involved materials. 6, Accidental release measures Personal precautions, protective equipment and ‘emergency procedures Methods and materials for containment and cleaning up Environmental precautions 7; Handling and storage Precautions for sate handling Conditions for safe storage, Including any ineompatibilities Keep unnecessary personnel away. Keep people away ftom and upwind of spuleak. Wear appropriate protective eoulpment and clothing during clean-up. Do net touch damaged containers or sped material unless wearing appropriate protective clothing, Ensure adequate venation Cosel authorities should be advised significant spilages cannot be contained. For personel protection, see section 8 of the SDS. Prevent entry into waterways, sewer, basements or confined areas, Large Spills: Stop the flow of material, if this is without rik. ke the spilod material, where this is possible. Cover with plastic sheet fo prevent spreading. Absorb spillage to prevent material ‘Samage. Absorb in vermiculite, Gry sand or earth and place info containers. Following product recovery, flush area with water, ‘Small Spis: Wipe up with absorbent material (e 9, cloth, eece), Clean surface thoroughly to remove resicual contamination Never setuin epile to orignal containers fr re-use, For waste dieposal, ee cection 19 of the SDS. ‘Avoid discharge ino drains, wator ooureet er onto the ground. (Do not get In eyes, on skin, of on clthing, Provide adequate ventilation, Wear appropriate Personal protective equipment. Observe goed incustrial hygiene practices. Store locked up. Store in a coo, cy place cut of direct sunlight. Store in corrosive resistant ‘container witha resistant Inner liner. Keep only in the original container. Store away from incompatible materials (see Section 10 of the 8D8). WWaloral name: CAUSTIG SODA FLAKE GSO SODIUM HYDRONIDE wove T2470. Version: 01 enue dee: 01-20-2018 2/8 8, Exposure controls/personal protection Occupational exposure limits US, OSHA Table 2-1 Limits for Air Contaminants (28 CFR 1810.1000) Material Type Value SODIUM AYDROXIDE PEL Dmeins (Cas 1310-73.2) US, ACGIH Threshold Limit Values Material Type Value SODIUM AYDROXIDE Caling Dregne (CAS 1310-73.2) US. NIOSH: Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards Material Type Value ‘SODIUM HYDROXIDE (CAS 1310-73.2) Biological limit values ‘Appropriate engineering controls Celing Pmgine No biological exposure limits noted for the ingredients), Good general ventilation (typically 10 air changes per hour) shoul! be used, Ventistion rates: should be matched to corllions I applicable, use process enclosures, local exhaust ventiation, orether engineering controle to maintain alorne levels below recommended exposure limits If txposure mits have rot been established, maintain erborne levels to an accoptable level. Eye Wath faciltioe and emergency chowor muct be avallable when handling this product, Individual protection measures, such as personal protective equipment Eyelface protection ‘Skin protection Hand protection Other Respiratory protection Thermal hazards General hygiene considerations Wear safety glssees with side shields (or goggles) and a face shield. \Wear appropriate chemical resistant gloves, Suitable gloves can be recommended by the glove supplier. ‘Wear appropriate chemical resistant cothing, Incase of naufficient vantltion, wear eultable respiratory equipment, ‘Wear appropriate thermal protective clothing, when necessary. Always observe good personal hyslene measures, such as washing after handling the material and before eating, inking, and/or smoking. Routinely wash werk clothing and protective equipment to remove contaminants 9. Physical and chemical properties ‘Appearance Physical state Form Color oder Odor threshold pH ‘Melting pointifreezing point Initia bolting point and boiting range Flash point Evaporation rate Flammability (sotid, gas) sols, sols, Write PRACTICALLY ODORLESS Net available 12.0.08% wv solution 613.4°F (223 °0) 2830.4 °F (1868 *c) Not avaiable Not avalable Not available. Upperiiower flammability or explosive limits Flammability limit - lower Not available, ) Flammability limit - upper Not available co) Explosive limit - lower (6) Not avaliable. Explosive limit-upper (i) Not avaliable. TWaleral name! CAUSTIC SODA FLAKE GSO SODIUM HYDROXIDE wave 72H7. Version: 01 tev date: 01-20-2018 3/8 Vapor pressure Vapor density Relative density Solubilty(ies) Solubility (water) Partition coefficient (r-octanolwater) ‘Auto.ignition temperature Decomposition temperature Viscosity ‘ther Information Density Dynamic viscosity Dynamic viscosity temperature Explosive properties Molecular formula Molecular weight Oxidizing properties Specific gravity 10. Stability and reactivity Reactivity ‘Chemical stability Possibility of hazardous reactions. Conditions to avoid Incompatible materials Hazardous decomposition products -<0.0000001 KPa at 25 °C 0.1 kPa at 739°C Not available Not avaiable 111090 Not available. Not avaiable Not avaiable Not available 4,00 Ibs/gal 4mPas 662 °F (350°C) Not explosive. HNao 40 fmol Not oxidizing, 02, Reacts violently with strong acids. This product may react with exidzing agents. May be corrosive to metals, Material is stable under normal consitions Hazardous polymerization does not occur. Contact wth incompatible materials. De net mix wth other chemical ‘Strong acids, Acids. Strong oxidizing agents, Oxidizing agents. Netals. No hazardous decomposition products are known, 11. Toxicological information Information on likely routes of exposure Inhalation Skin contact Eye contact Ingestion ‘Symptoms related to the physical, chemical and toxicological characteristics May cause irtation to the resplratory system: Causes eovero skin bums. Causes serious eye damage, Causes digestive tract burns. ‘Burning pain and eevare corrasive ekin damage. Causes serious eye damage. Symploms may Inolude stinging tearing, redness, sweling, and blued vision. Permanent eye damage including blindness could eeu Information on toxicological effects Acute toxicity ‘Skin corrosionvirrtation Serious eye damage/eye irritation Respiratory or skin sensitization Respiratory sensitization Skin sensitization Gorm cell mutagenicity Carcinogenicity Not available. Causes severe skin burns and eye damage. Causes serious eye damage. Not respiratory sersitizer. This product isnot expected to cause ekin sensitization No data avallable to indicate product or any components present at greater than 0.1% aro ‘mutagenic or genotoxic. ‘This product is nt considered to be a carcinogen by IARC, ACGIH, NTP, or OSHA, Tata name: CAUSTIC SODA FLAKE GSO SODIUM HYDRONDE wave 72470 Version: 01 Issue dai: OF 202016 418 IARC Monographs, Overall Evaluation of Carcinogenicity Not availble OSHA Specifically Regulated Substances (29 CFR 1910.1001-1060) Not liste. US. National Toxicology Program (NTP) Report on Carcinogens Not avallable. Reproductive toxicity ‘This produetis not expected to cause reproductive or developmental eects, Specific target organ toxicity - Not classiie. single exposure Specific target organ toxicity - Not classifi. repeated exposure Aspiration hazard Not an aspiration hazard. 12, Ecological information Ecotoxicity ‘The product is not classified as environmentally hazardous, However, this does not exclude the poseiilty that large or tequert epile can have 2 harmful of damaging effect on the environment. Product Species Test Results ‘SODIUM HYDROXIDE (CAS 1810-73-2) ‘Aquatic Crustacea cso \Water fle (Ceriodaphnia dubia) 34.59 -47.19 mg/l, 48 hours Fish Leo Western mosquilofish (Gambusia afinis) 125 mg/l, 98 hours * Estimates for product may be based on additional component data not shown, Persistence and degradability No cata is available on the degracabily of this procuct. Bioaccumulative potential No data avalable, Mobility in soit No data available, Other adverse effects No other adverse environmental effets (e.g. ozone depletion, photochemical ozone creation Potential, endocrine aistuption, global warming potential) are expected from this component, 13, Disposal considerations Disposal instructions Collect and reclaim or cispose in sealed containers at licensed waste cleposal ste. Dispose of ‘ontents/container in 2esorcance with localregionalinationaUinterrational regulation. Local disposal regulations Dispose In accoreance with all applicable regulations Hazardous waste code (D002: Waste Corrosive material [pH <=2 or =>125, or corrosive to steel] The waste code should be eesigned in clsoussion between the user, the producer and the waste disposal company, Waste from residues / unused Dispose of in accordance with local regulations, pty containers ornare may retzin some products product residues, This material and is container must be disposed of ina safe manner (see. Bisposal instructions). Contaminated packaging Since empl containers may relain product residue, follow label warnings even aftr container is emptied. Empty containers should be taken to an approved waste handling site for recycling or isposal 44, Transport information por UN number uNtezs UN proper shipping name SODIUM HYDROXIDE, SOLID Transport hazard classes) Class 8 ‘Subsidiary risk : Packing group ul ‘Special precautions for user Read safely Instructions, $09 and emergency procedures before handling, ERG number 184 DOT information on packaging may be diferent from that listed, lata UN number 1929 UN proper shipping name SODIUM HYDROXIDE, SOLID ‘sie name: CAUSTIC SODA FLAKE GSO SODIUM HYDROXIDE ‘sus 72470 Version #01 esue date: 01-20-2016 5/8 Transport hazard class(es) Class 8 Subsidiary risk : Packing group Environmental hazards No. ERG Code 154 ‘Special precautions for user Read safety instructions, SOS and emergency procedures before handling, por COGS TS ATA 18. Regulatory information Us federal regulations “This product ie "Hazardous Chemical as defined by the OSHA Hazard Communication Standare, 28 CFR 1810,1200, ‘TSCA Section 12(b) Export Notification (40 CFR 707, Subpt. D) Not regulated, CERCLA Hazardous Substance List (40 CFR 302.4) ‘SODIUM HYDROXIDE (CAS 1310-73-2) Usted ‘SARA 304 Emergency release notification Not regulates. OSHA Specifically Regulated Substances (28 CFR 1810.1001-1060) Not listed Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA) Hazard categories Immediate Hazard - Yes Delayed Hazard - No Fire Hazard - No Pressure Hazard - No Reactivity Hazard - No ‘SARA 302 Extremely hazardous substance Not iste. SARA 341/512 Hazardous Yes chemical ‘SARA 19 (TRI reporting) Not reguiated Other federal regulations Clean Alr Act (CAA) Section 112 Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) List Not regulates. CClean Air Act (CAA) Section 112(1) Accidental Release Prevention (40 CFR 68.130) Not regulated. ‘Water name: CAUSTIC SODA FLAKE GSO SODIUM HYDRONDE T2470 Version#:01 Issue dete: 01-20-2016 6/8 ‘Clean Water Act (CWA) Hazardous substance Section 112(0) (40 CFR 58.130) Safe Drinking Water Act Not regulated, (spwa) Food and Drug otal food adiive ‘Administration (FDA) Direct food adciive GRAS food adeltive US state regulations. US. California Controlled Substances. CA Department of Justice (California Health and Safety Code Section 11100) Not iste. Us, California, Candidate Chemicals List, Safer Consumer Products Regulations (Cal. Code Regs, tt. 22, 9602.3, subd. ro) SODIUM HYDROXIDE (CAS 1310-73-2) US, Massachusetts RTK - Substance List SODIUM HYDROXIDE (CAS 1310-73.2) Us, New Jersey Worker and Community Right-to-Know Act, SODIUM HYOROXIDE (CAS 1310-73-2) Us, Pennsylvania Worker and Community Right-to-Know Law SODIUM HYDROXIDE (CAS 1310-73.2) US, Rhode Island RTK SODIUM HYDROXIDE (CAS 1310-73-2) US, California Proposition 6 Califoria Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1886 (Proposition 85): This material isnot known to contain ‘any chemicals currently Iisted as carcinogens or reproductive toxin. Intemational inventories Country(s) or region Inventory name On inventory yes/no)" Austria Australian Inventory of Chemical Substances (AICS) Yes canada Domestic Substances List (SL) Yes canada Non-Domestic Substances List (NDSL) No china Inventary of Existing Chemical Substances in China (IECSC) Yes Europe European Inventory of Exiting Commercial Chemical Yes Substances (EINECS) Europe European List of Notiied Chemical Substances (ELINCS) No Jepan Inventory of Existing and New Chemical Substances (ENCS) Yes Korea Exlsting Chemicals List (ECL) Yes New Zeslend New Zealand inventory Yes Philipines Philippine Inventory of Chemicals and Chemical Substances Yes (ices) United States & Puerlo Rico Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Inventory Yes “A"Yes" nets tht a components ofthis product comply wilh the inventory requirements adrnistre bythe govering counts) ‘more components of the product are notated or exept rom sting onthe invertory administered bythe governing 46, Other information, including date of preparation or last revision Issue date 01-20-2016 Version # o HM1S® ratings Heaith: 3 Flammabilty: 0 Physical hazard: 0 NFPA ratings Heaith: 3 Flammabitiy: 0 Instably: 1 Taloraname: GAUSTIC SODA FLAKE G80 SODIUM HYDROMIDE wou T2470 Version #01. lsu date: 01-20-2016 718 + Disclaimer While Brenntag believes the information contained herein o be accurate, Brenntag makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, regarcing, and assumes no labily ‘er, the ‘accuracy of completeness of the information. The Buyer assumes all responsbily for handing, Using andor reselling the Produc in accordance with applicable federal, state, and local law. This 'SDS shall not in any way limit or precude the operation and effect of any ofthe provisions of Brenntag's terms and conditions of sale, Revision information Hazard(s) identification: Prevention Hazare(s)identication: Response Handling and storage: Precautions for safe handling ther information, inclcing date of preparation or last revision: Disciaimer Other information, inluging date of preparation or last revision: Further information TWalaralname: CAUSTIC SODA FLARE GSO SODIUM HYDROXIDE, wane 72470 Veron #201 lague dale: 01-202018 are

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